
Chapter 9: Solitude:

It was the next day, ryuusei was at home, he was just sitting there in the living room without any movement, he didn't feel like doing anything. He didn't go to school or to work nor does he wanted to. He just gets up and goes to bed again. Many days passed by. His routine was the same. No one came to check on him either, it was his own mistake that no one cared about him. He was all alone, and he knew that, he knew that now ge has no one to go to, no one to talk to. This was the first time he ever felt lonely.

After few days, the sadness started goes by slowly and slowly. It was Thursday, ryuusei woke up and went to school. In school everyone was doing what they usually do, no one really paid any mind to ryuusei as he came and sits in the class. First class goes by and Ryuusei was called in the principal office. The principal asked the reason for not coming to school. At first ryuusei didn't wanted to say anything but he had to in order to get out of the current situation. He just said to them that one of his family member died, few days ago. The principal knew that he had only one person looking after him.

Principal: I'm sorry to hear about that... You can take few days off if you want to.... And if you need any help, you can always ask us..

Ryuusei: ..... No, it's okay...

After a bit of time, ryuusei came out of the office and goes to the classroom again. After few classes it was break time. Ryuusei went to the cafeteria to eat. He seem very tired even though he more than enough sleep. He finished eating and was going back to the class again that in the way one of the teacher saw him. The teacher called him over. She was one of many few teachers that knew about Ryuusei's situation. She was the school's nurse. She was the few of the teachers that actually looked after ryuusei after he enrolled to this school. Ryuusei actually never changed school. He was in the school since middle school and now he was in high school. And this school was highly known between many other schools.

Teacher: Ryuusei, how are you..... I heard from the principal about you, I'm sorry to hear about that, I didn't knew before, if I did I definitely would've come to check up on you.

Ryuusei:.... It's okay....

Teacher: Well I don't know, how I can help you with this situation but of you ever need help, just know that I'm here , alright?

Ryuusei: yeah, thanks.

The conversation ended and Ryuusei went to class. In the class, there was so much noise , the students were laughing and talking to each other. Ryuusei came and sits on his chair, and looks around.

Ryuusei: why do these people talk so much? Don't they any other things to do?

Ryuusei said to himself while he was also doing nothing. In the class the students used to talk to ryuusei only when they had to because of the teacher. Whenever someone comes out and talks to him, he would've just ignore them or say something like he's not interested. It did seem like he was not interested in talking to other students or cared about them. But in reality he was afraid to get closer to someone other his grandma, the fear of him leaving them how he left his childhood friends always creeps up to him. So he usually stays away from other people.

The classes ended and Ryuusei went right to work. The coffee shop where he works is only ten to fifteen minutes far from his house. In the work everyone knew why ryuusei didn't came to work for few days. So they didn't ask him much. He changed his clothes and started working there. While working he also didn't used to do anything other than his own work, without saying anything to anyone he only used to focus on work. After 3, 4 hours, his shift ended and Ryuusei didn't go home but to the abandoned factory place. There he used to train and workout for many hours. The factory was about 20 minutes walk from the shop. He used to have a track suit with him in his back everytime. He changed his clothes and started training. He had a bit knowledge about the Martial arts he learned when he was in temple all those years ago. He used that bit if knowledge that he had and mastered it thoroughly. Ryuusei actually never gave on making himself strong. The words from Arashi that day , that he has to become stronger in order to protect the people he cares about, but who he has now to protect? That thought was going on his mind all day and night. But there was one more reason that he was training so hard everyday and he knew in order to accomplish what he wants he has to get stronger.

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