Chapter 50: I Want In
It's been two days since I've been to Pine Press.
After dropping all those bombs on Quinn, I had left the club and now, I was back.
I chuckled at the tablet in my hand. The news had finally come out.
All local and some international news sites related to business and real estate were all running the story.
The headlines were definitely something to see.
"Abstract Capital Chooses To Invest $100M in Sunset Inn, Boutique Hotel to Watch!"
"New Competition in Luxury Real Estate. The $500M Sunset Inn Gains Momentum."
Sitting at the Pine Press lounge, I scrolled through the articles, reading them. It was good practice to know what the public was saying about you.
A good reputation is worth its weight in gold. Especially in the world of the elite.
But with all these articles, my name wasn't out yet. No one was talking about the founder of Sunset Inn but at the investment which clearly hinted at the potential Sunset Inn had to have.
This was the way I liked it. It wasn't time to go public. Not yet.
First, I want to appear as a billionaire. Second, I was sitting on a glass throne. I'm still a small fry worth less than ten million.
I needed the five hundred million seducing Quinn would bring to stabilize me. Once I had that stability, I wouldn't mind it if my name got out.
I turned back to the articles. Each of them had comments on how Sunset Inn would redefine luxury hospitality.
That had to be Oliver's work.
Either way, it was good publicity. When I finally ditch Oliver and move to Quinn, I'd already have the publicity of being a foreign runner.
I clicked off my tab and stood. It was time for a stroll. Maybe I'd run into Quinn.
I walked to the outdoor lounge area, feeling like I was walking on air.
"Isn't that the man of the hour?" I heard a familiar voice call out from behind me.
I turned around to see Noah grinning as he walked towards me. "The world finally recognizes your genius. A hundred million from Abstract Capital? That's a big deal."
I shrugged like I hadn't done anything that great but I still couldn't hide the grin that appeared on my face. "Just doing what I do best, Noah."
He laughed, clapping me on the back.
"Well, your timing couldn't have been better. Any later and Abstract Capital would've hit their yearly quota." He said.
"Hmm." I hummed in a way that could be taken as either agreement or disagreement, depending on what you want to think.
I didn't know Abstract Capital had a yearly quota. But I definitely wasn't about to announce my ignorance.
This had to be one of those insider info shared among the rich.
"Here I was, thinking you were just another new face. But I should have known better." Noah grinned. "Now, the people know you're legit."
I waved off his compliments but his reaction mirrored what I'd been sensing from the other members.
It seems that news had spread that I was the mind behind Sunset Inn. I could feel the slight respect they now had for me.
For the first time since I set foot in Pine Press, I didn't feel like the obvious outsider. The investment had given me a whole new standing in their eyes and I could feel it.
"So, what's next?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow. "You must have a master plan brewing in that mind of yours."
I chuckled. "A few things here and there," I replied, sidestepping the question.
"But mostly, I'm focused on building something remarkable. Sunset Inn is going to surpass all expectations. That I can promise."
"High hopes." Noah gave a nod of approval. "I like that. In fact, I like it so much that I think I want in."
I blinked in surprise. I can honestly say that his question has caught me off guard.
"You want to invest?" I asked.
"Why not?" He shrugged. "I know a good opportunity when I see one."
Classic human behavior. An object becomes more desirable the more people want it.
"Besides, if Abstract Capital is already onboard, that means you're onto something solid. You know, it's the golden rule of investing. Never ignore a smart bet."
The temptation to jump on his offer immediately was strong but I took a moment to consider it.
Noah's reputation as an angel investor was impeccable. He wasn't Oliver Adams but he had his own influence and connections both inside and outside Pine Press.
Bringing him in would only increase our chances of attracting wealthy clients.
"Why don't we take this to somewhere private." I said and he nodded.
In a few minutes, we were in a private room. With the unofficial rule of Pine Press, we couldn't conduct such business in the open.
As soon as we sat, I began.
"Let's talk specifics." I said. "How much are you looking to invest?"
He grinned. "I was thinking along the lines of fifty million. Nothing too crazy, just enough to see this thing through and get in on the action."
I nodded, calculating the potential dilution of ownership.
Fifty million would definitely buff up our reserves but it would also mean giving up a bit more equity.
But I knew myself. I wasn't too attached to my equity to not want to give it up. Sunset Inn wasn't the whole point of this venture. Quinn was.
Still, in the grand scheme, bringing Noah on board could be exactly what allows me to stay afloat if all my plans fail.
It was good to always have a plan B. But I would be mad at myself if I didn't try to ask for more.
"How about this? I'll cut you in for seventy five million."
Noah stared at me, thinking about it. This wasn't two friends discussing. It was two businessmen negotiating.
"Sixty." He said. "That's my final offer."
I thought about it before answering.
"All right, Noah." I said, extending my hand. "Let's make this happen."