Chapter : Prelude_ Magical world and a Majestic Being.
As if invoked by nothingness, a brilliant spot of light appeared in void illusory space, moving in a linear direction, as though following a trace of line.
Moving for a while, it dissipated when it came in contact with an unknown prism, dispersion light and created a band of spectrum which diffused into the seemingly vast space.
As the band of spectrum travelled, it approached new surroundings in space, clinging up with crystalline particles that increased the force of gravity to push together all the colors of the spectrum as if compelling, and beamed!
Resplendent beam of light illuminated, and a tremendous world came into view.
The world teeming with creatures, mysteries and powers.
In the wonderful world, formidable power exist_ germinating geniuses to exist here. And cultivation is the way up to improve upon one's talent to gain irresistibly and a legend status.
Power is broadly grouped into 2: the Element power, and the Art power.
Art power is a superior skill that one learn by study, practice and observations. More intriguing, it's a component of nature_ and clarifies as one by displaying its superiority in creation of beauty sceneries, highly gaining the eyes-catching of beings, as if they were caught in spell-bound!
On the other hand, Element power is a potent ability, either gained by birth or inheritance.
It has high grandeur and it's indescribably regnant and overwhelming.
Terrifyingly, it can cause diremption if cultivated to a summit level.
In this particular world, a person who possesses an Element power is given high status than that of a person who possesses Art power. Simply because of its terrifying ability.
For Art power, it's known just to create magnificent beauty in nature.
There are 7 rings stored in the state of legend. Thus, according to legend, there exist 7 powerful rings. And by possessing the strength of any, one could rise to an unfathomable state!
A splendid black light shot from a distance to a wonderful destination where divenly, it's insomuch.
A land, floating in the air where mountanius wave oscillated in the colossal clouds with blinking astigmatism halo within them_ indisputably filled with the sense of realism. As though, there was the origin of reality!
Under an imposing golden tree, the splendid black light materialized into a towering figure, with long hair cascaded down to the back, and having a pair of black and white eyes seeming to store crystals_ resembling space on a mighty face.
The towering figure wore an ostentatious pitch black raiment with blue-red patterns as grace on it...The sacred aura the towering figure emanated clearly told he was a Majestic Being!
It was quite surprising to see such a being like the towering figure wearing an emotion of anxiety on his mighty face; his mighty face was filled with solemnity and deployed the urgent need of ecstasy on it.
Opening and staring into his own right palm, the Majestic Being puffed, and let out a murmur that reverberated in the ears of normality " I never thought a Majestic Being would ever face sadness_ especially when am ranked in the top 3 greatest. But here comes the case the tables have changed.
"the growth of evil is gradually improving, and as swift time pass, they will come as catastrophe!
As a Majestic Being who has no right in the mere world, I can only watch the evil slowly come into existence.
"There's only a way I can help , and that's to pass down my inheritance to an outstanding being to grant him superiority. But...
Out of the 7 worlds I can only choose an outstanding being from, 5 worlds have been explored but no one won the chosen one. The two remaining worlds are my last worlds where I can choose an outstanding being to inherit my power, so when the evils are summoned, there will be an someone superior to stop them. I wish these world give me a glimmer of hope or else....."