A withering flower at devil's mercy

Chapter 70: Morning sickness.

He went past the series of rooms on the first floor of the building and stopped by Derran's office. Luciana had the servants prepare a temporary laboratory for his research. It was also a clinic.

"Master! Y-youre awake! Thank God...How are you feeling now? Does it hurt anywhere?"

Erebus awkwardly listened to his questions and shook his head lightly.

"On the contrary I feel much light in my head and chest. The pain is no more. My wounds have been healed..."

"Your injuries too?" He asked startled.

"Although they're healed...but they left scars." He explained.

"I-if it's not a bother...please allow me to examine you once again." He implored with a worrisome face that made him take of his clothes.

"I-i can't believe it..." He withdrew his hands in awe.

"Those wounds and burns seemed impossible to heal with any potion I made. Your ankle...can you walk comfortably now?" He asked him.

"Doesn't hurt..." He moved it and stomped his left foot twice. There was a scar left from where his ankle was nearly crushed by the flying boulder that came his way during the suppression of east bank invasion.

"It can only be a miracle my Lord." He paused and wiped his eyes.

"And you are able to freely express yourself unile I'm the past. Your heart changed." He told him.

But Erebus hardly found himself changed emotionally.

He still hated and despised many things. He still wanted to kill those who brought him pain. His goals never changed.

But the only change he felt was since he brought her.

He didn't think much of her except that she was beautiful and too gentle for her own good.

He never felt any affectione from her. She only showed him sympathy out of her goodwill.

He felt embarrassed remembering how he isolated her and ignored her plea all that time.

"Hang in there milady!"

He heard noise coming from within the master chambers.

He hurried and threw open the heavy black iron doors receiving attention of half of the staff that stood with towels and other essential stuff in their hands.

"Cough* Cough*"

"It's alright milady. Here have some warm water. You need to rinse out the remaining blood." Mina was gently rubbing Luciana's back with one hand and held a wooden mug of warm water in the other.

She helped her take a big sip and made her throw the red waste liquid in a clay pot.

"Master! You're back. Milady suddenly woke up coughing up blood." A servant informed him fearfully.

"Bring the old man here and the rest of you except Mina leave."

"Yes milord." They rushed out of the chambers closing the doors behind them.

"Here milady its the last sip. Please." Mina begged. But Luciana couldn't handle anymore of it.

She felt like throwing up but the last remaining clots of blood wouldn't allow her the liberty of it.

-"She's paler than I last saw her."

He grabbed the mug from Mina's hands.

"Move." He ordered her. She obediently moved away and stood not far from them.

He brought the mug near her mouth with one hand supporting her head.

When she refused to take in he withdrew and took a big mouthful of the remaining water and locked his mouth over hers making her take in all of it by force.

She struggled to free herself. He let go of her eventually as she coughed out the last of the bloods clots into the clay pot that Mina held Infront of her.

She rested in his arms unknowingly putting her head on his chest. Her breathing was heavy. Sweat covered her body.

"When did she wake up?" He took a clean white cotton towel that was left on the bed by the servants and began wiping her face.

Mina oggled at him as if she was looking at some miracle.

"Did you not hear me?" He frowned.

"A-ah yes, she woke up right when I brought in breakfast for her. She's having early morning sickness like Derran told us-"

She was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Master I've brought him under your command." Blake informed.

They entered with his permission.

"You summoned me my Lord?" Derran asked him and it was evident through his eyes why he was.

He excused himself and examined Luciana diagnosing the cause.

He took a sigh of relief and ensured them that all the contaminated blood was out and the lives of both the mother and the baby were safe.

"But it would be better if the lady rested for today. Please don't let her skip a meal. And I will brew a health potion so she may get over her morning sickness."

They were relieved to hear good news.

"I'm glad to hear this news." He thanked him.

-"HE THANKED HIM!?" Mina faced another series of major shock and was left speechless.

"Rest assured master. It is my job to heal after all." Derran smiled pleasantly.

"Oh and my Lord. There is a suggestion I'd make for my lady's sake."

"What is it."

"Since I mentioned before I have no prior experience for pregnant women. It would be better to bring in a midwife or a woman worthy of trust to guide the lady throughout her pregnancy. I believe it would be more helpful for the lady and she may feel more comfortable in relaying her problems."

He left them in a momentary silence and then approved of his suggestion.

"Very well, do you have a person mind?"

"Yes my lord. I believe there is one person who left the fortress when she got married. She now has a child.Sir Jafar's close relative."

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