Chapter 33: Chapter 31:
Hey, the author here folks.
Sorry for the delay with the chapter. My computer broke and I had to take it to fix it only to be told that it was cheaper to buy a new one than to fix it (Yeaa YUPI). ....
Anyway, I still managed to write this from my cell phone, so I hope you like it.
Chapter 31:
September 27, 1996
The air on The Lost World: Jurassic Park set had a distinct scent….a mix of damp earth, wood, and something metallic, probably from the production lights and technical equipment.
Outside, the California sun was blazing, but inside the studio, the atmosphere felt completely different. Almost oppressive. As if they were really stranded on some lost island in the Pacific, rather than inside a massive soundstage with hundreds of people moving frantically around.
Adam, dressed in his character's outfit—a dark hoodie and worn-out jeans—sat in one of the foldable chairs in the rest area, his script resting on his lap.
He already knew his lines by heart, of course. Natural Occlumency made memorization ridiculously easy—well, remembering everything was absurdly easy with that ability, heh—but still, Adam had developed the habit of reading the script multiple times before a scene. It wasn't exactly superstition, but he'd discovered that the more information he absorbed, the more Perfect Acting could fine-tune the subtle details of his performance.
Yeah, the more he knew about his character, the more detailed his understanding was, the better his ability worked.
A few feet away, Vanessa Lee Chester—who played Kelly Curtis—was fiddling with a small key, practicing the movement she'd need for the upcoming scene.
"You know… if you keep spinning it like that, you're gonna open a portal to another dimension," Adam quipped, his usual sarcasm slipping out more and more lately for some reason.
Vanessa shot him a quick glance, but her expression remained relaxed.
"That, or I'll become a master spy," she said, twirling the key dramatically before flashing a grin.
Adam pretended to consider it.
"Hmm… Not bad. Though sneaking into a trailer full of high-tech equipment in the middle of an island crawling with dinosaurs… I don't know, sounds like a flawless plan."
Vanessa let out a laugh and shook her head. The two of them had gotten into the habit of messing around in character before filming, joking as if they were really Arby and Kelly. Well, not exactly, sometimes they would just kind of talk of their characters and defend their actions or debate different things about them for a bit of banter.
They even went both ways at the same time, talking as if they were their characters and then simply defending why their character did it... yes, it was awkward, but they both got a kick out of it.
"And what about you? What's your brilliant excuse for being here?"
Adam tossed his pen onto the script and shrugged.
"Well, let's just say my character, Arby, knows this is a really stupid idea, but the fact that it's stupid doesn't mean he can't or won't do it."
Vanessa chuckled.
"Oh, right. It's because he likes Kelly, isn't it? Even if he thinks it's dumb, people do dumb things when they like someone…"
"Don't flatter your character too much. Arby's main reason is the same as Kelly's—going after his dad."
"Sure, sure. And that's the only reason you're going along with it." She smirked sarcastically.
"Well, at least if we get caught and questioned, I can say this wasn't even my plan…"
"Yeah, but you're still an accomplice." She shot him a knowing look.
Adam shrugged.
"Oh and technically, the plan is yours too." Vanessa grinned.
"Yeaa…" Adam let out an exaggerated sigh, leaning back a little more in his chair. "I know. But at least Arby has the decency to realize it's a stupid idea."
"And that makes it better?" Vanessa raised an amused eyebrow.
"No, but it makes him more aware." He smirked.
Vanessa laughed again before slipping the key into her pocket.
The set was constantly buzzing with activity. Technicians adjusted cameras, lights, and microphones, while production assistants rushed back and forth, making sure everything was in place before the rehearsal take.
Adam watched curiously as a group of special effects artists inspected one of the animatronic raptors. Even motionless, the creature looked unbelievably real…. its synthetic skin had an impressively detailed texture, and the way shadows fell across its scales made it seem even more menacing.
Definitely more realistic than the effects in Bogus… Adam thought with a hint of irony.
He shook his head, pushing the thought aside. No point in dwelling on that movie. Lesson learned.
Vanessa noticed where he was looking and followed his gaze.
"Still impressed by the animatronics?"
"Of course," Adam replied without hesitation. Honestly, he doubted he'd ever stop being impressed by them—they were just that cool. "I don't know how anyone could ever get used to this."
She nodded.
"Yeah, but I think the best part is seeing them in action. They say the T-Rex animatronic is insane when it's fully powered up."
Adam grinned.
"I just hope it doesn't short-circuit in the middle of filming and decide to actually eat someone." He joked—though he'd never admit he once had a nightmare about exactly that happening. Nope. Not a word. It would ruin his image.
"Knowing our luck, it'd probably be us," Vanessa quipped back.
Adam chuckled, grabbing his water bottle and taking a sip.
"If that happens, I just want my obituary to say 'heroically devoured by a dinosaur' and not 'tripped and fell straight into a raptor's mouth by accident.'"
Vanessa gave him a mock-serious look.
"Duly noted. Though they'll probably phrase it as 'unfortunate child actor had one final encounter with cinematic realism.'"
Adam rolled his eyes in amusement.
"Hollywood is ruthless."
She nodded knowingly.
"Trust me, I know."
Oh, he knew too.
Bogus' failure had given him a lot to think about. And honestly? He was starting to hate thinking so much….. understanding more than he wanted to.
yyeah, sometimes ignorance really was bliss. Those were the days… before Natural Occlumency.
Still, he was grateful for the ability. It was his lifeline in most situations….. whenever he didn't know what to do, or when he had to deal with any kind of internal conflict.
In fact, he was pretty sure that a huge part of why he felt so much smarter these days wasn't just from inheriting Draco's memories… but because of this ability alone.
In the distance, Adam spotted Steven Spielberg chatting with a few members of the tech crew. The director had that signature mix of relaxed yet laser-focused energy—he wasn't the kind of person who dominated a room with his presence, yet somehow, he always managed to be the center of attention in any conversation.
At that moment, Spielberg finished talking to the technicians and began walking in their direction.
"Well, well, how are my favorite infiltrators doing?" he asked in his usual cheerful tone as he reached them.
Vanessa was the first to respond.
"Ready to sneak into the trailer and hack the system so we can get to the island without anyone knowing."
Adam crossed his arms and added,
"Though I'm still waiting for the day you let us sneak into your trailer instead of the one in the movie. I bet you've got some secret map in there with the formula for box office success."
Spielberg laughed.
"If I had that, Hook would've made twice as much at the box office."
Adam smirked a little at that. At least Spielberg had enough of a sense of humor to poke fun at his own movies. And while Hook was often considered one of his weaker films, it actually did well financially—not as much as expected, sure, but nowhere near an actual failure like Bogus.
"But there is a secret," the director continued, lowering his voice with an exaggeratedly mysterious expression. "Want to know what it is?"
Vanessa leaned forward with mock anticipation.
"Of course."
Adam played along as well.
"Alright, surprise us."
Spielberg looked at them both before responding in a solemn tone:
"Hard work, talent… and a good pinch of luck."
Vanessa burst into laughter.
"Wow. How original."
Adam sighed dramatically.
"I was expecting something more exciting. Like, I don't know, ancient Hollywood rituals or some kind of well-guarded magic good luck charm or something."
Spielberg grinned.
"Well, if I ever find that magic charm you're talking about, maybe I'll let you know."
After a few seconds, the director checked his watch and then glanced toward the production team.
"Alright, we're doing a rehearsal take in ten minutes. Make sure you're ready."
Both nodded, and Spielberg gave them one last smile before walking off to oversee other details on set.
Few would believe it, but he truly had a gift for handling not just seasoned actors, but also young ones like them… definitely a director like few others.
Vanessa turned to Adam with an amused expression.
"Do you think he was serious about the magic charm?"
"If it exists, George Lucas definitely has it," Adam replied without missing a beat.
Vanessa laughed.
"Yeah, that checks out… at least coming from a Star Wars fan like you."
As filming approached, the hair and makeup team stepped in for final touch-ups. One assistant adjusted Adam's hoodie while another straightened Vanessa's jacket.
To Adam's sudden surprise, Spielberg had to leave for a few minutes to another part of the set where another shot of the film would be filmed which did not include him or Vanessa. So these rehearsals would be left to the assistant director who would then be in charge of giving all the details to Spielberg when he returned to finally do the official take with them.
Yep…. This was the first time that Adam went through something like this, since in his role in Bogus and as Beaver he had always done the rehearsal shots with the directors in person, but now he realized that here the organization was somewhat different.
The set was almost ready. Cameras in position, lights calibrated, mics set. Technicians made last-minute tweaks while background actors took their places.
Adam took a deep breath and stretched his arms.
"Well, here we go..."
Vanessa nodded.
"Time to sneak into the trailer in the least stealthy way possible…"
Adam smirked.
The assistant director raised the clapperboard.
"Ready for rehearsal!"
When they finished rehearsing the scene, Spielberg showed up after working on other already-practiced shots. It was incredible how fast and efficiently everyone moved—jumping from one scene to another in a single day to keep the pace of filming.
Now, Spielberg was reviewing some details with the camera crew while also checking the rehearsals to see what needed adjusting or refining.
After just a few minutes, he seemed satisfied and motioned for Adam and Vanessa to take their positions.
"Alright, guys, you nailed it in rehearsals. Now, just a reminder—I want this scene to feel like a little kids' game that spirals out of control," he explained calmly. "Kelly thinks she can sneak in effortlessly to follow her dad, and Arby, even though he knows it's a bad idea, helps her because he realizes she wouldn't be able to handle the security system on her own—even with the key. He decides to go with her because he doesn't want to be left behind, though there's more to his decision than just that"
Adam nodded, fully understanding the dynamic. It wasn't a high-stakes action scene, but it was crucial in establishing their relationship before the real chaos began on the island.
The assistant director raised the clapperboard.
"The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Scene 27, Take One. Action!"
The set fell silent.
Kelly crept toward the trailer door, pulling out the key she had swiped from her father's gear. She slid it into the lock, but the second she tried to turn it, the security panel's red light blinked with a sharp beep.
"Oh, come on..." she muttered, frowning as she tried again.
Behind some nearby crates, Arby—Adam—leaned forward, watching her with skepticism.
"That was your grand plan?" he whispered, a mix of disbelief and amusement in his voice.
Kelly whipped around, startled to see him there.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Arby shrugged.
"I heard there was a secret party in a trailer with air conditioning and figured they forgot to invite me"
Kelly rolled her eyes but quickly turned her attention back to the security panel.
"Damn it..." she muttered as she pressed more buttons to no avail. Like her father, Kelly was absolutely terrible with technology.
Arby inched closer, assessing the situation.
"If you keep randomly pressing buttons, you'll either blow up the trailer or, at the very least, set off the alarms and have security swarming in seconds."
Kelly shot him an annoyed glare.
"Got a better idea, genius?"
Arby smirked.
"Yeah. Going to bed and forgetting about this nonsense."
Kelly crossed her arms.
"Are you gonna help or not?"
A pause. Arby exhaled, like he already knew this was a bad idea but had resigned himself to the inevitable.
"If you're gonna do something stupid..." he muttered, pulling out a small multitool from his pocket—something he had taken from his father's tools without permission. " least do it right."
Kelly grinned in satisfaction and stepped aside to let him work.
Adam as Arby pretended to examine the panel intently, but in reality, he was following the sequence he had been briefed on before the scene. As soon as he touched the screen, a technician off-camera triggered the cue, making the red light blink before switching to green with a soft click.
The door unlocked.
Kelly pushed the handle open with a triumphant smirk.
"Knew there was a reason I brought you…"
Arby shot her a look.
"Yeah. The reason is that without me, you would've set off every alarm and your dad would've given you the longest lecture of your life before stopping you from going anywhere…"
With one last glance around, the two of them slipped inside the trailer, closing the door behind them.
Spielberg leaned toward the monitor and nodded approvingly.
"Great take. I really like the chemistry between you two," he commented before turning to Adam and Vanessa. "Let's go for another, but Adam, take a little longer to decide. Arby's smart—he knows this is a bad idea, but there's a part of him that just can't resist following her."
Adam nodded, internalizing the note.
"Got it."
Vanessa gave him a playful nudge.
"See? I knew they'd make you do it again."
Adam smirked with fake arrogance.
"Well, perfection takes time."
Though little did she know, with his ability, it was just a matter of knowing exactly what the director wanted, and he could pull it off flawlessly. Sure, Perfect Acting adapted his performance to fit his character in the most natural way, but sometimes that didn't align perfectly with what a director thought was THE best.
Yeah directors and all that heh…
And while Adam trusted his ability over any director's interpretation, arguing wasn't worth it.
If Spielberg wanted something tweaked, Adam would just make Perfect Acting do exactly that. No problem.
This was not the first time he had to do this, as it had already happened to him on more than one occasion in his other two films..., oh yea, he would have loved to discuss how his performance was probably better than what they were looking for, but he didn't have the authority or the acknowledgement to do that. So for now he just held back...
Yepp, he was getting used to doing this both as Adam and as Draco.
Did it bother him? Sure.
But one couldn't always have everything one wanted, and he knew that, unlike others. That's why he didn't bother to argue or create unnecessary problems for himself either when he was acting or when he was Draco Malfoy.
Moments later, both of them, Vanessa and Adam, returned to their marks, ready for another take.
The day went on with more retakes, small dialogue adjustments, and changes in camera angles.
And as Adam sat at the edge of the set, script in hand, waiting for his next shot, he couldn't help but smile.
He had a good feeling about this movie.
Just like the first Jurassic Park, this one was bound to be a huge success.
And he loved being a part of it—even if he wasn't the main character.