A Hope through time

Chapter 12: chapter 12

Hope found out that school was much easier to bear when she had classmates that spoke to her and wanted to help out. Along with Susan, Hannah, Su and Padma, Hope became acquaintances with the rest of the first years in Hufflepuff.

Lisa Turpin had backed off suddenly and chose to hang around Isobel and Mandy which caused Hope to bang her head on a desk. Sometime throughout the first week Hope felt awkward around the Ravenclaw girl, when she realised why the name Lisa sounded familiar.

The universal jumper remembered that Lisa and her 2 friends were the main source of Luna's bullying. Hope made a promise to herself that if they bullied Luna next year, there would be hell to pay.

The only Gryffindors she spoke to were Harry, Neville and Parvati.

Nothing changed in Slytherin… Well, except for many of the older boys flinching something fierce everytime Snape was near them.

Snape decided to use Legilimency on one of the boys and saw an image of himself raping the boy as clear as day within his mind. Snape shook himself out of the poor boy's head and checked another student that was avoiding him, receiving the same results.

Snape shuddered but informed the Headmaster, this led them back to the Slytherin Wardstone and more letters to Lady Emrys. Hope ignored any further communication with the Headmaster after he wrote about targeting innocent children and making the poor students experience mental rape.

Hope sent one last correspondence mentioning how that specific ward requires the so called 'innocent child' to wish to physically rape someone. Lady Emrys also informed the Headmaster that the ward won't actually activate unless the student was going to rape someone and made the conscious choice to follow through on their actions. Thus proving that the students were not as 'innocent' as the esteemed Headmaster claimed.

It was about a week before Christmas or Yule as the Purebloods call it. Hope sent out some letters to Neutral families as well as the Bones', Longbottoms and Lovegoods, all from Lady Emrys except for the last family. As Xenophilius Lovegood was happy to reply to Hope Mikaelson each time she mailed to the family and he sent her a copy of the Quibbler after Hope made a subscription. Hope was curious to know what was actually written in the small magazine.

Luna also started writing to her but half the time, Hope was questioning if the girl has some form of cognition and premonition, considering how many letters Luna has sent that have hints about her other life. Hope's missing friends who were basically sisters to her as well as a family who would do everything to protect the ones they love and about her being tasked with impossible challenges.

As Lady Emrys, Hope is carefully making alliances with the Bones and Longbottom families and calling in debts from previous alliances within the Dark families, like the Carrows and Lestranges. The Lestranges couldn't dispute Lady Emrys' claims to her debts as all of the Lestranges are in Azkaban.

Meanwhile the Carrows tried to keep the alliance they had, but failed since there is an old rule about servitude alliances which cancel out any magical connections between the political houses. Hope enchanted one of the letters she sent to the Dark family so it could scan the reader's magic, to see if the house had pledged loyalty to another house.

Lady Emrys' spell worked and Hope was able to dismantle the alliance between the Carrow's and herself as the Carrow's pledged their loyalty to Voldemort by becoming a Death Eater.

Hope was in the library by herself one night after dinner and she was shockingly approached by the Golden Trio before the Christmas break, although Ron was reluctantly making his way over to Hope with a disgusted look on his face.

"Hey Hope." Harry called out with a cheerful smile.

Hope's head shot up at the sound and blinked a couple of times before smiling.

"Hello Harry. I notice that your Potion scores are going up much to Snape's displeasure." Hope replied with a smirk.

Harry laughed in amusement as he sat down next to Hope and gave her a one armed hug which Hope returned. Hermione cautiously sat down next to Harry but opposite Hope while Ron sneered at the Slytherin girl from his spot behind Hermione.

"Yeah, they are. Thanks for the help with that by the way." Harry chuckled.

Hope smiled at the young Gryffindor. "No worries. Anything that pisses Snape off is the highlight of my day."

Hope turned her head so she was looking at Hermione and Ron.

"Hi there Hermione." Hope says with a nod before looking over her shoulder.

"Ronald." Hope offers without any emotion.

Ron muttered under his breath. "Slimy, bloody, stupid snake."

Before speaking a bit louder with a grunt, "Mikaelson." Hope gritted her teeth at the red haired brat.

Hermione however had a different approach and blurted out. "Why did you try to comfort me on Hallowe'en?"

Harry and Ron were shocked at the sudden accusation from the bushy haired girl and looked at Hermione then Hope. One of the boys was practically beaming with pride, while the other was glaring at Hope in suspicion.

Hope just tilted her head slightly. "Because it seemed like you could've used a friend or just someone to talk to." Hope replied honestly.

"But you are in Slytherin. No one in Slytherin has been nice to me. In fact they go out of their way to insult me and bully me." Hermione continued on in confusion.

Hope bit her lip for a moment and looked at Harry who was curious as well before she looked around the library to see if there were any Slytherin students nearby. There wasn't so Hope turned back to the bushy haired girl.

Hope sighed but answered Hermione's query. "Just because I am in Slytherin does not mean that I am evil. Not every Slytherin is, despite popular belief. The majority of the Half-Bloods in Slytherin are just trying to survive the snake pit. Some of the others are protecting someone or something, so they follow the crowd to protect the ones they care about. There are some Slytherins who fit the second category in our year, so they won't help out, but then again, they won't join in either. Look for the students who are neutral. You'll most likely notice that they stay quiet and invisible while still showing house unity. Just think and remember. Have I ever said any insults to you or tried to bully you?"

Hermione stayed quiet for a short while but eventually replied. "No, you haven't. But you haven't tried to stop it either."

Hope sighed again and closed the book she was working on gently. "Hermione. I am a Muggleborn student in Slytherin. I'm the lowest of the low, a loner, an outcast within a house filled with bigotry and purity. My help wouldn't have saved you. In fact it would've painted an even bigger target on you, making the bullying so much worse as it would've been a way for my house to hurt me indirectly. If my house didn't have ill intent wards up throughout the castle to stop Slytherins from hurting or cursing other students. I would either be in the Infirmary, in a new school or dead. Why do you think some Slytherin students randomly fall down with their mouths sealed shut? It's because they are continuously trying to attack me but get dropped by the wards."

Harry looked down-right pissed, whereas Ron was conflicted and Hermione just realised the implication of what Hope had told them as her jaw dropped in shock.

Hope ran her fingers through her hair as she apologised. "So I'm sorry for being unable to help you. But I truly believed that by staying out of my classmates' rude encounters, that I was protecting you from more dangerous forms of bullying."

"So all those Slytherins in the Infirmary… They are there because they are trying to potentially kill you?" Harry asked in anger.

Hope shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah. I'd retaliate but then I would get hit by the wards. So to avoid that painful outcome, I meditate before bed to clear my mind and go for runs early in the morning to take some of the stress off throughout the day. I also hang around students from the other houses when possible during class, so my house will have less time to irritate me." Hope noticed the more she spoke the more Harry got angry and sent invisible waves of magic out unintentionally.

Hope placed her hand on Harry's that was lying on the desk. "Relax Harry. Everything is under control. There's no need to avenge me. Nothing happened."

Harry literally growled. "But it's not right!"

"I know. But I can't tell my Head of House as Snape despises me almost as much as a Gryffindor. The other Heads of Houses are aware and can't do anything as it is not their house. Professor Sprout did the most she could by helping me align with the Hufflepuffs. As for the Headmaster…" Hope broke off as she couldn't think of a plausible excuse to give the Golden Trio without breaking any trust between them and the Headmaster.

After a while of arguing quietly about Slytherin, Hope changed the subject and thankfully the Golden Trio rolled with it except for Ronald, who obnoxiously just had to insult the entire Slytherin house as much as he could.

Harry and Hermione were explaining their adventure with Hagrid and the Dragon Egg. Hope almost blanched at the topic of the Dragon Egg especially considering she knows about the First Task in the Goblet of Fire.

Hermione was the one to mention that there is an item, being hidden somewhere in the school that Professor Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel were protecting. Hope internally scoffed as she knew that wasn't true. Nic knew nothing about Dumbledore's plans to draw out Voldemort.

Ronald was telling Harry and Hermione that they should head off to their common room.

Hope smirked as she finally was able to cut the red headed boy off as she was pretending to recall the name Flamel. "Wait, Nicolas Flamel? … Do you mean the Immortal Alchemist?"

All three sets of eyes shot to the auburn haired Slytherins direction quickly, almost making the 3 Gryffindors look like they experienced whiplash. Hermione cursed before rushing off to another section of the library while murmuring to herself that she should've known that.

Harry shook his head and let out a snort of laughter as he watched Hermione turn a corner behind a shelf before looking back to Hope.

"So what do you know?" The raven haired boy asks the Slytherin girl with a rare smile.

Hope smirked at Harry before relaying the information that Nicolas had requested she give the Golden Trio.

"Well Nicolas Flamel is known as the Immortal Alchemist and I believe he recently had his 660th birthday. He's most known for his work on the Elixir of Life and for taking one Albus Dumbledore as an apprentice back in the 1960s. I believe Nicolas spends a lot of time in France and it's said that the last time he was seen was during the reign of Grindelwald in WWII and that he is described as a frail old man." She recalled while stumbling over Nic's name as she wasn't used to using it in a formal setting before.

Hope relayed the information she got from Nicolas and what she knew from the movies. The Tribrid never mentioned Perenelle as no one ever seems to remember Perenelle in the Flamel's story. However this is how Nicolas and Perenelle are able to move around in Britain so easily, since no one ever expects a middle-aged couple when all they are expecting when it comes to Nicolas Flamel is a lonely old man.

When the Christmas Holidays finally arrived Hope spent the first two days as a wolf in the forests outside the Flamel Cottage. She was ecstatic to be able to release all her anger from the school year due to the Slytherins remarks and taunts as well as the snail-like pace Hope was learning at.

After all, Hope has already learned everything the teachers show her within the first 5 minutes and since she already has extensive knowledge on all things magic, her classes are basically child's play for the powerful Tribrid.

The only class she is actually learning new things from is Herbology. Technically she is learning from Astronomy and Flying, however she doesn't really care about either of those classes. Hope is also self-teaching herself in History of Magic so she doesn't count that class in her list of classes she is learning anything from.

Once Hope had returned to the Flamel Cottage after wolfing out the small family went to Diagon Alley to do some shopping for Yule, which Hope had asked in curiosity. "So is Yule similar to Christmas. Like do we exchange gifts or have traditions?"

Nicolas answered her query. "Yes, we exchange one gift to each friend or family member. So thankfully only a short shopping trip."

Hope looked at Perenelle's unamused face who was glaring at her husband.

Hope quietly cleared her throat, drawing Nicolas' attention to her. "You know that there's no chance of a short shopping trip with two women, right? Be careful how you answer us."

Nicolas looked between the two women before gulping in fear. "Take as much time as you need."

Nic captured Nelle's hand within his own before placing a chaste kiss on the back of her hand. "Especially you, my heart." He said with an amazing smile full of white teeth, with so much love in his voice, that it immediately wiped the glare off his wife's face and replaced it with a serene smile, as she kissed Nicolas.

"Such a charmer." Nelle teased with a loving smile on her face.

Whereas Hope announced theoretically. "And the crowd gives a massive cheer as Nicolas Flamel pulls off an extraordinary recovery and captures the heart of the love of his life."

Nicolas and Perenelle let out a happy chuckle as Nic wraps his arm around his wife bringing her into his side to kiss Nelle's temple. While Nelle wraps her arm around her husband's waist as they make their way into Scribbulus Writing Instruments, somewhere Hope had requested they go for a gift for Daphne.

Hope was highly considering getting one of everything from the store but Nicolas and Perenelle talked her out of it, mentioning that she can get some items and enchant them with some of her own spells.

Like charming a book to never run out of pages or to enchant colours to respond to the artist's desire and alters the colour to match whatever the artist wishes. Hope considered the ideas given by Nic and Nelle and nodded her head begrudgingly at the ideas.

That was until another idea popped into her head after Hope had taught the Flamel's how to perform wandless magic without a large strain on their magical cores. Once Hope decided to teach Daphne, all of her other ideas were tossed out of a window.

This gift allows Hope to spend time with Daphne in private, teaching her. Hope's Wolf gave a wolfish grin at the thought of spending time with her Mate while Hope's Vampiric side had a massive grin on her face, fangs showing as her upper lip raised for her smile.

Hope managed to get Harry, Hannah, Hermione, Su, Neville and the Patil twins a gift based on their favourite subjects along with some candy and chocolate.

Hope also got a gift for the other members of the Greengrass family. For Marcus she enchanted a bundle of sage for privacy since he is the leader of the Neutral Faction and he could use the additional protections the sage provides.

The youngest Mikaelson got Annabeth a book on Potions and Healing she found as a limited edition as for Astoria, Hope brought her a diary which Hope imbued with a spell that reads the magical aura of the writer.

Nic and Nelle looked at the auburn haired girl in confusion when Hope mentioned her gift to Astoria. The Tribrid looked around awkwardly at the crowd in Diagon Alley, Hope muttered a privacy spell under her breath. Hope told the two older wizards about being able to sense something being off with Astoria's magic and how there seems to be something leeching off her, possibly a parasite of some description.

Hope informed the Flamel's that she wanted to find out what is wrong with Stori so she can fix it. Nicolas and Perenelle looked at one another before saying that they know what is wrong with Astoria but are unable to do anything about it.

However the Flamel's both agreed to take a Magical Vow once they were unable to help at Annabeth's behest.

Hope's face contorted in annoyance before calming slightly. Hope promised to look into Astoria's magical illness before dropping the privacy spell. Hope headed off to Gringotts with a frown on her face as she expertly weaved around the busy streets of the wizarding market.

When Hope entered Gringotts, she bowed her head at the closest Goblin whose eyes widened in disbelief as he stood up to walk around the desk. Hope waited next to the Goblin in silence as Nicolas and Perenelle caught up to Hope with a worried look on their faces.

The Goblins' eyes widened further at the introduction of one of their most prestigious clients entering their bank before recalling that Lady Emrys was also the Heir Flamel. Hope was smirking as she whispered in Gobbledegook, the Goblin's native language to the Goblin beside her, to call for the Accounts Manager Grimtooth and inform the Goblin King of Lady Emrys' arrival.

The Goblin blinked in disbelief at the spoken Gobbledegook from the Tribrid standing before him. The 'Teller' Goblin gulped as he regained his composure and called for another Goblin off to the side of the bank. The 'Teller' made some hand gestures and the guard nodded before heading down the corridor in a hurry.

Once learning that the Goblins spoke another language Hope was intrigued. So she decided to create a translator spell during her spare time at school, so she could use it to understand the language and communicate with the Goblins in their native language. Hope still had way too much time on her hands during school so these projects keep her entertained and busy.

Hope smirked as she kept speaking in Gobbledegook. "Thank you for contacting King Ragnok and would it be possible for me to see him today if he is not busy?"

The Goblin's jaw dropped once again, still unable to comprehend the non-Goblin speaking his language.

Nic and Nelle stared at Hope in astonishment, while Hope just smiled at their reactions and added politely to the Goblin. "Also I apologise for not greeting you properly, Warrior and may your enemies blood forever wet your blade."

Grimtooth's arrival broke the unmistakable and awkward silence.

"Follow me please." The elderly Goblin said as he walked down the hallway to the office Hope went to during her first trip to Gringotts.

After Grimtooth shut the door behind them he greeted the family. "Good evening Mr and Mrs Flamel. Good evening Lady Emrys. May I ask why Huntclaw was stunned speechless as well as your guardians?" He questions Hope.

Hope bowed her head to the Goblin before replying smoothly and a little bit deviously. "Good evening Warrior Grimtooth. May the bones of your enemies show your strength and fortitude."

Grimtooth's eyes widened at the greeting as that is reserved for Goblins who have taken part in multiple battles. However this was not a greeting that is known through the Wizarding world.

"I believe the stunned looks are my fault. During my free time at school I have been studying some of the books in the Emrys Codex and decided to focus on the Magical Creatures I have come into contact with, so I make sure I don't make any slights in offending them. So I learned the proper greetings and also created a spell to act as translator between English and Gobbledegook so I could keep conversations private between myself and the Goblins. However I have not yet figured out how to write in Gobbledegook… Unless it's only a spoken language." Hope explains with a proud smile.

Grimtooth blinked a few times in shock before commenting slowly in disbelief. "That would definitely explain the stunned looks on Huntclaw and the Flamel's faces. Especially if you spoke Gobbledegook."

The door opened as Grimtooth was speaking and King Ragnok entered at the end of the conversation. King Ragnok boomed with laughter which dragged everyone's attention to him before he settled down slightly.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Flamel. I hope I could borrow your ward for a period of time? I believe she had messaged me asking for some information." He said as he waved a sheet of parchment which Hope had sent earlier in the day when Nicolas and Perenelle were making heart eyes at one another.

Nic and Nelle looked at one another and shrugged.

"You have our permission, King Ragnok. However I didn't think you needed our permission as Hope is an emancipated Witch and also the Lady of a Legendary House. We have no grounds to keep her from you." Nicolas replied with a polite smile.

"Besides you are also her Proxy and may have to speak to her about topics from the Wizengamot." The Immortal Alchemist added as an afterthought.

King Ragnok nodded in agreement at Nic's words before looking at Hope with a feral grin.

"Good evening Hope Mikaelson. Lady of the Legendary House Emrys, Queen of the Werewolves and Princess of the Vampires." Ragnok greeted the Tribrid with a smug smile.

Hope groaned in exasperation. "You are never going to let me live that down are you?"

The Goblin King shook his head with the same grin before roaring with laughter.

The rest of the room was shocked with the familiarity between the two magical creatures.

Once the King's laughter died down, Hope greeted the King properly in Gobbledegook. "Good evening King Ragnok. King of the Goblins, Blooded Warrior and Proxy to the Legendary House of Emrys. May the souls of your enemies run in fear by the mere mention of your name or power."

The Goblin King grinned before replying in Gobbledegook to the Tribrid. "Well done young Tribrid. Your intelligence continuously surpasses my expectations each time we meet, whether it be in person or by letter."

Hope smirked as she made her request to Ragnok. "Thank you. Would it be possible to have any face-to-face conversations while in Gringotts in Gobbledegook? That way it hides what we are saying without a spell or charm so other Wizards do not learn of my identity as Lady Emrys?"

The Goblin King nodded and raised an arm leading to the exit to which Hope follows the prompt and starts to leave, before she turns back to the Flamel's with a smile.

"I imagine I may be busy for 1-2 hours. I can meet back up with you either at the front of Gringotts or The Leaky Cauldron?" Hope suggests to her guardians.

Perenelle just waves her hand dismissively. "We're already finished for the day. Whenever you are finished just come home."

Nic decided to add his own judgement to his wife's statement with a skeptical look. "Besides if anyone was stupid enough to try anything against you, I have strong suspicion that the culprit would immediately regret it. Actually, knowing you, they would regret it but not remember what happened as you would just wipe their memories or they would be dead. Depending on what the idiot decided to say to you."

The Goblin King laughed as he walked out the door with Hope who was shaking her head in amusement before Ragnok called back with glee in his voice. "You're not wrong Mr Flamel. Your ward is most certainly the most powerful Witch we have ever seen. It would be a fool's errand to even attempt attacking you Lady Emrys."

After Hope shut the door behind her, Lady Emrys asked the Goblin King. "So business first, then if I could borrow a Vault Runner to travel down to the Emrys Vault after we finish that would be great. I need to get some gifts for my Guardians and a few others."

"I'll take you after our meeting. I've always wanted to see what was down in that Vault." King Ragnok replied as he rubbed his hands together greedily with a grin as he led Hope to his private office.

"I have no issues with that." Hope replied.

Once they arrived at their destination they sat at Ragnok's desk and Ragnok pulled out piles of documentation. He went through each piece of parchment with her but did so with neutrality, just stating the facts as he wished to study Hope's reactions to the information.

Majority of the Dark and Light Bills the Factions wished to pass made Hope huff in irritation. Lady Emrys picked up a Blood Quill as she started denying all the Bills that cut down Muggleborns to a slave-like status. Or killing any cursed or magical creature that leaves their territory while the same Bill was trying to reduce the size of the creature's territory to a quarter of its original size.

Hell there was even a Bill to stop Magical Creatures from taking a Proxy seat, which caused Hope to chuckle darkly. "I sure hope that this Bill was due to someone other than you. Otherwise these guys are just trying to piss me off."

"Well, you did say to cause hell." King Ragnok said with a sharp grin.

"Although that Bill was made within the first 5 minutes of me showing up as Proxy. So I hadn't done anything by that stage." The Goblin Warrior admitted with a shrug.

Hope growled in anger, her eyes glowing gold with dark veins shooting out from the corner of her eyes. "Fucking Pureblooded pieces of shit!"

Hope looked back over to the Goblin King with golden eyes. "By all means, at the next meeting before the New Year, let's raise some hell. Have you got some parchment and a quill handy?"

The Goblin King reached into his desk and grabbed the requested items, with a toothy grin he watched the young girl write on the parchment in silence for a few minutes. When she was done Lady Emrys handed him the piece of parchment after spelling it with a spell under her breath and asked him to proofread it.

I, Lady Emrys, of the Legendary House Emrys.

Wish to put forward a Bill of Entitlement.

Through this Bill I wish to proclaim that all Witches or Wizards from Pureblood Families are to provide proof of their entitlement to better improve their standings within the Wizengamot.

By signing this Bill I will compensate those who wish for an equal standing between the Light, Neutral and Dark Factions. For those who are hiding secrets within plain sight, will not receive compensation but rather the loss of purity within your Houses. With our Pureblood status as our witness so I swear.

Sincerely, Lady Emrys.

The Goblin King blinked a few times before re-reading the draft. His grin grew further as he realised Hope's carefully placed words without making any threatening demands or allegations.

Ragnok laughed menacingly to himself as he spoke roughly to Lady Emrys. "Not bad. If I didn't see you cast a spell on this parchment I wouldn't have known. Since you wrote our pureblood status you won't be affected by this Bill nor will I, but then again neither will the Half-Bloods or Muggleborns."

Hope nodded in pleased agreement at the Goblin, grateful that the King of the Goblins was able to discern Lady Emrys' hidden agenda.

"They aren't the ones I'm targeting. The spell I put on the parchment reads their Magical Signature and if there is a hint or another person's magic. Whether it be a remnant of a Dark Mark, the Imperius or the people who are keyed to any loyalty potions. These Witches and Wizards will be charged by Gringotts, as there can not be any allegiance to a sole individual when the Wizengamot is in session." Hope replied with a feral grin.

King Ragnok's eyes widened as he was able to figure out Hope's plan.

The Goblin chuckled as he continued from where Hope stopped. "And since I am your Proxy as well as the Manager of Gringotts, I can state this rule after the Bill is signed or at the end of the meeting. Your Bill will be able to show which members of the Wizengamot are disobeying the law. It would probably be more convenient to share this rule after the Bill has been passed around and signed, so I can make a clean getaway before they bitch about it. I believe the compensation for disobeying a direct law within the Wizengamot is 10,000G. This gold will go to you of course."

Hope's eyes were still glowing but when she grinned Hope had canines showing as the Tribrid growled out softly, "If you pull this off I'll give 50% to the Goblins for a plan/prank executed with style. The other 50% I'll split up and extend to other Magical Communities such as the Vampires, Werewolves, Centaurs, Mermaids, Veela and the Fae. While sending the communities this offering of gold I'll write them a note as Lady Emrys. Asking them if there is anything else within reason I could help them with, to just ask you as my Proxy or send a letter and I'll get back to them as quickly as I can."

Ragnok read the parchment again after looking at the girl with pride, the Goblin King then noticed more in the draft and laughed. "Even if those who are not breaking the law sign they are technically gaining nothing. You haven't mentioned how you would compensate them. But once I inform them of the law that some of the members will be breaking, they will be compensated by not being marked as a criminal in the eyes of the Wizengamot and Gringotts. That's bloody genius!"

Hope's eyes finally returned to their normal sea blue colour and she gave a smirk that would make her family proud.

"Well, I am in Slytherin for a reason." Lady Emrys remarked in a deadpan.

After finishing off the remaining parchment work for the Wizengamot with a groan, Hope and Ragnok made their way through the halls of Gringotts towards the vaults.

King Ragnok lightly mentioned with a pleased grin. "You know. Even without my input you still denied all the Bills I would've and accepted the same ones I would have agreed to. Although you spent a while looking over the Bills from the Neutral Faction, however you only agreed with one Bill. May I ask why?"

Hope gave him an unimpressed look as she answered with a sigh. "Even if they are from the Faction I chose. I don't trust anyone. My life experiences have made sure of that. As for the Neutral Faction, they don't know me and are most likely trying to con me."

Hope rolled her eyes as she groaned in exasperation. " I mean really. I just made a Bill that does absolutely nothing to the Wizengamot or the Wizarding World, except to find criminals for the DMLE to possibly arrest members of the Wizengamot and take 10,000G from each offender. Although I don't expect them to be locked up long. They'll probably pay someone off… If they have enough gold leftover anyway."

Hope saw the grin on the Goblin's face and sarcastically asked in annoyance. "Have I passed your tests?"

The mighty Goblin King shrugged with a toothy grin and led her to a cart. "Ladies first."

Hope raised an eyebrow for a moment before the Tribrid schooled her features, Hope moved with the grace of a princess, hopping into the cart with the poise trained into her by her aunt Rebekah. Hope sat down crossing one leg over the other while placing her hands on top of her knee.

When the youngest Mikaelson looked up at the Goblin she broke character with one of her famous smirks. "Why thank you kind sir. Such a gentleman."

The King groaned as he closed his eyes with a disturbed look on his face.

"Okay, I deserved that. Please don't do that again. My Warriors will laugh at me." Ragnok stepped over the rim of the cart as he shook his head in despair.

The cart sped off as soon as the Goblin sat down, Hope's laughter echoed throughout the underground caves in Gringotts.

Once Hope entered the Emrys Vault she looked around for some gifts for Nic and Nelle, which ended up being an extremely rare Paragon Diamond and a one of a kind book on Healing Arts Hope found while browsing her Codex respectively.

The Tribrid also found a gift for both Susan and Amelia Bones from her vault, deciding on a Memory Stone which she will mail to Amelia before Yule to request her to place a memory of Susan's parents into the Stone so Susan can possibly get some closure. Hope is going to send this gift from herself rather than Lady Emrys.

As for Amelia, Hope will be sending her a gift of an Emrys Family Runestone which erects a physical stone barrier whenever a spell is cast at her back or will block an Unforgivable Curse, which will hopefully prevent Madam Bones' death. Hope believes this happens somewhere between the 5th and 6th movies. Hope will send this gift via fire messaging as Lady Emrys since Hope Mikaelson has no reason to send anything to Lady Bones or the Head of the DMLE.

Hope also found a necklace with a Phoenix Feather trapped in amber for Luna. The necklace accelerates the natural healing of the wearer and if worn by someone pure of heart, it will also act as a beacon for a Phoenix willing to help.

Hope had already spoken to Myrddin about protecting Luna in the next year but this necklace would help alert Myrddin if Hope isn't aware of the bullying.

Hope was sidetracked by the jewellery when she saw rows upon rows of rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, cufflinks, brooches all in different materials and set with an array of gemstones.

Hope whistled in appreciation as she looked at the rings, wondering which ones would suit her blonde haired Mate before shaking her head.

"Too soon." Hope muttered to herself.

However her eyes were drawn to a locket with powerful symbols etched into it but the crafting was so well done, that not many people would have noticed the protections on the locket. Hope picked up the necklace and noticed that it could be opened.

Hope decided to have a peek inside only to find more symbols etched into the inside of the locket. Hope recognised all the runic symbols on the locket as protections against potions, mind control, minor hexes (prank hexes), blood spells and locator spells. On the flip side, whoever put the necklace on the receiver will be able to monitor the wearer's heartbeat and stress levels, as well as locate the wearer at any time.

Hope pocketed the necklace with a smile knowing this would be a wonderful gift for Daphne. Lady Emrys was about to leave until she saw something that looked suspiciously like a sword stuck in a stone slab.

This stopped her in her tracks as she walked around the large stone, muttering under her breath in disbelief. "No way."

Hope moved back a bit so she could see Ragnok waiting outside of her vault since no one can enter the vault without Emrys blood or an Emrys ring on their hand.

The Tribrid looked out to King Ragnok and called out. "Stupid question… But is Excalibur real!?"

The Goblin laughed at her, "Of course it's real! I'll admit. I was surprised that you didn't leave with Excalibur on your first trip here."

"Didn't you see it the first time?" The Goblin replied cheekily.

Hope pursed her lips but still replied. "No actually. I didn't see it before."

Lady Emrys looked at the weapon beside the sword lodged in the stone and read the label aloud. "Oh hey, there's Lancelot's spear."

The Goblin stopped laughing at the young child and became very serious before making an offer/ "I know that you do not accept payment in gold from our past conversations, so I wish to offer a trade for that spear."

Hope moved back so she could see the Goblin King,"What's special about the spear?" She asked curiously.

The Goblin grunted but he spoke the truth as he knew the girl could hear his heartbeat due to her Werewolf abilities. "The spear of Lancelot is Goblin-Made and I wish to reclaim a weapon that we once made."

Hope tilted her head to the side before walking over to the spear and picking it up. She was about to head out of the vault but Hope turned back to the sword in the stone and gripped the handle. Hope yanked the sword out swiftly.

Excalibur popped out without any resistance and Hope saw an enchanted sheath appear on a shelf. Hope pulled the sheath down from the shelf and slid the sword into its protective sheath before walking back to the vault door. Excalibur sheathed in her right hand and Lancelot's spear held loosely in her left hand.

When Hope exited the vault she looked at the Goblin King who was trying very hard not to stare at the spear. Hope thought about what she knew about Goblins and she was aware that no Goblin would appreciate a Goblin-Made weapon given as a gift as it would be seen as an insult of the highest standing.

Hope thought about this for a few minutes while Ragnok stayed silent.

A light bulb turned on in her head and her face lit up with a smile before Lady Emrys made her offer. "King Ragnok, King of the Goblins, Blooded Warrior. I would like to offer a trade of Lancelot's spear in exchange for training in hand-to-hand combat as well as training with a sword. Learning from the Blooded Warriors of the Goblin Nation would be an honour and a privilege."

"I have also heard that there is a room here in Gringotts that is affected differently by time. I would like to spend a week in one of these rooms during each summer holiday, training for the next three years at least, or until I have become a warrior by your standards, King Ragnok. I would like my teacher to be yourself if possible but I am aware this would be unethical, as you are busy running your kingdom and also providing support for me in the Wizengamot. I know that you will not be available every day so any of your Warriors would be welcomed as my teacher. Is this deal suitable?" Hope offered with sparkling eyes as she was pleased that she found a way to release some of her pent up rage through fighting.

This made her very happy as her Wolf growled in excitement at the potential proposition to fight someone who are skilled Warriors.

King Ragnok blinked a few times and mentally went over the wording again and found no faults.

Theoretically all he is required to do is train her for the next three years at a minimum, but only for one week per year. "Just curious but if you exceed my expectations yet again and become a warrior within the first two years, what happens then?"

Hope shrugs non-committedly as she responds. "Honestly, I know that the next few years at school are going to drive me mad and I'll need a physical outlet. Fighting is a good outlet and works for me. So I'm kind of hoping if I was a good enough student I could come around more frequently and train with your Warriors whenever they are available."

Ragnok grinned at the proposal. He figured that having Hope train with his people would be a good idea.

Teaching the Tribrid how to fight would be a boon for the magical community. "As soon as a draft is written and checked by both parties, if agreeable. We sign."

Hope sighed dramatically. "You and your damn Blood Quill. I swear you get off on me being in pain."

The Goblin King couldn't keep his composure and burst out laughing, slapping his knee while managing to snark back at the young girl who had the true wit of a Ravenclaw and the subtle cunning of a Slytherin. "I'd feel sorry for you, if only you felt pain from the Blood Quill. Any other person using a Blood Quill for more than 30 minutes would've been writhing on the floor in pain or would've been sent to St Mungo's. But you used the damn thing for 2 hours with only one short break to make your draft before continuing with the quill. Poor you and your healing abilities. You must have some form of healing if the Blood Quill never left a single mark on your hand and trust me, I was keeping an eye on your hand, ready to tell you when to stop so you didn't receive any scars from using the Dark Object."

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