Chapter 7: Clash with the ANOKYE kingdom prt 1
Wood village is located westward of East-south-east.
To be more specific, 150kilometres far from the palace where these ANOKYE Soldiers reside; a reason for Nyarko's intense hatred.
Why would they cross such a distance purposely just to kill some poor villagers? This only spoke the truth Grandpa, the village head told them.
NB: in this state, Nyarko was possessed by two souls. Thus,now he possessed the power of one of the potent seven rings: the blue Ring which is backed by an energy(soul) that is its life and keeps it in existence, and it is in Nyarko's body this power flows and exist; he is also backed by a soul which keeps him alive.
However, it was in grave anger Nyarko was able to awaken the power of the blue ring, so no matter how good he may be, in anger he deploys it. And this is due to... ).
It is a legend that they truly exist seven powerful rings which divinely they could be insomuch. But however, many are those whom do not believe the past. How can the past not be believed? They simply needed something to presume.
How can a new generation not believe what their ancestors wrote about? They existed in those days so they knew what they were voicing out about.
: the blue ring had once appeared on the Gahan continent long ago. But as for when, nobody really know for now.
Since then, its appearance mysteriously went missing. Owing to its overwhelming strength, innumerous cultivators and about 3 generations sought and prospected for it but it wasn't found again. Later on, most gave up and as time pass everybody gave up, so it became a legend.
Till today, being utilized by Nyarko.
Questions like is only Nyarko the teenager in the Wood village is on mind? The precise answer is yes. He is the only teenager in the Wood village.
Procreation was ceased for 10 years on the East-south-east land which led to this. As for Nyarko he was already given birth to some few years before even the East-side government came to power at South -East.
This was simply to accumulate needed and mass resources to raise the land to a pinnacle developmental State before they attain a rapid population.
ANOKYE city. An astonishing city westward at East-south-east. Characterized by ancient city walls and other magnificent buildings.
Such is the red rock sapphire shop. The shop were high metallurgy at the whole East-south-east is located and second on the entire East country( East-side and East-south-east combined),
The red earth grand palace with a beacon looking roofing, laying up a 400 metres high mountain, and the imposing schools. Like the first three best schools at the East-south-east.
Respectively they are: ANOKYE academy: which only accepts thunder element possesers.
Thunder as a magical power, is indisputably an invincible ability. It deals with thunderstorms, and lightning. Best for attacking and self defense. And it is mostly possessed by the noble ones, granting it a high respected magical power.
East-side academy: which only accepts fire element possesers.
Fire as a magical power has high potentially threatening strength.
If utilized without care, it may lead to destruction and chaos.
As for fire, it is possessed by quite many. Giving it a slogan, the accustomed magical power.
Art academy: just like its name, this school only accept Art power possesers.
The Art power is classified into two categories: the weaponry/weapon Art power and the Decoration Art magical power.
Art power can also be perfect for attacking and self defense. But somehow not as strong as Thunder and Fire magical powers.
It has disadvantage and advantage.
Its advantage is, regardless the category one falls in, he or she can attack and defend.
Yes Art Decorations magical power possesers can also attack and defend.
: their ability is to decorate, not only decorate as to add ornaments to an object to make it beautiful, but also to decorate the components of nature; a perfect example is soil. If an Art decoration cultivator is to decor the soil, he or she can manipulate it into a soil sword, or anything in soil from.
This is what they are also cable of doing.
If it's wood, got from a tree, it's a component of nature, thereby an Art decoration cultivator can manipulate it into a wood product.
And also, any component of nature manipulated into a product out of its kind by an Art decoration cultivator naturally now have a type of energy in it.
A type of energy which can make it move, attack, or do anything under the control of its creator.
So imagine a tiger is made out from a wood by a potentially strong Art decoration cultivator, can't it attack according to what's being said?
Of course it can.
If it's also a sword, can't it defend?
Of course it can.
This is its advantageous aspect.
Its disadvantage is, the product being made out from the component of nature can't last long if created and summoned by a low level Art decoration cultivator.
It requires a high cultivator to deploy high measures of it.
Another ability of Art decoration is to also charm, and draw one's full attention to its beauty: If one is spell bound by it, his innermost most self is likely to be caught by the object, which leaves one insecured and vulnerable.
As for weaponry/weapon Art magical power, it deals with the use of weapons to aid one deploy his or her power.
Thus, any person born a weaponry/weapon Art cultivator is kismet to use weapon to employ their strength.
Theirs is the use of energy: when in touch or in contact with a source of energy (power), they can deploy the strength of it.
Let's say when a weapon/weaponry Art cultivator comes in contact with the sun, he or she can marshal the energy of the sun as their strength to attack. Again, if they come in contact with wind, water, they can marshal the energy or power of any as their strength.
Also, there are rare weaponry Art geniuses whom can summon magics on their own without being in touch with any source of energy.
The can summon magics like darkness, demonic Arts, etcetera, to their aid when in need.
For weaponry Art cultivators like them, they are also doomed to read books of magic spells, plus their cultivation to aid them grow strong and terrifying.
Art power is also possessed by quite a few people.
There are also other schools too which accept other rare, impotent magical powers at East-south-east. To be specific, they're meant to train such waste cultivators.
Magnificent museums like the grand ANOKYE museum, heavily guarded by high level element power cultivators is also located at the ANOKYE city.
If one wants to zoom his or her view backwards, in order to catch a view of the entire East-south-east, he or she will find the ANOKYE city in contrast. Like a scorching flame in beauty.
Vast expanse of farmlands lay in nearby villages and towns rendering a suffice and occasional supply of food to the ANOKYE city, a point of trading.
And also supply of goods and services to the civilians on the entire East land.
To keep this ongoing under the right hand and control, a sub palace has been built at the mouth of the ANOKYE city which seems to mark the end of the East-south-east land. Thus, beyond the the ANOKYE city lay a crystal lake expanding into a seemingly vast endless River.
The sub palace is built with rare heavyweight red earth stones_ indisputably magnificent in architecture. Grand, with its golden roofs like a beacon, diffusing reflections of golden lights when the sun shines. In the evening, it brights like a scorching flame, in some ways also serving as a clear eve sun. Lays up a 400 metres high mountain, taking a view of the elegant ANOKYE city 100metres breach beneath it. An 80ft high gate is firmly built at the very end of the 100 metres breach from the elegant city.
To enter the palace, one has to pass through about 100 strong soldiers with a means necessary.
Thus, with a sensible and crucial motive for entering the palace.
Either to send a message to the one and only mighty prince, or to report news about something very bad, or school issues, It has to be sensible and crucial.
But believe me, this is nothing compared to the inside, where it's filled with more than dozens of soldiers, arsenals, and many...
One glory about this grand palace is its beauty: when a stranger immigrates to the ANOKYE city and does not catch a view of the grand palace laying up a 400 metres mountain during sunshine, one may mistake the golden reflections diffused by its golden roofs down to the city for gold.
At this moment, this stranger will instantly be loss to his or her environment, aiming to go take golds. But once this stranger goes for gold and finds out it's not such, he will now fully awaken to his or her surroundings, insearch of the source of the golden lights. If it was to be real gold, who will pass?
Then this stranger will have to ask any of the passerby the source of the golden lights, if he or she only seeks to know.
If this stranger is showed, his eyes will stare unbelievably up to an astonishing appearance: a grand palace with dazzling golden roof laying up a high mountain.
One may see this as the heavens, and might bow, or even cry.
The ANOKYE city was bustling, filled with a sea of traders, fishes of buyers and flooded with goods. The cacophony of noises which rose into the bright sky was capable of silencing the waves and breaking the stillness of the day.
The main cost of these noises were the street traders: they wouldn't allow a buyer to pass by their table to another; they will make sure to do anything in their power to draw back the passer by. And if you're a customer, them you're doomed not to even watch over to another.
Later on, both traders and buyers voices echoed everywhere, making noises which even the heaven's rule cannot put a stop to it.
Some of these traders talked with voices like the sweetness of fruits.
And others, ooh!, they never stopped babbling.
As if to shut them up, a sudden brisk wave accompanied with the power of frigidity swept over almost the entire ANOKYE city. Coercing every single movement in the entire ANOKYE city to pulse under its enormous pressure for a full 6 seconds, then actions fell back into occuring.
For some reason, the once bustling ANOKYE city transitioned to mute, then the people in the city felt a sense of unwellness walking around them; when they gained consciousness from the 6 seconds paulse, they seem to undergo some changes , and for some reason they quickly felt an approaching catastrophe.
The rays of sunlight burnt, as the sun itself dimmed, dark clouds along with thunderstorms roaring within them was approaching nonstop from all directions to the ANOKYE city with an appearance of destruction, anger and a feeling of termination.
Eyes poped out to the sudden metamorphosis in the sky and heart beats raced.
It's been quite a long time ever since such catastrophe has ever occured on the Gahan continent. What could this signify?
The people in the ANOKYE city looked up to the darkness approaching from all sides and wondered what it could mean. Most fleed away with scaredness already smothering them, and had no heart for standing.
In the high dark clouds which was fast approaching, if one was to take a clear gaze, one would notice a brilliant trace of blue light shooting like a comet, aiming for a destination. But unfortunately, this was not the gaze of many..
Another energetic frigid wind swept over the people in the ANOKYE city like a mantle, as the dark expanse of clouds approached.
Hearts broke and people scattered in screams and fear to what was approaching.
It is believed war has ended a decade ago, why was it now starting again?
All those who had their market center inside came outside to catch a view of the darkness approaching. As if it was death descending, they weren't excluded either.
So they had to know what was going on.
The grand palace laying up the 400 metres high mountain trembled a little with weakness when the dark expanse of dark clouds completely covered the entire ANOKYE city. Also, its golden roof like an eve sun dimmed for some reasons.
In a moment, the world was completely covered by dark clouds.
A thumping wind blustered over the ANOKYE city, creating a horrify emotion in many people and cracks on the ground, walls and snap trees.
The once bright day was now a nightmare with terror and death along with a mysterious cause of occurrence.
"ANOKYE kingdom, today I will erase you from existence!" an authoritative voice boomed, as a ray of blue light shot from the dark clouds diagonally to the grand palace with an immense pressure which burnt the dark clouds in its way.
Then a figure adorned in bright sea blue armor with golden crimson gold patterns gracin on it appeared hovering within the ray of blue light in the sky_ positioned floating vertically to the grand palace.
His appearance was like a heavenly God descended from the heavens, emanating an awe aura different from known.
His white ethereal hair danced in the air, then as if instantly provoked, a vehement energy burst forth from the figure, sending a strong wave slamming against the grand palace and causing it a seemingly irreversible damage to its structure.