Chapter 12: The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.1
"-ess, -ncess, princess please wake, it's time for dinner."
Sakura hears a soothing voice call for her, causing her to wake from her slumber.
Sakura moves around, she feels something warm covering her to block her from the cold, she removes her arms that where wrapped up well and rubs her eyes that felt like rocks were on top of them.
Gabriel sees the sleepy princess squirming out of Ariels cape, her whole body fully covered by it that it would have been hard to even notice her if she hadn't started to move, she grumbles away, hard to decipher what she is saying, butoby the tone and her furrowed eyebrows, you can tell she wasn't really pleased being woken.
"Dun wanna", she grumbled.
"Please princess, you slept for some time, your going to miss dinner. Are you fine sleeping the whole night with an empty stomach?", Gabriel tries to reason with the sleeping child, and gently shakes her shoulder.
While still being half asleep, she stretches her arms out to him and mumbles a small "cawy me," her eyes not even bothering with opening.
Sakura can hear a chuckle, and then feels someone carrying her, her arms wrap around Gabriel's neck, her head laying on the crook of his neck, and her mind returning to slumber.
"Seems that the princess is a bit of a sleepy head, Haha", Ariel laughed, looking at the princess sleeping on Gabriel and using him as a body pillow.
"It has been a while since I carried a sleeping child, my sons has lately been more serious since he has been taking manner and ethics classes." Gabriel had a small smile on his face, he remembers the time he was a child, and a noble one at that, his father and mother were too serious so they had him attend ethics and other classes at a young age.
If he had to remember at what specific age, he was 3. He didn't have time to go out and play, he wasn't allowed to be a normal child, not until he became 10, that's when everything changed.
It was the Crown prince's 5th birthday, he was 5 years younger than Gabriel but was called a genius, a protege who learned quick and wasn't needed to be taught twice to understand. Gabriel was jealous of him, 'his parents must be proud of him, never making a mistake, always meeting his tutors and parents expectations'.
Gabriel really didn't like the crown prince, even if he never met the young boy.
At the preparation for the upcoming birthday, his parents bought new clothes and made sure it was presentable in front of the emperor, they wanted to leave an impression. Gabriel watched his parents fret about and getting the clothes ready, they worried what present to give that the emperor would be pleased with, wondering what will catch his attention.
Listening to his parents speak about the present, Gabriel furrowed his eyes and wondered 'isn't it the princes birthday? Shouldn't they be worried what he would like and not the emperor?'
But his parents don't seem to notice. They seem to want to appeal to the emperor, since they were just viscounts, they wanted to go higher, that's why Gabriel thinks his parents raise him with strictness and an early education, so he can be bragged about and be treated as their achievement for having such a bright son, but in the end, it wasn't enough for him, they weren't satisfied.
"The prince has full Marks! Yet you ended up missing two or three points for mathematics and philosophy. What must your tutors say behind your back? That you are worse that a baby."
"How can you expect us to happily praise you if you can't even reach the level of a 5 year old."
"A true embarrassment that you studied for so many years more, and can't even get better than that toddler. What would people say about you when you meet them?"
"We can't even allow you to meet others, they may bring this up and embarrass you."
"All of this is for your own good, get better."
Again and again his parents degraded his efforts and pushed him to strive for more, he had his heart crushed so many times by his parents, he just wanted to be praised once, said he did a good job, That they were proud. He just, just wanted to feel as if he was loved...
'Is that so much to ask?'
His child mind was just filled with such negative emotions, he stopped smiling altogether. Then the day of the birthday celebration came, he was dressed up and well cared, the maids felt that their young master was the most adorable boy they have ever seen, they took a photo crystal out and took many photos.
At that time Gabriel wondered where they even got the crystal, there was many of it, but it was in the expensive side, so he wouldn't think the maids would buy it and waste it on taking photos of him.
When he was presented in front of his parents, they nodded in approval, his father gently patting him in the head. "You look like a true noble."
"Yes, my son is the most adorable, your light mocha skin goes well with your light emerald and rose eyes, giving you a uniqueness that will gain others intrest."
Gabriel for the first time in a while felt something more than dissatisfaction and self hated, he felt joy of being praised by his parents, he looked up at them and smiled wide, his eyes twinkling with life and joy.
While seeing their son that way, both parents looked away, his father wrapping his arms in front of him, and her mother quickly bringing her fan up and covering her face.
Gabriel frowned sadly when he lost the small contact of his father patting his head and his mother smiling down at him warmly, distracted by that moment of sadness, he didn't notice his parents trembling hands, as if they were holding back about something.
"Cough, count, humph, let us go, we won't arrive in time if we stay any longer."
His father began walking in front and her mother quickly followed after, Gabriel only sighed and followed as well.
It was an hour long carriage ride, but his father had strong affiliation with spatial magic, he used a high tier teleportation to arrive just outside the city the palace resides in, the only reason for it, is because there is a checkpoint that they need to pass, because the central city has a barrier around it, the only way to teleport there, is if given a crystal that allows entrance without being blocked by the barrier.
They didn't have one, since they aren't a high noble, the checkpoints each have a crystal in their entrance, so that's why people can pass through.
Gabriel eyes shone like diamonds, he looked at his father in admiration and blurted out.
"I wanna learn such magic too! I can't wait when it's time to learn!"
Gabriel looked out the window in joy, imagining how strong he will be when he starts to train, he couldn't wait, but knew in a month more, he will start to practice magic with his tutors.
Whilst distracted by his imagination, he didn't notice his parents freezing up at his words, and glancing at each other in dismay and pain, they looked back at their only child and felt pity, yet guilt.
Half an hour later or so, they arrived in the inner gates of the main palace, the structure grand and majestic, the outer walls were as white as Pearls, they glistened with the lights of light crystals in long lamp poles, a grand carpet laid out so the guest can step on to enter through the grand doors.
When Gabriel first saw it, he felt as if he entered a different world, he looked around at the interior, expensive jewels used as chandeliers, the walls filled with light crystals and well detailed paintings. The walls each have some type of expensive piece of art that didn't make the place look gaudy at all, he thought whoever planned the interior was a genius at it.
Before he knew it, they reached a grand door, wide and dignified, it was embedded with gems of different type, designed with such detailed lines and patterns, he can only look at it with him mouth wide open.
He left his moment of stupor when his father kneeled to see him eye to eye, he was surprised at the sudden action but stood quite when he saw his father's expression.
"We will now enter through those grand doors, when they call our names, stand straight and walk with pride, whatever you hear, ignore it. Any type of stares you recieve that is full of negativity, just act like you can not see it, you are our child, a noble, you do not need to bow in shame, never bow down ashamed, understood?"
Gabriel wondered why his father spoke in such a solemn tone, but he knows his father seemed worried, but he wondered, 'this worry, is it for me?' He didn't understand but just nods at his father, when he saw his son nod with his own serious face, he smiled warmly and gently strokes his hair, gaining a small blush to appear in his son's face.
Before he can think of how long it has been since he last seen his son with so many different expressions, the grand doors open, causing him to raise up and take his wife's hand on his, his son in front of them.
'It is finally time, please gods, do not allow him to experience something a child his age should never have to.'
With a small prayer in his mind, they all enter when their family name is called.
"The noble viscount family, the lord and madame Envoy, and their son, Gabriel Envoy."
While his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he noticed a calm quiet, the people looking at them while they pass through the doors, he notices a few people looking down at him, their eyes filled with an indescribable feeling, he noticed a few madame speak to each other, covering their mouths with their well designed fans, glancing at his family and he can feel some type of scorn.
He didn't understand why, but he felt his fathers hand in his shoulder, as it to reassure him. Gabriel looks up at his father and mother and saw them stand with pride, when he remembers what his father said to him he stood straight too and looks forward as well. A few moments later, life seems to resume when the next nobles enter.
Gabriel let's out a deep breath, wondering when he started to hold it. He stood right beside his parents and noticed some people approaching. 3 or so men approach with their wife's.
"Luke! It's been a while since we can speak, I see you were able to stand straight and with pride, good job my friend, don't give them the pleasure of seeing their words effect you."
The man smiles and pats my father in the shoulder while giving him a thumbs up. He sees the other men show a thumbs up to and hears his father chuckle while listening to his friend.
"I see that you still speak your mind without caring for your surrounding, as always John."
His father looks at his longtime friend with a tired smile, as if he had to endure a lot because of this friend.
"You know John, he never cared how others see him, he doesn't think twice and says what's in his mind, that's how he ended up with no fiancee for so many years, no one wanted to be engaged with a man who in the first meeting either said 'wow your nose is bigger than your face' or 'you really know how to eat' oh! And my all time favorite 'are you a man or women?' So many never met him again after the first meet up."
"Hey, I never meant anything bad about it, her nose was big but gave her a cute look, as if looking at an adorable piglet, the lady ate without any worry, which was something I appreciated too, rather than those who starve themselves to seem delicate and fragile, and the last one had more muscle than me! Yet I appreciate that as well! I thought maybe I can have a sparring partner who I can learn a thing or two from!".
While listening to John speak, the other men can only stare at him in exasperation, wondering how he hasn't been killed yet because of that mouth of his.
"You got lucky on marrying Emerald, she can actually stand you and still love you."
"I know right? She is like a angle that came to me because she pitied this poor fool."
He turns to his wife with a loving smile, causing g his wife to roll her eyes and push his face away. Everyone laughed at the interaction. Taking this all in, he looks at his father and mother smiling and joking around, it was the first for him, before he knew it one of the ladies look at him, and widen her eyes.
"Oh my! Now who is this adorable munchkin?".
Recieving the attention of the adults, Gabriel was a bit flustered, but quickly made a noble bow "it's a pleasure to receive such a praise from a beautiful madam such as yourself," Gabriel gently holds her hand and kisses it "my name is Gabriel Envoy, the son of viscount Luke and Ivory Envoy."
He gave a professional smile, one he was taught by his tutors, a small smile, yet one that doesn't reveal too much.
The friends of his father watch the boy's professionalism and restraint, they look at his friend, a look that says they have some things to ask. Even Luke seems surprised with how cold his son seemed, as if keeping a distance, without showing he is. He wanted to say something but his friend cut him off.
"Yo! You must be Luke's son, I'm John Evergreen an Earl, I see that you are already a lady killer in the making."
"Lady killer? But I wasn't planning to kill any ladies, I was just introducing myself??" Gabriel looks shocked and confused, his hid tilts to the side in confusion.
"Kyaa! So cute, so adorable! He is so pure, I want to just eat him up" the wife of the man who hasn't spoken yet looked at Gabriel while clenching her chest. Adoring this boy who seems so confused.
"Wow, Luke, your son hasn't just seduced Mike's wife, but mines too" the man clinched his chest, but as if he was in pain and fake tears trickling down his own face.
"I know Jaydon, I can still see my wife blushing for having a 10 year old boy calling her beautiful and giving her a light kiss in the hand."
Both men embrace each other and let out fake crying noises, confusing Gabriel even more, but causing him to feel bad for them, forgetting his etiquette classes and worrying for the grown men, he walks toward them and grabs their clothing to get their attention, they both look down and see the boy look down as if he did something bad, then look up at them with a small bunny like look.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand but I should apologize right, I didn't mean to um, seduce?"
Gabriel didn't know the word that well but thought he should appolagize, "um, well, seducing your wife's, I didn't mean too, can you forgive me?" He had that worried look filled with guilt and sadness for making the grown men cry.
"Ugh!! I got hit with deep guilt!"
"M-me too, I feel like a horrible man! I deserve to be punished for teasing such an innocent child".
Both men clenched their chest and felt guilty for making such an adorable child appolagize.
"So... do you guys forgive me" the boy still stabbed them with his childish words, both men look down at him.
"You don't need to ask for forgiveness, it is us who do, we shouldn't have gone so far with our joke".
While listening to the grown men, he didn't understand why they say that but still smiled up at them.
"I'm glad that you guys are ok then, thank you for forgiving me." His hands still holding their clothes, and with that smile, it was a different type of attack. Both men clenched their chest.
"So... so cute!!"
"I'm now dying from something else altogether!". They both began patting the wavy hair of the boy, and felt that they were patting the head of an adorable puppy, because Gabriel seems to enjoy the feel of being patted.
"Your dad must like patting your head, it's so soft and fluffy."
"Not really, I can count with one hand how many times he patted me, and the only reason so is because he actually patted me a lot today."
The boy didn't think before he spoke, he just like the feel of being patted, it's as if he is being praised for something. But because of his words, everyone froze, they glanced at the couple, who felt sweat trickling down their back.
The wife of Mike walks to the boy and pats him in the shoulder, Gabriel looks at her and sees her give him a warm smile, "I actually have a 14 year old, he should be with his friends over there" she points at a group of children who seem to get along.
"Jaydon's and John's children are there too, why don't you go there and play with them?"
Gabriel looks at the women and then at the location of kids, but in the end he looks at his parents for approval.
They see that he is well disciplined, and quite. Luke looks at his son, and started to really notice his son, the boy was very disciplined, he never heard any complaints about him, when looking at Gabriel he can feel that Gabriel wasn't actually expecting his father to agree, and it made Luke realize something 'he never once went out of the house, he just stayed indoors to study, not once gaining or meeting friends' with that discovery made, he nods to Gabriel.
When seeing his fathers approval, Gabriel eyes widen, but he quickly hid it and nodded a goodbye to the adults and walked to the group of children.
When the boy left earshot, the adults look at their friend, a frown and a blaming look filling their faces.
"Ok now, spill." Gabriel's parents feel like they are in court, being judged for a crime.