A Blossoming Flower (Falling Petals)

Chapter 25: The Meeting of Leaders.

While Sakura was going through a dilemma. In another area there is a meeting going on between all the high leaders of the continent.

Mihkael sits on a well furnished room, the chair grand with smooth and well crafted carvings, the cushion made with the softest and yet tough fabric of a blood red colored. The table that Mihkael faces appears plain, yet is made with the most expensive and oldest wood of the elven empire.

All appear plain yet majestic, but if someone checks the background of each item, they would have discovered that each item it at the highest of levels in both materials and craft. Yet Mihkael was used to such objects, that he doesn't even flinch when he accidentally spilled hot tea on the table.

A pained hiss filled the air. But it didn't leave his lips, it left the lips of the people who were speaking to him through a communication crystal that allowed for communicate through live image. It was of a higher tier than that of the usual communication crystals. Normal common communication Crystal's glow a light blue and allowed only voice, while the higher tier glowed a light yellow, and allows image between the people when they communicate.

And at this moment, Mihkael was having a meeting with the other great emperors of this continent.

"You rotten brat! Clean that up!! Don't you see the craftsmanship of the table will lose its luster!? That was crafted by the first emperors of dwarfs himself in his last moments!! Ahhhh! It's soaking in, it's soaking innn!!!"

A gruff and low voice can be heard through the crystal, and the figure of a elder bearded man can he seen, he was of short stature and had long curly hair, his head a crown that was unique and filled with jewels of different enchantments.

He slammed his fist on his own table, screaming at Mihkael to quickly clean up his mess. He wasn't the only one disturbed by the liquid spreading out on the table and scolding Mihkael.

"The wood! The table is made from the 10,000 year old sandalwood tree that was given as a peace treaty 500 years ago!!! It's now a 10,500 years old!! Have you no shame for ruining such an important relic of our past generations!?!? Quickly clean that filth!!!".

A women with long and lustrous sky blue hair screamed at Mihkael, she only seems to be a bit older that Mihkael. Her most prominent features were her long ears, and her chest, as well as the crown resting upon her head. The crown that appeared as if it was made of flowers, the main flower appears to be of an unidentified flower, but it was a sight to see, for it draws people in with its mystifying appearance.

"You are both old relics too, so don't over stress yourself, we can't have you guys kick the bucket yet." Mihkael sighs at the display and grabs a napkin he has and starts wiping it. But it caused another commotion all together.

"Ye damn evil spawn! Not like that, NOT LIKE THAT!! yer rubbing off the tiny details my great great and great grandfather bled and sweated to craft in it!!!"

The dwarf was now slamming his head on his table from the anger and anxiety of watching this boy carelessly cleaning it up.

"The wood!!! The woooodddd!!!!! My great, great great, GREAT grandfather planted that wood!!!! Be gentle, gentle you fucker!!!"

Her majestic image fully ruined when that crude curse left her lips.

By Mihkael side, Seraph was holding his stomach and faced the wall, his back shoulder shaking from the scene. He was trying his best to hold his laughter, but seems to almost lose himself. But before he can, he can hear a bellowing laughter appear in one of the images, a man with animal ears, was holding his side, from the right bottom corner, the tip of a tail can be seen wagging here and there in show of his happy mood. His canines revealed with his large smile.

"Hahahaha, you guys are always a mess because of Mihkael, hahaha!!"

And from his side a sigh of exasperation can be heard, a man with two horns and long ears can be seen looking at the disaster that is occurring in this meeting.

"There is never a normal opening when it comes to all of us, huh" he looked on with a frown, but when you look at his eyes, you can see him looking on with warmth and joy at seeing this scene.

"Its clean, its clean~ can we now start the meeting?" Mihkael ignored the old coots and threw the napkin at the side, causing another wave of dissatisfaction from the elven and dwarf emperor, and a laugh from the beastman emperor and a small chuckle from the demon emperor.

"I still can't believe Hector let a snot nosed and hateful brat like you become the emperor so soon."

"Ya! Ye brat don't know how to listen to your elders, dangit!"

"Sorry, sorry~"

""Your not sorry at all!!!"" They both bellowed out.

"Now, now your majesties. I appolagize on behalf of our empire's emperor. For like you say, he is still wet around the ears and need your guidance." Seraph turns around and gives a kind and calming smile to the dwarf and elven rulers. Earning himself a sigh and a scowl.

"Yer no bett'r! Don't think I ain't remember yer past boy!"

"I don't know how you grew to be such a conniving and calculated brat. You even know how to sweet talk like a crafty fox." The elven queen sighs and rest her head on the back of her palm, staring at this pair of children; well in her eyes they will always seen like children.

"Haha, but at least he isn't a backstabber, I like this brats a lot." The beastman laughs and leans in his chair, smiling and enjoying his old friends and young friends interactions.

"They truly never change. But they treat you this way because you are their favorite Mihkael."

"Dang brat is not!!"

"No he isn't!!"

The demon emperor calmly states this, ignoring the protest and denial of the two.

"Oh? Thank you gramps and granny."

"Who you calling grandma you fucking little shit!? I'm only 350 years old!! I'm Still in my prime!!!"

"Not even me grandchildren call me grandaddy you rude brat!!"

"Why? You not close to them Keir? I feel a great fulfillment when my grandchild calls me granpa." The wolf beastman looks at his old pal in a pitying way, causing another vain to appear in the dwarfs forehead.

"Don't ye be rubbing it in!! Its that I started late in pampering them. That's all!! Soon they'll be callin' me grandpa."

"But wasn't it your fault? You cooped yourself in research, you haven't left your chambers for 5 years. They just thought you were some stranger when they first saw you. Actually.... didn't the same thing happen with your own children too?"

"SHUT UPPP!! I don't wanna remember that." The dwarf emperor Keir, slammed his forehead in the table and started to bawl his eyes out.

"Oh hush up. I don't see how you guys are so eager to be called papa or grandfather." The elven empress rolls her eyes at the pitiful display of Keir, earning him a glare and a slam on the table.

"Of course ye wouldn't. You arn't even married to feel the joy of being a parent of grandparent."

"Shut up midget!!"

"Make me 'forever alone till I grow wrinkly with not even one child and surrounded by cats!' Alyona!!"

"Fucker! Why was that so specific!?"

"Even I was a bit surprised of how specific that was." The demon emperor eyes were wide and impressed with the dwarf emperors imagination.

"Better yet, why none of you asses defending me!? I just haven't found the right man, that's all!!"

"A fine excuse, if I ever heard one."

"Shut it Adrik!! Your underhand comments aren't needed!"

"Hahaha, why not look for a beastman? They would like a strong and foulmouth women like you." The beastman laughs and gives a thumbs up to Alyona.

"I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult."

"I believe it leans more as an insult." Mihkael chimes in and earn himself a growl from the elven empress.

"Ok, ok~ we should stop now. We won't ever begin the meeting if we continue on with this." Seraph steps closer and lightly smacks the back of Mihkael's head for trying to begin another argument with Alyona.

"Fine by me. I have to finish this quick and see my wife, she is already expecting my 3rd child. So I have to watch over her, she's 7 months in already."

"Make sure not to show any weakness, they are even more sensitive in the final months. Use Alyona as an example, she acts like a pregnant women, but was never pregnant."

"I'll beat both of you if you continue with the stabbing words."

"Enough already. Let's begin." The dwarf empire Keir became serious, causing everyone else to be too, because even if they joke around with him, he was the oldest and lived through the corruption period.

"Then let's begin." Seraph walks before the others and reads a report that they compiled for the month.

"Over here, everything is the usual, there was no report of corruption other than the one a year ago."

"That is good. Have you talked with the other emperors of the humans, or the other smaller kingdoms that have no treaty with any empires? Have you checked if they had any cases?"

"Yes we had, they sent a letter that states they had no signs of corruption after the one in the golden Kingdom. Everyone of the empires joined together to get rid of the creature, since no kingdom has a person who uses purifying magic."

When everyone else heard that, they can only sigh.

"It seems that the number of people who can use purifying has diminished even more over the years. I'm even more worried for the future.... if we have a repeat of what happened 500 years ago..."

"Hopefully it won't. Right now, each empire has 3 to 10 who can use purifying magic. Their children aren't being born with it, they only inherit their partners. Even if two of them marry, the children grow weak in their power, the best they can do is purify a bit of land."

"I don't know why, but I feel like this is a sign for something to come."

"I hope you are wrong Hedwig."

"Remember that my beastman instincts are quite strong."

"And that is why I said 'I hope' you dumb wolf."

"I feel like your character has changed a lot over every meeting, Alyona."

"Its because you bastards always frusturate me in each meeting." She glares at Mihkael, as if to indicate the main cause. He just shrugs his shoulder and acts like he doesn't understand what she means.

"But to continue on, has there been any cases on your lands?" Seraph tone return everyone to the serious talk.

"For the dwarven empire, there was actually 4 cases this month. But we were able to squash it before it grew stronger." Everyone turned quickly to his report, perturbed by how high the number was.

"This.... normally one case appears averagely every 3 or 4 years in your empire, how did it grow so much!?"

"Damn, then I feel like I may worsen everyone's mood even more with what I'm about to report." Hedwig roughly scratches his head, his ears twitching is aggravation.

"Oh no.... I don't like where this is going...."

"We had an increase too.... there was 4 cases too."


Everyone stood up and the chairs scraped the floor with the abrupt action.

"Why!? What's happening!?"

"What surprises me is that I thought I was the only one with bad news"

"!!! Shit, from that tone and wording, it means you had an increase too Adrik!?"

"Yeah, and it was exactly the amount you two have, 4 cases..."

When everyone heard him, a shocking silence filled the room. The atmosphere was at it's low, bit Mihkael noticed something else that made it worse.

"Alyona... what about you. Please don't tell me there was an increase for you too?"

"I can't say it has."

"Thank the gods!"

"But the sacred tree's barrier recieved cracks, 4 to be exact. And there were corpses of 4 animals from the effort of smashing their head in the barrier to get in. They most likely were corrupted."

"What the heck? What dang thing is happening here?"


"Yes' your majesty."

"Send a report to the other emperors and kingdoms, have them double check their areas and do the same for our territory. There is no way we are the only one without a case."

"Understood. I will have to leave everyone for now. I do appolagize for the early parting." He bows to them and quickly heads to the door, already using a communication stone to complete the task Mihkael gave him.

"This wasn't how I hoped this meeting will head to."

"I wasn't expecting it to go like this either."

"Damn. This dampened my happy mood quite a bit."

"I can only sigh at this outcome."

But before they can think anymore of the situation, a light knock was heard through the door.

"Enter." Mihkael worried that this would be bad news.

"Your majesty."

"Raph? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, but appolagize for interrupting the meeting."

"No worries, just tell me that it isn't bad news."

"Well, your parents are here."

"Ok.... what!! Why did they show up out of nowhere?"

"They came to visit her highness Sakura."

"They did? Well that was truly out of nowhere. But thanks for informing me.... actually, can you call for my father?"


"Thank you Raph. I know I can count on you."

"Anytime. And a pleasure to see you all too, take care."

"You too boy."

"Bye bye Raphy boy."

"Goodbye, till the next time."

"Bye brat."

He exits and only a silence filled the room.

"How is your child Mihk? I learned that she had an incident a few days ago?"

"She's doing much better now. Right now I'm looking for trusting nannies, because they weren't caring for her like they were supposed to."

"I bet, you have a comatose empress and a girl as heir. Many will try to gain status and the position of empress."

"Adrik! Don't say it that way!"

"Ah sorry..."

"No, it is fine. I know this already. So no need to act as if I'm an ignorant child."

"Hah~ kid. You truly went through a lot this past few years. I hope the girl grows with a bright future."

"Of course she will! We bestowed her with the same name as our sacred tree, the Sakura tree. She will have the protection of the tree. That's how she survived such a near death experience."

"It would have been better if she never been through a near death experience..."

"You said something horny?"

"Nothing, but why do I feel that is aimed not just against my horns?"

"What you mean Mr. 'I'm already in my 3rd child'."

"I at least have children."


"Now, now yer stinking brats! I got to go and do something important. So I'm leaving y'all."

"Understood, goodbye Keir. Hope you finally get called grandpa."

"Shut it baby maker!" And then the stone used for him, loses it luster, indicating it was turned off.

"Well it is my turn to go too. I should go see Anastasia, she must be waiting for me." And then Adrik exited off too.

"Well, the whole thing turn for the worse. But gotta go. Oh Mihkael!"

"Hmm, What?"

"I'm gonna go visit you with my grandson. I plan to take him every month to a different area each month starting this month, and decided with you being first."

"I'm not surprised with your unexpected visit and spontaneous behavior. Tell me the day you'll arrive and how long you'll stay and I'll have everything ready for then."

"Thanks! I'll tell you later. Well bye guys."

He waves them a goodbye and the stone turn off.




"Even if you never bore a child, you are like a second mother to me. So I can tell you, you will make a great mother. And I bet soon you can be one."

"Yo-you stinking brat! I don't have to hear that from you. Hmph!" She turned away from him, but it was obvious from her ears turning a light pink that she was happy with what he said. Then the stone turned off.

Only Mihkael was left in that room, dimmed with just the light from the window. He turns and looks at it, all the situation turning in his head. He can only sigh and talk about the situation with his father when he arrives there.

"I hope my daughter has a better day than I did."

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