Chapter 19: Before meddling in my affairs..

The message was from Duncan. She wondered how he got her new phone number then she thought of the queen, she is the only one having her new phone number.

Exactly 5minutes passed and Duncan was already there.

' Punctual' she thought

As she was descending the steps, Duncan was leaning on his black luxurious car with his legs cross. He had a rose on his hand.

Amber-ruby arrived in front of him having a faint smile. She really didn't want to go but she was almost forced to.

Duncan gave the roses to her , he had that radiant smile on his face.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady" he said

'A romantic type' she thought.

She smiled, he opened the door of the car for her to enter.

"Romantic and gentleman. I see why women of this kingdom like him" she murmured

He entered in his car and they left.

"I wasn't knowing what was your favorites flowers, so I just choose roses. I hope you're okay with that?" He said.

"Delicate attention of yours but it wasn't necessary" she said calmly .

He smiled at her.

"How don't you know my favorite flowers, We know ourselves since we were small" she said.

"It's true but remember at the age of 13, I started to travel almost everywhere and I grew mostly out of the kingdom. So , I just know your ancient taste not your adult taste" He explained.

"Oh yes, that's true. I'm an adult now" she smiled.

Throughout the ride, Duncan told stories of his trip outside the kingdom. It was so funny that Amber-ruby couldn't hold herself. He had amusing stories , some wondering stories and some also sad.

She then realized that she felt comfortable with him as when Ace pretended to be him.

'This mischievous prince can be a spy. He had not just copy Duncan but he was Duncan. He knows the art of disguise ' she thought.

They finally arrived at their estate. It was an incredible residence. The lawn was perfectly cut making the entrance of their estate be beautiful, they was even having some sculptures that make the entrance more beautiful and looked ferrical .

Duncan opened the door again for her. Amber-ruby was amazed by the beauty of their estate but she couldn't show it. The castle, Ace's mansion and now the belvian estate, they was in the top 10 of the beautiful places she saw since she came in Irischester.

They entered in the living where she saw Eva and two other girls that she didn't know but that Logane necessarily knew .

The two ladies arranged themselves when they saw Duncan.

"Hi Sir Duncan" they said in unison

"Hi ladies" he greeted "I can see that Evariste invites you for our dinner" he added with a smile.

"Yes dearest brother, I didn't want that you and Logan felt alone" she said almost with a mocking tune.

'She's a bitch, indeed' amber-ruby thought

Duncan's phone rang.

"I have to take the call, excuse me" he said and he left, leaving Amber-ruby with the three girls.

"Finally, it's princess Logane that will get married your brother" said one of the girl having an elegant hat.

"What chance you have or maybe it's because you are just the princess" said the other girl having brown curls hairs almost mocking at her.

"You know …" Eva said moving around amber-ruby, she stopped behind her and hold her shoulders, " Logane has always loved my brother and now her dream come true , isn't it?" She continued

Amber-ruby felt embarrassed, she thought of how Logane could feel now. These girls were mocking at her openly.

"But does my brother love you too? That's the question. I will let you know that , you're just a such of business for him" Eva added telling it inside the left ear of Logane.

The two girls chuckled.

Amber-ruby knew that those coming from the nobles society are two-faced side but at this level it's much.

'I thought Evariste and Logane were closed friends, why is she telling such things to Logane?' Amber-ruby wondered

"Mira, Lisa, don't you girls also deserve to be with my brother?" Eva continued to pour her venom. She left the shoulder of amber-ruby and stood beside her.

"Aren't you girls beautiful?" She asked

"Yes , we are" they replied in unison

"Aren't you coming from a noble family too?"she continued

"We are!" They replied

"But why… is it just 'princess' Logane having that chance? Because she's the princess of course" Eva said pointing at amber-ruby.

Eva liked what she was doing, humiliating Logane that way was a satisfaction for her. She saw Logane been quiet without talking and she was satisfied.

The three ladies mocked at her. Eva knew very well that Logane wouldn't speak, she would stay like that because she didn't want to taint the reputation of her family and also she didn't want that people thinks that her mother didn't educate her well, a princess is not supposed to be vulgar with a dirty language she had to compose herself.

Yet, this is not Logane , it's amber-ruby. She's not coming from a royal family or a noble family , she's from the rookery, from the ghetto and in the ghetto they don't like to be hassled. So, she is going to answer them as they deserved.

"Oh, you mean like you and my own brother?" Amber-ruby asked with a smirked. She looked at Eva , her smiled fainted immediately when amber-ruby said those words.

Eva , Mira and Lisa wondered that the princess had replied.

"You too, you love my brother, you even desire him. At the party organise for my brother before the crowning ceremony, I saw you coming out from his room" she said with a smile, holding also her own shoulders. Mira and Lisa was shocked after hearing those words. " Lady Eva, can you explained to us what you were doing there?" Amber-ruby added.

Effectively, Evariste came out of room of prince Ace. Amber-ruby saw her when going to ride her horse that morning, she didn't give attention to her because what Ace does doesn't concern her but seeing how Evariste was mocking at Logane, she used it.

Mira and Lisa looked at Eva, waiting for her reply but she couldn't, Eva was still stunned.

"So, you're so in love with my brother that you want to offer your body to him before mariage?. Was it a way of seducing him like a bitch?" She said

"Nothing happened!!!" Evariste replied furious and embarrassed .

"Who even tell you that you are the one going to married the prince?"

Eva eyes widened.

"It's also an arrange mariage as mine , isn't it?, Are you sure that the prince love you too ?" Amber-ruby chuckled. "When he's traveling out of this kingdom, don't you know that he sees more beautiful women than you? Richer women? Or even women that offers him their beautiful bodies to him?" She added

Evariste was stunned, she literally wanted to cry already.

"Before meddling in my affairs and talking to me any how, learn to mind your own business" she narrowed her eyes looking straight at Logane.

They was tension in the room.

"What's happening here?"

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