10x Cashback: Your Wealth Is Mine

Chapter 43: Infiltration Mission

"Shit." Gray cursed before knocking back his fifth bottle of whisky of the night.

We were currently at the bar of our hotel, nursing drinks as we thought about how things had gone at the forum.

After Oliver's... harsh criticism, he had disappeared again, leaving us with the stigma of being pronounced a dead horse by an industry leader.

No one wanted anything to do with our ideas.

If a member of the royal family of resorts have spoken, who were they to have other opinions?

Gray poured himself another bottle of whisky. "We shouldn't have come." He said. "This whole... forum. It's a disaster. How can we be leaving worse than we arrived?"

"Don't worry, Romulus." I assured him. "I'm not leaving Monaco without an investment."

He glanced at me before chuckling. "I admire your certainty. I guess that's the beauty of youth."

I smiled with him but inwardly, I was seething.

How dare Oliver? How dare he take my idea and turn it to trash in front of everyone just by talking?

Right now, he was also the only one who could turn my trash back to treasure. And I wasn't going home until I've had my time to properly pitch my idea to him.

"Every setback is a step forward." I muttered my mantra to myself. This wasn't the end. It couldn't be. Not now, not ever.

Not only was my seventy million dollar company depending on this project, my life was too.

I can't afford to go back to square one.

"Any news yet?" I asked.

Gray checked his phone before shaking his head. I'd had him ask around for the hotel Oliver Adams was staying. I had to meet him in person.

"You know that whatever you're planning won't work, right?" Gray asked.

I said nothing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of people I recognized from the forum. They sat together, conversing and laughing while occassionally glancing our way.

"Adams won't be staying at any ordinary hotel. He'd be staying at one of those hotels with private floors. There's no way you'd be able to get to him without a key card or him bringing you to his floor himself."

"Don't worry about that, Romulus." I said with a grin. "Just leave it to me."

To get to where I did in my previous life, I learnt how to be shameless on the way.

This wouldn't be my first time of infiltrating an exclusive hotel to meet an investor. You'd be surprised at how far acting like you belong would get you.

Gray's phone finally dinged. He checked it before showing me the screen. "Here you go. Knock yourself out." He said.

I took the phone and read the message.

Six Seasons hotel, huh? On a private floor. Alright. "Thanks, man." I nodded at Gray before taking my leave.

I went upstairs to my room, bringing out my phone for research. After picking up my overcoat and finding out all I needed to know, I called the driver.

Luckily, he arrived on time. I slid into the passenger's seat. "Boutique." I showed him the address to the place.

He nodded and drove me there. Once there, I went in for a little spot of shopping. One waistcoat and bow tie later, I was back in the car.

"Six Seasons hotel." I said to the driver.

Again, he nodded and drove me there. He parked in front and I stepped out. "If i stay for longer than an hour, you can leave."

"Okay, boss." He said with the smile of a man who had more important things waiting for him at home.

I turned and walked to the door of the hotel, bumping into the doorman.

"Ah, sorry. Didn't see you there." I apologized, palming his staff ID.

"My apologies." He said, giving me a slight bow. "I should've been more observant."

"No worries, man." I told him with a smile before entering the hotel. He won't be needing his ID anytime soon.

I crossed the large hotel lobby, wondering how these people don't attract anti-rich mobs.

This was the kind of hotel that if you enter and wonder if you can afford it, you probably can't.

Luckily, I wasn't here as a guest.

I drew my overcoat fighter around myself, walking with the urgent stride of a person late to something.

The key here is moving with purpose and confidence and also acting like I had every right to be there.

I scanned the lobby, searching for the most likely door to lead to the staff section of the hotel.


I strode there with the stolen ID in my hand. I swiped the ID through the electronic reader and power walked past the guard stationed there.

"Hey!" The man called out to me.

"Sorry, man!" I called back, not stopping. "I'm late."

The man stared after me for a second before sitting back down. We've all been there.

I grinned to myself. I was in.

I pocketed the ID, then ditched my overcoat. Under it, I was wearing an identical staff uniform, complete with waistcoat and bowtie.

"Sorry." I almost bumped into another staff. The man waved off my apology, continuing on his way.

I followed him at a distance till he led me to the service elevator.

I waited until he was gone to approach it. Swiping the stolen badge at the reader, I called for the elevator.

A minute later, it arrived, empty. I entered and keyed in the floor I needed. Luckily for me, this card had access to it.

I whistled to myself as the elevator traveled upward. I began rehearsing everything I'd say to Oliver.

The main part of my strategy is actually to reveal that I'm actually related to Logan Voss. If I do that, he'll be more willing to listen.

The Voss name does carry weight on Antarctica.

The elevator dinged and the door opened. I stepped out into the hallway, pulled off the waistcoat and bowtie before ducking out of view.

"What the..." I muttered to myself.

I peeled and confirmed what I just saw. Margot Adams just stepped out of the elevator used by the hotel guests.

I watched as she walked to the door and knocked.

The door opened and Oliver Adams stood there with a big smile. The two of them then proceeded to share a long and passionate kiss.

I blinked for a moment before a big grin appeared on my face.

Oliver Adams was having an affair with his brother's wife.


I threw my previous plan completely put the window. It's time for a new plan.

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