Chapter 46: Good News And Bad News
As we walked out into the sun beating down on the airport's parking lot, I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face.
Home sweet home.
While it was good to be back, that wasn't the actual reason for my good mood.
It was the fact that even though the whole trip had been a gamble, it had ended in exactly the way I'd wanted it.
With Oliver Adams, the biggest part of my plan, on board with Sunset Inn.
In fact, I was in a position of strength. With knowledge of him and Margot in my hands, he had no other choice but to please me. Whatever I wanted, I could have it.
"You know," Gray spoke and I looked over to see the same expression of confusion, shock and admiration he'd worn on his face since I told him the news in Monaco.
"I still can't believe that you managed to convince Oliver Adams." He said, shaking his head in wonder. "The same person that won't touch the project with a ten foot pole."
"What can I say?" I shrugged, letting my grin spread wider. "I'm just that good."
Gray laughed, nodding. "You're definitely something. At least, I can rest now."
I raised a brow.
"Now that we have Oliver's backing, Sunset Inn is almost guaranteed to be a success. The kind of traction and reputation he brings is monumental for us." He explained. "And to think there was a time I thought bringing in Quinn Adams would be a dream."
"So you didn't trust me." I laughed.
"Honestly, yes." He said, serious.
I nodded. "Well, now you can."
Think about it from his perspective. He had no reason to trust me. I was just a kid with an inheritance prancing around with big ideas.
But now, I have shown him what I can do. I can already see it in his eyes. The respect. I was no longer a rich kid but an actual boss and partner.
"That reminds me." I said, changing the topic. "Contact Michael Lincoln and begin working on the legal side of the agreement. I'll be meeting Oliver as soon as possible to get things sorted out."
Now that I had Oliver on my side, I wasn't in danger of going bankrupt from not seducing Quinn but that didn't matter. The plan was still on.
By sticking to Oliver Adams, it'll take a year to get Sunset Inn off the ground but by seducing Quinn, I get a five hundred million dollar business already established.
We both know the better choice.
"Got it." Gray nodded, making a quick note on his phone. "So, what's the deal looking like with Oliver? What will you be offering him?"
"I'll be offering him a hundred million for a twenty percent stake." I answered.
Gray blinked in surprise. "That'll put the company valuation at half a billion! You think he'll bite?"
I grinned. "Trust me, he will."
Getting that five hundred million valuation would mean I'll own eighty percent. And that translates to four hundred million.
If I somehow manage to seduce Quinn while still maintaining my agreement with Oliver, I'll be worth nine hundred and seventy million.
Seventy million from Cooper Real Estate, four hundred million from Sunset Inn and five hundred million from whatever reward I get from the system.
But I tried not to get my hopes up. After all, a wise man once said nothing goes as planned in this accursed world.
Gray studied me for a second before smirking. "You're a hell of a risk taker, Nico. I'll give you that. But you've proven yourself right so far."
He nodded. "All right. I'll get Michael on this and we'll move full speed ahead."
At that moment, Matt pulled up to the curb in his Honda Civic.
"My ride's here." I patted Gray on the back with a nod of acknowledgement. "Take tomorrow off, Romulus. We deserve it."
"Alright, boss." He nodded in reply.
With that, I strolled over to the car, tossed my bag in the backseat and slid into the passenger seat.
"Who do we have here?" Matt grinned at me. "Mr. Monaco himself, back from the land of the rich and shameless."
"Good to see you too, Matt." I chuckled as I clicked my seatbelt into place.
"Good to have you back, bro." He said as he pulled away from the curb.
As the car rolled down the road, I reclined the seat and relaxed, feeling the familiar post trip exhaustion settling into my bones.
But I had too many things still spinning in my head to really take a break. "So," I glanced at Matt, "how did it go? Any luck keeping an eye on our mutual friends?"
He already knew about my success in Monaco. I'd told him over the phone, leaving the... crucial details for when we were back home.
Matt snorted at my question. "You know, I thought it'd be this big undercover job with sneaking around and piecing together their schedules."
He shook his head, smirking. "Turns out, all I had to do was check their social media. Those three practically broadcast their lives."
"Some people just don't appreciate the value of privacy." I chuckled. I'd asked him to help me keep tabs on Jenny, Charlotte and Quinn.
"Right?" He laughed. "Anyways, Quinn, Jenny and Charlotte have basically been in some kind of... threesome mode."
"Every other post is them together, eating, shopping, working out. It's almost like a reality show. Rich kids of Instagram or some shit."
I chuckled at his words.
"But there's good news and bad news." He grinned. "Which do you want first?"
"Good news."
"Good news it is." He said. "The good news is that Quinn still regularly visits Pine Press."
That is good news. "And the bad news?"
"Jenny is sticking to her like white on rice."
Fuck. That really was bad news.
"Wherever Quinn goes, Jenny's right there." he said, glancing at me through the rearview mirror.
Even as I sighed, the gears were already turning in my head. This wasn't exactly unexpected.
Jenny knew I wanted something from Quinn and would stand in my way and stop me.
Doesn't matter though. I've already acquired my secret weapon.