Chapter 41: Revelations I
31st October 1992
Hogwarts castle
"Can you believe it?" Tracey whispered mesmerized, watching the bright yellow flames dance in the palm of her hand, gently touching her fingers without hurting the slightest bit.
"Yes, I can," Daphne replied blandly. She straightened her tie in front of the mirror, watching her best friend fool around in the back. "Just like I could the last dozen times you asked. Now, stop playing with fire and get dressed. It's almost time."
"Well, excuse me for being excited about learning wandless magic!" Tracey hmphed, extinguishing the ball of fire. Getting up from the bed, she took out a grey sweater from the closet. "I guess not even that can interest the unflappable 'Ice Queen of Slytherin'," she said, putting on the sweater over her shirt.
Not for the first time, Daphne sighed hearing the idiotic nickname that some witless moron had stamped her with.
"Don't call me that. And it's not that I'm not excited," said Daphne, working out the creases in her sweater. "Just that it's been over a month, and I'm not that excited anymore."
"Still, it's wandless magic! Not even your parents know how to do that," Tracey said enthusiasticly. "I bet Dumbledore does, though. McGonagall and Flitwick too, probably. Do you reckon Snape can do it?" she said, looking around for her shoes.
"Maybe," Daphne shrugged. "Though probably not as much as McGonagall and Flitwick."
"Have you managed to learn that ice spell?" said Tracey, tying her shoelaces. "I still haven't gotten the hang of it, yet."
"I told you before, you need to focus on removing the heat," Daphne said with a self-satisfied smile, moving her hand over the closet handle. A thin layer of frost formed underneath.
"Figures the 'Ice queen' would be good at ice magic," Tracey smirked making Daphne frown. "What about that 'Sparks' spell?"
"That one I can't, yet," Daphne surrendered. "Everytime I try, it feels like the spell wants to slip away and run amok. I need more practice."
"I hear you," Tracey nodded empathetically. "I get scared just thinking about holding lightning in my bare hands. And Ben says that 'Sparks' is the weakest lightning spell!" She shook her head in mild disbelief. "Where do you think he learnt it all from?"
"Benjamin? Who knows," Daphne shrugged. "The guy is a mystery... always has been."
"Do you think Dumbledore's been secretly training him as his protege?" Tracey asked with shining eyes.
"It's possible," Daphne said after mulling it over. "I have noticed how close he seems to the headmaster. I could definitely see it happening."
"But if that's true, why did Dumbledore choose him and not Harry?" Tracey said with a thoughtful expression. "After all, he is the Boy-who-lived."
"I don't know...," Daphne remarked, looking at her watch, "...and I don't care. We're getting late for the feast. Come on!"
They put on their cloaks and exited Tracey's room. Crossing a narrow passageway dotted with doors on either side, they emerged into the Slytherin common room. It was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling from which round, greenish lamps hung in chains. A fire was crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece, while several Slytherins were silhouetted around it in high backed chairs.
"Well, well...if it isn't the blood-traitor and her half-blood pet," an annoying high-pitched voice rang out as they entered.
"Malfoy," Daphne coolly regarded the blond ponce. He was sitting around the fire with his two bookends, Crabbe and Goyle. "Don't you have something better to do than pester people going about their day? Oh wait... you don't," she said in the most condescending manner she could manage.
"Tell me...," Malfoy scowled, moving to stand in front of her, " does it feel to be an embarrassment to your House and legacy? To think that the Greengrass family has fallen so low as to consort with mudbloods and their like!"
"I'm an embarrassment?" scoffed Daphne, matching his scathing tone. "I'm not the one whose furry face everyone in this castle has laughed at."
Malfoy's pale face flushed at the reminder of the humiliation he'd suffered when that jumped up mudblood Creevey spread the pictures showing how that bastard Carter had attacked him in the back!
"And as for the M-word, I would advise you against using it," said Daphne.
"Oh? And why is that?" Malfoy asked with a smirk. "Are you a mudblood lover now, like the rest of your new friends? Going to report me to the professors, are you?" Malfoy chuckled and his cronies quickly joined in.
"No, I won't be doing anything to you," Daphne gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "But I heard Benjamin say that the next time he hears you say it, he is going to turn you into a weasel and leave you in the middle of the Acromantula colony the gamekeeper raised in the forbidden forest."
The smirk abruptly dropped from Malfoy's face, and an expression of abject horror replaced it. With difficulty, he managed to turn it back to his usual scowl.
"You think you're untouchable now, don't you?" He sneered. "Well, you can hide behind that half-blood filth if you like, but he won't always be there to protect you, Greengrass. And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back." With those parting words, Malfoy turned around and left the room, quickly followed by Crabbe and Goyle.
"That filthy little maggot!" Tracey fumed, watching Malfoy leave. "Do you think we should be worried about that?" she asked her friend.
"No." Daphne declared confidently. "As much as I'd like to say otherwise, Malfoy isn't a complete idiot. The fact that Benjamin used human-to-animal transfiguration on a student and wasn't given so much as a verbal reprimand shows that he has quite a bit of pull with the professors, including Snape and Dumbledore," she reasoned. "As long as we stay close to him and the others, we should be quite safe."
"You're right," Tracey nodded. "And if the ferret tries to corner us alone, I'd love to give him a taste of my fireballs." Both of them smiled wickedly as they made their way out of the dungeons.
As per the Halloween custom, the Great Hall had been decorated with live bats, flying around in swarms and casting flickering shadows over the students. Hagrid's vast pumpkins easily stole the spotlight, being carved into lanterns large enough for three people to sit in. All around, the students were conversing while enjoying the delicious feast laid out in front of them. Daphne was just taking in the ambience of the room when her sister's excited voice drew her attention.
"Daphne! Daphne, over here! Look who it is!" cried Astoria.
Turning around, Daphne was pleasantly surprised.
"Mama! Papa!" she exclaimed, spotting her parents standing with her sister in a corner of the Great Hall.
As she walked towards her family, Daphne noticed two other men wearing overcoats, talking with Professors McGonagall and Sprout near the teacher's table. One of them was carrying a large camera. Lockhart seemed to be trying to engage the strangers in conversation, but they kept politely ignoring him, much to the amusement of the other teachers.
"Hello, my dear," Cyrus Greengrass smiled at the sight of his elder daughter. "It's lovely to see you again."
"It's wonderful to see you both as well," Daphne replied with a smile.
"How are my girls faring this year?" Aurora Greengrass smiled as she hugged Daphne and Tracey.
"Quite fine, mama," replied Daphne.
"We're both doing very well, ma'am," smiled Tracey.
"So I've heard," said Lady Greengrass with a smile. "And I must say, I'm glad you're back on speaking terms with Benjamin, my dear," she said to her daughter.
"I take it Astoria has been filling you in on the latest happenings around the castle," said Daphne with a exasperated smile.
"Of course, I have," Astoria proudly proclaimed.
"I see. And has she also informed you that your elder daughter is now a pariah in Slytherin House for mingling with her lessers?" Daphne said with a straight face.
"If you don't mind, young lady, we will judge for ourselves who are worthy enough for our daughters to associate with," Lady Greengrass gently said to her firstborn.
"Your mother is right," her father asserted. "Benjamin is a fine young lad, while the Potters, Longbottoms and Weasleys are some of the most prominent members of our society. And from what I hear, Miss Granger is one of the top students in your year. I want you to know that I wholeheartedly agree with your choice of friends, my dear." Her father said to her with a smile.
Daphne felt immensely relieved, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "You're not disappointed?" she asked softly.
"Oh sweetheart, I could never be disappointed in you," he said, embracing her. "Besides, from what I can see, Slytherin House is no longer what it used to be," he whispered, casting a sidelong glance at the Slytherin table and noting the vacant expressions of Crabbe, Goyle and Flint.
"So, what brings you both to Hogwarts on Halloween?" Daphne asked after breaking the hug.
"Why, your friend Benjamin, of course," her mother said with a mischievous smile.
For the umpteenth time today, Daphne sighed. Of course it had something to do with him! "What has he done, now?" she said in a resigned voice.
Her mother leaned closer and whispered something in her ear.
"Truly?" said Daphne, genuinely surprised. Her parents nodded. "After all this time?...But why now?" she asked.
"Well, you'd better ask him," her father smiled as he gestured behind her. Turning around, she saw Benjamin coming over. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted his parents sitting with Rachel at the Gryffindor table.
"Lord Greengrass, it's a pleasure to see you again," I said.
"Likewise, my boy," said Lord Greengrass, shaking my hand. "I hope I find you in good health?"
"Never better, sir," I replied, before turning to Lady Greengrass. "My lady, you look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you."
"Oh, you little charmer," she smiled. "You better save that wit for the young ladies around here. After tonight, you'll need a broom to keep them at bay. Speaking of which..." she looked around and lowered her voice, "...are you sure you want to do it? You've enjoyed your privacy till now, Benjamin, but if you proceed with this, everything will change." She said, looking at me closely.
I considered her words for a moment. "You know me, my lady. I'm not a publicity hog. I would rather stay in the shadows and enjoy my life in peace. Unfortunately, my hand is forced. Tell me...Is the vulture still circling?" I said, casting a dour look at Flophart sitting at the staff table, dressed in lavender robes of all things.
"Yes," she sighed.
"And we still haven't gathered all the evidence against him?" I asked.
"Unfortunately not," she replied. "He was purposely vague on the details in the books. We've sent out our people to Australia, Armenia and Transylvania, but it'll still take a few months," she conceded.
"Then there's nothing else to be done. I will not have my works besmirched with that poof's fabricated claims," I said with determination. "Besides, the primary reason why I chose to be incognito in the first place no longer stands, so hopefully it won't be too much of a hassle."
"Very well," Lady Greengrass decided. "In that case, allow me to introduce Mr Henry Carlisle," she gestured to one of the other visitors. The man seemed to be waiting for this moment and came forward eagerly.
"Hello, Mr Carter...or should I say, Mr Castle," he said excitedly. "It's an honour to finally meet you."
"Hello, Mr Carlisle," I said, shaking his hand.
"That's my associate, Nigel Billingsly," he pointed to his companion, who inclined his head to acknowledge me. "I must confess, when Lady Greengrass called on me this afternoon, I could never have imagined it was because the famous Mr Castle had finally decided to reveal himself to the public," he said with a smile.
"I bet you were far more surprised when you learnt my actual identity than when you heard the news," I said with a smirk.
"I won't deny it, I was shocked to learn that the person who had managed to write such wonderful novels was actually a 13 year old boy," he admitted. "If I hadn't seen the original manuscripts, I would've had a hard time believing it, even if your publisher had insisted on it."
"I understand. All I ask is that you don't think less of me because of my young age," I requested.
"I assure you, I will try my best to keep an open mind...I always do," he promised. "By the way, I'm curious...why did you choose me to write this article?"
"Well Mr Carlisle, you have a fairly objective point of view, and you're not afraid to voice your opinion...even when it's not very popular. I respect that. Plus, you are one of the very few journalists who have supported me from the very beginning," I answered frankly. "Everyone else at The Daily Prophet kept wondering when I was going to wash out. I believe Rita Skeeter still makes a habit of implying that my works are copied from somewhere else," I said with a light smile.
"Oh, please don't mention that horrible woman. I would rather not spoil this lovely evening," he said with distaste. "Anyway, are you sure you want to do this here?" he asked, gesturing towards the surroundings filled with students.
"Why not? Everyone I care about, all my friends and family are here tonight. Besides, I have got something planned that will shut the naysayers up once and for all," I assured him.
"Very well," he said. "Do you wish to start now?"
"Oh, what's the rush? There's a feast laid out front. We should partake," I said, gesturing around the hall. "The headmaster had even booked a troupe of dancing skeletons for entertainment. Unfortunately, I requested him to cancel that as I had other plans. But the food is good."
Everyone then briefly separated to enjoy the evening. Lord and Lady Greengrass joined their daughters at the Slytherin table, while Professor McGonagall had her lions make some space at the Gryffindor table for her former student, Mr Carlisle and his partner.
The Halloween feast proceeded with its usual exuberance, but for once, my mind wasn't in on it. I was standing at a crossroads right now, and I knew that taking one step forward meant leaving my quiet peaceful life behind forever.
"Who's that man you were just talking to?" Hermione asked offhandedly from my side.
Before I could reply, Luna answered from Hermione's right. "That's Henry Carlisle. He's a journalist," she said, looking at him. "I once met him in a party I went with dad."
"What's going on?" Hermione asked again, this time focusing on me. "Is everything alright?"
I looked around and discreetly cast a sound muffling spell, so that only Hermione and Luna could hear my words.
"Everything's fine. It's just that....I've decided to go public," I informed her.
It took her a moment to realise what I was talking about.
"Oh...okay," she said, surprised. "I wasn't expecting that. When do you plan on doing it?"
"Now," I answered simply.
"NOW?! she repeated, flummoxed. "Why didn't you say something earlier?!"
"It was going to be a surprise," I told her.
"I thought you were done with surprises." She narrowed her eyes.
"Just the unpleasant kind," I smiled.
"Well gee, there goes my hope for a nice, boring life," she muttered sarcastically.
"Oh, there's no hope for boring with me, darling," I smirked. "You know I love to keep you on your toes."
"Well, I wish you the best of luck, Ben," said Luna, once our tete-a-tete had ended. "And remember, if the fangirls mob you, you can just turn invisible."
"Thanks, Luna. You always know what to say to make someone feel better," I complimented her.
"What can I say, it's a gift!" she said with an angelic expression.
After dessert was served, the Halloween dinner started slowly winding down. Taking a deep breath, I stood up and approached the high table.
"Professor," I addressed Dumbledore.
"Ben. Are you ready?" He asked, looking at me over his half-moon spectacles.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I nodded.
"Very well," he said, standing up.
"May I have your attention, please?" the headmaster addressed the Hall and the noise dropped sharply. "As you might've noticed, we have some guests with us this evening, including Lord Cyrus Greengrass and his wife, Lady Aurora Greengrass," he said, gesturing to the Greengrass couple. All around, students started craning their necks to take a better look. "They are here to make an important announcement, and I believe all of you will be very interested to hear them."
There was a smattering of polite applause as Lady Greengrass moved across the Hall to stand in front of the high table.
"Thank you, Headmaster. Good evening, everyone," Lady Greengrass smilingly addressed the student populace of the school. "I am Lady Aurora of House Greengrass. But I also happen to hold some other titles, such as the Publisher and Acquisitions Editor of White Knight Publications."
Hearing this, the curiousity of the students swelled. Excited murmurs filled the Hall, wondering if this announcement had anything to do with the rumoured release of the latest The Librarian novel by the end of this year.
"Ever since the first release of The Librarian books, people have asked this question - Who is Richard Castle? Who is the one that has captured the hearts and minds of the wizarding people, both at home and abroad?" She said, looking around and noting the eager faces filled with anticipation. "Well, I'm here to tell you that the wait is over. Mr Castle has decided that it is time to reveal himself to his adoring fans....And he is here for that, right at this very moment."
The exhilaration in the Great Hall seemed to reach a crescendo. People started standing up from their seats, looking at the other strangers present among them tonight, wondering if they were the one everyone was looking for. Meanwhile, at the High table, Lockhart confidently stood up with a victorious smile.
"Everyone, please welcome Richard Castle....or as you may know him, Benjamin Carter!" Lady Greengrass smiled as she gestured towards me.
Instantly, shocked silence replaced all the excitement from a moment ago. As I walked towards the limelight, a singular voice distinctly rang out in the quietude.
"WHAT?!" Lockhart exclaimed in an incredulous tone.