A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 3: chapter 3

Mornings were not easy for Hope in her old world and they weren't easy here either as she woke up screaming calling out for her mum and dad with tears in her eyes. Someone sat on the edge of her bed, making a dip into the soft mattress and pulled Hope into their arms. Cradling the young Tribrid and whispering soft reassurances into Hope's sensitive ears.

"It's okay, Hope. You're going to be okay. Just calm down." A femine voice said, Hope's brain supplied the name Perenelle and she latched onto the Healer in fear.

"Please don't leave me." Hope whimpered brokenly into Perenelle's shirt as the distraught time-traveller spread her tears along the soft cotton of the singlet Perenelle was wearing for the summer heat.

Perenelle's heart broke for the young girl as she made quiet shushing noises, pulling the young girl into a stronger embrace. "I won't leave, little one. We'll look after you." Perenelle promised, "I know we will never replace your family but for as long as you are here in the world. We will happily call you our family Hope."

This was how Nicolas found them. Perenelle hugging Hope like the child she had always wanted. Nicolas had followed Perenelle after a couple of moments as he had woken up early so he could finish up his work from last night at the auburn haired girl's request.

He had been working in the last room at the end of the hallway, his Alchemy room, when he heard the sound of a girl crying. He had collected the 3 lockets that were hanging off the side of a balancing scale, watching the scale sway side to side once the weight was removed for a moment before leaving the Alchemy room to check on his ward.

The necklaces he chose to imbue with the essence of vervain were all very simple silver lockets that could open up to show a picture or portrait. The immortal Alchemist had placed the clippings of vervain into 2 of the lockets before placing a picture of a forest landscape into all three of them, hiding the herb from sight.

Nicolas stood by the doorway outside of Hope's room as he didn't want to cross any unspecified boundaries that she may have. Nicolas would wait until he got Hope's permission before entering her room. So he waited patiently for the girls to notice him before holding up three identical lockets. "As you requested. Vervain filled lockets." Nicolas greeted with a sad smile as he took in the young girl's grief-stricken face.

"Thank you dear." Perenelle said as she gave Hope one last squeeze before hopping off the bed. Perenelle made her way over to her husband as she ran her delicate fingers through her long hair, bundling it up into one hand before offering her back to Nicolas.

The creator of the Elixir of Life gazed at his wife in fascination as he unconsciously unclasped one of the necklaces that smelt like herbs. He lifted the thin chain over his wife's head and lowered it so it rested comfortably on her clavicle before latching it behind her neck.

Perenelle took the pro-offered necklace her husband was holding out for her. This one looked slightly different than the other two, more bulkier than the others as this piece of jewellery was made for a more masculine clientele. Perenelle placed this locket on her husband with a loving smile.

Hope smiled with confusion as she noticed the remaining locket in Nicolas' hand. "Who is the last locket for?" She asked.

"It's for you. it didn't feel right, not getting you one as well. So there's no vervain in this one and we were thinking that if you wanted, you could put a painting of your parents in it. So you can carry them with you, always." Nicolas answered with a slight smile that Perenelle shared with him, wishing to make the young girl feel comfortable with them.

Hope blinked in surprise before she let out a happy sob as she stood up and hugged the immortal pair.

"Thank you. That's so thoughtful." She said with a sad but genuine smile that could possibly even melt the frozen heart of Voldemort.

Nicolas clipped the last necklace on Hope as the Tribrid collected her hair up in a bun so the necklace could be latched up without any hair in the way. After Nicolas released the necklace he placed a hand on Hope's shoulder wishing to offer some form of comfort to the Tribrid.

When the Flamel's and Hope made their way out to the dining room for breakfast, Hope asked curiously as she sat down at the table. "Where did all the clothes come from that are in the drawers?"

"Oh right, we bought them last night while you were on your run." Perenelle answered. "If there is anything you don't like let us know and we'll get you something else."

Hope was a second away from arguing with them about not wasting money on her but she shut her jaw with a loud click. The memory of the 'Harry Potter' books went through her mind as this sentence popped into mind. 'The Philosopher's Stone can turn metal into gold'.

That thought caused Hope to groan softly as she lowered her head to the table for a second, drawing the attention of the Flamel's to her. "Sorry. I was about to tell you off for wasting your money on me but forgot that you can basically create gold and are immortal. So I'm just making the assumption that you have more money than what you know what to do with."

Nicolas laughed jovially as he replied. "That's true. We do have more money than we would ever need. So don't be overly surprised if we spoil you."

Hope groaned again. "Just don't go over the top when getting gifts?" Hope pleads, "I already had my Aunt Rebekah send me jewellery that would normally cost more than an average person's yearly salary."

"Deal... Can we replace your art supplies with real supplies?" Nicolas asked as he sat at the table with a full English breakfast in front of them. Plates filled with eggs, sausages, toast, bacon, hash browns and pancakes were placed all over the table.

Hope could've sworn she heard Nicolas' voice catch a little when he asked and she turned to look in the direction of her room. When she turned back to look at Nicolas she gave a small glare but couldn't hold it as she smiled at him. "You've already bought them and changed the supplies around, haven't you?"

Nicolas looked a little sheepish. "Yeah. Sorry if I overstepped."

Hope let out a soft laugh. "You didn't. Conjured art supplies are not the best. But if you want to change things around, could you ask next time?"

"Sure." Nicolas replied, releasing a breath of relief.

Hope ate her breakfast and walked into her room to get changed, she grabbed some underwear and looked for a bra. When she didn't find any she called out through the closed door. "Hey! Just wondering. But where are the bras?" Hope heard Nicolas spit out some of his tea and cough loudly, while Perenelle laughed.

"Hope you're forgetting your age, dear." Perenelle replied with a laugh. Whether it was at Nicolas' sputtering or Hope's question, the Healer wouldn't be able to give a definitive answer.

Hope blinked in confusion and looked at the Phoenix on its perch, asking quietly "What the heck does that mean?" The Phoenix actually rolled its eyes at her and silently judged her.

"What? It's not my fault that I'm apparently forget--ting," Hope cuts off mid-sentence with a groan. "My age."

The Phoenix actually had the audacity to laugh at her.

"Bloody bird." Hope mutters bitterly as she finishes dressing herself in a plain white shirt and some waist high jeans.

As she exits her room and enters the living room with Nicolas and Perenelle. "I really hate that I will have to go through my growth spouts again. On the plus side, I know what to expect when growing up." Hope states in exasperation.

Hope looked over to see Nicolas take another sip of tea before adding a teasing remark to the Alchemist. "Also for your information, Nic, I'll need bras in a couple of years. Trust me." Hope drags out the last two words with a smirk causing Nicolas to once again spit out his drink in shock, making a mess on the tablecloth.

"Sweet Merlin! Stop saying things like that when I'm drinking my tea!" Nicolas complains as he tries to catch his breath.

Nicolas draws his wand from a pocket located on the inside of his morning robes, "Scourgify." He casts absentmindedly, cleaning his robe, long pyjama pants, old tee he found in the bottom of the drawers and the coffee table.

Perenelle laughs at her husband's frustrated cry but answers Hope with a smile. "No worries. Just tell me what size you'll need and when so I can get them for when you need them."

She looks over to Nicolas and adds, "But let's leave Nic out of this conversation. I think he feels awkward." Nicolas just nods as he reads a book in his off-hand while taking another cautious sip of his tea while glaring at the young girl.

"Okay, we'll protect his innocent ears." Hope says with a smirk before changing the topic slightly, "However I was wondering where my mother's jacket was? It wasn't in the corner of my room where I left it." Hope questions the timeless pair.

"It's probably been cleaned and is hanging up in the wardrobe." Nicolas replied offhandedly. Before recalling that Hope wouldn't know about the House Elves due to being from another world. "Oh, right. Mixy?" Nicolas called aloud without hesitation.

A pop behind the Tribrid startled her and Hope saw a small creature standing opposite the coffee table. Hope cocked her head at the creature, eyeing it in suspicion.

"Master Flame calls for Mixy?" The creature squeaked out in a high pitched voice.

"Yes, Mixy. I want to introduce you to Hope. She will be living with us for a while. If she has any requests, can you please do your best to help her?" Nicolas asks the House Elf gently.

The House Elf looks at Hope with large eyes with tears in it's eyes.

"Master and Mistress Flame have a child for them to look after?" Mixy says with a sob as he rushes to the Flamel's to hug their legs as that was the highest he could reach on the two wizard's bodies.

Hope tries to speak but all she can do is blink owlishly as she loses all the coiled tension from the House Elf's appearance.

"Hope, this is Mixy. A House Elf. They bond to a magical family in order to live and perform some of the chores around the house. We treat our House Elf with respect as he is a part of our family. We also believe that it shows the character of a person."

Hope nods as she cuts Nicolas off. "I remember them now. In the 2nd Harry Potter book there is a House Elf by the name of Dobby who is abused by the Malfoy family and he looks like a slave. This little guy is happy and unafraid. This just reinforces my opinion about both of you being amazing people." Hope says with a proud smile.

"Thank you, Hope." Nicolas replies with a smile.

"Mistress Hope says such nice things about her new family." Mixy says with joy as he beams up to the young girl with awe in his large eyes.

Hope smiles slightly at the small creature, "Mixy, this is Hope Mikaelson. She is from another world and from another time as well. Please don't let anyone know about this information as we don't want Hope to be taken advantage of." Nicolas requests from his House Elf.

Mixy nods vigorously. "Of course Master Flame. Mixy will keep the secret of Hope's Legend." He replies ominously before snapping his fingers to summon Hope's jacket and handing it to Hope in reserverance before popping away.

Hope puts the oversized jacket on and she smells the forest on her mother's leather jacket making Hope smile. "That's an interesting little guy. Remind me to get him something small for trying to keep the scent on the jacket as close to the original as possible."

Perenelle laughs quietly. "I wouldn't worry about that. With the amount of magic that you use without a wand and directing it. It leaves excess magic that House Elves will absorb, making him stronger. He'll probably want to get you gifts rather than accept them." Perenelle explains.

"Are you ready to go to Diagon Alley?" Nicolas asks.

"Sure." Hope replies slowly.

"Wait! Before we go. You had mentioned yesterday that you didn't believe there would be a wand to match you and we agreed." Hope nodded thoughtfully as Perenelle's words.

"Well there is a place that can craft a wand in Knockturn Alley called 'Hephaestus Wandcrafters'. If we take ingredients to them, they'll craft you a wand. So long as a Ministry sanctioned wand-maker informs you that they were unable to match you with one of their wands." Nelle explained as she stood up and moved the plates over to the sink.

Hope hummed but was uninterested. "Not to sound like a bitch, but why exactly do I need a wand? I can do magic without one." Hope argued.

"Well we were hoping that you would go to Hogwarts. From what you had mentioned about the Harry Potter books yesterday. The events of these books will take place mainly in Hogwarts I imagine?" Perenelle answered.

"Yeah…" Hope replied slowly, "You want me to change the outcome that would be in the books?"

"Do the books have bad outcomes that could be averted with your help?" Perenelle asks almost knowingly.

Hope groans but answers. "Yeah."

"Then you'll need a wand to go to Hogwarts as it's a requirement." Perenelle states happily.

"Whatever." Hope mumbles in annoyance as she watches Perenelle head into her room to get changed into something more acceptable for shopping rather than her pj's.

"Well," Nicolas joined in once Nelle turned around the corner. "We will need items, such as a magical core. I was thinking of a Phoenix Feather from your familiar and possibly some tail furs from your wolf?"

"Huh?" Hope asks in confusion as she turns to Nicolas with a stunned look on her face.

"The more items that are explicitly yours. The more in tune your wand will be to you. Knowing your magic. The power you wield effortlessly and how specific the cores are. Your wand will most likely not work for anyone else but you, thanks to your Tribrid status." Nicolas explained as Hope nodded slowly, taking in the information given.

"However we will still need a wood type that has a history with your family to use as the base for your wand." Nicolas continued looking at the Tribrid, trying to persuade her to contribute to the conversation.

Hope thinks about this for a moment and she says, "I would say White Oak. As this is the tree that my grandmother used to represent immortality for her spell to create the Original Vampires in my world. But all White Oak trees have been destroyed."

"In your universe, yes. In ours, well I got some different wood samples in my Alchemy room. I'll go take a look. See if we have any." Nicolas said as he walked off into the foyer.

"You might also need to add a binding agent to the wand." Perenelle mentions from the hallway causing Hope to drag her attention to the older woman now dressed in long black trousers and an olive green v-neck shirt.

"What sort of binding agent?" Hope questions.

Perenelle rubs her chin with her hand as she thinks for a moment. "I would most likely guess your blood would act as a good binding agent." Perenelle answers thoughtfully.

A triumphant 'Ah-Ha' was heard and Nicolas strode back into the room with some White Oak in his hand.

Hope took a deep breath and backed up a step, drawing the couple's attention. "What's wrong?" Nicolas asked, worry coating his words as he looked down to the wood he was carrying.

Hope clenched her jaw a few times. "What I'm about to say can not be repeated to anyone, please?" Hope begged them.

Nicolas and Perenelle shared a worried look and heard Hope plead with them with fear in the voice.

The Flamel pair both drew out their wands and Nicolas asked Hope. "Do you know what a Magical Vow is?" Hope shook her head but kept her gaze on the White Oak the entire time, looking like it might jump up and attack her if she took her eyes off it for even a second.

"When we hold our wands to our hearts and swear by, let's say a secret. If we were to divulge that information to anyone other than yourself or anyone else mentioned in the Vow. Our own magic would take our lives." Perenelle explained diligently.

Hope's eyes bulged and she shouted, "No!"

Making the Flamel's flinch slightly at the ferocity of her voice. "No." She repeated quieter.

"Don't make a Vow. I don't want to be responsible for any more deaths from people trying to protect me." She said with a tear streaking down her cheek.

The Flamel's hearts broke a little at Hope's sadness and guilt. "Is there another method we can use that would let you trust us more?" Perenelle asked softly.

Hope stayed quiet for a while and paced, keeping a distance between herself and them. She stopped suddenly and turned her head to Nicolas. "Nic? Do you by any chance have a crystal ball?"

Nicolas blinked. "Yes?"

Whereas Perenelle asked. "You want to use Divination to see what happens?"

Owlish eyes blinked at Perenelle. "I have no idea what Divination is. Unless that is the seer-like ability?" Hope questioned, to which Perenelle nodded.

"Then no. I know a spell that will imbue a crystal ball to act as a lie detector. Blue is a truth and red is a lie."

Nicolas' jaw dropped but he recovered quickly. "Oh, we have to try this!" Nicolas excitedly says to his wife as he places the White Oak on the coffee table and runs back into his Alchemy room.

Hope stares at the White Oak skeptically before Perenelle notices and turns her attention to the older woman. "You know. When most people in my universe say they want to use a lie detector on them they become outraged. Why aren't you?"

Perenelle looks at Hope without any malice and replies, "Well, we aren't like most people and we know that you have secrets that you would be unwilling to share. Especially this early on. The fact that you want to tell us but are unsure about the result will be. Says a lot about the amount of trust you are trying to give us."

There was a bang from the Alchemy room as something heavy was placed on a desk and Hope heard clattering of ceramics and glass objects.

Perenelle kept talking over the ruckus her husband was making. "However Nic is more excited by the fact you know a non-invasive way to tell if someone is lying or not. All we have here is a potion known as Veritaserum which forces a person to answer with the truth no matter the question. The only good thing is that the potion is illegal and can only be used in trials for criminals by an Auror from the DMLE."

Hope's brows furrowed at the acronym. "The Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Perenelle clarified for the confused universal-traveller.

"Oh." Hope replies weakly.

Thankfully Nicolas appears through the doorway again, this time holding a crystal ball.

"Here you go." Nicolas says as he walks up to the auburn haired girl and hands her the ball.

Hope accepts the crystal ball from Nicolas and brings it up to her mouth to whisper an incantation into the ball. When the spell is done the ball flashes quickly before it takes on a misty effect within the clear sphere.

Hope places the Truth Sphere onto the coffee table and says casually. "I actually know another method to confirm the truth with a spell. The incantation is 'Verita tempus'. The spell lasts for about 10 minutes but in that time if you are asked a question you are forced to answer with the truth." The ball on the table started forming smokey clouds within the sphere until the entire ball was filled. Once the smoke engulfed the inside of the Sphere it changed colour to a deep blue.

The Flamel's looked at the ball in awe and Nicolas' head shot up. "Wait, you know a truth spell? Why does your universe have all the cool spells?" Nicolas murmured the last part to himself and the ball stayed blue.

Hope didn't answer as she thought the question was rhetorical, instead she continued, "The downside to using the Truth Sphere is that you can talk circles around the ball and not answer the question. But since you're telling the truth and you might have partially answered the question the ball will stay blue. However the opposite can be said as well. If you tell a single lie in the answer you provide and the rest is true. The ball will change to red." Hope explained to the couple.

"For instance, My name is Hope Mikaelson. I have auburn hair, sea-blue eyes and I have chocolate coloured skin." Hope continued as the Truth Sphere changed to a reddish pink colour.

The couple looked at Hope's fair coloured skin and chuckled.

"Nice lie." Nicolas said with a laugh.

Hope looked at the Sphere and saw that it was still red and pointed at it, "Really?" She asked in a deadpan.

Nicolas laughed again. "Sorry. No, it was terrible." He answered honestly and the ball went back to blue.

Hope waited a couple of moments for Nicolas to calm down before a serious look came across her face and asked them, "Would you have really taken a Magical Vow to protect my secrets?"

Perenelle answered immediately. "Yes." There was no change in the crystal ball, Hope looked at Nicolas curiously before he also answered with, "Yes." Again there was no change.

Hope let out a breath and chose to tell them about what was bothering her about the wood she had suggested for her wand base.

"Sorry about backing away earlier. It's just that the White Oak was used to give my family immortality but it can also be used to kill an Original Vampire. This is how my dad and Uncle Elijah were killed." Hope forced out the last sentence through tears forming but continued before Nicolas or Perenelle could comfort her.

"The White Oak is most likely the sure fire way to kill me. So now you understand why I don't wish to share this knowledge around."

Perenelle tried her best to ignore the glowing blue Sphere and she walked over to Hope and gently pulled Hope to the couch, joining Nicolas who collapsed onto it after Hope's admission.

Perenelle crouched in front of her as Nicolas put a loose arm over the young girl's shoulders.

"I'm so very sorry for the loss you have experienced already in your life. You shouldn't have to go through that. But I promise not to tell anyone about what White Oak can do to you." Nelle told Hope and placed a hand on the young girl's knee, giving a small squeeze of affection.

Hope peered over Perenelle's shoulder and saw that the crystal was still blue.

Nicolas chose this moment to speak, drawing the Tribrid's attention to him. "I promise not to tell anyone about what White Oak can do to you."

The Truth Sphere glowed blue.

Hope reached over Perenelle for the Sphere and held it in her hand. "I don't need this anymore. Though I appreciate that you both chose to agree to this to calm my paranoia." Hope said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

The time traveller held out the Truth Sphere for Nicolas to take. "Keep it."

"Are you sure?" He questioned in shocked disbelief.

"Yeah. You seem to like it." Hope replied with a sad smile. "I'm going to shift and come back out here so you can grab some tail furs off me." Hope said as she ran away into her room to hide away from the sincerity of the Flamel's words.

"Poor girl." Nicolas said looking towards the hallway Hope had disappeared down. Perenelle sighed in sadness as she moved to sit on the couch next to her husband who threw an arm over her shoulder. Hugging the brunette witch into his side.

No more than a minute had passed when a white-grey wolf padded into the living room and glared at the piece of wood on the table. The wolf huffed at the wood as she made her way over to Nicolas and Perenelle.

Hope was followed by the midnight Phoenix flying behind her and landing on top of the White Oak. The Phoenix almost looked like it was considering bursting into flames taking the piece of wood with it, turning it to ash, but he refrained himself. The wolf bumped her head into Perenelle's arm, demanding attention.

Perenelle scoffed and scratched the wolf behind its ears as Nicolas brushed his hand through her fur along her back. When Nic reached the tip of her tail, he went as close to the bone as possible so he didn't unnecessarily harm the young girl before pinching his fingers together and pulling out a few tufts of fur.

The wolf ignored him as he pulled some of her fur. But watched the man who smelt like molten metal place her furs beside the Phoenix who was still standing on top of the White Oak.

Nicolas patted her back and said, "You can change back now, sweet girl."

Hope whined but got up and walked out of the living room again, leaving the Phoenix behind.

Hope emerged after about 5 minutes. "So are we ready to go?" Hope asked with a bored drawl.

"Almost." Nicolas replied with a cheeky smile.

"You will need to get a Phoenix Feather from your familiar first then we can go." Nicolas answered as he got up and walked off into the foyer with the Truth Sphere in tow.

Hope looked at Perenelle before asking, "Why do I need to get a Feather from the Phoenix? Couldn't either of you have done it?"

"Actually no we can't. For a Phoenix Feather to work as a magical core. The Feather must be freely given and since it is your familiar, he will only let you pick a Feather from him, if he consents." Perenelle answered.

Hope blinked before muttering, "So many rules."

The Tribrid turned to the black bird and crouched in front of it, to stare at the bird eye to eye as they had a silent mental conversation.

Nicolas re-enters the living room after a few minutes with some plastic baggies that he uses to store his Alchemy supplies in. Nic chuckles as he watches the scene in front of him in amusement.

"How long have they been like that for?" He asked his smirking wife.

"Nearly since you've been gone. It's quite the show. I think the Phoenix is winning." Perenelle says with a musical laugh.

Hope grunts at the comment but the Phoenix looks damn-right pleased by the observation. After another 30 seconds or so the Phoenix thrills once before turning its body to Hope for her to access its tail and she gently pulls out a Feather.

"Thank you." Hope says to the bird. "And yes I'll give you a name after we get back from Diagon Alley."

The Phoenix thrills before lifting off the table and flaming away somewhere.

Hope shakes her head in mock annoyance as she turns to Perenelle and Nicolas. "Why do I have the feeling that I got the most smug Phoenix in the universe and he knows it?"

The Flamel's laugh and Nicolas replies, "Apparently since we can't keep up with your snark. You get a Phoenix that gives you more snark than you can dish out."

Hope groaned. "Sounds about right. Getting a Phoenix with an ego of roughly the same size as my Uncle Kol's. Karma working at her heart's behest around me." Hope rolled her eyes as she handed the black Phoenix Feather to the immortal Alchemist.

Perenelle laughs at Hope's annoyance as she guides Hope over into the study as Nicolas bags up the wand ingredients.

"Does the 'Harry Potter' books mention how to Floo Travel?" Perenelle asks as she stands in front of the fireplace.

"Basically stand in the fireplace with a handful of Floo Powder. Call out clearly the place you wish to travel to. Then throw down the Powder?" Hope replies trying to recall.

Perenelle nods. "That's right." The Healer replies cheerfully at Hope's knowledge of their world.

Nicolas walks in at this time dressed in some casual wizarding robes and asks, "All good to go?"

Hope speaks out. "Actually, I have 2 questions before we go. I may know the theory of Floo Travel but do you wait for the fire to die down before walking out of the Floo Place at the corresponding place?" Hope asks her first question.

"When you throw down the Powder just start walking straight and keep your mind clear, otherwise you'll fall on your butt." Nicolas advised the young girl.

"Noted. Second question, since you guys are famous and all. Why aren't you hiding your identity?" Hope asked with a frown.

Perenelle lets out a lovely laugh, while Nicolas chuckles once before answering, "Let me just ask. In the 'Harry Potter' books are we ever described, like our age or appearance?"

"Your biological ages are mentioned but I think that the books portray you both as elderly and frail... " Hope trails off and thinks for a bit, while Nicolas and Perenelle wait for Hope to make the connection.

Hope looked up at the smirking pair as she shook her head slightly in amusement once she understood what the immortal couple were trying to tell her. "But you're not, you're both young. No one knows that, do they?"

"No one in England anyway. France is a whole other matter. We even have some Life-Debts that require us to pop in every so often and state 'no we don't have an Heir, you can't get married into the family.' Nicolas answered with agitation in his voice at the mere mention of these debts.

"Speaking of that." Perenelle mentioned quickly before the subject can change.

Nelle looked over to Hope before informing the auburn haired girl of their safety option. "Nic and I spoke last night and we were wondering if we could make you our Heir… well Heiress?"

"Huh?" Hope answered dumbly before shaking her head and following up with some queries of her own.

"Also what does that mean in relation to these Life-Debts you just mentioned 5 seconds ago?" Hope asked, confused before adding, "Actually what does that mean all together? Why make me an Heir… Heiress?"

Nic clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth before explaining, "Basically since every child under 17 must have a Magical Guardian. Family members get priority, then it would be your Head of House at Hogwarts if you didn't have one. To avoid anyone like heaven forbid, Severus Snape, becoming your Magical Guardian, which would be annoying as hell as your Magical Guardian can sign an array of documents in your name."

"By becoming our Heir it will protect you. As you would need to wear an Heiress ring to show your relation to our family. The Heir/ess ring can detect poisons and charms that are being used to affect you. It also acts as a warning when a spell is cast from behind you and there's a charm on it that tells your Head of House if you are in danger."

"Okay… The early warning won't be necessary as I can sense spells coming from wands quite easily and as for the danger warning. You do know that I literally have had multiple assassination attempts on my before? Sometimes even before I was born? My life is always in danger, but I'll be fine… Probably." The time-travelling girl remarks with disdain literally rolling off her in waves.

"Keep going, what about the Life-Debts?" Hope quickly added as she saw the looks of distress on the Flamel's faces at the assassination attempts.

"It won't be a problem." Nelle replied robotically as she looked over to her husband, worry clearly visible in her eyes.

Nic shook his head ever so slightly before detailing out the information he has learnt from the last few centuries.

"Life-Debts when owed stay only within blood-related family. We discovered this when we had a child living with us hundreds of years ago. We were known as his guardians and he was our ward. No changing of names or blood-adoptions. Just simply guardians. So since you won't be adopted into the family. The Life-Debts won't work on you." Nicolas said with a grin.

Hope walked over the chair in the study and sat down with her right leg shaking up and down as she thought things over in her head.

She looks up at Nicolas and asks. "And by becoming your Heir, would that give you control over what I can and can't do?" With a near deadly look in her eye, "Because I won't let anyone have total control over me like that."

"No!" Perenelle stated forcefully before drawing her wand and placing it to her heart.

"I, Perenelle Flamel, swear by my magic, my life and even my soul. That neither my husband, Nicolas Flamel and myself wish to control Hope Mikaelson in any way, shape or form and only wish to provide her protection by offering to make her our Heir. So I swear, so mote it be."

A strong flash of light came from Perenelle's wand as she made her Magical Vow.

Both Nicolas' and Hope's jaws dropped. Hope didn't know what a Magical Vow was, but she felt the essence of Perenelle's Vow and she knew that if she was lying Perenelle would be dead on the ground right now.

Hope stood up and moved Perenelle's wand away from her heart.

"Please never do that again. I felt what your magic would do if you had lied and I wouldn't wish those effects on my worst enemy. I appreciate that you would do that for me but please never again." Hope said as she hugged the older woman around the waist.

When Hope pulls back, she says. "Next time, just use the Truth Sphere the next time I have a case of paranoia. But thank you Nelle."

Nicolas pulled Nelle into a strong hug and spoke in fast fluent French which Hope chose to ignore as she knew that the conversation the Flamel couple had in rapid French was meant to be private. When Nicolas finished frantically worrying over his wife he kissed the top of her head as he pulled the slightly shorter woman into a tight embrace.

"I'll become your Heir." Hope stated definitively as she stood up and walked over to the fireplace, drawing the hazel eyes from the brunette Healer and the chocolate coloured eyes from the immortal Alchemist.

"We should probably get going." Hope said as she picked up some Floo Powder and stood inside the fireplace. "I'll wait for you on the other side."

Hope waited about 5 seconds before announcing, "The Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley." The Tribrid threw the Powder down and instantly she was engulfed in green-colourled flames.

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