Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 23: Chapter 24 Human Hero


Chapter 24 Human Hero

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

Six years went by in Ooo. During that time the spirits of Linda, Betty, and Flame Queen tried to visit Princess Bubblegum in her dreams to try and convince her to help free Flame Princess, unfortunately Crimson was way ahead of them and had put a spell on Bubblegum to prevent the spirits from visiting her dreams. Marceline visited Flame Princess, but was unable to do more then talk to her. As the years went by Marceline grew to resent Bubblegum. Meanwhile a young boy was making a name for himself and becoming a hero

Finn the Human and his brother Jake the Dog were on the outskirts of the Ice Kingdom. The two had never visited the vast winter wonderland and were incredibly excited. Finn was wearing his regular clothes plus a blue sweater.

Fin and Jake ran into the Ice Kingdom laughing and shouting. The two of them eventually came across Simon's mountain home. The two young adventures looked up at it in awe.

"Neat place! I wonder who lives here?" Said Finn.

"I think the guy who rules this place lives here. This is the kind of place I would live in if I ruled." Said Jake.

"You know anything about this guy?" Asked Finn.

"I know his a powerful wizard and that he's incredibly old." Said Jake.

"Let's go meet him, since we're heroes it's best to meet the rulers of kingdoms." Said Finn.

"Good thinking." Said Jake.

The two of them made their way to the mountain. Inside the mountain Simon was sitting in his library writing about his journey in a notebook. Marceline was on tour with the Scream Queens and wouldn't be back for a few weeks. Simon had just finished writing, when he heard a knock at the door. He got up and went to the door, he opened it and saw Finn and Jake.

"Hello there." Greeted Simon with a warm smile.

"Hi there were heroes of Ooo. I'm Finn the Human and this is my brother Jake." Said Finn as he introduced himself and his brother.

The word human caught Simon off guard, he studied the boy closely in amazement.

"You're...human?" Said Simon.

"I am." Said Finn.

"It's...just been so long since...I've seen another one of our kind." Said Simon as he stared at Finn.

"What you talking about man?" Asked Jake.

Simon took a deep breath and then spoke.

"We'll believe it or not I'm human too." Said Simon with a smile.

Finn's jaw dropped in shock.

"You're...human, but you're blue and magical." Said Finn as he looked at Simon.

"Well I am. Why don't you come in and will talk. I'll fix use a nice batch of sugar cookies." Said Simon.

Finn and Jake nodded and walked into the mountain. Thirty minutes later the three of them were in the living room sitting and eating cookies.

"So Finn, before I begin my story, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself and your past." Said Simon.

"Well there really isn't that much to tell. I don't remember anything about my real parents. The earliest thing I can remember is being in the woods as a baby and crying. Jake's parents found me and adopted me into their family. I've been trying to figure out stuff about my past, but found nothing. Now I just go on adventures and do heroic stuff." Said Finn.

"Interesting. Tell me Finn do you know about the war?" Said Simon.

"You mean the Mushroom War, yeah I know about it. It's what made all the humans die." Said Finn.

"That is correct. The weapons used in the war created giant mushroom shaped clouds and killed countless people." Said Simon as he looked at the ground sadly.

"How do you know that?" Asked Finn.

"Because I was there when the war started...and I saw it all happen." Said Simon.

"Whoa! But wait the war was like a million years ago! How are you still alive?" Said Jake as he eyed Simon curiously.

"The happened a thousand years ago to be precise. As to why I'm still alive, you can thank this crown." Said Simon as he held up his crown.

Finn and Jake stared at the crown in wonder. Simon handed the crown over to Finn, who looked at it. Finn removed his bear hat and put it on expecting to feel magic going through his body. He waved his hands around but nothing happened.

"The crown only provides power to the one it choses to be it's master." Explained Simon as Finn handed him the crown back.

"Why was there a war?" Asked Finn.

"I suppose I should tell you a little bit about our race first. You see the humans were great creatures capable of many wondrous things. They multiplied and gathered forming great big kingdoms called nations. The two strongest nations were called the United States of America and Russia. Both these nations had different ideals and wanted to control the world their own way, this lead to conflict. This...lead to both countries preparing for war by gathering allies and then attacking one another with horrible weapons known as bombs. Both nations struck out at one another in a terrible struggle for power, but when the smoke cleared the nations were in ruin and there were hardly any survivors." Said Simon sadly as he finished his tale.

"That's terrible." Said Finn as he looked at Simon.

"So what exactly were you before the war?" Asked Jake.

"I was a antiquarian before the war. During one of my trips I bought the crown from a dockworker. I returned home to my wife Betty and showed her the crown. I put it on for a little laugh and the day after I started changing into what you see before you. It really frightened me. A few months later the bombings started happening and my wife and I were forced to flee. In the confusion I ended up putting the crown on. A large bomb was dropped onto the city and it looked like Betty and I would be killed by the explosion. I raised my hands up desperately trying to protect us and that's when the magic truly happened. A gigantic wall of ice shot from my hands and blocked the explosion saving us." Said Simon.

"WHOA!" Said Finn eyes wide in admiration.

"Your like some kind of superhero!" Said Jake.

"I guess I was. Though I wish I knew about the powers earlier, maybe then I could have used them to saved more people." Said Simon sadly before he returned to his normal self. "But, who knows? For whatever reason I was given these powers and I planned to use them to try and help the world and those in need."

Finn nodded in understanding. He was really starting to like Simon. The old man had gone through something horrible, yet he chose to keep moving forward with life and trying to help people.

"You mentioned before that you haven't seen any of our kind in awhile, were you referring to Betty and some other survivors?" Asked Finn wanting to know if there were other humans living somewhere else.

"Well Betty died a long time ago." Said Simon sadly.

Finn felt sad for Simon.

"However besides me there is only one other survivor. My daughter Marceline." Said Simon.

"You had a kid and she's still around? Dose she have a magical item keeping her alive like you?" Asked Finn.

"Betty and I found Marceline as a child in the ruble and took her in as our own. She's still around because of different circumstances. Right now she's a rockstar on tour and she'll be back soon. I'll introduce you to her when she gets back." Said Simon.

"Awesome." Said Finn.

They hung out a little more and it began to grow dark. Simon lead Finn and Jake to the front door.

"It was cool meeting you Simon." Said Finn.

"It was nice meeting you Finn. You too Jake. And Finn if you need any help with trying to figure out your past or anything just give me a call and I'll come help." Said Simon as he handed Finn a piece of paper with his phone number on it.

Finn wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Simon.

"Thanks man. Your a pretty good dude." Said Finn as he jumped onto Jake's back and the two of them took off towards the Grasslands.

"What a couple of nice boys." Said Simon with a smile as he went back into his home.

Nearby Gunther watched Finn and Jake head back into the Grasslands. Gunther sent the images back to Crimson, who stared at the images in his evil lair.

"So the young hero has met the old wizard. Oh well no matter. They will all perish soon enough." Said Crimson.

A few weeks later Marceline returned from her tour. Simon told her about his encounter with Finn and Jake and thought it would be nice to have them over for dinner. Marceline agreed, but only if she was given the chance to scare the two heroes a little.

"Fine you may scare them a little, but don't go to crazy." Said Simon.

"Ok." Said Marceline with a mischievous grin.

Simon called Finn and Jake's home and invited them over to dinner. A few hours latter the heroes were making there way to Simon's house at night. The two of them were almost to the house, when something big flew over them knocking them to the ground with a gust of wind.

"What the math was that?!" Cried Jake as he and Finn got up.

Something large landed in front of them. It was Marceline in her giant bat form towering over the heroes.

"I want to suck your blood!" Laughed Marceline as she flashed her fangs.

"A VAMPIRE MONSTER!" Screamed Jake in fear.

"Don't worry bro we can take this fool!" Shouted Finn as he charged forward trying to attack Marceline.

Marceline easily grabbed the boy and casually tossed him into the snow with a giggle as she walked towards him. Jake freaked out and jumped at Marceline stretching his limbs out and screaming like a crazy person. Marceline caught him and lifted him up to her fangs and pretended to bite him. For some odd reason Jake turned into a husk of himself. Marceline dropped him in confusion not sure what was going on. Finn shouted angrily, jumped up, and punched Marceline in the nose. Marceline staggered back in pain.

"Ug that hurt!" Moaned Marceline.

Finn was standing over the body of Jake looking sad and shaking it.

"Jake!" Cried Finn.

"Dude I'm ok." Said Jake as he suddenly sprung to life.

"Wait what?" Said Finn in confusion.

"I just moved all my blood and guts to my thumb." Said Jake holding up an extremely large thumb that quickly returned to normal size.

"Nice trick." Said Marceline.

The two heroes turned to face the giant bat creature. At that moment Simon stepped out of the house.

"Alright Marceline that's enough scarring, you already had your fun." Said Simon as he looked at Marceline.

"Alright Simon." Said Marceline as she turned back into her human form.

Finn and Jake just stared at Marceline in shock.

"You're Marceline and you're a...vampire." Said Finn as he stared at the girl.

"That's right and I just pulled a nice little scare trick on you." Laughed Marceline. "Nice to meet you guys."

"Nice to meet you too." Said Finn.

For some reason Finn found himself likening Marceline, she was different from the other girls Finn had met.

"Come on in its time for dinner." Said Simon.

The group went inside and sat at a table. Simon served the group a big bowl of spaghetti with red sauce. The group ate and talked.

"So Marceline how long have you know Simon?" Asked Finn.

"Pretty much most of my life, he and Betty found me as a kid and raised me after the war. It was tough, but we managed to get by and eventually we came across this place and started living here." Said Marceline.

"How'd you become a vampire?" Asked Jake.

"Well after...Betty passed away. I decided to do a little soul searching. I packed a bag and went exploring. I was hanging around this one town, when a vampire grabbed and took me to his bosses the King and Queen of Vampires, who were living in a large church. The Vampire King bit me on the neck and turned me into a vampire. He tried to make me into one of his followers, but I resisted and regained control of myself. I then fought against both the King and Queen. I managed to kill the Queen and take her title. The King became furious and started to really lay the smack down on me and knocked me into a storage room full of religious artifacts. The King came into to finish me, but I turned the tables on him and splashed holly water into his face! It really left a mark on him and he retreated, vowing to return for revenge." Said Marceline.

Finn and Jake stared at Marceline with awe.

"So...wait do you need to drink blood now?" Asked Jake nervously.

"Relax Jake I won't take yours or Finn's blood. Vampires can simply live by sucking the red out of anything." Explained Marceline as she sucked the red out of the sauce on her plate to demonstrate.

"Well that's a relief." Said Jake.

"So you...have no parents and you were adopted?" Asked Finn.

"Well by mom died during the war, but my real dad is still around, but things between me and him...are a little complicated." Said Marceline.

"What do you mean?" Asked Finn.

"Well my dad isn't human and he isn't from this world." Said Marceline.

"A long time ago, we had a little encounter with Marceline's father, there was a little argument for what was best for Marceline, eventually it was agreed upon that Marceline should be raised by Betty and myself." Said Simon.

"Who's Marceline's dad?" Asked Jake.

"I...don't really want to talk about it, you guys seem cool, but it's kind of a big deal who my father is and I don't want to freak you guys out. Maybe someday I'll tell you, but not right now." Said Marceline looking a little uncomfortable

"Ok. You can tell us, when you're ready." Said Finn.

"Time for desert." Said Simon as he left the kitchen table.

A few minutes later Simon returned with a red velvet cake and began serving everyone. After they ate Finn and Jake got ready to leave.

"Hey before, you guys go here's some tickets to my next concert. It'll be a real rocking show." Said Marceline as she gave the two heroes some tickets.

"Awesome. Thanks." Said Finn.

"Cool!" Said Jake.

"One more thing before you go hero." Said Marceline as she suddenly leaned in and kissed Finn on the cheek.

Finn's checks turned bright pink in shock and embarrassment. Marceline giggled a little as a giggling Jake put Finn on his back.

"Goodnight." Said Finn still blushing as Jake carried them home.

"Those were a couple of cool dudes. I like them." Said Marceline.

"Indeed they are." Said Simon.

The two of them headed back into the house.

In the months that followed Finn and Jake became good friends with both Simon and Marceline. Finn and Jake visited Simon to ask him about the world before the war and to hear about his adventures. The two heroes attended Marceline's concerts and hung out with her to listen to music or just jam out.

Marceline decided to get herself a house she could call her own. She set up in a cave and built herself a pink house with a brown roof, that was surrounded by a white fence, it had a large deck, a basketball court, and three cupolas. After the house was built Simon, Finn, and Jake threw Marceline a house warming party. During the party Finn and Jake noticed that Simon looked a little sad.

"Hey Marceline what's up with Simon?" Asked Finn.

Marceline looked over at Simon who was sipping a soda.

"Simon's wedding anniversary is coming up. It's...kind of a sad time for him." Explained Marceline.

Simon walked over to them.

"Well this was a fun party. Congrats on your new home Marceline it's really nice. But I'm afraid my old body is getting tired and I need to head back to the Ice Kingdom." Said Simon.

"Alright. Thanks for the party Simon." Said Marceline as she hugged Simon and kissed him on the cheek.

Simon smiled and walked out of the house.

"You know you and Simon really don't talk about Betty that much. What happened to her?" Said Finn.

Marceline sighed sadly and sat on a couch.

"Betty was one of the kindest people I ever met, she...was like a mother to me and I loved her. The three of us went through some rough times, but no matter what she and Simon managed to stay positive and made sure I was safe. Several years after we started living in the mountain and Simon started creating the Ice Kingdom, our home was attacked by a horrible creature. It towered over me and tried to turn me into some kind of servant. Betty jumped onto the creature's back and forced it away from me. The monster became angry and threw Betty off of himself. The beast blew some kind of black horrible smoke into Betty's body making her sick and weak. Simon showed up and managed to fight the monster and get it out if the Ice Kingdom. Betty grew incredibly weak over the past few weeks...and then she died." Said Marceline as a few tears fell from her eyes.

Finn and Jake just stared at Marceline sadly not sure what to do.

"Simon blames himself for what happened. He's better then he used to be. For the first few years he just looked destroyed, but now his better. He gets a little depressed, but he'll be back to his normal self soon." Said Marceline.

Finn and Jake nodded and said their goodbyes to Marceline.

The next day at the Ice Kingdom, Simon woke up early. He got dressed and grabbed some flowers and made his way to Betty's resting place and put the flowers around the ice tomb. Simon sat next to the tomb and watched the sunrise.

"Happy anniversary, my princess. I know your up there watching me, but I still miss you. If only I was there sooner then you would have lived a longer happier life." Said Simon as he looked at the body frozen inside the ice tomb.

Little did Simon know, was that the spirit of Betty was floating next to him and looking at him.

"Happy anniversary my king. I miss you too. Don't blame yourself for what happened. I pray that one day soon, that will be reunited and then we can hold each other agin. It won't be a dream, it'll be real." Said Betty as she looked down at Simon.

After several minutes passed Simon stood up and placed a hand on the tomb.

"Goodbye Betty. I promise to keep on living." Said Simon with a smile as he stood up and walked away.

Betty smiled and headed back to Death World 51.

To be continued.

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