Chapter : Skills
[Skills] (Ch. 14)
1. Observe (Passive) [Lv. 1/10]
Level 1: Basic Information
* Effect: Provides basic information on any target.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level.
* Example: [Pokémon]: Pidgey, [Gender]: Male, [Level]: 2
Level 2: Ability Detection
* Effect: Reveals the target's primary ability.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability.
* Example: [Pokémon]: Cottonee, [Gender]: Female, [Level]: 5, [Ability]: Prankster
Level 3: Nature and Temperament
* Effect: Provides insight into the target's general nature and temperament.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Nature (e.g., Docile, Adamant, Timid).
* Example: [Pokémon]: Growlithe, [Gender]: Male, [Level]: 10, [Ability]: Intimidate, [Nature]: Adamant
Level 4: Stats (Basic)
* Effect: Displays basic stats of the target.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Nature, HP, Attack, Defense.
* Example: [Pokémon]: Bulbasaur, [Gender]: Male, [Level]: 7, [Ability]: Overgrow, [Nature]: Modest, HP: 30/30, Attack: 15, Defense: 18
Level 5: Moves (Known)
* Effect: Reveals the target's currently known moves.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Nature, HP, Attack, Defense, Known Moves.
* Example: [Pokémon]: Charmander, [Gender]: Female, [Level]: 12, [Ability]: Blaze, [Nature]: Timid, HP: 40/40, Attack: 20, Defense: 15, Known Moves: Ember, Scratch, Growl.
Level 6: Potential
* Effect: Gives a hint about the target's potential for growth.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Nature, HP, Attack, Defense, Known Moves, Potential (e.g., High, Average, Low).
* Example: [Pokémon]: Eevee, [Gender]: Male, [Level]: 8, [Ability]: Run Away, [Nature]: Jolly, HP: 35/35, Attack: 18, Defense: 16, Known Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Potential: High
Level 7: Stats (Detailed)
* Effect: Displays more detailed stats of the target, including Special Attack and Special Defense.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Nature, HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Known Moves, Potential.
* Example: [Pokémon]: Squirtle, [Gender]: Female, [Level]: 15, [Ability]: Torrent, [Nature]: Calm, HP: 50/50, Attack: 25, Defense: 30, Special Attack: 28, Special Defense: 32, Known Moves: Water Gun, Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Potential: Average
Level 8: Secondary Ability
* Effect: Reveals the target's secondary ability (if applicable).
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Secondary Ability (if applicable), Nature, HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Known Moves, Potential.
* Example: [Pokémon]: Ralts, [Gender]: Male, [Level]: 18, [Ability]: Synchronize, [Secondary Ability]: Trace, [Nature]: Modest, HP: 60/60, Attack: 20, Defense: 25, Special Attack: 40, Special Defense: 45, Known Moves: Confusion, Growl, Teleport, Potential: High
Level 9: Hidden Power Type
* Effect: Reveals the type of the target's Hidden Power (if applicable).
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Secondary Ability (if applicable), Nature, HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Known Moves, Potential, Hidden Power Type (if applicable).
* Example: [Pokémon]: Roselia, [Gender]: Female, [Level]: 25, [Ability]: Natural Cure, [Secondary Ability]: Poison Point, [Nature]: Timid, HP: 80/80, Attack: 30, Defense: 40, Special Attack: 60, Special Defense: 50, Known Moves: Absorb, Growth, Stun Spore, Mega Drain, Potential: High, Hidden Power Type: Fire
Level 10: Item/Held Item Detection
* Effect: Reveals if the target is holding an item.
* Details Revealed: Species, Gender, Level, Primary Ability, Secondary Ability (if applicable), Nature, HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Known Moves, Potential, Hidden Power Type (if applicable), Held Item (if applicable).
* Example: [Pokémon]: Pikachu, [Gender]: Male, [Level]: 30, [Ability]: Static, [Nature]: Jolly, HP: 100/100, Attack: 50, Defense: 40, Special Attack: 55, Special Defense: 50, Known Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave, Iron Tail, Potential: Average, Held Item: Light Ball
2. Tactical Insight (Active) Lv. 1/15
• Effect:
Lv. 1 - Gain a general understanding of the battlefield, including terrain advantages and disadvantages.
3. Charm (Passive)
• Effect:
- Increases your Charisma by +5 in interactions with female companions.