A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces

Chapter 127: Chapter 127: Not As Clear And Simple As It Seems!: A Hollow(ed) Reunion Of Sorts! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being one heck of a plot twist in this chapter...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, and the battle at hand...

"Ah...Sailor Moon, right on time like always..." Jadeite now proceeded to say. Which he had said, with quite a bit of disdain and arrogance to his tone.

"Save it for someone whose more interested in your arrogant and disdainful sounding demeanor Jadeite! As you know full well as much as me, and the rest of the Four Aces, that you have yet to have any sort of advantage against us! And that quite honestly Jadeite, isn't something that is going to wind up changing for you and the rest of the rouges gallery, anytime soon!" Angel Bluebell, had now proceeded to say. As she had already become quickly fed up with Jadeite's demeanor regarding Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi.

Which from how she had her similarly first outburst. Which had taken place back on August 9th against Galaxia and Beryl, this wasn't something that I really blamed her for. And to be plainly honest, me and Misaka weren't at all shocked by her current reaction either.

But, getting back to the situation at hand...

"Damn you Bluebell...How dare you make a fool out of me!..." Jadeite now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with. As he was now even more irritated by Angel Bluebells sudden interruption of his statement.

But, seeing as how Angel Bluebell now once again had a cocky smirk present on her face. Which had quickly reappeared after she had noticed, that Jadeite's left eye had suddenly begun to twitch. This, like her now dissipated outburst, was also something that I didn't blame her for either.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"No Jadeite, as I think that you will find that you're the one that just made a fool of yourself. I was only reacting to your statement. Which for the record viewers, is..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say to Jadeite in response.

But then...

"Bluebell, look out! Behind you!" Sakura had now proceeded to shout to her with. Which was due to a very quick and high speed attack making its way to Angel Bluebell from behind her.

Which thankfully though, was quickly followed, by an all too familiar looking whip, proceeding to shoot forward from the side of her, and then proceed to yank her slightly sideways, and out of the current trajectory of the attack, just in time.

And upon realizing what had just happened, I like Angel Bluebell, could now only give off a small and cocky smirk.

And as a way to confirm this, just as Angel Bluebell planted her feet back down onto the ground again, and the whip uncoiled from around her torso...

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Spiral Whip at the ready.

 "The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Rolling Boomerangs at the ready.

 "In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Twin Swords at the ready.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, it would seem as though The Trinity is once again together...So then Jadeite...what do you say that we now proceed to go forward, and ahead with trouncing you, Pluie, and Quiche now...hmm?" I now proceeded to say, as electricity had now once again proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of my long light blue hair.

"Well said there Keiko, let's teach these villains a lesson about teamwork!" Misaka now proceeded to say to me in response, as electricity, had now also started to crackle, through the bangs of her brown hair.

"And also viewers...Oh right, Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so as it would seem, our old villains of the rogues gallery had somehow managed to make a return. But, as it was about to made clear to all of us on our side, this wasn't actually the case. In fact, with the impending and soon arrival of more of our allies. We were about to learn, that even though something may look like it is too good to be true. In this case, it was the return of the same villains from the last battle. This, was actually a complete lie, in fact...

"Okay, so it seems that you villains didn't learn the last time. So Wedding Peach, I think that it's about time that we..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready.

But, however...

"Bluebell, those are not the same villains that you and the rest of us fought against back in Academy City!" The unmistakable voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to call out to us from seemingly out of nowhere.

Which was then followed, by Rukia then proceeding to use her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai. "Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki...Some no mai, Tsukishiro!" Rukia now proceeded to call out. Which was then quickly followed, by a wall of ice then proceeding to encase both Jadeite and Pluie in a block of ice.

But, the only difference this time, was that once they were both encased in ice. I was then able to immediately make out, that who we thought were Jadeite and Pluie, were actually what appeared to be hollows, that had been impersonating both of them.

And given some of the crazy things, that the hollows from the Bleach anime were able to do. This wasn't really something that I seemed to find all that surprising.

But, with regard to a certain someone's immediate reaction to this sudden realization...

"Alright Quiche, start talking right now! Just how do you have hollows in your possession?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask Quiche in a very demanding tone.

"Oh, so now you want to ask me for information? Sorry Bluebell, but I don't do handouts," Quiche now proceeded to say, which he had said, with a very sly looking smirk currently present on his face.

And, not surprisingly...

"Oh, I think that you'll find Quiche, that we can be very persuasive. In fact Renji, would you care to demonstrate exactly what I mean by this?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to speak up with.

As right on cue...

"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" The unmistakable voice of Renji Abarai now proceeded to call out his Zanpakuto's Shikai. As this was then followed, by his Zabimaru to then break into its several sectioned form.

And before Quiche could even react, he was completely tied up in several of Zabimaru's separate sections.

"Now Quiche, if I were you, then I would start talking now!" Zachary now proceeded to say.

"Alright, I get the message. I got the hollow from..." Quiche proceeded to speak up with. Only for someone else to now decide to interject.

"I wouldn't tell them if I were you Quiche, as that would wind up leading to your untimely end," A currently unrecognizable disembodied male voice, now proceeded to speak up with.

And, upon the figure, now proceeding to fade into existence. We were all met, with a very uneasy feeling. Which as it turned out, happened to be an overwhelming amount of spiritual pressure.

And as for this particular figure, and what he looked like? Well, he was a tall man of seeming middle age, with a long face, broad chin, pronounced cheekbones, and reddish-brown eyes topped by thin eyebrows.

He had long black hair, that reached down to his lower back. And was paired with well-kept mutton chops plus a connected mustache. But apart from that, he seemed to be clean-shaven.

He was also wearing what looked like standard attire. Which consisted of a white, double-breasted trench coat that had a mysterious looking symbol on the middle, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots. And over this, he was wearing a tattered, ankle-length, maroon-black cloak, that had a red ribbon near the neck, and was fastened to the left with a single large button.

And as for who this person was...well about that...

"Hello everyone, I hope that I'm not intruding into your little fight? But, what do you say, that we get serious now?" The mysterious man proceeded to say, as both of his fists, had now proceeded to glow a very bright looking white color.

And, though not one of us knew who this mysterious man was. We were soon going to learn, that this fight that we were all about to undertake, and be involved in, was going to wind up being our toughest fight to date.

"And that is going to wind up being quite a bit of an understatement viewers...Oh right...Keiko here...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I bet you weren't expecting that sort of plot twist now were you?...I mean, did you honestly think that we were all going to be doing the same fight with the rogues gallery all over again?...I mean, if you did assume that, then you honestly don't know what truly awaits you all in the upcoming chapters of these three fanfics...In fact viewers...this is going to wind up having more twists, then M. Night Shyamalan has in his movies...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But you don't need to worry about this being the current case viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the very next chapter...So then viewers...with this all still very fresh on all of your minds...I look forward to seeing you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

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