A Blossoming Flower (Falling Petals)

Chapter 99: A Deal.


Mihkael rose quickly at the sudden words.

"Please sit down pa. Listen to me first."

"Sakura! How can I be calm!? Why haven't you told us before! If you know a way we should have quickly try it!"

Mihkael wanted her to reveal the whole thing, he didn't want to wait another second in finding a way to cure his wife.

"Calm. Down."

Contrary to the joy and emotional response her father had. She was calm.

"Mihkael. Let's first listen to what she says."

Raphael who grew to understand Sakura even more through the years noticed her demeanor.

'Finding the cure to her mother's ailment, or even heading to an answer to curing her would have normally made anyone as happy as Mihkael, especially since it is her own mother... however, I've seen this look in Sakura. A composed business like image... an image of an outsider who is telling a person a solution they need; but for a price. Sakura right now isn't the one we normally interact with. And I have to bring Mihkael back to a rational level so he notices it as well.'



Raphael places his hand in his shoulder and lightly taps it three times with his index finger, which does bring Mihkael back to a more stable state.

He glances at Sakura. A silence ensues between them.

"Calm now?"

"... yes."

"Good. Then I'll proceed with what I can for now."

"Wait a moment. Can we have Seraph here to hear it as well. I believe he would like to know what you mean by what you said and why Caspian would have anything to do with finally healing your mother."

"That is fine by me. Bring him over and I will continue."

Both men looked at the other and Raphael nodded to Mihkael which gave a nod back. But before Raphael left, he whispered something to Mihkael and then left.

Now only Sakura and Mihkael remain in the room, with a few hidden guards remaining beside them.

None of the two spoke. Rather, Sakura leisurely took a few bites of cake that was placed before her and Mihkael just remained watching.

'Raphael really does understand Sakura better than me.'

A small self-deprecating smile reached his lips.

'I was consumed at the possibility of finally seeing my precious Aurora awake and walking that I have not even noticed the appearance of Sakura. Not once was there a look of joy or... of anything. Only someone who appears to be speaking of business.

Yet it took a signal from Raphael for me to notice something so obvious. Something he noticed in an instance. Really... what type of father am I? I thought after this years of being beside her I would have finally noticed many things of my jewel. Yet it appears that I have to learn more than ever to reach the level of Raphael's knowledge.'

"Are you ok?"


"You have that self-scolding look."

"Ah. Do I?"

"Yeah. But I don't see why you should."


"It is understandable why you reacted like you did. I believe anyone would have reacted like you if they heard a loved one was finally getting treatment for whatever they had that made them horribly sick. So you didn't overreact or did something to be making that face."

Her words were direct and clear, yet when she spoke, rather than feeling reassured, he felt even worse.

'You are right. Yet why does it seem as if your speaking of someone who has nothing to do with you? Have you pushed us so far away that even your mother isn't allowed in your heart? Just what happened in the future that you feel that it is right to keep such a distance from us?'


"!.. Seraph."

A man with stormy hair and a beautiful yet sophisticated face rushed inside with Raphael and surprisingly Uriel right behind them.

"Seraph! Don't just run before I can finish speaking."

"I don't have to hear the whole thing to understand my sister can finally be cured!"

Different from his usual composed image, he was visibly overwhelmed and visibly affected by the news.

"I see uncle Uriel is here too?"

"Ah- yes, I was heading out but noticed Seraph and Raphael speaking and then decided to follow along."

"I see... well either way, it is fine. So, can I begin?"


Seraph appeared confused that she would be the one speaking about this matter so he turned to Raphael.

Sighing, Raphael just points for the rest to sit down while he explains.

"This is why I told you to listen. It appears that Sakura and Sir Caspian may know the way to cure Aurora. However she hasn't told us yet since we wished to have you here to hear it as well."

"Sakura and that holy knight? Why would both of them know if they have never been once near Aurora. Ah- sorry for saying that."

"No offense taken, I understand you guys are just trying to protect me from seeing my mother in such a state "

Taking another sip of the iced black tea. She waited for them to place their full attention to her.

"Father already knows and most likely you as well uncle Seraph; that the holy knight Caspian of the holy empire suddenly decided to make a visit to my palace.

Now, you would wonder why such a knight of great prestige would visit a child he meet maybe five times in his life. And why we activated a silencing device so not even the hidden guards father placed around me can hear in on the conversation."

"... we were a bit curious on why you did so, even covering your mouths so not even reading your lips was possible."

Only a smile reached her lips after Seraph said that.

"Yes well; one can never be too careful. Even if they are guards father trusts: I don't."

Glancing up, she quickly moved her eyes away and continued.

"I made a deal with Caspian."

"!? When was this?"

"Two years ago in the second birthday of Kenneth. When Caspian came as the representatives for his kingdom- well, empire. There was a moment where I was able to have a discussion with him when everyone was distracted in searching for Kenneth, who 'suddenly' went missing."

"You had something to do with that?"

Seraph quickly caught something in her voice and narrowed his eyes at the sudden revelation.



"I knew he was safe and would be found in less than ten minutes."

"He was just a two year old child!"

"And he returned unharmed, didn't he."

She stated it with such coldness that the men around her didn't know what to say.

"That is not important right now, what is important is the deal I was able to make with Caspian."


"Are you interested to know or not?"

"... fine, but we would like to hear about Kenneth’s disappearance after."

Doing a mental roll of the eyes she just nodded to Mihkael’s words.

"Returning to topic. I used the chance to tell Caspian of a few traitors living inside his home. How a few priests and apprentices were working for the corrupted cult ba-cough-Men. I told him I would tell him the rest of the traitors in exchange for a deal."

"And he believed you?"

"No. Why would he listen to a five year old child who only roamed inside her palace and no where else except for the occasional parties.

However he had the information and out of curiosity checked on the info I gave him and lo and behold; I was right. Now he had to listen to me if he wanted the rest of the traitors. But that is a discussion for another time. What was important was to pique his interest to even make that move to check."

"But didn't he ever question how you knew? Weren't you placing yourself in danger for giving him such information."

"You are right. He did question my source."

"What have you said?"

Seraph as well understood as much as Sakura did about Caspian and the brainwashing done in that place. Caspian would not have thought twice of grabbing Sakura and taking her away if he learn of her dreams. So he was truly curious what she told him for that to not have occurred.

"I told him it was not his business to know. And if he pressured me for the information then I will not tell him the rest of the information he would need, and even if he tried anything by saying I'm protecting those traitors I would just act like an ignorant child and get away with if with just tears and cluelessness. Because really?

Who would believe a child would know such information and understand the important of such information? Especially a five year old."

She finished with a mocking laugh and just shrugged her shoulders in amusement when Caspian did threaten to tell others that she had such information.

What she told her dad was exactly what she said to him.

'Of course. He did threaten to use the forbidden truth magic on me to confess what I knew, so I just threaten him back.'


"I do not believe your highness would be able to leave as you wish if I used truth magic on you."

A five year old stared at the man and her childish innocent face held an expression a child would normally not have at that age toward an adult. A sneer and mockery in her eyes spoke volumes of what she thought of the words of that man opposite of her.

"I would say I may be imagining it, but I feel as if you find my words a joke."

The man held a neutral and calm smile, yet if taking a closer look to his eyes, a chilling tone revealed a the opposite of what he was displaying.

"Well.. you can try to, and I bet they would agree with you to use forbidden magic like that if it is needed for the wellbeing of the kingdom, or even the continent."

She stated it all rather calmly which caused a change in his expression.

"Oh? Not keeping that facade of yours anymore?"

"It seems that you have already seen past it, so why bother keeping it up."

"Hohoho~ such a wise man you are."

"Get to the point of why you believe I would not have that magic used on you for you to appear so calm."

A innocent smile reached her lips after he finished speaking, however contrary to that beautiful and adorable appearance, the next few words that left her lips send a chill down Caspian's back.

"If you do, I may accidentally reveal the location of my bastard sister and her mother to my father and uncles."

"!? You..."

"How old is she now, if I remember it correctly, she should be two by now, right?"


"She must be quite loved wherever she is right? After all, a rare purification mage in any empire or kingdom would be treated with the best form possible."

"This information... whe-"

"None of your business to know how I knew, or where I got it: What’s important for you is to just think of the chaos that would ensue if it was discovered that the Divine kingdom hid the child of a royalty, an empires royalty! There may be talk of conspiracies; definitely a talk of war.

Oh! who would say even if my father forgave you and nothing happens; your kingdom would not do it again with another kingdoms or empires child? Many would have those type of thoughts and would destroy your kingdom nonetheless for such fears."



An amused hum was let out of her lips after saying all those words. Her smile held innocent and it was if it was an illusion the twisted and dangerous things that was said was never said with those childish lips.

"How are you so certain I would not memorize this whole conversation and place the image in a recording advice."

"Hohoho~ that is quite the problem. But even if you did. Both of us will go down since my dear sister is still in your hands. And knowing your dear kingdom. They wouldn't like to let go of such a promising purification mage when it is so rare for one to even be born... especially one who appears to received such a strong favor of the goddess of life."


"Now, now; Do not be so surprised. Really, you should get your emotions in check, especially because we only have two more minutes from what I can estimate."

She glances outside the door but quickly looked back at him after.

"Now listen to me well and no more questions: you can keep my bastard sister and her whore of a mother hidden like you had for the past two years; ah! Do not open that mouth of yours, I know you have many questions, but I do not have the time to answer them so just hear me and we can meet another time.

Now going back to topic; I am not telling you that you cannot bring her back since I know what type of women her mother is. But I need you to wait after my debutante and after I cure my mother.

Haha! From your look, you appear surprised at this part too, but I'll tell you something extra: my mother was poisoned, it is no illness. But I'll tell you the rest of that later too. Just do not trust Rose's mother."

"This is the first time you said her name."


"You had kept saying bastard child and so on, but never once said her name throughout this conversation."

"Ah. Because saying her name irritates me to the point I may go look for her and kill her."


"What? Not gonna look at me with a look of horror and disgust for saying that?"

"You are truly different from what I was told. I did find you peculiar the first time we met, but there was only a few incidents that brought your name up. It is hard to decipher your highness as a person."

"Well, the image you have must have changed a bit. But know this, if you form a deal with me, I would help you find those traitors and help your kingdom to become an empire; in exchange you keep those two hidden and help Rose rise in tiers by the time we would need purification mages the most."

"Are you saying...!?"

"From my sources. There is a possibility: so, do we have a deal?"



He sighs and nods. A sign that she was looking for. She smiles and left quickly after the conversation. She left the room and quickly changes her expression to melancholy and waves goodbye after leaving. The hidden guards that were with her sighed in relief because they could not enter the room since it belonged to the envoy of another kingdom. They do not want to cause a war with their actions.

So they had no choice but to remain outside of the room in worry when they witnessed her highness knock on the door and witnessed her run in, demanding where Klemens was.

The man laughed and closed the door before they can interfere. But they quickly calmed down when she left just minutes later in disappointment for not finding the young prince there.

Without knowing they became the alibi Sakura needed for why she entered Caspian's room, her plan began to form shape after that conversation. She happily moves away and decided to take the adults to where Klemens is; After all, she was the one who hid him in that place that she knew was hard for anyone to find but not impossible to locate.


"He and I was finally able to get the deal done after he confirmed the information."

"How are you so sure he is able to help your mother?"

"Ah! I haven't told you guys that part have I? Well I remember from my dreams that the Holy empire used a potion that was created by a high tier purification mage and high tier healing mage to save a women who had the exact same symptoms my mother had. They only posses a few of those potions because it was a potion that was only possible to create five hundred years ago."

"Then they posses a cure for your mother, for my Aurora! We should go and-"

"Stop right there father. Listen to me, even if you go to ask for it. None of them would give it to you because none of them knows it exists."

"What? But you just-"

"The previous head pope died before he can inform his heir of the objects location. So right now, none of the people in the holy empire knows its location."

Her father and Seraph looked as if they lost the last change they had until they heard her next words.

"However, my visions gave me a rough understanding of where it may be."


"But I need Caspian to get it for me. After all, he shares the same blood of the pope who only allows their family to inherit the position of the pope. Only he can help us get that potion."

'Of course, everything I'm saying is a total lie. No such potions exist, no bullshit like only the popes blood can be used to find this "grand" potion. If we want to cure my mother. Just give her a drink of a purification mage blood, it cancels out the blood of the low tier corruption that is roaming in her body. But I can't say that. Not until I get rid of the traitors in this place with the help of Caspian. As well as the help of father now. Seems like Caspian's sudden visit isn't as bad as I thought. Well, with my scamming skills, I was able to make it an advantage.'

"But you have to help me with this too papa."

"What do I have to do."

She looks trouble by what she will say next, but with the urging of her father and the others, she tells them.

"Mother can be cured after we get the potion; however, she can be placed in danger again if we do not get rid of those who caused the whole incident."

"Who would do this!? How can they create such a wicked poison and use it like this!?"

"They were afraid to use ordinary poison that can be traced back to them or be cured before it can get rid of my mother. That's why they used something that holds corruption blood in it that does not have a know solution."

"You mean... this has something to do with the corruption!?"

"You got it right uncle Uriel. A poison that was long forgotten by a few because it was so easy to cure with the high tier purification mages and healing mages in those times."

'And I lie again. Even in those days it wasn't known that just with the blood of a purification mage that parasite type corruption can be killed.

The only reason I know is because in the game the narrator explains how Sakura's mother can be saved.'

Sakura was actually glad those memories of her past was still with her, because with the memories of the other lives of Sakura, not once did they ever find a way to save her mother. Even when Sakura discovered her mother was fed corrupted blood, the magic of purification mages didn't save her.

'But with the knowledge the game gave me, I finally found the true cure for our mother. The blood of a purification mage, and the tier doesn't really matter, because even if this parasite type thing has taken so many lives, it is actually the lowest tier of corruption. So any tier of purification mage blood will destroy it.'

"Who poisoned her and had the nerve to cooperate with those corrupted being!?"

Mihkael slams the table in rage and almost spilled the contents on top of it. Seraph was infuriated as well and was planning what to do when they find the person.

"That is something I'm getting to."

"You know- Wait, how long did you know about this?"

Seraph quickly got to the point after detecting something in her words. From her tone and by guessing the moment she planned all this, he can tell she held this information for a while.

"You can say... I knew for a while."

"And you never informed us of this...?"

Mihkael did not reveal it in his expression, however anguished can be sensed in his words. He as well put the dots together when he heard Seraph's question.


"We had been worried for years with the thought of your mother dying one day."


"We had been looking for a cure with no idea what she had and believed if we were a step late, then she would be gone."

"Mihkael!! Enough!!"

Raphael quickly grasps his shoulder and tightens his hold. He can sense the hidden guards move from his actions but he did not care. He needed Mihkael to calm down.

"Why would I tell you even if I knew for such a long time?"

"What.... you think it would not be something we needed to know!?"

"What use would it be? You all would still have no way to cure her because you guys don't have the way to create the potion. It would hold no meaning to inform you of it and it would even alert the people who planned this to take even drastic measures. You understand what I mean right."


Mihkael could not find his words to hers. Seraph narrows his eyes in defeat, because he understands what her words hold is all truth.

"At least be happy to know she can be saved. As long as I help Caspian with disposing of the traitors and spies, the closer we get to finding the potions."

"... how do you plan to ask for it? It would seems suspicious that such a potion that was long lost and forgotten by them should not be known by such a child. So how would you explain to him to exchange all your information for that hidden potion?"

"I have my ways, no need to worry about it."

'I just don't have to talk about it, since it does not exist.'

"Do you still not trust us enough to comfy your plans with us?"

The anger Mihkael felt a moment ago was replaced with just exhaustion and worry for his child who planned so many things behind their backs for so many years. All alone, no backup or allies to help her.

"Because the future I see when I put my trust in you is one where I'm dead."


"Did not expect that did you?"

A/N: aaannndddd cliffhanger. Sorry!!! I had not been able to find inspiration in how to write the next part after the next. My mind goes blank when I write or if I begin with one way of writing it ends up all different after I finish the chapter. I'm sorry that this author is such a mess ;( but I will not give up!!! I'll strive with the bit of skills I have!!(not much there to begin with.) But I'll keep it up!! Till the next one!!

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