A Nexus Devil

Chapter 43: A Nexus Devil ( Chapter 43:Jake just held his hands up.)

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ShareWhen the two devils departed, Harry and Hermione, who had been silent throughout the entire fight in shock and fear, finally both exhaled. "Holy fuck, that was so scary," Harry exclaimed with Hermione nodding along rapidly.

"What the hell, Jake? Seriously, what the bloody hell!?"

Hermione nodded her head. "That mother and son duo sure didn't look like devils but that scary sword-armed monster sure did," she added on. "You better tell us what the hell we just witnessed, mister," she said irately as she pointed at Jake.

Jake just held his hands up in surrender as he acquiesced and started telling the two of them all about the supernatural world and what he knew about devil's society.

Needless to say, they were absolutely blown away at finding out that devils and angels were really a thing, along with all types of gods and monsters.

Ron, meanwhile, was still levitating behind them via Hermione's spell, unconscious the entire time and having missed pretty much the majority of the adventure…

The group of five eventually made it back up the slide as they exited the chamber, hopefully forever, Hermione and Harry thought to themselves.

They dropped Ron's still unconscious body off with Madam Pomfrey, figuring she would sort him out, as Jake and Luna separated from the duo.

"Well, Luna," Jake spoke up, "that was some adventure… I guess. In the end, though, I'm definitely glad that I got a pretty good fight out of the ordeal. Now I know what types of magic I need to work on to make myself stronger.

I'm still lacking in experience, but I'm going to get strong enough so that I'm going to sweep through the next two stages of this tournament and take the whole thing!" Jake declared proudly.

Luna gave Jake a dreamy smile as she, with Blaze in her arms, parted ways with him and they headed back to each of their common rooms for the night.

What'd you all think? What will Sairog help Jake with in the future?

With her mission completed, it had been about a week since Serafall had left Hogwarts to return to the Underworld. This was much to the disappointment of Jake and the other students in Gryffindor house.

Before she left though, they had spent some more time together after his duel with Malfoy, where she took the time to explain some more facts about devil culture and history to Jake. To say it was quite a bloody history would be an understatement.

But he was proud of her and his brother for changing the path of their race towards one that leaned, maybe not quite good yet, but at least more neutral instead of the pure evil they were before...

She had also taught him a few more easy devil spells that he'd finally had time to practice. These spells had to be learned the proper way, and not by her blasting him with her magic.

Serafall had even taught Jake how to create his own mini pocket dimension (aka inventory) where he could store small objects. She told him that he'd need it for when he officially visited the Underworld and got his 'Evil Pieces' to start his own peerage.

After his recent adventure to the Chamber of Secrets, Jake had gotten a bit more combat experience as he learned what spells and techniques he needed to work on to get stronger.

Since then, Jake had spent most of his time where he currently was, in the Forbidden Forest, practicing magic.

In the short amount of time, he'd surprisingly gotten a lot more skilled with ice magic, able to cast more than just spears or giant bats made of ice.

He created a pretty powerful shield made of pure ice that was useful because it could also be seen through. It was also a solid shield so the so-called unforgivable curses would be blocked by it unlike a Protego or a Protego Maxima.

Jake also learned the Protego Maxima spell too, not that he figured he'd ever need it with his new ice shield as it was just superior in every way.

On the other hand, Jake had taken the time to learn the Bombarda Maxima spell and 'holy crap' did that thing kick ass! One might think that it was just a regular Bombarda that was just powered up even further when you said the word Maxima, but that wasn't the case.

Otherwise he would've been throwing them around the entire time for how much excess magic he was pouring into his spell before.

Surprisingly, the Maxima variant was actually three Bombardas all fired at the same time spinning around each other to form an exploding drill of death and destruction.

It was definitely one of his favorite human spells at the moment! Had he been throwing this spell at the dragon, then he would have easily won that battle way before the Berserker potion kicked in and caused it to go all rampaging mega-evolution Pokemon on him.

Jake recalled that Serafall had told him not even to bother and learn any more "weak human magic" as she called it.

But upon further recollection, he came to the conclusion that maybe at some points, Serafall would actually forget that he himself was actually a half-human.

And therefore, the spells would actually work a lot better for him than they would for a devil trying to cast them… He didn't want to fully abandon his human side either and solely become a devil! He was proud of being part human!

Jake also found the concept of the stunning spell Stupefy to be extremely useful. At the moment, it was his only real combat spell that he could cast that wasn't lethal.

He hadn't mastered his ice magic to the level even close to Serafall where he could freeze someone solid and not immediately have them die, and if they didn't, he'd still end up giving them severe frostbite or hypothermia probably.

*Snap* *Rustle*

Suddenly, from the treeline nearby, Jake heard the snapping of twigs followed by the rustling of branches. His instincts also told him to be on guard. They weren't screaming at him to flee though.


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