A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 61: chapter 61

"Can't this week just come to an end?" Daphne complained as she got dressed in loose flowing dress pants and a white blouse allowing for freedom of movement.

Previously the only clothing she was able to wear was form-fitting long sleeved outfits that covered her from head to toe. Ever since the Pureblood Princess has been with Hope, Daphne has had full reign over her appearance and the clothing she was able to wear. Having the ability to choose what she was able to wear put a small smile on her face. Daphne no longer felt like she was being displayed as a fantasy puff-piece for a husband she would sooner kill than marry.

Hope had her wand out as she stood in front of the entryway, checking the Slytherin Dormitory for any stragglers as Myrddin and Alexandria bickered on the Tribrid's shoulders. "That would be nice. This week feels like it's stretched on forever." Hope added with a roll of her sea-blue eyes.

"No kidding." Daphne crossed her arms as she watched Hope play with the Snake Guardian as the Slytherin Protector stroked along the stoned cheek line, caressing it almost as if it was a lover.

Hope sighed as she removed her hand. "I feel like I'm possibly going to regret this at some stage soon. In the name of Salazar Slytherin, I Hope Mikaelson have been chosen as the protector of this House."

The stone cracked and groaned as the snake's mouth opened as a large garnet stone making its appearance as the forked stone tongue slowly released its grip on the Wardstone for Hope to take.

Hope accepted the deep orange gemstone from the Slytherin Guardian. "This Wardstone is the only thing that has protected this school for the past 4 years. It feels almost wrong to take it away. I truly wonder why Luna told us to do this."

Daphne shrugged her shoulders as she leaned against the stone wall to observe her wife. "No clue. But I do trust Luna and apparently so do you. Isn't that why you are altering the Wardstone?"

"Something like that." Hope smirked for a moment as she gazed down at the garnet gemstone.

The Tribrid pulled out her ivory blade that Susan had gifted her some time ago as she murmured some whispers into the Wardstone as some of the etches within the gemstone were restored turning the colour of the stone from nearly a mid-orange colour to an orange diamond colour.

"That was quite the change in colour… Was your bullying ward really that bad for the stone to have such a distinctive change of colour?" Daphne questioned with a small frown.

Hope turned to Daphne as she looked down in a small amount of shame. "The ward literally tortured students even if they were the ones at fault. As much as actions have consequences, I played God when I created this restriction for all Slytherins. I don't think I truly realised what a devastating effect I had on the Wardstone."

Myrddin had puffed out his feathers as he resolutely believed in what Hope had done to protect these students at the beginning of Hope's school tululege.

"I think that ward needed to be active while you were here. The Slytherin students needed to be shown that they couldn't keep hurting and raping the younger students. The cycle of violence needed to end and you did that." Daphne mentioned as she rested her hand on Hope's shoulder.

The Slytherin Protector etched in some new lines into the orange diamond as she placed a new ward over the gemstone, only going a fraction of a shade darker. "The ward I'm putting in place of my last one will act as a slap on the wrist for someone who wishes malicious intent upon any Hogwarts students or staff. Only difference is if the caster truly believes they are protecting either another student or the school, the ward would allow that person to defend the school or that person in trouble."

Daphne listened to Hope's inner thoughts as her Mate was obviously still very concerned about the students of Hogwarts but wanted them to be able to defend themselves if the time comes. "Why are you so concerned to make sure that the students could fight back?"

Hope held the lighter-coloured Wardstone out for the Stone Snake to lick up the fist-sized gemstone and swallow it back into its mouth with the sound of stone grinding against itself.

"In my universe, there was a paramilitary siege against the Salvatore Boarding School and they had this… magic that was able to neutralise everyone's magic. Well… actually, Dr Saltzman had this magic stored under the school in 'case of emergency'. We were sitting ducks and a friend of mine was shot. I thought that she was going to die."

"One of the twins? He was nearly responsible for the death of one of his children…" Daphne asked as she felt the terror streak through Hope's soulbond.

Hope hummed. "Josie. My blood saved her." A small smile graced Hope's lips at the knowledge. "But the reason I mention this is because this was the most terrified I have ever been after my parents had died. If I can do something about it to ensure this never happens again in this universe or any other. I'm taking it."

Daphne pursed her lips as she held out a hand for Hope. The Tribrid looked down and smiled at the small act as she took the offered hand. The young couple headed down towards the Great Hall.

"Sometimes Hope Mikaelson, I believe that you are too good for this universe and I know for a fact that your universe doesn't deserve you either." Daphne admitted with a look of complete adoration on her face.

There was a hint of a true smile that graced Hope's face. Love filled every fibre of Hope's being as she turned to face Daphne. "Thank you."


Hope chuckled as she added in glee. "And Forever."

Hope and Daphne were able to collect a quick breakfast before the Tribrid watched as Myrddin flew off to Freya's side. Alexandria remained on Hope's left shoulder as she took a quick snooze after the Phoenix disappeared with Freya.

Hope walked around the room helping students of all ages with their spells after moving the furniture around in the Great Hall. Daphne trailed along as she helped Harry out with a group of 3rd Year students from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin with their Defence Against the Dark Arts spellwork.

The blonde watched on with a smile on her face as she watched her sister converse and laugh with her friends that she has accumulated from each House. Practically following in her older sister's footsteps.

Hope was working with Fred and Padma as the 1st Years were attempting to turn a matchstick into a needle. A Slytherin, Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw, working harmoniously teaching the younger years who have jumped at the opportunity to learn from the Emrys family.

Umbridge had somehow managed to sneak into the room without any Professors noticing her or any of the tutors Hope had chosen to 'teach' in place of actual Professors. If she could even call them that.

These Professors at Hogwarts were a joke in the Undersecretary's opinion. They were too lenient with the students.

Umbridge scoffed inwardly, not wishing to garner any attention from the Emrys couple just yet. She needed to wait until the right opportunity presented itself to her. Umbridge was angry at Hope and not just because the little girl was slandering her good name and the Ministry's name down the drain every time she opened her Halfbreed mouth.

That mutt of a child had undone all of Slytherin's great work in less than a day by altering the wards as Slytherin's 'false' Protector. Slytherin House was built up with rules and regulations that have been around for generations. Dolores experienced this herself during her tenure as a student at Hogwarts over 10 years ago.

Umbridge narrowed her eyes in Daphne's direction as she wondered how she could trick or coerce the Greengrass Heiress into losing her cool so the Ministry Official could give the blonde a detention. Use Daphne to hurt Hope and discredit Lady Emrys at the same time. A sly grin appeared on her face at her brilliant thought.

Hermione and Su had called for a little extra help from either Hope or Daphne, which the blonde Slytherin girl responded with a small nod as she moved towards the table mainly filled with 6th Year students.

Now that every student has access to a curriculum approved History of Magic books, the Hogwarts students are finally able to learn about the History of Magic. The Muggleborns were highly appreciative for the opportunity to learn more about this subject as it was truly fascinating. The Half-Bloods and Purebloods were grateful for the books as it gave them a chance to recall facts that they should've learned years ago..

There were a lot of students that decided to show up for the tutoring sessions, maybe three-quarters of the school's populace. Hope was amazed by the attendance her idea had amassed within just 2 days. More students had showed up for the second day after their housemates shared what they were learning and that the tutoring wasn't demanding or stressful. Due to the increase in pupils it kept Hope and Daphne very busy along with all of their friends who had volunteered to help.

Draco, Nott, Crabbe and Goyle were standing off to the side as they watched on behalf of the Inquisitorial Squad to tattle their findings to Professor Umbridge. They did this so they could get a better grade in DADA as well as some answers for the OWL's exam at the end of the year.

The pink-clad Professor with a small brooch pinned on her bright pink cardigan also had a couple more spies located throughout the room from the Ravenclaw House led by Lisa Turpin and Mandy Brocklehurst who were still angry at Hope and her Aunt, Heir Emrys for stripping Marietta of her magic last year. It was Edgecombe's consequence for not following the rules set by the Honour Duel Heir Emrys had forced upon her.

Draco had made his way over to Umbridge and whispered into her ear as he motioned towards the group in DADA tutoring. Umbridge listened to Malfoy's advice as she seethed, watching as these students blatantly ignored her rules she had set for DADA. The Undersecretary was downright sneering in the general direction of the kids in the middle of the Great Hall.

Umbridge glanced over to where Daphne was sitting with Hermione, leaning down next to a 12 year old boy from Hufflepuff as she guided the boy to the right pages to study. The pink woman turned to Hope and saw that the auburn haired girl was also distracted. A little smirk appeared on her face as she approached the students in the middle of the room.

Some of the students flinched at the appearance of the short toad-like woman as they parted ways for the Ministry Official to walk through. The youngest Greengrass who was still working at the DADA station saw the frightful expressions on her friends faces as she turned to come face-to-face with a pink gremlin.

Astoria didn't even make a sound as she stared blankly at the Professor, her eyes twitching as she felt a presence trying to enter her mind. A flash of contempt crossed the older woman's face as she attempted to glare down at the brunette girl but it wasn't working the way she expected. Astoria Greengrass did not take the bait and she was running out of time. Hope's blindspot is Daphne. Yet Daphne's blindspot is her little sister.

Instead of waiting to come up with a better plan or even a more reasonable one Astoria gave a glint of pride shining through her brown chocolate eyes. Umbridge's nostrils flared and Astoria barely had time to blink as she tensed up.

"Petrificus totalus." The sound of a body hitting the floor echoed around the room while Daphne felt fear build up in her sister's Magical Aura.

Daph's head shot up from her position in the room, Hope's eyes widened as her magic sensed who the girl on the ground was. But nothing could prepare the Tribrid for the frigid air that encased the entirety of the Great Hall. The ground was turning to ice at Daphne's feet and literal frost was wafting off the Slytherin Ice Queen.

The students shivered at the incredibly cold magic flowing through the room as they huddled together for warmth while simultaneously shifting to the outside edges of the room.

Not even Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad moved forward to help the Professor. Draco blinked as he truly wondered if this woman was suicidal. When he said to go after Daphne's sister he meant subtly so the older Greengrass would make the offer to take her sister's detentions. Malfoy gulped as he felt the raw power radiating off Daphne rather than Hope, which is what he was actually expecting due to her brash Halfbreed nature. Werewolves have also been known to be fast to anger and have a short temper.

Hope did look incredibly pissed off but she stood her ground and clenched her fists as she forced herself not to move. As much as Hope wanted to dish out her vengeance on Umbridge she knew that Daphne would not stand for Hope taking this away from her. Astoria is Daphne's sister. Her family.

Umbridge shivered in her thin cardigan as her brooch moved up towards her collar to hide in the fabric for warmth as the toad turned to face Daphne with a pleased grin on her face. She had indeed forced the Consort Emrys to use her magic on a Professor which is most certainly punishable under school laws. "Detention Miss Green- -"

The toad woman wasn't able to finish her sentence as Daphne silenced her with the most malicious glare the entire school had ever seen from the normally composed Slytherin Ice Queen. Astoria looked over to her big sister from her position on the floor near Madam Umbridge.

Not even Stori has ever seen this amount of pure unfiltered anger from her sister directed at a single person before. Astoria felt herself being magically glided across the ground as she came to a stop in front of Hope and Nelle. The Healer quickly did a diagnostics charm before nodding to Hope who wordlessly removed the full body bind curse from the younger girl.

Hope was crouched next to Astoria as she took her sister-in-law's hands into her own before pulling the other girl into a hug all while the Tribrid was glaring at Umbridge with golden eyes and an animalistic growl from the bottom of her throat.

Daphne advanced on the Undersecretary with fury and murder in her pale icy blue gaze. Daphne reached out with a hand as she gripped Umbridge's bulging neck as she tried to scream out through the spell through her sealed lips. Ice began to coat Umbridge's neck radiating from Daphne's hand on her throat.

"How dare you lay a hand on my sister! Secondary Heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble House Greengrass! Sister to Consort Emrys!" The pissed off blonde yanked the woman forward with a strength the Ministry employee had no chance of overcoming.

"I challenge you to an Honour Duel to the death." Some of the students gasped at power coming off the Pureblood Princess while others gulped in fear, turning away so they didn't have to watch someone die in front of their eyes.

"Don't bother calling the DMLE or the Ministry. The fight is taking place in the Courtyard as soon as I drag your retched, manipulative, evil ass out of this room. Enjoy your last minutes on Earth." A brutal sneer crossed Daphne's face as she used her magic to shove the older woman out of the Great Hall. On Daphne's last step out of the room a massive ice wall covered the doorway.

Hope blinked in absolute shock as she stared at the ice wall. Surprisingly enough to all the other students now stuck in the Great Hall, Hope doesn't even attempt to break down that barrier.

The Tribrid was fully aware that Daphne's emotions were fuelling her magic and with the amount of anger pulsing through her wife. Hope knows for a fact that she won't have a chance in hell breaking down the wall she has placed to stop the majority of the school kids from witnessing a sanctioned murder.

Alexandria is making quiet whistles in Stori's ears as she tries to calm the young girl down from the sudden attack. The Thunderbird thought this was the perfect time to keep Myrddin appraised on what was happening at the school and she could literally hear his loud trill of anger.

After a few minutes Hope finally has enough control over her wolf to function properly. Hope pulls Astoria to a standing position, keeping one hand on her to make sure that she is alright. Hope waved a hand in the air as she released a heating spell throughout the room so no one would freeze to death.

Luna was beside Hope as she made her way unseen to the auburn haired girl's side, she whispered into the Tribrid's ear. "I'm glad you chose to listen to me and removed the ward. The amount of magic and malice Daphne was radiating off her person probably would've knocked her out within a microsecond."

Hope pursed her lips as she chewed at her bottom lip. "You wanted me to remove the Slytherin bullying and discrimination ward against another person so Daphne could literally kill Umbridge and to not be knocked onto her ass?"

"Not entirely. You know that an Honour Duel would've done that by itself without needing to remove the ward. Daphne may be exceptionally level headed in most circumstances, you know, excluding the times when her family or close friends are in danger. Just like you Hope. The ward, if it was still active, would've knocked both of you out." Luna rebutted.

"Besides… Doesn't your 7th Year in this universe include the Battle of Hogwarts? How do you expect to fight Voldemort if the Slytherin Wardstone makes it impossible for you to fight him and his Death Eaters?" Luna remarked as she returned to the Astronomy table with a whimsical expression.

Hope blinked as she pursed her lips. "... Right… There is a battle here at the school." Hope thought about that for a few more seconds as she frowned. "Hang on. Daph and I will be testing ahead and won't be here for the 7th Year… That's not great." Hope sighed with a disappointed eye roll.

The brunette witch quickly moved in front of Hope before the older girl could move away or somehow apparate out of the Great Hall. "Hope! Please don't leave." Astoria pleaded with her sister's wife.

Hope was going to speak to her parents but jerked to a stop at the distressed voice behind her and turned around immediately. "Stori, I'm not going anywhere." Hope moved forward as she pulled the younger girl into a hug which Astoria returned with a small whine as she collapsed into Hope's shorter frame.

Everyone in the Great Hall were trying to subtly watch the interaction between Lady Emrys and her sister-in-law but were concerned that Hope would fling them into a wall or something similar for looking at them wrong.

Professors McGonnagall, Sprout, Flitwick and Babbling all made their way over to the glacial wall separating the Great Hall from the rest of the school. Each of the Professors tried their magic on the wall but the ice did not shift. It did not melt. It did not break or shatter under the power of the Professor's combined efforts.

The Deputy Headmistress hummed in frustrated acceptance as she made her way over to Lady Emrys. The cat Animagus knew that Hope was much stronger than anyone else in the school and that the auburn haired girl would have the best possibility to break down Daphne's ice wall.

Before McGonnagall had a chance to request Hope's help the stern woman slowed to a stop at the soft embrace she was offering the younger Greengrass who Umbridge had just attacked.

The Head of Gryffindor House listened to the youngest Greengrass as she shockingly recounted the events that lead up to Umbridge attacking her with a full-body bind curse.

"Professor Umbridge came up to me and just stared at me for a good 10 seconds… I didn't realise that I made direct eye contact with her." Stori wrapped her arms around herself in a moment of anxiety but Hope was quick to dispel any fear that Astoria was feeling as she brushed her hand down her back to comfort her.

"I heard a voice in my head telling me to scream or swear at the Professor. But Daph has been working with me over the holidays to strengthen my Occlumency skills. I smirked at her when she wasn't able to control my actions and she just pulled her wand on me. I think she was baiting me so either you or Daphne would defend me. The voice wasn't refined like Moody's- - Crouch's Legilimens on us last year. I could sense that person trying to manipulate me was after Daph in order to get to you. Umbridge really doesn't like you Hope."

Hope released a growl before scoffs. "Umbridge deserves whatever Daph dishes out upon her."

"Miss Mikaelson?" McGonnagall spoke softly, knowing that Hope was remarkably pissed off with the DADA Professor.

Hope turned to the Deputy Headmistress with an eyebrow raised. "Yes?"

"Are you able to remove the ice wall?"

Hope chuckled in contempt. "Shockingly enough, no. I can't. Daph's magic is powered by her emotions. At this moment in time Daph is stronger than me." The Tribrid admitted with a tiny smirk. "Besides, she'd kill me if I left Astoria alone."

Nic and Nelle ran a diagnostic charm on the ice wall and Nic gave an impressed laugh. "Wow… Daph's getting better at controlling her ice magic."

"No wonder she's called 'Slyhterin's Ice Queen'. She's a bloody psychopath, that bint is!" Came the rude degrading comment from the youngest Weasley son.

Fred and George flinched as they looked over to their brother in fear. Hope was going to kill him one day if he didn't learn to shut his obscenely large mouth. Ginny on the other hand was bobbing her head up and down in agreement with Ronald's distinction.

Hope only cast a quick glance in the Gryffindor boy's direction as she decided that he wasn't worth her time and she could simply kill him later. The Tribrid smirked to herself as she imagined killing Ronald in a few different methods before it occurred to her that she wasn't concerned about the Slytherin Wardstone sending her to the Infirmary and chuckled devilishly.

The Deputy Headmistress bit her lip as she pursed her lips into a thin line. "You know that Daphne is going to kill her, right?"

"Of course." Hope turned to Minerva and blinked slowly at her, lowering her voice so only McGonnagall's cat ears could hear her. "Daph challenged Umbridge to an Honour Duel to the death. Not even Flitwick is required to sanction the Duel between them. There is nothing you can do Professor. One of them will die. And knowing my wife it won't be her dying." Hope smirked at the elderly woman.

McGonnagall gulped as she turned back to the other Professors as she muttered under her breath. "God have mercy on that screeching banshee's soul."

- - -

Daphne wasted no time as she performed her own full-body bind on the pink toad and chose to levitate her while her lips were still sealed shut. The blonde didn't want to deal with Umbridge's bullshit or whining as she magically frog-marched the older woman towards the Courtyard.

"You are such a stupid bloody wanker! You went after my family!" Daphne's ice coloured eyes narrowed on the furious woman who was trying to mask her fear.

"No one harms my family and lives." A frigid hand grasped Umbridge's chin as she froze the older woman's jaw, moving the woman's face left to right. There was a strange hair clip in the Undersecretary's hair but Daphne had simply glazed over it thinking it was an ugly beetle hair clip.

Daphne stared deep into those poisonous eyes that have made practically everyone's lives hell as she made an ever-lasting promise. "No one."

Umbridge swallowed at the intensity of the Greengrass Heiress but was unable to move any further than her facial muscles.

Daphne growled as her inner wolf wanted so badly to rip this woman into pieces but managed to refrain herself. The Consort Emrys only needed to hold onto her anger for another minute before she was able to release all her pent up rage upon the Umbitch.

A hand yanked at Daphne's arm causing her to twist around quickly to glare at the large hand touching her. Icy eyes strolled up the arm holding onto her as she came face-to-face with her greasy haired Head of House. The glare Daphne gave him held a single warning, one that Dumbledore who was also present, ignored her warning along with Snape.

The Headmaster was attempting half-heartedly to help Umbridge out of her binds but the magic surrounding her was too strong.

Daphne grinned maliciously as she snatched Snape's hand off her with tiger-like reflexes and gripped his wrist tightly as he groaned at the icy touch. "Heh. You made a big mistake Professor. We've been waiting a full year for you to step out of line."

"Severus Snape, I challenge you to an Honour Duel and to make things interesting." Daphne dug her nails into Snape's frail wrist as he winced. "You can join in Umbridge's Honour Duel I'm hosting in the Courtyard in… roughly one minute."

Dumbledore clenched his jaw as his eyes widened drastically at the thought of losing his spy. The old man attempted to stall the Greengrass Heiress but the young woman seemed to be on a warpath that could not be ignored.

'Apparently I have a 2 for 1 special.' Daphne relayed to her Mate who's eyes widened in surprise. 'Snape tried to stop me from Duelling Umbridge. He didn't realise that he was stopping a sanctioned Duel. I have to admit, I truly do love being the Consort to the Legendary House Emrys.'

Hope clenched her fist slightly in worry at the situation Daphne had managed to get herself into. 'Do you need me there?'

The blonde mentally shook her head. 'Nah. I'll be fine.' A flash of fire appeared in front of Daphne as Myrddin flame travelled with a frazzled Freya.

Freya's burning gaze landed on Umbridge for a moment before turning to Snape as the Immortal Viking Witch looked around with an inquisitive eye as she figured out what happened and grinned. "Consort Emrys? May I take your place in the Honour Duel to the death you have declared against Severus Snape?"

Dumbledore and Snape both froze at the question as they thought that Snape and Umbridge probably had a chance of overpowering Daphne but with the inclusion of Heir Emrys. In a word they were screwed. Freya had lifted a hand and sealed their mouths shut before either man could utter a single sound or complaint.

"Did Hope put you up to this?" Daphne questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Freya gave a single shake of her head. "Alexandria told Myrddin. Myrddin told me. And no one messes with family. Ever." The eldest Mikaelson clapped her staff on the stone ground as she apparated Dumbledore away from the Emrys family members, Snape and Umbridge, sending him to the Headmaster's Office.

Daphne observed Freya as she sighed. "Fine. You can take Snape but I'm keeping this bitch. She spelled my sister to get a rise out of me." Daphne finished with a disturbed growl.

"Well she certainly succeeded." Freya muttered as she placed a hand on his shoulder and Myrddin flamed them out of the school.

The blonde witch turned to Umbridge as she made a comment voicing her thoughts. "I wonder where Freya is taking him? Probably somewhere public, knowing Freya. She just loves to cause a scene."

Daphne shrugged as she continued on towards the Courtyard with a struggling pink banshee. The Slytherin girl flung her into the opening as she felt her magic pour out of her in restless fury, creating a large impenetrable dome of ice and magic.

Daphne dropped the existing spells on the woman as the blonde couldn't start an Honour Duel while her opponent was already cursed, hexed or under the influence of any Potions otherwise the Duel wouldn't be classified as fair and honest by the laws of magic. The Honour Duel would not activate properly, if Daphne killed her without magic accepting the integrity of the ancient magical laws she would be accused of murder.

The Emrys Consort ring flashed as the 16 year old girl held her right hand up showing the other woman that she wasn't going to be able to slither her way out of this. Umbridge's eyes bulged out as she frantically reached for her wand as Daphne smirked coldly.

"HOW DARE YO- -" Daphne made another motion with her hand as she once again silenced the loud obnoxious woman.

"Oh shut up! No one cares about what you have to say!" Daphne glared at Dolores as she ducked a mustard-yellow spell the other woman was able to cast towards her.

Ice and frost crawled down Daphne's left arm as she side-stepped the next spell coming her way. The blonde witch crouched at the next attack and slammed her hand down onto the stone ground. The effect was instantaneous as the ground froze over, trapping Umbridge in the spot she was currently standing.

The pink-clad woman was somehow able to make a shrieking noise even behind the Aphasia spell Hope and Freya were ever so fond of and to be fair, it was becoming a favourite for the Greengrass Heiress as well.

Daphne flicked her wand into her right hand as she muttered, "Expelliarmus." Umbridge's wand shot out of her hand with a harsh yank and Daphne elegantly snatched the dark brown wand out of the air with her off hand.

"Incendia." The young woman taunted as Daphne felt the wand in her other hand turning to ash with one of the biggest grins that have ever graced the Slytherin Ice Queen's face. Daphne's Ice Dragonstone wand hummed in disagreement to the fire spell that was just used to destroy the other wand even though the witch didn't cast the fire spell through her wand.

Daphne could hear the legitimate anguish behind her sealed lips.

"If you think that was painful then you are in for a horrible awakening." Daphne growled as she stalked towards the trapped woman who was desperately trying to escape the ice that was covering her feet watching on in fear as Daphne approached her.

A sadistic thought entered Daphne's mind as she slowly raised her hand with her new pine wand focusing on the ice beneath Umbridge's feet. The Slytherin Ice Queen shaped the icy water into spikes as thin as needles and with the rise of her hand the hundreds, if not thousands of tiny needles pierced into the soles of her feet.

A pained sound came from Umbridge's throat as she looked over to Daphne with a look of fear and terror. Daphne had paused her hand motion once the microscopic needles entered the older woman just so Daphne could gauge Umbridge's fear and smirked. Merlin… She'e been hanging around Hope and Freya too much.

Daphne's icy eyes watched as she began to move her wand again. Dolores' eyes squinted shut in pain and tears started to leak from the corner of her eyes as she felt the needle-like shards of ice clawing up her body. Any movement she made snapped the thin and razor sharp ice but that didn't stop Daphne from driving a much thicker spike through each foot.

The larger spike was roughly the size of a finger. These spikes didn't break and as these railroad spikes slowly ascended the pale woman's figure through her circulatory system. The ice was freezing Umbridge from the inside out which was depicted by her now greying skin and ice coated fingertips as frostbite set in. Daphne imagined that the Umbitch's feet were either completely turned to ice or stuck in a permanent form of frostbite.

Daphne couldn't stop herself as she was standing directly in front of the pink-clad woman. "Aw does that hurt?" The Consort mocked the soon to be dead woman.

Dolores wanted to screech at the blonde girl in front of her but even if her mouth wasn't sealed shut, she knew that she wouldn't be able to make a sound other than the occasional soft whimper or chatter of teeth as she shivered.

Daphne shook her head as her wand was still rising, nearly reaching the bottom of the woman's ribs as the ice had entered her femoral arteries, practically shutting the other woman down as she was unable to move.

"I hope Cornelius has half a brain cell more than you. I'll make sure everyone knows how I killed you." Daphne remarked with an evil glare as she spread the fingers on her other hand causing Umbridge to groan. "Do you feel the ice as it splinters off into those tiny needles?"

Daphne's eyes shifted momentarily to Umbridge's neck as she felt another magical aura within the incredibly thick iced dome. A hint of green or blue skittered away to hide fully within the pink collar.

Daphne released a huff of amusement at the appearance of the scandalous reporter hiding in her Animagus form. At least she won't have to give an interview anymore about how Umbridge died. Skeeter would take care of that for her. Although she probably should send King Ragnok a letter after she is finished up here.

Ignoring the water-beetle and pretending that she never saw the reporter, Daphne returned to taunting the other woman. "Travelling into each and every blood vessel? Freezing you from the inside out?"

Daphne made sure that she didn't allow the ice to touch the Undersecretary's heart as she didn't want the woman to die yet but Daphne knew it was only a matter of time before the hypothermia would eventually kill her. Daphne had to speed up the process just a little so she could get the final blow on the bitchy annoyance of a woman. She was planning on torturing and drugging the students of Hogwarts with a Blood Quill and Vertiaserum if Hope never appeared in her universe.

The ice needles had eventually made their way down to the tips of Umbridge's fingers and in doing so tiny needles broke out of every finger as the ice had nowhere else to go except out.

"Ouch… That looks like it hurts. I'd ask if you had any last words but," Daphne shrugged in disinterest. "I honestly don't care."

Daphne stopped her spell on the ice so she was no longer manipulating it inside the woman's white and blue coloured skin. The Ice Queen gave her wand a little toss in the air as the small wooden stick extended to roughly the same length as Excalibur.

Actually the wand practically turned into an exact replica of her wife's legendary sword. The sword landed in Daphne's open hand and she hummed pleasantly at the feeling of the cool metal in her hand.

Daphne didn't waste anymore time on the woman as she thrusted the sword into Umbridge's heart. At the first touch of the sword, the sound of ice crackling and fracturing came from the stab wound as the ice immediately started to cover Umbridge's body.

However on closer inspection Daphne's eyes widened as she realised that Umbridge's skin wasn't being coated in ice. The Undersecretary's entire body was turning to ice. Skin, muscle, blood, bone, every part of her literally turned to ice including the clothes she was wearing. Skeeter realised this just in time and flew away frantically as the water-beetle banged roughly into the thick and incredibly clear ice dome and fell to the ground onto her back. Her little legs scurrying to right herself so she could protect herself or preferably get the hell away from the powerful ice witch.

Daphne had to grip the sword with her other hand to heave the blade out of the ice sculpture that perfectly depicted the woman who had just tried to hurt her sister. The blade rang out as it was pulled free from the ice.

Unlike the ice that surrounded the Courtyard, the ice that crafted Umbridge was more like sugar glass and the sculpture shattered into large-ish pieces before hitting the ground. There was something uniquely satisfying as Daphne watched the head explode into tiny ice shards.

The blonde witch sighed in partial relief as she and Hope no longer have to worry about what the Umbitch has in store for them. The dome around her vanishes at Daphne's sigh as the Honour Duel to the death has been fulfilled.

"I wonder how Freya's doing with the greasy haired bat." Daphne wondered aloud to herself before blinking a few times. "Huh… I never realised how much I really wanted to call Snape that at school." Daphne chuffed at the realisation. "Luna…"

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