Chapter 1158: Alterra’s Mascots
Althea shook her head and Garan smiled, and the family—just them and the babies—finally decided to head back home.
She could've sworn the babies were sleepy earlier though, but somehow they had regained energy and were now unable to behave.
Garan had to take Meatball away from his head, though he would always try to climb up again. Meatball loved heights so they normally let him climb whatever he wanted, as long as it was safe enough.
This often meant his father's head.
Anyway, it was better for the baby to prefer this rather than just float away from them.
Little Pepper was much more well-behaved, but she did keep squirming in Althea's arms, taking different positions, until it seemed like she just wanted to walk.
It was just that they were entering a densely crowded area, so it was out of the question for them to be running around on their own even with a tether that could tangle with innocent passersby.
She gently patted her daughter's bum. "No, we're going home soon anyway."
The baby pouted. "Mama…"
Althea sighed. If it was safe, she'd have long given in. Her heart was mush already, but what could she do?
Seeing her this, Garan's lips twitched upwards, all while easily holding the baby boy in position with a single hand. "They inherited your love for adventure," he said. "I remember when you'd disappear in search of plants…"
Forests weren't too common to them back in Terran, so when Althea went missing, it could cause a bit of chaos. Well, at least to him who would desperately search for her.
This time, it was Althea who pouted. It was very cute.
It was at this point that they heard familiar shuffling and barking approach them.
They were fast approaching and were big enough that they could even feel some light rumbles in the atmosphere. There was also the fact that there were gasps, calls, and greetings echoing from the direction.
"Fufi! Snow! You're back~" they called, so Althea and her husband knew immediately who was coming.
The crowd cleared a path for them, most of whom were watching them pass by.
Dum, dum, dum, they jumped and settled in front of Althea and her family.
They sat down, tails wagging, except they were not small anymore, making it quite an odd sight for those who hadn't seen Fufi before.
At this time, Fufi was already level 11, and his size was more than 1.5 meter high on all-fours—just at the eye level of short people. Snow was level 8, and a little smaller at more than 1 meter, but still very big.
"Woof!" Fufi barked in greeting, wearing that big smile of his. On the other hand, Snow was quiet as always, but her tail was also wagging, indicating she was also happy to see them.
Garan nodded at her and she did to him, understanding each other's greeting.
When a stoic man partnered with a stoic dog, it was quite bemusing to watch.
Althea smiled at the canines, using her free hand to pat their heads. "Is your working hours over? Is it play time now?" she asked, earning a happy woof from Fufi, partnered with that stupid smile of his again.
Whenever they were not doing their jobs (which was either helping clear mobs or doing rounds within the walls) the two dogs were usually with the children. Now that they were here, this meant their shift with Plaridel's team was over and they could finally accompany the babies again.
"Woof! Woof! ARF! Woof!"
We killed many beasts today! Snow is about to level up!
"Good job…" she said.
The babies also giggled at the sight of the dogs. They had grown with them and bonded with them every day. They were practically siblings.
"Foofee! Foofee!"
"Smow! Smow!" Stay tuned to My Virtual Library Empire
The two babies reached out to the dogs, wanting to ride on them. Their little bodies were all squirmy and their bums squiggling as they tried to escape their parents' claws to go to their canine siblings.
The two had no choice but to compromise and let them ride on the two's backs.
"Keep them stable," Althea said to Fufi, who barked reassuringly at her.
Fortunately, the kids had been riding the two dogs' heads for a while, even before they walked stably (they used the dog for the fastest travel), so Althea could at least be reassured they wouldn't get dropped by the dogs… unless the kids decided to stand or something.
Not to mention, this was probably the first time they did so outside. It was always just within the walls of their villa before.
She felt a little scared for this—which mother wouldn't—and she patted the babies' small heads. "Be careful and hold on tight," she said. "The moment you get into an accident will be the last time you can ride on them."
Her sentence was long and the babies didn't know all the words, but they understood what she meant.
Their eyes glazed and they pouted. "Nuuuuu…" Baby Pepper said, holding tightly to Snow's furry head.
Similarly, Meatball also crawled and wrapped his arms around Fufi's snout. "Nuuuu…"
Fufi blinked, uncomfortable, but didn't move. A very good boi.
"That's why you should be careful," she said, comforting them. "If you behave there'd be no problem." She then stepped aside and let the dogs move forward, though the couple was definitely ready to act the moment they had to.
And so, the view of two large battle pets with babies on top of their heads became a popular attraction in the streets they passed by. The babies were like hats to the dogs, their diapered bums resting snugly on the critters' heads or neck.
"So cute!"
"Cuteness overload!"
Some people who had phones took them out, taking photos of the absolutely adorable moment!
After so many months, they had developed charging stations powered by water and air.
Those who managed to keep their phones on them were extremely thankful. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to take photos of Alterra's lovely mascots!
Mascots were not meant to be useful, just cute and good to look at. Their existence alone could improve people's moods, which in turn made people happier and more productive.
The couple walked closely behind the dogs, occasionally shouting to keep their pace when Althea felt they were going too fast.
Fortunately, the dogs were quite smart. When someone didn't see the babies on their heads and threw some meat by habit, they didn't make any sudden movements at all, which was really reassuring.
As they headed back to the villa though, Althea noticed something after closely watching the dogs.
Was Snow a little… lethargic?