Chapter 168: Chapter 167: A Knight’s Perks!
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"You say that like it's a bad thing tweetie bird," Percy winked as he picked up a stone and threw it into the lake.
"I'm just glad t'e firzt tazk iz over," Fleur said with a sigh, "I t'ought for zure I would die."
"Neah, I'm sure they would have stopped it if the match went that far," Percy replied in an assuring tone.
"Well eit'er t'at or you would have come out t'ere cape and armour yez?" Fleur chuckled.
Percy grinned, "hey if you needed me then yeah, I would have."
"Perzy Jackson, my perzonal knig't," Fleur smiled resting her head on his shoulder, "I like t'e zound of t'at."
Percy chuckled, "yeah. What would be my perks?"
"Well you could zee me everyday."
"I already do that."
"Ah, you can zerve me and make zure no 'arm comes to me."
"I just saw you fight off a dragon, I think you can take care of yourself. Plus you know, you're a veela," Percy picked up another stone and chucked it into the water.
"Fine," Fleur chuckled, "'ow about….if you become my knig't t'en...t'en I'll zay I'm zorry?"
Percy stopped, he slowly turned to Fleur, "w-what?"
Fleur's eyes went dark, guilt addled her heart, "I'm zorry...about t'e way I treated you for the pazt few dayz. I zhould 'ave realized t'ere was not'ing going on but I...I couldn't-"
"Fleur it's fine," Percy whispered as he put an arm around her shoulder drawing her close, "I should have told you sooner, I know, but honestly….it's kind of an awkward subject."
Fleur nodded, "yes...I zuppoze."
They didn't anything for the longest time, when finally Percy smiled and spoke up, "so if I understand this right, the only way I can ever get you to admit you were wrong is if I become your personal knight? I mean damn Fleur, that's some next level ego right there."
The veela huffed putting her nose up, "well I am frenc' you know, we do 'ave ztandardz. And it'z pride, not ego Perzy."
"Same thing," Percy shrugged.
"Fine, next time I promise I won't overreact and go crazy, and if I do...I'll give you a kizz az a zorry."
Percy blinked, "what?!"
Fleur grinned like a cat, "you're interezted?"
Percy's face went red, "I-I, I mean yeah, wh-why wouldn't I, I mean anyone would be, especially if it's someone like you, not the veela you, well I think that's great too it's just that-"
"-HAHA!" Fleur burst into laughter holding her stomach as she rolled around the ground.
Percy looked in surprise before froaning and grumbling, "not funny."
"I-I'm zorry! B-b-but your face! AH-hahaha!" Fleur laughed heartily, eventually stopping.
"Happy?" Percy asked as he rolled his eyes.
"Very," Fleur pulled herself back to under the tree, resting on it's trunk. She put her head on Percy's shoulder once more, curling her hands around his.
Percy sighed, "that was mean."
Fleur smiled as she closed her eyes, "maybe."
"Most would feel insulted you know."
"You're not most."
"True," Percy leaned back into the shade, the cool relaxing wind hitting his face, "I wouldn't mind you know."
"Hmm" Fleur snuggled into his shoulder, ticking his neck.
"Kissing you," Percy looked at her, she was sleeping, and after the task they both had just faced, and the lack of sleep they had preparing for it, well they both earned this rest.
The wind however was harsh, and cold. Percy used his wand and summoned his cloak wrapping the two of them with it like a blanket.
Percy said nothing else, instead he shut his eyes and leaned back on the tree truck. He closed his eyes and slowly feel asleep as Fleur snuggled into the crock of his neck.
"And that's why pickles belong on sandwiches," Cedric explained as he and a few other Hufflepuff's walked towards the lake edge looking for a spot to sit.
"I still think that's disgusting," Heather blushed, "I mean who likes pickles?"
"Everyone," Juan said with a shrug, "anyway do you guys think-"
"-Hey look!" Gordan suddenly called out in a loud hiss causing everyone to look at where he was pointing.
There sitting under the shade of the tree where Fleur and Percy wrapped up in a red and gold cloak snuggling together. Fleur's mouth was open with her ear up against Percy's chest, listening to his heart beat. Percy had one hand wrapped around Fleur protectively, pulling her closer as he smiled, content and happy.
The Hufflepuffs blinked. They stared. And then Juan leaned in and whispered to Cedric, "somebody get a camera. This is prime blackmail material!"
"Are they back together now?"
"Wait, were they even together in the first place?"
"Of course they were! Now someone get me a camera!"
It was hours later when Percy felt something stir him awake. He blinked the sleepiness away and looked down to see Kelly glaring at him.
"Wake!" she yelled as she pointed to the sky, which had become dark, the stars were out and the moon was crescent.
"Shit," Percy cursed as he tried to get up only to realize a weight on his shoulder. Fleur was still snuggled into his neck, she looked happy, a small trail of drool soaked Percy's shoulder. The demigod looked at the veela and blinked, 'I didn't think she was even capable of doing something like that.'
Kelly huffed, "move!"
Percy groaned and whispered, "Kelly be quite! Fleur is sleeping!"
Kelly huffed, she pointed to the castle, "late!"
Percy sighed, "I know but..." he looked at Fleur's sleeping face and smiled, "she's too cute!"
Kelly rolled her eyes, she climbed Percy's robes and jumped onto Fleur's hair, pulling it hard.
"Ah!" Fleur hissed as she got up immediately, she saw Kelly hanging on her head and hissed, "Kelly vous chienne!"
"Late!" Kelly yelled as she swung on Fleur's hair, landing on Percy's head.
"T'at iz no excuze! You of all people zhould know 'ow important a veela'z 'air iz to tzem!" Fleur hissed, calming down a little.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.