A Hope through time

Chapter 16: chapter 16

Over the Summer holidays she spent a week with King Ragnok learning to fight and another week with the Goblins sorting out all the Lady Emrys issues for the Wizengamot. She visited Susan and Amelia a few times, saw the Greengrass' and checked in with Astoria, who has had no issues since the Flamel's gave her the cure.

Daphne had given Hope a delayed birthday gift which was Daphne's own version of the locket Hope gave her but without the massive amount of protections her own had. However Daphne managed to speak to either Nic or Nelle in regards to one of the paintings of her family in her room to confirm which ones were her parents.

Hope cried when she opened her pendant worrying her Mate but Hope wrapped Daphne in a hug before she could go anywhere, thanking her for a piece of her family she can carry everywhere.

Hope was further pleased with Daphne's gift as the necklace smelt of her Mate, fresh snow, oranges and parchment.

Hope was exchanging letters with all her friends and recalled both Neville and Harry's birthdays were in late July. The Tribrid sent both boys fire messages with some Wizarding candy along with a couple of books on Herbology and DADA respectively.

Since Daphne invited Hope to Diagon Alley to pick up school supplies, she agreed to go so Hope could spend time with her love, even if she has to play the I don't know you game. Hope just chuckled at Daphne as she performed her invisibility spell but had the intent of being seen only by Daphne.

Daphne didn't believe Hope until they went into Madam Malkins to update Daphne's clothes and absolutely no one spoke to Hope or even looked in her direction while Hope just smirked at the blonde as she looked over the underwear in the shop causing Daphne to blush.

When they entered Flourish and Blotts, Hope instantly gagged when she saw Lockhart, Daphne saw this reaction and laughed at Hope. Hope being the ever so mature adult she should be, stuck her tongue out at the blonde beauty.

Daphne waited upstairs until Hope joined her to whisper to the auburn haired girl. "Not a fan I take it?"

Hope just gave a mock glare at her. "Wait until our first class with him as our DADA professor and ask me that question again. The guy's a moron. Read his books and you'll find so many inconsistencies it's not funny. Nic and Nelle did this when they heard he would be our professor and are fuming silently as they are pretty upset with Dumbledore and don't want to talk to him."

"Good to know." Daphne replied with a frown at the information before turning an icy glare at Lockhart.

"Hey love." Hope said, grasping Daphne's attention immediately, "I'm going to make myself visible and chat with some friends hanging about. Will you be alright with Tracey?"

The blonde tilted her head slightly until she heard her name called out behind her by her fore-mentioned friend. Daphne gave a subtle nod at Hope before turning around with the poise of the Pureblood Heiress.

Hope's Wolf groaned at how good Daphne looked when performing her part of the Pureblood Princess, but Hope didn't enjoy how uncomfortable her Mate looked. She knew Daphne didn't enjoy being cold to everyone, but it was the only way she knew how to keep the male population away from her.

Hope exited the bookstore, cancelled out her invisibility spell while on the move and went back to Madam Malkins to pick up a set of new robes. Charmed with the same growing charms to last the rest of the school year and to replace the ripped uniform that the Hellhound had torn.

She then returned to Flourish and Blotts where she saw the altercation between Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy.

Hope instinctively tried to rush forward until she almost knocked over a small pale blonde girl, who stood in front of her with a dreamy smile, "Hello Hope Mikaelson." The young girl said.

Hope recognised the girl as Luna and completely forgot about the fight as she spoke to the erratic girl. "Hello Luna. How have you been?"

"Good. Daddy and I have been looking for a Crumple-Horned Snorkack but have been unsuccessful so far. How has your search been for a way Home?" The young seer asked.

Hope scoffed as she bit her lip. "Pretty slow actually. All the books I've read so far don't explain alternate dimensions."

"Don't forget time travel." Luna remarks with an airy look.

Hope groaned, "How could I forget time travel?" Hope asked playfully as Luna giggled.

"I'm never going to be able to hide anything from you am I?" Hope whispered to the girl.

"Nope." The younger girl said with a pop.

This time it was Luna's turn to lean in next to Hope. "How's your Mate, Lady Emrys?"

Hope groaned and placed a hand on Luna's arm moving them closer to the bookstore and Hope banged her head a few times against the shopfront frame. Luna was giggling at Hope's actions while Hope was worrying slightly about the dreamy girl.

"Don't worry about me. I won't tell anyone. Pandora left a note for her descendant who would become friends with the Tribrid to be their closest friend or confidant. Other than your Mate of course." Luna interrupted Hope's internal battle.

Hope grunted before answering. "Thank you for clearing that up for me and my Mate is doing great. I think she's getting closer to my Lady Emrys secret. Which is good since my subconscious is telling me I need to inform her of this before her 13th birthday, which is in January and if she can't figure it out by Yule. I'll tell her myself."

"Good choice." Luna replied before she skipped off into the store, "I'll see you soon, Hope Mikaelson."

Hope watched the girl skip off before remarking under her breath. "Well… That was certainly interesting."

Hope looked up but no longer saw any of the Weasley's and let out an agitated groan. "Fuck. There goes Riddle's book."

Hope didn't get an opportunity to join back up with Daphne but waved goodbye discreetly before Draco and his cronies could see her. Hope was halted to a stop as she was heading to the Leaky Cauldron by a cane smashing down on her shoulder harshly. Hope gritted her teeth together before schooling her features as she turned her head to see a silver snake head.

A drawl of entitlement came from behind her. "Ah you must be the Muggleborn Witch in Slytherin. My son has informed me about you."

The word Muggleborn sounded like it was the worst insult in the world.

Hope felt a silent spell she could only classify as dangerous as a surge travelled through the elder Malfoy's cane. Hope used some of the skills she learnt from evading sword strikes while training with the Goblins and moved out from under the cane.

The Tribrid managed to get about a metre away and turned to face the blonde man with his son sneering from behind him before the spell zapped within the confines of the snake's mouth hidden from the view of bystanders.

Hope's eyes narrowed on Lucius before replying, "I guess so. I'd say it was a pleasure but…" Hope trailed off as she walked away leaving the rest unsaid.

Hope came out of the fireplace and groaned in annoyance. "Ugh. I'm seriously hating all things Malfoy."

Hope paused as she made a few steps into the study, smelling the overwhelming stench of sex and looked over to the desk to see Nelle laid out on her back on the desk with Nic leaning over her, both were naked.

Hope blinked absent-mindedly as her eyes scanned over her guardians' forms, while Nic and Nelle froze at the sight of the fireplace flashing green when Hope came through the Floo system. All of them just stayed completely still until Hope's brain finally rebooted but the Tribrid's options were her snark or embarrassment.

It appears that embarrassment won out this time and Hope covered her eyes with a squeak before leaving the room quickly while yelling out behind her. "God damn it guys! I told you both not to have sex with me in the room."

"You're the one who just showed up. We thought you would be back around dinner time." Nic replied.

"Not our fault, dear. It's hard to keep an active sex life when you have a kid." Nelle mentioned in a moan as Nic moved slightly within her.

Hope groaned extremely loud and shot off outside with her enhanced Wolf and Vampire speed deep into the forest.

"So is this how kids feel when they catch their parents having sex?" Hope thought aloud as she ran.

Hope's inner Wolf and Vampire shook their heads and replied, 'Not even close.' The Vampire replied.

While her Wolf was more explicit. 'Nope, because kids don't take in their parents naked bodies and think about how attractive they are.'

Hope rolled her eyes at the Wolf, "Traitor." Her Wolf howled with laughter in her mind while the Vampire snickered.

After getting home from Diagon Alley and running off, Hope came back while Nic and Nelle had fallen asleep waiting for her outside. Hope had put them into a deeper sleep before carrying them to their bed.

Hope had decided to paint after putting the Flamel's into bed and unsurprisingly she painted Nic and Nelle having sex on the desk from the angle she saw them. Thankfully from Hope's perspective she didn't actually see where Nic's cock was secured deeply within Nelle, but it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

The auburn haired girl's painting had the looks of pleasure coming from both man and woman. Nic was looking down at his wife with longing as he held her hips, while Perenelle's head was tilted back in a moan. Her arms above her head as she gripped tightly at the edge of the desk, arching her breasts up to cover the union between the couple's legs. Hope also had the items from the desk thrown haphazardly on the floor, papers everywhere, books opened to random pages and quills all about.

Hope wrote a smartass note and hung the painting in the couple's room putting the note on the corner of the painting with a smirk. Hope decided to be nice though and went into Nic's Alchemy Room. The Heir Flamel whipped up a Calming Draught for Nelle for tomorrow and called Mixy so he would have the potion on hand to give to the Healer tomorrow.

The next morning had Perenelle groaning in embarrassment and Nicolas laughing his ass off which woke up Hope. When Hope walked out of her room she crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe waiting as Nelle came out of her room.

Nelle looked at Hope with a blush. "Really Hope?"

"Yep." Hope nodded once with a smirk.

"I didn't get the chance to be snarky when I caught you in the act. Might as well catch-up now." Hope teased the older woman.

Perenelle groaned again but before she could respond Nicolas came out holding Hope's note reading it aloud:

"'I gift this painting to you both to apologise for interrupting what was obviously a wonderful experience (as seen by the looks on your faces in the painting). I will admit my Wolf and Vampire were right. They thought that you two having sex together would look absolutely divine and let's not forget the smell that was in the room, it smelt like you were in there for up to 3 hours.

Anyhow with that out of the way I hope you enjoy the painting and realise that I plan on being more discreet whenever Daphne and I decide on taking the plunge. Maybe you could take lessons from us in the future.

With sincerest apologies, Hope (Flamel) Mikaelson.'"

Perenelle smacked Nicolas's arm after reading it again and her face flushed with heat. "I hate you both."

Nicolas and Hope looked at one another and laughed before heading off to have breakfast. Hope called out for Mixy, "Yes, Lady Hope?" A small squeak said from beside her.

"Could you give Perenelle the Calming Draught I made for her last night? I think she'll need it." Hope asks the House Elf.

"Of course Lady Hope." Before the House Elf popped away he asked curiously while wringing his hands together.

"Not to seem rude, my Lady Hope. But why do you and Master Flame like flustering Mistress Flame so much? This is nearly the 5th time I've had to give a Calming Draught to Mistress Flame since you've joined the family." Mixy explained awkwardly.

Hope's eyes widened and looked at Nic. "You give Nelle Calming Draughts after some of our talks?"

"Yeah. The sex stuff bothers her slightly with you in the house, even though she knows you have most likely had sex yourself in your world. But she still physically sees a child when she looks at you and those are not comments that naturally come from a child." Nic explains with a shrug.

Hope hummed but didn't correct him. "No, I guess not. But I'm not going to change how I act. I've done that before and I won't do it again."

Nic nodded and placed a hand on top of her own. "We know. That's why we never mentioned it before. However I do appreciate you making the potion for her. I would've made one after breakfast."

"Thank Merlin, it's a fast potion to make." Nicolas finished with a laugh.

Mixy looked down at the ground as he blushed in embarrassment before popping out of the room.

Hope met up with her friends on the Hogwarts Express, however everyone in the compartment was angry beyond recognition so Hope stopped in her tracks and backed away slowly. A hand shot out before Hope could leave and dragged her in to sit next to Padma who released Hope's arm when she finally sat down.

The only Ravenclaw in the compartment took a steadying breath. "Sorry Hope. Our anger isn't with you."

Hope looked around seeing Parvati sitting next to her sister, while on the opposite seats there was Neville, Hannah then Susan all with frowns on their faces.

After looking at everyone's upset faces Hope responded with an incredulous look to Padma.

The Indian girl scoffed slightly. "Okay. I'll rephrase. We're utterly disgusted by what you informed us of on the train before the holidays. So we checked our notes with the textbook and nothing added up. We spoke to our parents or guardians about our concerns."

Susan picked up from where Padma left off. "I spoke to my Aunt about it and we got permission from Madam Longbottom and Hannah's parents for them to come over to Bones Manor so we could use a pensive to view our memories from Potions classes."

Hope blinked and mentally thought of how badly she screwed up by telling her friends about Snape's Wards. Since Hope decided to take both her birds with her to school this year under the invisibility spell. She heard Myrddin laughing his ass off while poking at Hope's right cheek with his beak.

Susan saw Hope's stoic face and reminded herself that Hope wouldn't know what a pensive was, so she decided to explain it so Hope could understand what was happening. "A pensive is a magical object that allows someone else, like our guardians or parents, to view another person's memory, like mine, Neville's or Hannah's."

Hope nodded gratefully at Susan, realising the red-head Hufflepuff was trying to help.

"Anyhow you were right. All our memories showed that we were all using the same textbook but there were different amounts of ingredients used, different methods of preparation and in Hannah's there were sometimes different ingredients to make sure the Potion failed, whereas Neville's were much more dangerous. I think Madam Longbottom was about 2 seconds away from Flooing to the school and hexing the absolute hell out of Snape especially when she saw that Snape was intentionally focused on Neville to make a mistake." Susan explained in horror.

Neville looked up at Hope and his expression changed from anger to gratitude before stating. "What stopped her was seeing you thwart all of Snape's and the Slytherin's attempts to sabotage me. She saw how you were always looking towards me and the other Gryffindors when someone in green walked past. If they threw something towards my Potion it just vanished."

Hope looked awkward at the praise she was being given but also wanted to dispute Neville's claim as well but the Gryffindor kept talking. "This happened multiple times so Grandmother was able to locate you looking at the additional ingredient, then we saw you whispering something and the ingredient disappeared. So I wanted to thank you on behalf of the Most Ancient and Noble House Longbottom as well as thank you on behalf of myself. Thank you, Hope. I really appreciate you saving me."

Hope drew in a deep breath as she panicked internally.

"You're welcome." Hope said with a small voice before looking at the cabin door as she heard Malfoy and his cronies approaching.

Hope groaned before the door even opened.

Malfoy looked in and sneered at her. "I've been looking for you Mudblood. How dare you turn your back on my father? Your insolence about who your superiors are should be corr--!?"

Five stupefy's were shot out from the compartment, three of them hitting Malfoy while the other two hit Crabbe and Goyle. Hope's jaw dropped in shock as she turned to face the other occupants.

"You didn't have to do that." Hope stated in shock.

"Yes. We did." They all replied at once. Hope looked at them and nodded her head in thanks.

A Hufflepuff Prefect came upon the three students and sighed. "All of you will have 10 points taken from your respective Houses."

Before revenerating the three Slytherin boys before they scurried off but not before glaring at everyone in the compartment.

"Thank you. But once we get to school don't try and defend me. You'll somehow get in trouble for it." All of them opened their mouths to argue to Hope but the Tribrid interrupted them.

"No. You know it as well as I do. I am a Muggleborn in the snake den. They will always attack something they perceive as weaker than them. Besides, I imagine the Wards at the school are still holding strong, so I'll be safe there… at least physically."

"What Wards?" The Patil twins asked curiously.

Hope sighed and explained the Slytherin Wardstone to the compartment, how it stops Slytherins from attacking other students and why most of the Slytherin students were dropping to the ground with their mouths sealed shut.

Hope also explained why a Goblin (Sharptooth) showed up to 'dismantle' the Wardstone but was unable to as Salazar Slytherin had chosen a protector, how Dumbledore and Snape were eager to learn who the protector was so they could 'talk' to them. The universal-traveller mentioned how the protector was Lady Emrys.

The rest of the train trip was mostly speculation about Lady Emrys and what they were able to achieve by informing the school of Snape's Ward. Myrddin and Alexandria were pleased with Hope's choice of friends, knowing that they would protect her, even if Hope never asked.

Hope was not even remotely surprised when several Slytherin students fell to the ground in pain, she just rolled her eyes and continued on her way to class or the Great Hall.

Her runs in the morning are more entertaining with Myrddin and Alexandria flying with her. Hope sometimes puts Alexandria under her jumper to shield her as Hope races against Myrddin while using her superspeed to challenge the Phoenix.

Hope always loses to the Phoenix as Myrddin uses Hope's magic to amplify his speed and shoots off with a sonic boom any time the Tribrid gets anywhere close to him.

Thanks to Lockhart DADA was a total waste of her time, for the quiz he gave the class about himself Hope's eye twitched in anger. All the sheets of paper were set on fire causing all the 2nd years to let out a screech, however the girlish squeal from 'Professor' Lockhart became the talk of the class and he went to hide in the Professor quarters at the back of the room.

The lesson with the Cornish Pixies was just ridiculous, after Lockhart fled Hope let out a subvocal growl from her throat which caused any of the Pixies within hearing range to instantly cease flying and cringe in fear.

Hermione had cast Immobulus to freeze all the Cornish Pixies at nearly the same time as Hope's growl but Daphne had been watching Hope through the disaster Lockhart unleashed on them and saw Hope do something to petrify the Pixies before Granger had cast her spell.

Nothing happened in Potions. Snape's Ward was still up but a stronger ward was placed over it so no one in class mentioned the older ward or complained about the unjust nature of Snape's previous Ward.

Hope groaned as Hallowe'en was upon them again and Hope gave her condolences to her friends. Harry managed to stop her before she walked away asking her. "Where did you go after passing us on the chessboard last year?"

Hope sighed before mentioning there was another Magical Creature for the DADA obstacle which she had to deal with. The auburn haired Slytherin had also mentioned that she found Harry 'unconscious' from a shade passing through him and that she hid when Dumbledore and Snape showed up.

After the Hallowe'en feast the entire student body learned about Mrs Norris being petrified and the message left by the Heir of Slytherin. 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, Beware!'.

Other than the Quidditch match of Gryffindor vs Slytherin ending with Lockhart vanishing all of the bones in Harry's right arm, Colin Creevey being petrified, the attempt of a Duelling Club when everyone learned Harry was a Parselmouth and the petrification of Justin Finch-Fletchley. There was nothing else worth mentioning from the time through Hallowe'en to Yule although Hope laughed to herself when she realised that the Slytherin Wardstone will allow Slytherin students to cast spells on other students so long as the spells are cast under schooling purposes or allowed for Duels.

Maybe a ¼ of Slytherin students didn't cast any spells until after the Duel between Harry and Draco as they knew what set off the Slytherin Wardstone and didn't want to tempt fate.

Hope knew that spells would work during classes but not during a Duel which caused a wide grin on Hope's face knowing that if she ever wanted to get retribution on a Slytherin. All she would need to do is offer them a Wizard's Duel.

Hope wonders how many Slytherins have actually figured out about the Wizard Duels and will be offering her challenges soon.

Hope found Harry in the Library before the Yule holidays and talked to him during the study period, as they were packing up their books Harry asked her. "Why aren't you avoiding me?"

Hope looked at Harry with a sad smile. "Simple answer, you're a good person Harry. You would never harm anyone and if you ever would, it would be face-to-face or in self-defence."

Harry scoffed in amusement which caused Hope to smirk instead. "Extended answer, you're a Muggle-raised student with no knowledge of Magic before you came here. How would you even petrify someone? Do you even know how? No. I doubt you wouldn't know."

Harry groaned and banged his head on the desk they were working at causing Hope to snort. "If you haven't noticed, the students here aren't overly smart when it comes to the obvious."

Harry pursed his lips and shook his head. "Nope. Not even a little bit."

Hope was partly nervous but also excited for these Yule holidays as she will be telling Daphne everything about herself. Hope was so pleased to get out of Hogwarts.

The 'Heir of Slytherin' stuff was getting annoying, especially when some blonde haired prick suggested the Heir of Slytherin was also Slytherin's protector, Lady Emrys. So the Flamel's have been receiving quite a lot of hate mail from angry parents.

Hope has been making notes of all the families that have tried to hex her through mail and decided to ignore the mail until the end of the school year, then recalled her letters she sent out last year threatening to cut out any correspondences with malicious intents.

Hope had picked up all her Yule gifts within the first few days, they were only small gifts as Hope had made drawings of all her friends while she had also dropped the extravagance of her Lady Emrys gifts due to the Heir of Slytherin stunt.

In fact, other than Madam Bones, Hope is not sending out any gifts as Lady Emrys, she's also going to send out some letters to the families who haven't tried to harm her.

Hope made a family painting of the Greengrass' to give Annabeth and Marcus as a joint present, for Stori, Hope got her a bracelet with an old celtic symbol as the focus. The symbol was Runic in nature and used in the old world as a family symbol for the Mikaelson's. Hope also placed some protections on the bracelet and had Nicolas infuse some vervain into the bracelet.

She also got the Patil twins a present each as well as Neville and Hannah. For Susan and Amelia she created a set of communication crystals that she used in her world with her Aunt Freya and included instructions on how to use them.

For Luna she performed a locator spell to find a Crumple-Horned Snorkack, apparently they were only found in New Zealand, so Hope flame travelled there with Myrddin and Alexandria. During the Phoenix travel, Alexandria accidentally triggered her lightning travel and ended up somewhere else.

Hope and Myrddin used their Familiar Bond to locate Alexandria quickly. Hope apparated to where Alexandria was and the golden Thunderbird immediately latched onto Hope when she appeared. Myrddin burst into existence with a flaring amount of heat and flew next to Alexandria giving the other bird what would be considered a feathered hug.

Hope spent a few hours a day with the two birds, trying to teach Alexandria how to lightning travel to a specific location, how to lightning travel with a passenger and how to create thunderstorms. Which unfortunately had a massive learning curve due to the fact that both Myrddin and Alexandria had access to Hope's extensive Magical power so the storms were overpowered and extremely wet.

Hope finished her travel to New Zealand and picked up an orphaned Crumple-Horned Snorkack that took a liking to Hope.

Hope had created another set of communication crystals to give to Nicolas and Perenelle for Yule. Hope had decided to give an old spell for Nelle's birthday but also got Nic a belated birthday gift as she had missed his birthday earlier in the year.

Hope gave Nelle a recipe for a poultice she used at the Salvatore Boarding School to heal most physical wounds and cuts. However, for Nic's present Hope taught him her Uncle Kol's transference spell, which transfers the properties of one ingredient into another item.

As for Daphne, Hope wanted to give her a ring but knew it was still too early for that and needed to wait until she told Daphne everything. So Hope created a Truth Sphere for Daphne with a note mentioning to bring the Sphere with her when they meet up before the New Year.

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