Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast

chapter 64 - Don't Become Famous

"So, YouTube blew up?"

I distinctly remembered that the last time I checked, the subscriber count was around a thousand.
"How well did the video have to be made for it to blow up like this?"
This was really curious. Even if the video was made well, this was a fan-run YouTube channel. The person likely had their original job to attend to. Yet, they somehow managed to get their YouTube subscribers to shoot up this much.

[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: It really was made insanely well haha]
[Among fan-run YouTube channels, I've never seen quality like this in my life.]
[These assholes are ridiculous. I've never seen quality like this in my life.]
[Please go watch it on FanTube..]
[Go subscribe to Haewoo's YouTube right now!!!]
[You have to subscribe to Haewoo's YouTube..]
[Weird viral YouTuber? Nah.]
[First time hearing about this person going viral.]
[강후민입니다: I really want to choke the shit out of these guys who are spamming this.]
"I don't know about anyone else, but don't talk shit about Haewoo. She's the one who makes my YouTube videos. She's a kind person."
As I mentioned before, even though I'm a fan, I don't think I could ever edit and upload videos of a streamer I like regularly. So, that’s why I’m protecting Haewoo.

[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: Haewoo's cool now.]
[Let’s go into YouTube and check out the video.]
[It was really amazing.]
[Haewoo will be shocked when she sees the subscriber count now.]
[For Haewoo.]
[환희: The algorithm really worked wonders for her.]
[강후민입니다: Go check it out now!]
It seemed like the viewers really wanted to visit Haewoo's channel.
‘Even if the subscriber count goes up, how much can it really increase?’

The viewers, so used to such a small audience, seemed excited over even a slight rise in subscribers. I couldn’t understand why they were so hyped up.
‘It’s probably around 3,000 subscribers, right?’
It felt kind of sad that they were this excited just because they were starting to watch my stream. With that thought, I spoke up.

"Let’s check it out then. Let's see how much it went up. Honestly, there’s a high chance it’s just hype."
If viewers collectively speak up, even if it's nonsense, it’s polite to listen to them. That’s why I’m currently logging into YouTube to check. It won’t take too long anyway.
I thought this as I searched YouTube.

Would it show up right away this time? Last time, some old songs came up.
And then, after a moment…

"Huh? What’s this?"
I could see the YouTube channel had really exploded. It wasn’t just a slight increase—it had grown to an extent I had never seen before.
"1.3 million subscribers?"
It was 13,000 subscribers. This was totally unbelievable. Originally, it had been around 1,000 subscribers. But in such a short amount of time, it had increased by 13 times.

[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: Even now, it's hard to believe haha.]
[For sure, Shorts worked wonders.]
[Great job with the Shorts.]
[But even the main video views are doing really well.]
[From now on, Haewoo is the GOAT of FanTube, no debate.]
[If someone with 500 regular viewers gets over 10,000 subscribers, that's pure talent.]
[환희: Honestly, if she had gotten a good editor from the start, she would’ve grown even faster.]
[강후민입니다: I just hope she doesn't become famous.]
[No need to worry about fame. Don't worry, I’ve archived all her old comments.]
[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: That’s kind of scary though.]
Come to think of it, the viewers were really into visiting Haewoo’s channel.
[Current Viewers: 512]

512 viewers. Even though the broadcast had just started, the number of viewers had already shot up, indicating that there had been a massive influx.
"Let's watch the video first. I’m curious how she made it."
I clicked on the video on the main screen.

The views were 190,000.
This didn’t seem possible. Maybe they were manipulating the views somehow—but that seemed unlikely. Still, I slowly started watching the video.
The video was 20 minutes long. Short for some, long for others—but still, I thought:

"...Wait, did she even take footage from other streams?"
She had used reactions from other broadcasts and edited them together. And it was done really cleanly. She didn’t just randomly clip responses but actually integrated them into the video in a meaningful way. Though I didn’t know much about editing, I couldn’t help but feel impressed.
[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: She even went around asking for permission to use broadcast footage haha.]
[This is legendary.]
[환희: She’s really killing it with this.]
[If she wins a tournament, she’s going to destroy the competition.]
[유관의 신 대 다 마]
[강후민입니다: Damn, that’s not the main thing.]
[강후민입니다: Look at the Shorts.]

They had mentioned Shorts earlier. Had something big happened with them?
Curious, I clicked on the Shorts.

[Views: 1,040,000]
The view count was absurd. I knew that Shorts can blow up in the algorithm, but I’d never seen this kind of view count before. Even in the realm of Leore.

‘Well, there are videos related to pro gamers, but…’
I wasn’t a professional gamer, just a guy who was a bit good at Leore.
[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: Hahahahaha.]
[The views are insane.]
[Yeah, yeah, for sure.]
[If this is the kind of feeling you get when subscribers blow up, I’d totally upvote.]
[How could you not feel good about it?]
[It’d be weird if you weren’t happy.]
[You're going big now, kid haha (it’s really blowing up).]

"Does this make sense? I showed such a godlike performance in the Finding Cup and won effortlessly, but…"
I was really curious about how this video got picked up by the algorithm. Why did YouTube push it onto so many people’s feeds?
As I thought about this, I checked the chat.

[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: Dude,]
[This is some serious self-worship.]
[But oddly enough, what you’re saying is true...]
[It’s not wrong that Da Ma won and was a beast.]
[대 다 마]
[환희: Check the comments on the Shorts. So many praises.]
[강후민입니다: It's rare to see a clean comment section on a viral video.]
A clean comment section on Shorts? That was unheard of. The comment sections on Shorts always turned into a mess.
I checked the comments suspiciously.

L: Who is this guy? He’s really good.
L: If you play your cards right, I’ll upvote haha.
L: This guy's really a legend.
L: A guy who’s been playing Leore for less than a month is pulling off stuff like this? Crazy.
L: This is the most stunning Leore play I’ve seen in ages.
The compliments were endless.

"What? There’s really only praise here."
Of course, there might be a few trolls in the replies, but that’s unavoidable. Even YouTube moderators can’t catch everything.
[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: Yeah.]
[Honestly, with a performance like that, she definitely deserves the praise.]
[It’s really impressive.]
[대 다 마]
[Haewoo <<< Just go ahead and call her the GOAT haha.]
[Upvote her till your hands hurt.]

"Wow, I didn’t expect her to blow up like this. That’s great. It must have been tough managing FanTube without views, but from the next video, she’ll start getting noticed."
I didn’t fully understand the mindset of someone running a fan-driven YouTube channel, but I figured that if the views kept growing, they’d likely be more motivated to put more effort into managing FanTube.
[🗡️:전지좆능한크툴루: She just got approved for monetization.]
[She’s finally going to start making money. That’s awesome.]
[She should start giving it to Da Ma now.]
[For real, who do you think gave her the permission for monetization...]
[Just pure generosity from the GOAT.]

Making money through monetization would be nice. While thinking about that, I noticed a new comment.
["It seems like you missed my email, so I’m leaving a comment here. Please check it out and get in touch if it’s okay with you!"]

Someone had left a comment.
"Looks like they sent something by email."
I wasn’t someone who checked emails often, so even when I got the email about the Finding Cup last time, I just glanced at it. I opened it now, wondering what it was.

I hoped it was related to a tournament.
I opened the email, making sure no viewers could see it. It could be something important.
And then…

"Oh, wait."
There was an email with an offer that no one in the streaming world could turn down.

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