Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 31: Chapter 32 Graveyard Party


Chapter 32 Graveyard Party

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

(Author's Note: I apologize for taking so long to write a new chapter. I've been busy. This chapter is short, but I promise the next one will be longer and full of action.)

Lucinda was a nice addition to the Ooo community, she proved to have a talent for music and had joined up with Marceline and The Scream Queens making the rock and roll band even more popular in Ooo.

The band had recently written a new album and we're trying to figure out where would be the best place to hold a concert for it. Marceline was looking at a map of Ooo trying to find the perfect place. Lucinda looked at the map and then pointed at one spot.

"How about near this graveyard?" Asked Lucinda.

Marceline studied the map and a grin spread across her face.

"That's a great idea! It's creepy and rad. It'll totally go with the album!"

The rest of the band cheered in agreement, before going out to make flyers and posters for the new upcoming concert.

Soon word was out about the upcoming concert.

In the Grasslands Finn and Jake were jumping around and practicing their dance moves.

In Thief City Tobe was walking through the streets. The ninja had managed to get himself a job guarding one of the most expensive shops in the city. Tobe proved to be a highly effective guard and any thieves that tried to steal from the shop ended up with broken limbs, scars, and soiled pants. Yep Tobe was good at what he did. The ninja passed a pole that was advertising The Scream Queens concert. Tobe stopped to read it. The ninja felt bad for what he tried to do to Marceline and her friends. Perhaps he could offer up his services as an act of atonement to Marceline. Tobe decided to go to the concert. He made his way out of the city, beating up a few robbers on the way.

In the secret lair Crimson was talking to Maja, who was carrying Hambo with her.

"As you can see master, I need a new emotional item to draw power from, preferably a piece of clothing." Said Maja.

"I think Princess Bubblegum has what you are looking for. I have some other things to deal with, but I'll get back to you on that." Said Crimson as he walked away.

Crimson made his way to Sylvester's lab and found the cat working on some kind of robot. The robot was humanoid robot with armor that resembled an American football player. It had mint-green arms and partly yellow shoulder pads that sported turrets, and over it's forearms were purple gauntlets. It had a purple and pale-blue blaster as a left hand. The robot wore knee-high boots that were purple and pink, with yellow over the kneecaps. It's legs were mint-green, attached at the hips, on either side of its torso. The robot had a pale blue abdomen, and he was dressed in a pink girdle with two thin, horizontal yellow stripes over each side of his rib cage. Instead of a head the robot had a black orb helmet with a series of two concentric blue diamonds at the center.

Sylvester looked up from his creation.

"Hello Crimson, what can I do for you?" Asked Sylvester.

Crimson pulled a Scream Queens Poster from his outfit and showed it to Sylvester.

"I plan to launch a little attack and crash this little concert. What do you have that we can use?" Said Crimson.

"Well my latest creation Blastronaut isn't quit ready for battle, but Lightning and Hydro should be up for the task. I also have a flock of Iron Owls we can use." Said Sylvester.

"They'll do. I'll throw in some Crystal Ants and some Hair Apes for good measure." Said Crimson.

"I would also like to participate in this little attack." Said a voice from the shadows.

Crimson and Sylvester turned to see Alister the Vampire King standing a few feet from them.

"Very well you may join in on the attack. You will be the finishing act in our little play." Said Crimson.

"Fine. I agree to your terms." Said Alister as he vanished into the shadows.

Crimson turned to Sylvester.

"How are those three new creatures you recruited from the raid going?"

"Oh they're good minions. They'll be a highly effective attack force, when the time comes. Right now Shark is taking them out for some sunshine." Said Sylvester.

"Good. Carry on and have the mutants and the Iron Owls ready to attack." Said Crimson as he left the lab to go talk to Maja about what he had in mind.

A bunch of people were coming to the Scream Queens's concert and it would be a concert nobody would ever forget.

To be continued.

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