Chapter 171: Chapter 170: Triwizard Tournament!
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Percy blinked, "so wait...the next task in underwater?"
"Maybe," Cedric nodded, "and the only place near where you can swim underwater is the Black Lake, so that's probably where you will have to go."
"And you're going to have to hold your breath for like a really long time," a fifth year sighed, "didn't it say like you had an hour or so to find whatever you're supposed to be looking for?"
"Damn, that's going to be tough," Miguel sighed, "guess you better start searching for ways to do that huh Percy?"
Everyone turned to Percy, who had been surprisingly quiet for a long time. His head was hung, he looked to be shaking.
"Percy? Mate? Are you okay?" Juan asked.
And then suddenly Percy threw his head up laughing as loud a he could, "hahahahaha! Oh my Gods this is perfect! Hahahaha!"
Everyone slowly leaned away looking scared. "What's going on?" Cedric asked in a whisper.
"We don't know," replied Percy's friends. They waited for the longest time for him to stop, but Percy just kept laughing and laughing and laughing to a joke only he understood.
"Okay! That's enough!" Juan yelled out, "stop laughing!"
Percy chuckled, "sorry, sorry, just remembered a joke." Percy snickered as the rest just rolled their eyes.
"Why did we have to get such a weird champion?" Gordan face palmed himself as he sighed.
"Anyway you need help with this one Percy?" Heather offered, "finding out how to breath underwater for over an hour is going to be a challenge you know."
"Maybe you can try the bubble head charm," Cedric suggested, "I can teach it to you if you want."
Percy snickered, "yeah, it's okay guys, I already have this task in the bag. If I don't finish first in this task then I'll break my wand myself."
The Hufflepuff's were surprised at Percy's boast but quickly chalked it up to his having a plan. After a while the party drew to a close as everyone went back to bed, most of them however didn't return to their own bed, sharing it with a 'friend'. Percy didn't realise they were so open about sex here, but hey, to each their own.
Percy made sure to get everyone there to promise never to tell the clue out to anyone else, not even the younger years in their house.
He wasn't sure the other champions would have figured it out, maybe they wouldn't get passed the riddle, no need to give them an advantage unnecessarily.
Percy unclipped his cloak and tossed it to the side allowing it to levitate on its own. Percy looked at the creation and smiled, he never really was one for making things, he's always been more of a breaking down of things.
Heck his name meant destroyer, and he has been nothing but a warrior since he was 12, kind of hard to change with such a mindset.
But now, in this world of magic, now he was different. He could make things, with his own hands and knowledge. He could actually make something new!
He felt pride looking at his latest invention, maybe from now on he would wear it, it does after all go with the whole wizarding theme everyone had around here.
As he took off his robes for bed Percy dipped into his left pocket and pulled out a picture. It was the one with him and Fleur napping under the tree.
He had saved one, the only one. He ran his fingers down Fleur's hair and smiled, tucking the picture into his moleskine bag. That one was definitely a keeper.
It was early in the morning and it was cold. Very very cold. Percy was glad he had the curse of Achilles to help him out with the temperature or else he wouldn't survive the winter.
Percy flew through the foggy early morning with his cloak of levitation put over his pyjamas. He flew along the jagged shore line and landed in the small enclave he created into the side of the cliff.
He landed gently taking off his cloak and shirt tossing it into the small cave. He took out his wand strapped to his wrist and casted a power concealment charm over the area.
Don't want anyone snooping around where they shouldn't. He put his wand into his forearm holster and leapt into the water in one go.
The cold crashed into him with a rush of water rubbing across his ears. All his sleep went away as Percy swam deeper into the lake looking for Nick, his friend….who was also the giant squid that lived in the lake.
It took a while, Percy had to swim deep, but he eventually found Nick swimming around. Percy smiled as he called out, "hey Nick!"
The squid looked up, "lord Percy! How nice to see you! Isn't it cold?"
Percy shrugged, "I can barely feel it, I get used to it after some time."
"Indeed? Truly amazing Lord Percy, not a small feet, a few people have actually died doing the very same thing you are you know?"
"Well I'm not most people. And hey, what did I tell you about calling me lord?" Percy raised an eyebrow in scolding.
"Ah...not too?"
"Right, remember, it's just Percy, nothing else."
"Understood, how has your school days been my lord? Have you been doing well?"
Percy sighed at Nick's respectful tone, Percy has been trying to make the squid more relaxed around him but it never worked. Percy honestly didn't know why he even bothered.
"School's fine Nick, it's better than fine really. Anyway that's not why I'm here though, I came because I need to ask you a few questions."
Nick bowed, "please ask away my lord."
"Right, well Nick have you heard about the Triwizard tournament?"
"Yes, I heard it from the Merpeople across the ridge, they spoke of the tournament coming underwater later in the year, warning me to stay away from their side of the lake during that time."
Percy blinked, "I'm sorry, but what? Merpeople?"
"Yes, do you not know about them?"
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