Chapter Eighty-Seven Distant Revelations
Terqu frowned, “Can’t have him doing anything? What do you mean about that?”
“Males are pretty useless, and we can’t have them multiplying. Not to mention it would interfere with the academy breeding programs if they did something with the students.”
She blinked, “breeding programs? Is that why you mentioned I would be doing some fertility procedures as well?”
Her boss nodded, “Naturally the students are prime for it, since they aren’t expected to be in combat. As such we ensure every student is enrolled in the accelerated breeding program, not that they are allowed to remember it.”
“I can see that, but why aren’t they allowed to remember it?”
As the nurse finished up securing the naked Neku man to the exam table, the boss replied, “Several reasons, but the biggest is so that they don’t go asking after their kids. Which helps keep them focused on their work. Also give us more freedom with these kids, than those of civilians who are expected to return to their mothers in ten years. These kids never are.”
Terqu shifted, “I see, guess that makes the caretakers happy.”
“Oh, yes they love the academy breeding programs. Who wouldn’t? It provides a steady stream of girls who need caretakers, and effectively have no mother to return them to. Of course not all of them are sent to the caretakers, others are sent off for research.”
“Research?” frowned Terqu, not sure she liked the sound of that.
“I’ll tell you about that later, but what I will tell you now is that those programs are low risk, female infants are too valuable to risk in anything that might harm them.”
Terqu noted that down, and then turned her attention to the man. “I see, and the need for the infants to all be female, is why we are doing this procedure?”
“Exactly, we don’t need any males sneaking in. Besides we get more than enough boys sent to us from elsewhere, no need to breed more useless boys.”
Terqu glanced around, “Alright so we need to sterilize him. How do I start?”
Her boss picked up a strange tool, “We use this. It is nowhere near as gentle as what we use on the girls, but it will get the job done. Since you have not done this before, just watch what I do.”
Terqu nodded and watched as the device was fitted around his genitals. The long part of the penis was stretched and fitted into a weird tube, where an odd sphere at the end was located to touch the tip. Several weird prongs were fitted around his sacs, and then the device was turned on. Almost instantly his part responded, swelling inside the tight fit. Within moments he started whimpering.
Her boss pulled out a needle, and loaded it with a dark purple fluid, and just viciously jabbed it into a sac. She didn’t bother to be gentle at all about this, “Unlike with a girl, don’t bother being gentle about it. Afterwards, we will program him to ignore any damage or pain he feels from what we have done. Understood?”
Terqu nodded, as she watched the fluid vanish into the sac. She watched as that sac started swelling more rapidly, and even turned purple a moment later. While her boss repeated her actions with the other one.
Then she pressed a switch on the weird casing device, and the sphere started to glow. Just then a couple of weird teeth expanded the opening at the end, before pushing the sphere in. He started screaming, then, and the device tightened itself around the organ. The organ started pulsing a moment after that, but nothing else happened. An instant later, her boss removed the whole device. Leaving the man with a set of swollen bruised looking genitals.
“We’ll do more damage to them later, but we are done here for now. Go ahead, and touch them.”
Hesitantly, she reached out with a tentacle, and touched the end. The man cried out, in what sounded like pain. She’d barely touched him, too. She looked questioningly toward the boss.
“Not only is he sterile now, but his nerves have been hyper-stimulated. The slightest touch down there is agony. We want that, since we need to curtail his sexual impulses.”
“I see.”
“Go ahead, and start programming him. Wipe the procedure from his mind, and make sure he ignores any sensory data from that organ unless he tries to use it on a girl. If he does, the pain should cripple him.”
Terqu got to work, but noted her boss wasn’t idle. She pulled out a few devices, and began scanning him. Giving him a bit of a work over. After a bit, “Not a lot of potential with this one, but otherwise a fairly decent specimen. Barely usable, just barely qualifies for the military programs. I doubt we will ever bother to correct this one, but he seems to have just barely lucked out.”
Terqu frowned, “he did?”
“If this subject had scored any worse, he would have been sent to a facility or worse. Not that it matters much where a useless man not worth correcting gets sent off to. As long as they prove useful in some capacity, that is.”
Terqu quickly agreed. She didn’t much care for men either, and this man was no exception. It didn’t take them much longer to finish up with him, and they moved on to other subjects.
The next subject proved to be a much younger girl. From the look of her she was a student, and Terqu noted her rather swollen belly.
“Okay, this subject is a student, in the middle of her third pregnancy with us. Not that she recalls, we wiped her memory of the last two. By now her programming should make her very cooperative with the procedure. She is due to give birth today, so we are going to induce labor for her. I’m not anticipating any complications with her, so we should be done in an hour, two at the most.”
Terqu nodded as the nurses adjusted the table, and brought in a couple of extra equipment pieces. “So nothing too unusual.”
“Exactly, she’ll give birth, we take the infant, and she goes back to class. We’ll catch up to her later for the infant’s first feeding from mommy, a caretaker will be here to nurse it for her until then, and you’ll be running the normal battery of tests to make sure the girl is healthy, and to measure her initial potential. That will determine what program we put her in.”
Other than that last bit, none of this sounded too unusual to her. New mothers often saw little of their infants during the first week. She had worked with plenty of them as well, so she had a good idea of what to expect. As she went ahead, and started preparing for the task, she inquired, “What kind of programs are infants put in here?”
“There are a few programs here. For now I’ll tell you about the main program, we can discuss the others, and their requirements later. The main program is the general caretaker program, which focus on girls with high potential. Girls in that program often end up here at the academy as students via the early enrollment programs.”
She paused in her work, “Early?”
“Special programs for early enrollment, the minimum enrollment age is officially fourteen, but those special programs allow girls as young as nine to be enrolled. They have their own campus section, and learning programs.”
Terqu had a few questions about that, but decided to shelve them for now. She had an odd feeling about those special programs, and hoped she was wrong. She really did, not that she could do anything about it if she was right. Instead, she turned her focus to the patient.
The scans indicated both the mother, and infant were in prime condition. She also noted the key markers of enhanced individuals. That had a few implications, back at her old clinic, she had done plenty of in-womb enhancements, which combined with the regimens expectant mothers were put on helped accelerate a pregnancy. Not by a small margin either, between the two a pregnancy would end up taking five months on average instead of eight and a half. None of the implications of that were particularly relevant at the moment.
Instead, she turned on a device. It created a special field meant to stimulate the mother, and when combined with the drug she was preparing would induce a rapid labor cycle. She was healthy with strongly developed muscles, so she had to agree with her boss, this patient would likely be finished within two hours. That wasn’t too unusual. Most clinics made sure expectant mothers were prepared for this moment so as to ensure that it would go smoothly.
As it turned out the birthing did go very smoothly. As Terqu was cleaning the newborn, her boss turned to the patient, “Okay we are about done for the day. I’ll need you to go ahead, and forget that you just gave birth, and I’ll see you in a few hours for a milking session. In the meantime, a nurse will go ahead, and empty your breasts before you head back to class. Also I’d like to see you in a week for a fertility assessment.”
“...I understand.”
“Good, now be sure to have plenty of sex during the next couple of weeks.”
The girl nodded, slowly, “... I will.”
“Great.” Then she turned back to Terqu. “Go ahead, and take her into the other room for the standard battery of tests. When you are done, take her to the nursery. The caretakers will get her fed, and take care of her after that.”
Terqu nodded, and headed out. A nurse showed her the adjacent exam room, one that was specifically set up for infants, and young girls. She placed the infant down on the exam bed, where it immediately began to cry.
Terqu sighed, and then reached out with her mind. Such a young mind was quite easy to influence, and in a moment it was no longer aware of why it had started crying. It stopped, which got rid of a distraction.
With that problem solved, for now, she started hooking up probes to her tiny body. Once they were hooked up, she began a series of highly invasive scans. As the scans were running, she started hooking up a second set of devices to her head. It was a memory scanner. In this case, they were not using it for mind manipulation, but rather to begin some early programming. Nothing too serious yet, but it was important work nonetheless. As this programming would be built upon in later sessions.
By the time she was finished with the first series programming, the scans were complete. The girl was very healthy, and more importantly she had very high potential right from birth. A very valuable infant alright. If the breeding programs regularly produced infants like this one, Terqu could see why they didn’t want the mothers to remember them. The very nature of this place was quite ideal for a program like this as well.
With that in mind, she removed the probes, and equipment, and picked the little girl up. It was time to deliver her to the caretakers, who would make sure she got fed, and taken care of. Once they had her, this little one would no longer be Terqu’s responsibility.
The nursery was on the lower levels, she had been shown where that is, but had not yet been inside. As such she knew exactly where to go. It only took her moments to find her way to the nursery, and she headed inside with the nameless little girl.
The place seemed to be quite busy with numerous little baby beds, all of them occupied with infants. All of them female, naturally. Caretakers were moving around, and she noted nursing stations where a few caretaker’s were nursing some of the infants. It seemed these breeding programs were quite successful, there must have been hundreds of infants in this room alone, and she had been told the entire floor was the nursery.
A caretaker walked up to her, with a smile, “You must be Terqu. I was told you were bringing us a little one.”
She nodded, and handed over the nameless little girl. Who was immediately brought to a breast by the caretaker, and encouraged to suckle. “She seems quite healthy, and so responsive. How did she measure up?”
“Quite well, excellent numbers.”
“That sounds good. I’ll let the others know.”
Terqu shifted, “So she hasn’t been named. When is she going to get one?”
“When she gets assigned a permanent caretaker. Until then she is just a number.”
“I see,” replied Terqu. That was a little different from what she was used to, but then again most civilian births already had a caretaker lined up. It wasn’t quite done this way. She was used to the babies always having a name lined up at birth. Either from the mother or more often than not the caretaker. Then again, this was a different system she was now working under.
As the caretaker walked off, she took another look around the nursery. It was unfortunate that so many little ones were simply nameless numbers, awaiting their fate. At least they were being well taken care of. With those thoughts in mind, she made her way out of the nursery. It was time to get back to her boss.
When she got back up to the exam room, she found that the last patient was already gone. Not only that, but it seemed that she had taken long enough for another patient to be leaving the room. A young Neku about the same age as the last one.
Her gaze must have been noted, as her boss said, “Fertility assessment, that girl gave birth a couple of weeks ago, and the breeders have been working to get her pregnant again. They succeeded, she’ll be back in two weeks for her first fetus exam.”
“I see. The nursery also seems quite packed.”
“Naturally, we try to get the students to have as many kids as possible while they are here. As such they aren’t merely encouraged to get pregnant, but required.”
That explained a few things. “Guess that explains the size of the nursery. Who is the next patient?”
“I’ll be taking care of that. In the meantime, I have something else for you to do. I need you to head to the special campus, and pick up a few girls for me.” she picked up a pad, and handed it to her, “These are their details.”
Terqu nodded and made her way out of the room. It seemed she had a few special patients to bring to the clinic.