Chapter 3: THE FALLEN VILLAGE part 2

After the First Armageddon, the South-side land was split into two. And a fractional shares was agreed on between....

Part of the south land became a land of the East-side. The East county gained the portion of the South-East, and later named it East-south-east to intend that portion of land was now theirs.

And as a saying goes, "When a new one is attained, much attention is payed to it" it didn't consume a year of time for the high houses at East-side country to start rebuilding their new land.

That portion of land, South-East was almost entirely characterized by stretching forest, mountains and rivers, which according to an elder at the East-side country, that portion rendered a convenient land in their choice, I mean their like.

Rebuilding the new land, the East-side devoured a total years of 8 to consummate the land; a 15 years planning.

But however, accomplishing success by rebuilding the land in small time was not the topmost priority of the East-side heads like an elder among them had said.

Thus, naturally the South-side country was small in scope and thereby had a low population; nothing to be compared to the East-side country: most of the civilians of the South-side dwelled at the South -East of South-side, among the stretching forest and mountains. Whilst to the South-West of South-side dwelled most of the soldiers and fighters along with their bases. After the First Armageddon, almost all the soldiers of the South-side country were slain, and some bases were dismantled, causing the South-West of the South-side country to almost erase, but they didn't.

To be more specific: as stated, the South-side was naturally small in scope and thereby had small population rate. The South-side armyforces were located at the South-West of South-side, whilst more than half of the civilians were dwelling at the South-East of South-side.

During the time of the fierce battle between the West-side country and East-side country, most of the South-side's soldiers, located at South-West, marched to the battle field with the West-side army, as they co-operated.

Due to that, the population of people at the South-West reduced to a countable number. Meanwhile, at the South-East of South-side, the number of population was stable, because they were mostly civilians and had no crucial business with going for wars.

So after the fierce battle, the South-side was defeated, and most of their soldiers were killed, it gravely affected the population of the South-West of South-side_ rapidly dropped. While the South -East of South-side still had a stabilized population.

And as a saying goes, and even I reality " when a nation falls, it does not totally fall until the people of the nation fall".

Thus, when a country falls_ defeated in a battle, it brings the downfall of the country, but not to its depths. Because the now fallen country is a result of a conflict between the major forces of the country, not all the people of it....

But once the citizens or people plummet, they give up, surrender or retreat, it would be like an effortless being hoping for enormous success.

To state a point: the chief or main motive behind the East-side taking the land of the South -East into their sovereign was because of the main or principal resource "citizens". Although they gained other resources like minerals, yet the citizens are of extravagant importance.

Because if they are able to convince the people or citizens of the South-East of South-side, by ruling them with strategic manipulation_ ruling with no autocracy, despite their likes and dislikes, occasionally treating them well, also given the potential ones high positions and portray to be in their care, gradually their culture, their past will spark to disappear as time pass. And within time, it will eventually diminish...

Then at that time, it will be like two heads in one. As a saying goes "two heads are better than one" advantages will be created; if any against is to occur, or will occur, 2 heads in one can...

To make this dream come about, after rebuilding the new land, most of the once civilians of the south side thought the would be sent into slavery or hardship, but it went the otherwise....

Instead, facilities such like schools, which once they'd to travel to the South-West before they could train a talent was rendered, I mean built and made accessible.

"Yes, the south side country ere, was some-how under development"

Not only that: the schools were also made affordable to everyone at all on the East-south-east land. Jobs were also created and made accessible also. Even some of the once South-side civilians were made masters, and high positions at their job centres. Co-existing between the once people of South-side and East-side was practiced. Not to say transporting hither and thither across the East Country.

Due to this, some of the once South-side civilians gradually forgot their own origin; for even some, they'd be lost Infront of their origin

Years swiftly passed and this still continued, but who expected.....

"Are you deaf! I said we will pay the tax next month, so go and return!" the rage voice rang out again.

This was when the Soldiers who were caught in trance gained consciousness_ they too didn't believe what they heard was for real!

Some of the villagers whom were crouching behind the Village head quickly retreated and crawled all the way back to hold tightly on the legs of the soldiers to beg for mercy and forgiveness. Sobbing bitterly and even saying words against their kind.

Then there, the pleading sparked again, and cacophony of noises rose.

By now, all the soldiers face have turned red with rage.. and anger welled up in them, bringing their senses under its chaotic and bad intent control.

How could a low level class speak against them? How could he even think of that? We're they much friendly to them?

There, one of the soldiers who was in lead of the couple, spoke out in a burst, "Who are you to say those words to us? Stupid, have you lost your manners? Have you forgotten what we did and see still doing for you?" Saying this harsh words, he angrily kicked away 3 villagers whom had held tight on his legs begging for mercy, sending them tumbling about 6metres away from his side.

This signalled fury. And it caused most of the villagers to start panicking in fear they would be....

They knew who the soldiers represented!

They still went all the way crawling on their kness to hold tight on the soldier's legas and bitterly begged for mercy.

By now, more than half of the villagers, both male and females had retreated from the Village head to hold tight on the legs of the Soldiers to beg for mercy in sober. The Village head was left with only five villagers crouching behind him with indifferent faces. And the brave one standing fearless 2 metres in-front of them, facing the distanced soldiers whom were looking at him with rage, and the cowards, that's the villagers, they are cowards!


A reluctant wry smile filled the air, and the brave villager spoke in a tone, "What have you done for us? You think we don't know it's for your own benefits you're doing this? Making Schools accessible and affordable and other stuff, do you think we don't know it's in your own benefits you're doing that? do you think we're blind stupid?"

As soon as these words were uttered, the area became a silence that was never silent.

"What did he just say?"

Now, even the soldiers who's eyes were filled with rage have transitioned into eyes of disbelief. And suddenly, they lost consciousness... their bodies trembling also their hands loosing a firm grip on their swords, as though it was now heavy.

This is a top secret even some royal members of the East country do not know! But...

The villagers also cut off, and their heart beat skipped. Starting to be filled with enrage. Not the enrage as to fight against the Soldiers, but to rather go against the brave villager to keep his busy mouth shut!

The brave villager smiled, and then surprisingly the Village head too smiled, simultaneously.

It the appeared in the Village head's mind-eye: him not giving up on his determination was to build a strong foundation for the go ahead.

As a saying goes, " a strong foundation, with a pillar can last for long. But a weak foundation with many elegant and beckoning pillars will last for a while"

: the Village head built a strong foundation and a pillar when he stood, a cripple. But these coward villagers built a weak foundation and a pillar by going against their kind for their freedom, which wouldn't last long. As for the Village head, even if he and the brave villager perish today, there's still someone to continue!

What, are you shocked?" the brave villager asked in a somewhat teasing tone.

But then, an unexpected thing happened.

An icy chilled voice broke out from the beauteous carriage, filling the thin air with its rich appearance, and compressing the pulse of every heart beat to rapidly increase in just a moment. Even the Village head's.

"Wow, I never expected that even a low class creature could grasp the system of ruling _(chucles). What a....."

In a moment it was like nobody was paying attention to the carriage as if it didn't exist. But now that the voice has broken out...

Upon hearing this icy chilled voice, all the couple soldiers immediately gained consciousness and turned to bow.

"What!?" the bow legged villagers almost screamed.

[But they should have known that, any force behind, there's a greater force behind it].

This is when the villagers naturally realized who was in the beauteous looking carriage. In a moment, their heart beat stopped beating and their innermost self instantly died, leaving their outerself nonfunctional. Even the brave villager twitched. And that voice also caused a loss if soul, and that soul was the Village head's.

In another moment, many things happened too swift, as if it skipped. And only the word slain was caught to hearing.

"Yes Lord" the bowing soldiers responded and stood up.

Their heavy swords once again became weightless in their hands. And then within a total minutes of 3, the work was done.

Blood was spilled and souls were loss.

Everyone of the villagers were killed.

It was better to cease a bacteria from spreading. That's what the Lord ordered his soldiers to do.

During the killing, one would expect crying voices and tones, but with this, it was mute; already all the villagers soul left when the realized the belonger of the rich icy chilled voice, and in the first place they were already dead before they were killed.

Right after this, the Soldiers made preparations and left with the beauteous looking carriage, guiding it and left the fallen Village.

In 5 minutes later, a voice, belonging to a 11 year old walked into the village from behind, "everybody I'm back! And you wouldn't believe what happened....."

The voice instantly halted, when a figure cladded in dark grey elegant clothes, complemented with pristine short black hair and big black and white crystal eyes who suddenly appeared in the fallen Village's eyes couldn't meet its gaze.

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