A Bend in Time

Chapter 1180: A possible visitor or two? Ⅱ

The following morning, Rowan and Severus are properly dressed. Despite the summer break, they have pinned their apprenticeship badge to their outer robes. The two silver badges are instilled with the magic of their master, Professor Dumbledore, to protect them from harm be it an attack or an accident (from a potion or an experiment gone wrong). The badges are engraved with a pentagram within a circle of points of a pentagram made of Ancient Runes.

The two of them check themselves one last time in the hall. Rowan reaches over to tuck a stray hair behind Severus's ear. And Severus returns the favor by fixing her collar.

Satisfied, the two of them wait to be let into their grandfather's study. Professor Dumbledore had arrived early in the morning but had been in discussion with their grandfather since his arrival. Seeing that there is no sign of being let down, Rowan whispers, "So, do you have any plans?"

"Plans for what?" Severus muttered back.

Rolling her eyes, Rowan shakes her head. "For a date with Lily."

Severus flushes pink at his sister's words. "I did too!" He poorly lied having been so excited to tell the news that he had forgotten to plan to go on a date during their stay at the Evans household.

Rowan's expression is deadpan. There was no hope for Severus. Lily was better off sticking to James, at least he tried to be romantic.

At the thought, Rowan's face loses all color causing Severus to blink in surprise. "Rowan?" He called out to her. "Are you alright?"

"Just a touch of dizziness," Rowan lied getting a grip on herself.

Severus appears to be unconvinced but knows better than to ask.

The sound of the door opening on its own caused Rowan and Severus to turn in the direction of the open doorway. "Enter," Reginald could be heard saying from inside.

Entering the study, they find sitting in an armchair a long silvery-haired wizard with his beard neatly tucked into his belt. Professor Albus Dumbledore's robes are a dark gray with embroidered moving golden alchemy symbols on his robes showcasing his mastery of alchemy. The tip of his buckled high-heeled boots peeks out from underneath his robes gleaming with polish.

Professor Dumbledore's childlike blue eyes are more solemn than usual but still show a hint of sparkle. His half-half-moon spectacles hang on his long, crooked nose but there is a notable lack of wrinkles. Then again, he had lost the last twenty years. It had done wonders for his complexion.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore," Rowan and Severus greeted their apprenticeship master.

"I am no longer a professor," Albus Dumbledore corrected his apprentices with a warm smile. "Dumbledore will suffice."

"Dumbledore, yes, sir," Rowan and Severus said with ease having called Professor Dumbledore by his surname in the privacy of his office.

"I shall permit the three of you to speak in private," Reginald rose as he gestured to his grandchildren to sit down. He briskly walks out of the study and firmly locks the door behind him.

Rowan and Severus share a surprised expression as their grandfather had not so much said a goodbye to them. He did not appear to be vexed or disgruntled. Yet his face was cold and hard.

Sensing the bewilderment of the youths, Albus Dumbledore says, "There is no need to worry, we merely had a difference in opinion your grandfather and I."

Nodding their heads in understanding, Rowan and Severus sit down across from their apprenticeship master. Reaching into his robe, Albus Dumbledore pulls out two rolled parchments. "The Ministry of Magic has recorded your final marks," he handed over the sealed parchments bearing the official stamp of the Ministry of Magic.

The two of them accept the sealed parchment without any surprise. Their marks wouldn't have changed since having been hung in the Great Hall. Rowan had gotten an Outstanding in Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA), Charms, Ancient Runes, Gobbledegook, Mermish, Alchemy, and Ancient Studies. With Exceeding Expectations in Arthimancy and an Acceptable in Transfiguration.

On the other hand, Severus had earned one less O but not a single acceptable. He had won or lost depending on how one looked at it. He had earned an Outstanding in D.A.D.A., Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Gobbledegook, and Alchemy. With Exceeding Expectations in Ancient Studies, Mermish, and Care of Magical Creatures.

Having rechecked their final marks, Rowan and Severus set the parchments aside.

"I am most pleased by both of your marks," Dumbledore sincerely said. "Though I must apologize, I have not been the most attentive master as of late," he grimaced.

"That being said," Dumbledore gestured at the parchment with his hand. "We must discuss the class schedule to be submitted to Master-, pardon me, Headmaster Linnaeus," he corrected himself, "who also shall be visiting Prince Manor to discuss the class schedule for next year."

Dumbledore pulled out a small list from his robes, he peered down at the list in his hand. "Transfiguration was low, Rowan," he glanced up at her.

"Yes," Rowan confessed without the least bit of shame. "I intend to keep the final marks of the C.S.A.E. of Exceeding Expectations and drop Transfiguration for the upcoming year."

"Yes, that was noted," Dumbledore acknowledged, before glancing back down at the list. "Arithmancy as well, no?"

"That is correct," Rowan promptly answered. "I do not wish to retake my Arithmancy N.E.W.T. exam. I am more than satisfied having received an Exceeding Expectations. Instead, I wish to focus more on my mastery having been overly occupied with Prefect duties over the last year."

"Yes, the two of you were most busy with coursework and your prefect duties to fulfill," Dumbledore conceded, before turning to his second apprentice. "Severus, you did most excellent not a single mark below Exceed Expectations."

Severus proudly preens at the compliment. "Yes, sir, I did my best!"

"Well, it shows," Dumbledore ruefully smiled. "Now I have here that you intend to drop Care for Magical Creatures."

"I also wish to concentrate on my mastery," Severus decisively responded.

"That being said, are there any other courses that you wish to drop that have not been previously mentioned?" Dumbledore peered intently at them,

Rowan and Severus glance at each other before nodding.

"Charms and Mermish, sir," Rowan sheepishly confessed. "With Master Linnaeus to teach us alchemy having received an Outstanding on our N.E.W.T.'s for alchemy, we thought it best to retain the Outstanding we earned the marks for Charms as part of the C.S.A.E. Furthermore, we earned excellent marks in Mermish as part of the N.E.W.T. portion of our exams."

"Is that true, Severus?"

"After a serious discussion we determined it would be better to condense our class schedule," Severus plainly explained. "Our coursework is only going to increase, and we would rather have the time to focus and amply prepare."

"Very well," Dumbledore took a quill from his pocket, a self-ink quill to be exact. The scratching of the quill can be heard as he makes a note of Charms to be dropped. "Filius (Flitwick) will be disappointed, but he will certainly understand."

"In retrospect," Dumbledore thoughtfully muttered in self-reflection, "the two of you would have been the only two N.E.W.T. level students in Mermish. It would not be fair to the new Mermish Professor."

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