After Surviving the Apocalypse, I Built a City in Another World

Chapter 39: The First Territory


Name: Ansel Witt

Age: 23

Level: 3 (30/5000)

Life: 265/500

Spirit: 225/500

Physical: 72

Agility: 65

Defense: 47 +1

Mana: 300

Physical Potential: S

Mental potential: A+


Active: Stab (E)

Passive: None

Elemental Affinity: Fire

Titles: None

Overall rank: A

Current Status: Normal ]

He looked at his stats in satisfaction. Something beautiful was finally listed.

Although leveling up didn't fill up the stats to the brim, thevalues added during the progression were added. It was more than enough.

Soon, Tom also reached level 3, and eventually dealing with the monsters became a bit lighter.

He also got a skill, with very similar specs to his own. [Slash (E) : Adds 1% power to an attack. Cost: 2 Mana]

Now they were finally being given a way to survive, which was somewhat of a relief.

The two continued on their way, fighting an occasional mob, following the traces human beings made.

Although these traces were a bit gruesome—mostly blood—they were traces nevertheless.

Things went relatively smoothly until they saw an arm appearing to reach out to them from behind the bushes.

Tom flinched in surprise and was quick to give a helping hand. He used a good part of his strength to pull up the person…

Only he lost balance as he pulled, almost falling to his back.

Thankfully he had good reflexes, and his eyes focused on the arm he pulled, wondering if he used too much force and how come the person was so light. But his eyes followed the hand to the arm and further up—

"Ahhh!" He yelled, letting go of the arm.

Because… it was really just an arm.

Ansel got goosebumps while Tom paled, as if he had lost all blood on his face.

From his peripheral vision, Ansel saw Tom gag in his direction. The big man almost barfed at him.


Ansel looked at the older man in disgust. "It's like you didn't see zombie heads flying around—"

"That's different!" Tom argued. After all, the people he knew who died turned into zombies.

Because he knew them, he knew clearly that the bodies were no longer 'them'.

After a short time, Tom had understood the fact that zombies were no longer humans.

More than anything, killing them was liberation to his friends and family.

Joking aside, Ansel's guard went up several notches at the sight of the severed arm.

It didn't take long for them to see more and more body parts, likely from different people.

There was even a small foot, clearly belonging to a small child.

The two silently continued to walk until they finally saw the huge body of a monster. But its attention was on the body it was mauling.

The poor person was a woman. Or, it was. Not counting the severed arms, half-bitten face, and overflowing innards.

Looking closer they realized that it was an acquaintance; it was one of the people who teleported with them.

This time Tom really puked.

Fortunately, it was in the bushes.

The smell seemed to have alerted the monster and it turned its ugly head in their direction. Growling, it quickly sprinted and opened its mouth to eat the fresh meat.

[Used Stab (D), -2 Mana!]

[Used Stab (D), -2 Mana!]

[Used Stab (D), -2 Mana!]

[Killed Sabermouth (Lv1): +30 Experience, +30 copper]

Tom was pulled to the present when he saw the body of the monster fall in front of him.

He realized his gaffe and quickly wiped his mouth with his shirt before apologizing. "...sorry."

Ansel ignored him and walked closer to the dismembered woman. "Help her out." He said, asking Tom to do the dirty work. He called it 'training'.

They quickly buried the body next to where she was found and added a stick to mark her grave, placing the bracelet on the separated arm on top.

They bowed a little, giving the respect they could give to someone they hadn't even talked to, but a fellowman nevertheless.

They continued to walk forward, heading to where the woman was headed, hoping to meet up with other survivors.

Eventually, they heard the familiar sound of a scuffle and roars. They walked over to see the familiar movement of using the empty gun as a hammer.

Ansel couldn't help but give Tom a sideways look. Tom only had a questioning look on his face in response.

It was the two policemen and a little girl, who they knew was the daughter of the older policeman. Obviously, like them, the bullets have already run out.

The two policemen were already full of wounds and drenched in blood and sweat. The little girl was only a bit better, but it was obvious that she had been protected very well.

Tom and Ansel looked at each other for a moment, nodding, knowing what to do next without speaking. The two of them ran out to help and dealt with the remaining monsters.

"Thank you!" the younger one said. He was called Artie, and he had just entered the force a month prior. "You really saved us. My Life is less than 20% now…"

"No problem. We're brothers after all!" Tom said, friendly as always. The older policeman, Bruce, also nodded in gratitude before kneeling down to comfort his daughter.

Artie smiled and looked at the gun in his hand. "Such a pity." They do have a few batons stocked, but that was it.

Not to mention these guns protected their lives and let them come so far.

"You can sell it to the system as special metal. It's not much but it's something." Ansel said. They were surprised this could be done. "Just take it out and put it in the space again, but with the will to sell.

He watched as the two men followed instructions, and they looked at him in gratitude again. "Thanks."

"It's getting really dark." They didn't have any lighting apparatus other than their phones. Who knew what monsters were like at this time?

The man looked at his shivering daughter in heartbreak. "We need to find a safe haven." He said, feeling heavy and incredibly sorry for his poor daughter.

Everyone agreed, albeit it was mostly pity for their own skins. The group then continued their way, hoping to find a trekking path to follow.

Although they didn't actually find one, they did see… a stone fence?

Everyone looked at each other with bright eyes and followed the fence. After several minutes of running, panting heavily, they eventually reached the gate.

[You have entered the territory of Bright Village. Please pay entry fees within fifteen minutes.

[10 copper coins for daily visitor pass, 500 copper for temporary residence (valid for 1 month), and 10 gold for permanent residency.]

"Bright Village?"

"A safe haven!"

Their eyes were bright as they entered, meeting the eyes of the imposing guards.

The guards only nodded at them and focused on the task at hand, ignoring them.

Ansel couldn't help but take a second look at the men. They had an ominous aura around them; it was obvious they had seen a lot of blood, likely even before the disaster happened.

Their arrival seemed to have alarmed the people inside. Walking a bit deeper, they soon encountered more people.

The group of people in proud postures went to greet them. A fat one with a greasy face stepped forward.

"Welcome to our Bright Territory. My name is Ghoo, and this is the Lord of this area, Sir Micheal." He said and stared at them, and frowned when they only greeted with a polite nod.

It was as if he was expecting them to prostrate themselves.

They naturally did not, and it turned the fat guy's face darker.


"It's fine." It was a young man in his late twenties.

He had a clean inviolable aura around him that made people let down their guards.

"My name is Micheal Berti." He said, "I am the Lord of this territory."


Someone actually owned a territory? How??

Despite the many questions in their heads, the group of them nodded out of politeness. The policemen even looked awed, and the young man smiled in response.

"I am one of the few people who luckily received something called a Lord Token, that allows us to build our own territory." He said, calmly introducing his situation to them.

Although Ansel had a little dislike towards the guy, he had to laud him for being patient enough to explain, considering his 'status'.

"I am also the first Terran to create his own territory. I received rewards that would definitely let us be in an advantageous position."

Ansel's eyebrows rose in interest. First, there would be safe havens that could be created by Terrans, and now there seemed to be a reward system?

On the other hand, the policemen were more vocal in their interest. "What reward? If you can tell, of course."

Micheal smiled. "No problem. I was awarded level 2 fences which will definitely be difficult to obtain normally."

The group looked at each other in relief.

This was indeed good. After all, this man saved up huge amounts of gold which could be used to improve the lives of those inside.

The two policemen looked at each other with a smile.

Ansel looked at the man, "Can you tell the conditions of becoming Lord?"

Ansel asked, casually. He just treated him his age. Ansel really didn't like him much; he could feel what a fake smile looked like when he saw one.

The question earned him a few guarded stares from the guy's cronies, but Micheal didn't seem to have taken any offense.

"A lot of gold." He just said vaguely.

Ansel whistled. "You must be rich then," he said, crossing his arms. Ghoo looked absolutely offended at his casualness.

"How come I never heard of you before?"

"I lived in the Western continent, but some business transaction brought me to Aberdeen city."

Ansel flinched. "What?"

Michael's eyes sharpened a little and repeated what he said.

Ansel's devil-may-care attitude took a 180-degree turn as he faced the man, ready to bombard him with questions.

Soon he found out that this lord, along with a lot of his people, were in Aberdeen City before the disaster.

Aberdeen city was hundreds of kilometers away from where he was when the Migration happened.

That meant… could Althea be here?

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