A Hope through time

Chapter 21: chapter 21

Hope spent a majority of her summer with Daphne taking her on dates and training the blonde with her wandless magic. The girls trained with swords trying to accumulate more types of weapons for Daphne to use so Hope could keep the blonde safe.

The two Mates enjoyed running around as animals in random forests, Daphne was able to quickly transition from woman to animal with ease. Thankfully she was able to learn all her motor functions easily in her new forms.

Hope even ended up introducing Daphne to Luna during the holidays. The two blondes hit it off really well once Daphne was able to overcome her jealousy and insecurity over Hope's relationship with Luna. The older blonde managed to settle down slightly around the more free-spirited girl.

Daphne was smitten by Cassandra to which Luna gushed endlessly about Hope finding the undocumented Magical Creature. Daphne gave Hope an appraising look as she slowly circled her Mate with a smile on her face to which Hope grinned at Daphne in response.

As Daphne made her second rotation around Hope, the Tribrid pulled Daphne back into her and wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, hugging her Mate's back while resting her chin on the taller girl's shoulder comfortably.

Daphne tried to pull away from Hope slightly, she was worried about what Luna would think about her relationship with Hope. Before Daphne could even ask Hope to release her, Luna skipped up to the pair and hugged the taller girl causing Daphne to freeze up.

Hope whispered reassurances in Daphne's ear while Luna cuddled into Daphne further, resting her head against the taller girl's shoulder, just above the Greengrass Heiress' heart.

"Relax Daphne. I have no issues with you and Hope being together. You are meant to be. Why would I ever try to interfere in true love?" Luna remarked softly against Daphne.

Daphne sucked in a gasp of air as the younger blonde's acceptance rushed through her.

The young Consort slowly returned the hug to the Seer before muttering against pale blonde hair. "Thank you Luna. For your understanding."

At the beginning of August Hope had insisted on dragging Luna and Daphne to the Flamel Cottage to learn the Patronus charm from Perenelle. Before Nelle chose to teach them how to produce a Patronus she asked them to cast the spell without explaining what to do, just so she could test a theory.

The Flamel matriarch asked if Hope could go last since she was confident Hope could produce the Patronus without any effort. Hope shrugged her understanding and leaned against a tree watching patiently.

Perenelle made Nic go first as Nicolas was the only one who knew the spell and could cast it with the proper wand motion.

Nicolas sighed slightly, bringing his wand out in front of him as he casted. "Expecto Patronum."

White wisps of light flowed out of Nic's wand at a steady rate, slowly coming to form a large animal. After a few moments, a shape formed and a neigh sounded as a translucent horse came into focus.

Nicolas was shocked and slack-jawed as the ghostly looking stallion brushed up against Perenelle slightly, to which Nelle stared at the horse in awe before casting her own Patronus. A solid mare burst out of Nelle's wand with a loud neigh and happily circled the translucent stallion, the two horses galloping off into the forest together before fading out.

Hope watched in curiosity as the two horses faded out. "Hmm… That's interesting. I remember reading something about Patroni other than the Patronus taking the form of the caster's personality in the way of an animal. If your Patronus matches someone else's it means that you are compatible with that person."

Nelle absently nodded to Hope's statement as Daphne looked over to Hope with a hopeful smile.

Luna dreamily held her wand in front of her and called out. "Expecto Patronum."

A bright light shone from the tip of Luna's wand and a hare shot out of her wand bouncing all over the field, leaving footprints in the soil.

"He's adorable." Luna stated airily.

As the hare crossed in front of Hope and Daphne, Hope bent down to pat the corporeal, glowing hare, feeling soft fur under her fingers causing the time-traveller to smile happily.

"He's soft… Kinda reminds me of Cassandra to be honest." Hope mentioned as she watched the small critter hop to Luna, jumping up to the small blonde's shoulder to rub his furry face against Luna's cheek making the small girl giggle before she cancelled the spell.

"Very good, Luna." Nelle praised as she walked up to Luna giving the blonde a hug.

"You have a fully corporeal Patronus. That should be incredibly rare. But as Hope has mentioned before, with all our magical potential at our disposal. We are able to perform more advanced spells with ease. I wasn't even thinking of a powerful, happy memory but that was the most corporeal Patronus I've ever created." Perenelle mentioned in amazement as she thought back to her own Patronus.

"I was thinking of my mother and how safe I felt with her. How much I miss her. It may be bittersweet but it makes me happy." The smaller blonde mentioned as she buried her head into Nelle.

When Nelle released Luna she looked at the remaining two girls.

"Perhaps you two should cast at the same time." Hope and Daphne looked at Perenelle in confusion and furrowed brows.

Perenelle sighed, counting to 3 in her head before cautiously saying, "I want you two to cast at the same time, so your Patronus doesn't affect each other's Patroni. Making sure that your Patronus will reflect your own personality, instead of copying your Mate's."

Daphne looked put out at the thought of their Patroni not matching and she glanced at Hope in concern. Hope was thinking intently about Nelle's request before she turned her head to Daphne.

"You don't need to worry about whether our Patroni will match or not. Your Animagus form matches my Werewolf, which has more definitive compatibility than our Patronus." Hope explained to Daphne as she took the blonde's hand..

"Patroni only shows our personality. It's better if we don't alter our Patronus to match each other. Otherwise we would be changing our own personality for one another." Hope added for good measure.

Daphne smiled at Hope, nodding silently as she pulled out her wand. Hope raised one of her hands ready to cast but a motherly hand set on Hope's arm, lowering it softly. Hope looked up to Nelle with a curious look.

"Please for the love of my sanity use your wand for the Patronus charm. I don't care if the Patronus is overpowered. I want you to be able to protect yourself and the love of your life more than protecting your secret of how powerful you really are." Nelle told Hope with determination as she squeezed Hope's wrist slightly.

Hope tilted her head in consideration before smirking at the brunette. "Sounds good to me mum."

Hope flicked her wrist and summoned it from the holster, turning to face Daphne with an unwavering smile. "You ready love?"

Daphne grinned at her Mate, "Always." Came the dedicated reply.

Both girls held their wands in their right hands and chanted softly. "Expecto Patronum."

A solid pearl white horse with skeletal wings came cantering out of Hope's wand letting out a snort as it shook it's pure white body. Another pearl white animal was crouched behind some long blades of grass, peering over at the humans with a calculating gaze. The skeletal horse walked over to the other completely white animal with careful steps before the animal shot out of its hiding place and under the large horse's legs.

The animal was fast and agile. Hope moved with superspeed into the path of the white animal and scooped it up, bringing it to her chest and cuddling it.

"Okay. This little guy is beyond cute." Hope cooed as she scratched behind the pearl white fox's ears.

The fox made little yipping noises as it snuggled into Hope's chest. Daphne came up next to Hope, resting her chin on Hope's shoulder as she observed the solid white fox.

"Aww. He is pretty cute." The blonde said reaching down to rub the fox' soft belly, the fox made some rumbling purring noise in content.

The winged skeletal horse trotted up next to the couple letting out a high pitched humming noise drawing the two girls' attention off the fox to the horse-like creature.

"Hey Nic? Nelle? What is this?" Hope asked her parents curiously as she continued. "I've seen these animals before, pulling the carriages at Hogwarts but I never knew what they were."

Nic and Nelle looked down in sadness at their daughter while Luna walked over to stroke the neck of the horse.

Daphne just looked at Hope in confusion as she mentioned politely. "But darling, there is nothing pulling the carriages. The carriages pull themselves with magic."

Hope looked at Daphne with a strange look but before Hope could say anything Luna murmured quietly with sadness echoing in her voice. "This is a Thestral, Hope. Only someone who has seen or experienced death can see a Thestral."

Daphne's heart fell while Hope's face contorted in sorrow. "Some say that people that can see a Thestral believe them to be a death omen. But Thestrals are quite gentle and kind. They are protectors of the innocent. You are very lucky to have a Thestral for a Patronus. They are very rare and having a Magical Creature for a Patronus is quite unique."

Another hum came from the Thestral and it bumped its skeletal head against Hope's shoulder. Hope passed the white fox over to Daphne as she turned to the Thestral so she could stroke its face and neck.

Feeling warmth under her hand as she patted the horse-like creature before mentioned in an amused tone. "I hope you know that this doesn't mean that I'll suddenly like flying just because I have a flying horse as my Patronus."

The Thestral snorted then hummed before stretching its wings, readying itself to take off into the sky but not before it hummed lowly at Daphne. Bowing to the taller blonde girl, it lowered itself so Daphne could mount the Thestral.

Daphne looked at Hope with a questionable glance but saw the immensely unimpressed look on her face.

"So I'm guessing this is your Patronus idea? To offer to fly me around?" The Heiress mentioned with a chuckling smile.

Hope grunted softly. "I don't know. But if you want to fly around on the Thestrals back then I most certainly wouldn't stop you. I just don't like flying. If you do want to fly then my Thestral will keep you safe as it is created by my magic and my magic will never let anything happen to you."

Hope glanced at Daphne with a sincere smile which Daphne returned.

"Not today, darling. Maybe another day." Daphne kissed Hope's cheek as she cancelled out her Patronus charm, the marble-like fox faded out of existence.

Hope chuckled slightly as she turned to her Mate. "Sure thing love."

Hope mentally cancelled her Patronus with her mind.

Hope Floo'ed into The Leaky Cauldron a few days after she and the other's produced their Patroni for the first time. Everyone had practised the spell a few more times after Perenelle informed the rest of the group how to properly cast the Patronus charm using a powerful happy memory.

Nic and Nelle are using a memory from their first Yule with Hope and the days when Hope has chosen to call them her parents. Luna is using memories of her mother and father, of being a family. Daphne used visions of the future. What her life will be like being married to someone she loves and knowing that her sister has been cured, now Astoria will have a full life instead of a life filled with pain.

Hope had a little bit of trouble to begin with as she tried using memories of her family but those memories are still too fresh and sad for Hope to use, making these memories bittersweet for Hope. Instead Hope used Daphne as her main source to power the spell with love rather than a happy memory.

When Hope channelled this memory into the Patronus her Thestral radiated love which made everyone in the vicinity of the Patronus moan in warmth and compassion as the feeling of love passed through their bodies, this caused Hope to smirk in amusement.

Nelle theorised that Hope's Patronus could potentially be strong enough to kill a Dementor. Even though such a thing has never been possible before. Nic and Nelle agreed that they shouldn't dismiss the possibility as Hope seems to enjoy breaking all the previous distinctions in this universe and laugh while she does it.

Once learning to master the Patronus charm she had fire messaged Harry to organise a meeting with him to explain some things that happened over the past 2 years and to discuss Tom Riddle with the young Gryffindor.

As Hope walked up to a table with a lone occupant, Hope gave Harry a polite smile before greeting him. "Morning Harry. How have you been?"

Harry looked up from his Potions textbook, closing the book subconsciously as he replied cheerfully. "Hello Hope. Thanks for meeting up with me and this is probably the happiest I've been in a while."

"Got out of that terrible household?"

Harry growled with a painful expression crossing his face. "Yep."

Hope smiled slightly. "I'm glad for you Harry… I may know a way to help you get out of that house permanently but I can't discuss that here."

Hope motioned to the staircase leading to the rooms upstairs. "Can you take me up to where you are staying?" Harry nodded and stood up from the table walking in front of Hope as she followed him at a steady pace.

After a few turns Harry opened a door and held it open for Hope to enter first.

"Thank you, Harry." Hope politely as she walked past Harry into the room.

When Harry closed the door he was about to speak, Hope held up her hand signalling Harry to stop. Hope snapped her fingers erecting a barrier around the room.

Harry stiffened for a moment as he felt powerful magic surge around him. "I've erected a barrier in this room that cancels out any listening charms but I would prefer to have this conversation elsewhere… after I remove all the monitoring charms from you."

An angry look came across Harry's face. "What do you mean by monitoring charms?"

Hope flicked out her wand and transferred the monitoring charms to some of Harry's belongings that he was not currently wearing as she did this she mentioned with an unimpressed tone. "Dumbledore has placed monitoring charms on you. As your Magical Guardian he has the 'right' to place monitoring and listening charms on you, under the guise of your personal safety."

Harry grumbled to himself before asking Hope. "You mentioned about having this conversation elsewhere but there is a convicted murderer on the loose after me. Where do you plan on having this conversation?"

Hope smirked at Harry and called, "Myrddin."

A burst of fire appeared in the locked room and the midnight Phoenix materialised out of the fire.

Harry looked at the black bird in awe. "So you do own a Phoenix."

The magical bird landed on Hope's right shoulder, Myrddin and Hope shared a look before Hope coughed awkwardly. "Well first off Myrddin chose to become my Familiar on his own terms. I most certainly don't own Myrddin. He's going to take us somewhere new and I will cast some wards around the area when we arrive. No one will know where we are going."

Hope looked directly into Harry's emerald eyes. "But I would never take you against your will. So if you want to learn everything I have to teach you we will need to leave this room. If not I can only explain some parts of the story. But I would prefer giving you all the information."

Harry paced the room for a few moments as he thought about his options. He turned to look at Hope, his curiosity getting the better of him. "How long will we be gone?"

"An hour… maybe 2." Hope replied with a thoughtful look.

"And the convict? Black?" Harry asked with a frown.

Hope pursed her lips together but answered Harry. "Well Black won't be able to find us. I can guarantee that Black won't hurt or find us…"

Hope sighed as she threw her head back in annoyance. "There is something else about Black that you should know. I've told you before on Hallowe'en that I wouldn't lie to you. But it doesn't mean I enjoy being the bearer of bad news and truths."

Harry gives Hope an upset stare as he groans in exasperation. "I am sorry. That you always seem to be telling me things that no one else has the guts to. Can you please tell me what you know about Black before we go?"

"I can tell you some things here but I'll go into further details once we leave here. But I assume you know why Black is after you?" Hope questioned Harry.

Harry nodded silently.

"Alright… So few things I can tell you here. Sirius Black is not a murderer. He did not murder your parents. The Secret Keeper was the one that sold out your parents to Voldemort, but that person was not Black. It was a man by the name Peter Pettigrew." Hope told the 13 year old boy.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Hope. "How could you know that?"

"My adoptive parents have access to old DMLE… Department of Magical Law Enforcement files. Which tells us that Sirius Black is your Godfather by Vow, hypothetically to your parents. This means if he is your sworn Godfather, if he betrayed your parents and you by selling out the Potters as everyone believes, then Black should be dead via his Magical Vow to your parents. Since he is alive and his Magic did not kill him for violating his Vow…" Hope trailed off and moved her arm at Harry telling him to continue her train of thought.

Harry dropped his head in shame as he finished Hope's explanation. "Black never betrayed my parents. Meaning someone else had to. Or potentially he wasn't named my sworn Godfather."

Hope nodded solemnly at the young boy. "If you want to learn more about Black then we have to have this conversation somewhere else."

Hope also grinded her teeth together as she also realised she should mention the Horcrux. "I also want to take you somewhere isolated so I can remove a piece of foregin dark magic from you, but I can't do it here otherwise the entire Wizarding Community will be able to track the dark magic to this building."

Harry studied the girl in front of him before asking some quick fire questions.

"Will I be safe with you?"

"Yes." Came the fast reply from the Tribrid.

"Will you tell me everything you know?"

"Depends on the topic. Black? Yes. Riddle? Yes. My life? Only what I offer to tell you." Hope shrugged nonchalantly.

Harry's eye twitched slightly at that answer but understood that Hope didn't owe him anything and nodded. "Where are we going?"

Hope shrugged again. "I don't know. Myrddin will be flame-travelling us to a new location. I have no idea where he's thinking of taking us."

"Will removing this dark magic from me be dangerous?"

"It shouldn't be." Hope answered honestly.

"I have done this before but this spell was on an inanimate object and not a person… But then again, this spell has been performed on me before and I'm still standing. It may feel strange. Like some cancer being cleaved from your body. Both painful and soothing, but altogether freeing."

Harry bit his lip before walking towards Hope. "Alright. Let's go."

Hope smiled in relief as she held out her hand for Harry to take.

Harry placed his hand in the Slytherin's hand and fire engulfed two kids, they ended up on a small deserted island. If anything there were only 3 palm trees on this island and when they looked out in any direction they could see the water. Thankfully Myrddin was kind enough to find an island where the timezone is coming into dusk, maybe an hour before the sunset hit the sky.

"Thank you Myrddin." Hope said to the Phoenix that was preening his feathers before nodding and flying into one of the palm trees to rest for a while until the children decided they wished to leave.

Suddenly Harry's manners kicked in and he called out politely. "Thank you Myrddin. For taking us somewhere extremely remote."

Hope chuffed in amusement. "You're not wrong. This is definitely more discreet than I was imagining."

Harry walked over to one of the palm trees and leaned against it with his arms crossed across his chest as he glanced at Hope with a curious look.

"So I have a lot to go through with you. But a large chunk of the information I have to explain is about Magical Houses which I'll go into detail with you later. And yes. This is important for you to know. You should've known this years ago. But of course everyone wants to keep you in the dark. It's really annoying." Hope told the Gryffindor boy with a pissed off tone.

"Before I go into that. I want to remove the dark magic from you. It's a piece of Voldemort's soul that is lodged within your Scar." Harry looked at Hope with a furrowed brow.

"There's a part… Of Voldemort's soul… In my head?" Harry asked with a befuddled but angry expression.

Hope nodded her head with pursed lips. "Yep."

The Tribrid relaxed her facial features before advising Harry. "Good news though! I know how to remove the soul piece and I can do this now if you'd like?"

Harry thought about it for a moment before agreeing.

Hope smiled as she flicked out her wand and waved it with a small motion to the sand below their feet, levelling the sand to a flat surface and conjuring some black sand in a Siphoning Circle. Hope pulled out an old looking voodoo doll and walked into the circle, roughly standing in the middle of the circle before sitting down placing the voodoo doll off to her left side.

"Can you join me Harry? Just lie down to my right side with your head parallel to the voodoo doll. I'm going to transfer the soul piece into the voodoo doll then destroy it."

Harry moved forward and followed Hope's instructions, sitting down and positioning himself in the area Hope signified while asking, "Destroy it how?"

Hope snapped her fingers, summoning the Sword of Gryffindor to Hope's left hand holding it in a relaxed grip. "With this Sword. You most likely recall killing the Basilisk with this blade. Well this Sword is Goblin-Made. This means it takes in anything that makes it stronger. You pierced the venom gland in the Basilisk's mouth when you killed it, dripping Basilisk Venom on the Sword of Gryffindor and the Sword absorbed the Venom. So this Sword is imbued with Basilisk Venom. Which means this Sword can destroy the piece of Voldemort's soul left behind. This soul piece is known as a Horcrux."

Harry nodded along with Hope's explanation as he got comfortable on the sand, resting his hands over his stomach with a sigh as he closed his eyes and asked. "How long will this take?"

"You don't need to shut your eyes. I'm not doing anything invasive." Hope says as she places the Sword of Gryffindor outside the Siphoning Circle gently as Harry's eyes open and follows Hope's movements with extreme scrutiny.

Hope moved back to the centre of the Circle and sat down between the doll and Harry before holding out her hands over them. "Alright when I start this spell. I just ask that you don't move too much and don't reach out for the light that will be coming out of your body."

Before Harry could ask Hope any questions she started chanting the same spell she used to cleanse the Diadem.

"Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magis tollox de terras." An olive-moss colour rose from Harry's forehead.

Only showing a hint of Voldemort's sickly blood-red colour mixed with what Hope assumed would be an emerald colour.

Harry grunted slightly as the light was pulled from his forehead but he stayed completely still, watching as Hope made a spreading motion with her hands. Cleaving the redness from the olive colour, creating two separate colours. Voldemort's distinctive blood-red Magical Signature and Harry's bright emerald green colour floated above Harry and Hope moved the two separated magics over to their respective homes.

Hope had her eyes closed as she lowered her hands to complete the spell. "Solvo."

Harry sucked in a relieved breath as his magic flowed back into him, filling him with his purified magic and let out a happy chuckle.

Hope opened her eyes slowly and focused her gaze on Harry. "How do you feel?"

A chuff of laughter came from Harry. "I feel great. Lighter somehow. Thank you Hope." He basically crashed into Hope with a bruising hug which Hope returned with a small smile.

"I'm glad you feel better, Harry." She replied, patting his back a couple of times before standing up.

Hope pulled away from the hug and moved to the Sword of Gryffindor picking it up as she moved back to the voodoo doll, she twirled the Sword once before stabbing the doll with a fatal blow. A loud shuddering scream came from the doll as the Horcrux was obliviated by the Sword of Gryffindor.

"What do you plan on doing with the Sword? I thought Professor Dumbledore had the Sword?" Harry asked with a curious tone.

Hope smiled slightly before shrugging one shoulder. "I'm giving this back to the Goblins as this is a Goblin-Made weapon. Dumbledore has no right to keep the Sword of Gryffindor. It belonged to Godric Gryffindor and he wished to return the Sword back to the Goblins but one of Godric's descendants had stolen the Sword. This angered the Goblins deeply. So I'm returning the Sword."

Harry nodded slowly before requesting, "Do you mind if I join you when you return the Sword?"

Hope had a thoughtful look on her face wondering if this would ruin her plans to request Daphne to be able to join her in training before she slowly bent her head in acceptance. "That's fine with me. But I think before we go to Gringotts I should tell you about Magical Houses and what this means for you."

Harry moved over to one of the palm trees and sat down leaning against the palm trunk, facing another palm tree waving his hand to Hope asking her to join him. Hope smiled as she moved to the palm tree opposite Harry to sit down.

"So I would recommend when we go to Gringotts you should request a Blood Inheritance Test. This will allow you to receive your Heir ring for the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. Theoretically you may be able to emancipate yourself. Meaning you could be known as an adult in the Wizarding World. You wouldn't have to return to the Dursley's if you are able to claim your emancipation."

"I can get out of that house permanently?" Harry asked with hope in his voice.

"Only if you can get emancipation." Hope clarified with extreme caution.

"The political houses go as follows from lowest to highest: Minor House, Noble House, Ancient House, Noble and Ancient House then the Most Ancient and Noble Houses. You are at the top of the political table when it comes to the Wizarding World. You likely have more money than a majority of most Wizarding Families including the Malfoy's."

Harry looked at Hope in shock. "I'm rich?"

Hope scoffed slightly as nodded with a smirk. "Most definitely."

"You mentioned something to me at school about Lady Emrys. Which of these houses does she belong in?" Harry asked with a tilt of his head.

"Lady Emrys is in the house above the Most Ancient and Noble House. A Legendary House. The Legendary Houses have been dormant for over the past 600 years. The House of Emrys has only been activated for the past two years. So Lady Emrys is at the very top of the food chain, but a lot of old Families have forgotten the Legendary Houses exist and still operate without her opinion." Hope explained to the young boy.

"When you do become the Heir Potter, it would be in your best interests for House Potter to make connections with some Wizarding Families and ask for guidance from trusted families. From memory I believe the Potter's are a Light-based family so the Longbottom's would be a good place to start. However I would also recommend looking into the Factions before announcing your allegiance in Wizarding Politics. I'm not telling you to change. Just to look into them. It could be enlightening." Hope politely requested Harry.

Harry hummed in acceptance as he took a moment to think about the information Hope had given him.

After a few moments Hope decided to inform Harry further about Black. "I should also mention a little bit more about Sirius Black." This instantly grabs Harry's attention.

"There's more to know other than Black being my Godfather and not betraying my parents?" Harry asks incredulously at Hope.

"Sort of. Sirius Black would be the Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Since you are his Sworn Godson. You could potentially also be the Heir to a 2nd Most Ancient and Noble House which means you could have a very strong hold over the Wizengamot, if you were to take over the 2 of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses."

"Why are you telling me all about these political implications? Are you expecting me to become a politician?" Harry questioned.

"Not exactly. It's your choice to do whatever you want with the information I provide you. I'm just letting you know that you have a hereditary seat on the Wizengamot that you will inherit when you come of age, once you accept your Heir ring from the Goblins. This will place you into the political world. So if you want to get out from under the Dursley's hand, you would need to speak to the Goblins. If you don't want to deal with the Wizarding political world, then you will have to deal with the Dursley's."

Harry and Hope spent the rest of their time on the island discussing the wizarding world's politics, achieving Harry's Magical Maturity and informing Harry about the other Most Ancient and Noble Houses. They talked about the children from these Houses: Neville, Susan, Daphne and the Carrow twins, Flora and Hestia.

Hope asked Harry if any of the people she had named were rude or disrespected him at school. Harry took the time to consider the question before replying. "No… Not even the 3 Slytherin students have picked on me before. Not even during the Heir of Slytherin stint but then again they didn't help me either. Although I remember the conversation we had at school, about how some students stay out of other people's business. So I guess that makes sense. You also mentioned how you became a martyr in Slytherin by simply being friends with me so I guess ignorance doesn't mean a lot in reality."

When Hope was about to call Myrddin down from the tree he was resting on Harry suddenly asked. "Why are you doing this for me?"

A complete look of astonishment on Harry's face before gulping nervously. "Please tell me you're not interested in me?"

A shocked expression was etched on Hope's face and a laughing thrill came from above them. Hope blinked a few times before sputtering. "Good god no! I'm already in a relationship. No interest from me. I just want to help you. Give you all the information and let you make your own decisions."

Harry stayed quiet for a moment before apologising. "Oh… I'm sorry. I didn't know."

He paused for a moment before muttering under his breath. "I'm going to feel more awkward asking this but you've been honest with me since we've met."

"If you're about to ask me who I'm dating. I'm not going to answer that." Hope interrupted Harry with a groan.

Harry let out an awkward cough. "Pass. Not my business."

Harry scratched at his neck awkwardly. "Actually I wanted to ask, how do you know so much about Wizard politics? You keep mentioning that you are a Muggleborn Witch. So my brain is telling me you shouldn't know this information."

Hope scoffed in amusement and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear sighing slightly. "I may be a Muggleborn Witch but I was adopted by a high-class Wizarding family. I'm not going to tell you which family adopted me as I enjoy my secrecy. But I will tell you, that I have at least 1 of these Heir rings hiding on my hand. Slytherin students would be absolutely shocked if they found this out, so I'd ask you if you can keep this quiet?"

Harry nodded his head. "Yeah. I'll keep your secret Hope."

Harry held out his hand to Hope. "Time to go back?"

"Sure." Hope walked over to the Sword of Gryffindor and yanked it out of the voodoo doll.

Hope snapped her fingers, setting the remains of the doll on fire, incinerating them instantly. Hope glided her hand over the Sword as she drew the Sword across her body murmuring invisique, cloaking the Sword of Gryffindor in her hand.

"Myrddin? Can you take us back to Harry's room in the Leaky Cauldron?" Myrddin flew down to Hope, claws attaching to her right shoulder.

"How are you able to use your magic so easily?" Harry asked in an awed expression.

Myrddin flashed them back into Harry's room before flashing away himself. Hope released Harry's hand before answering with a glance.

"Magic comes naturally to me." Hope answered simply before waving her hand again, returning the monitoring charms back onto Harry.

"I still hate that I'm being monitored." Harry complained with an upset expression.

Hope opened the door. "When you can remove the monitoring charms by yourself then you can keep the charms off. But until then you're stuck with them. I don't want Dumbledore on my ass for messing with his charms. Sorry Harry."

Harry rolled his eyes but followed Hope out of the room.

The two Hogwarts students made their way to Gringotts in silence. When they entered the bank Hope waved her hand that was not holding the Sword, drawing the attention of the Goblin closest to the kids. The Goblins eyes widened and he pulled another Goblin that was passing by whispering in his ear pointing subtly at Hope causing the second Goblins eyes to do a double take at the coppery auburn haired girl.

The second Goblin ran off down a hallway which Hope knows leads to King Ragnok's office, the Goblin at the counter spoke to the kids. "Greetings Lady Hope. Mister Potter. May your gold ever grow and prosper."

Harry bowed to the Goblin while Hope replied. "Greetings Warrior Goblin. May the bones of your enemies show your strength and fortitude."

The Goblin bowed his head slightly in gratitude. "What can Gringotts do for you today?"

"Well Harry here would like to get a Blood Inheritance Test and I would like to speak to Ragnok please?" Hope requested politely but informally making the Goblin narrow his eyes in curiosity before sending a questioning glance at Harry.

Hope shook her head ever so slightly at the Goblin, answering the unasked question.

The Goblin nodded slightly as he started speaking Gobbledegook as King Ragnok came out to greet the children.

Explaining the secrecy Hope has requested, the Goblin King replied to his Warrior before turning to the kids. "Both of you follow me."

Harry and Hope followed Ragnok around a corner and Ragnok stopped at a door offering Harry to go in. Before Harry went into the room he kept glancing back at Hope in distress.

Hope noticed the worried look on Harry's face so she decided to reveal the Sword of Gryffindor and she swapped languages. "Sorry King Ragnok for the informality. But Harry wanted to make sure that I returned the Sword of Gryffindor to you."

The Goblin King's eyes focused on the Sword as Hope kept speaking. "I wanted to offer this Sword to you earlier than the original exchange date. I just wished to request if my Mate can join me in my Warrior's training next year if possible please? Daphne is quite skilled with a blade and is becoming well adept in her ice magic. I want her to be trained by the best Warriors in this universe. Would this be possible?"

King Ragnok nodded his head in acceptance and held out his hand. "I accept and thank you for following through with your word."

Hope carefully passed over the Sword of Gryffindor to the Goblin King.

"Of course. It was one of Godric's final requests. It was my honour to return this Sword." The Goblin accepted the Sword from Hope with a bow.

Hope bowed back. "Well this concludes my business in Gringotts. Unless there is something else you need from me?" She asked the Goblin King.

King Ragnok shook his head before heading off down the hallway to place the Sword in a safe place.

Hope turned her back to leave the bank before snapping her fingers as she recalled something. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Are you able to get someone to help Harry through his Magical Maturity after his Blood Inheritance Test please?"

Ragnok murmured to one of the Goblins standing outside the door and he nodded. "It shall be done."

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