Amplify (A RWBY Story)

Chapter 66: Ryder Vs Cinder

The main hall's atmosphere stood silent as Ryder's words sank into the minds of all those around him. Ryder intend to KILL Cinder Fall, and it was obvious. His friends didn't think he'd regret this one unlike the rogue huntsmen he killed on accident. This time it would be on purpose. His friends were concerned for him while his enemies didn't think he'd be able to beat them. Emerald and Mercury remember who he is. The one who defeated the Greater Warden. 

"Cinder, this is the one who defeated Salem's little experiment Grimm." Emerald whispered to Cinder. 

"Is that so?" Cinder said. 

Cinder then focuses on Ryder. 

"So, you're Ryder Falcone. Must say, defeating that experimental Grimm type is impressive considering it was made to-" Cinder said but was cut off. 

"Shut Up!" Ryder said, rage in his eyes as he glared at her. 

"I was giving you compliment." Cinder said with a fake smile. 

It only served to anger Ryder even more as his green aura intensified. 

"Ryder, calm down." Qrow said as he stepped closer to Ryder in an attempt to reel him in. 

Ryder then got ready to charge forward and Qrow saw this and rushed towards him. 

"Ryder wait!" Qrow shouted. 

Too late. Ryder dashed off directly towards Cinder Fall with killing intent. Cinder was caught off guard at his speed and because of this, she got punched in the face by Ryder who didn't appear to be holding back at all. She went flying backwards and hit the statue that was behind her. Her aura flickers and that surprised her. She now knows to not let Ryder hit her or else she'll lose her Aura. 

"Cinder!" Emerald cried out. 

Emerald took aim at Ryder and prepared to shoot at him but when she did, Jaune got in between her and him with his shield. Ruby then pressed her own attack on Emerald with Jaune helping her. The others engage in combat with the rest of Cinder's group. Qrow fights Raven, Yang fights Mercury, Weiss fights Vernal, Nora and Ren fight Hazel while Oscar goes to confront Leonardo. Cinder pushed herself off the statue and glared at Ryder. Cinder then conjures a sword with her Maiden powers and points it at Ryder who just glared at her. Cinder charged forward and Ryder charged forward in response to her charge. They clash in the middle with Ryder using his gauntlet on his right arm to block Cinder's blade. Cinder tried to swing her blade multiple times, but each time Ryder blocked it with his gauntlets. First with his left arm, then his right and repeat. That was until the fifth swing of the blade. 

Ryder caught the blade in his left hand before he chambered lightning dust into his right gauntlet and blasted Cinder with Lightning. Cinder gets tazed by the Lightning which causes her to drop her sword leaving her open. Ryder stops tazing her and spartan kicked her in the stomach. Cinder is knocked back but she regains her footing and charged up a blast of Fire. Ryder saw this and stepped back. Cinder grinned and launched it at Ryder. Ryder though smirked before he used his own Magic to catch the ball of Fire with his hands. This shocked Cinder. Ryder spun around and threw the ball of flames back at Cinder. Cinder dove to the right with a shocked expression before glaring at him. 

"How? How did you do that!?" Cinder demanded. 

"Like I'd tell you." Ryder said harshly. "You're going to pay for all the lives you've taken." 

Ryder lowered his power to around 7X, mostly because he wanted to take his time and make Cinder suffer. He hadn't known it yet, but he's been consumed by his emotions and is losing control of himself. Normally he would never do this, but his need for vengeance has taken hold. Before Ryder charges forward, he and everyone hears Weiss cry out in pain. Ryder looked over and saw that Vernal had done something. Cinder sees the look in his eyes and its brief concern before his eyes snap back to her with anger. She then gets an idea but needs an opening to carry it out. Ryder lunged at her and went to punch her, but she dodged his attack and sent fire his way. Ryder brought up a barrier of magic to block the flames and this stunned Cinder once more. This told her that he can use Magic. 

Ruby looked over and saw Ryder defending against the flames but thought he was getting overwhelmed. She gets reminded of Pyrrha's death which causes her silver eyes to activate. Sending a flash of light throughout the entire main hall. When the light died down, Ryder noticed the flames stopped. He dropped his barrier and saw that Cinder was holding her left arm in pain while on her knees. Now was his chance. He lunged at her and sent a punch her way. Cinder noticed and barely dodged. Ryder flew past her and his fist hit the wall far behind her. Cinder got back up and fully activated her Maiden powers as a flame comes out of her right eye as she glared at Ryder. Ryder turned around and faced Cinder. 

Cinder turned her eyes to Emerald who had knocked Ruby down after she had used her silver eyes. Jaune had gone off to help Weiss after her aura broke. Emerald rushed over to Cinder. 

"Are you okay?" Emerald asks. 

"I'm fine." Cinder said while glaring at Ryder. "But I have a plan. I need a distraction." 

Emerald nods and looked at Ryder who glared at them both. Ryder growled before running at them both. He then lunged at Cinder and threw a punch, but his fist went right through her as if she didn't exist. Ryder went past her and was confused. He turned around and saw that Cinder was unharmed as she turned around. Confused, Ryder chambered more lightning dust into his gauntlets and launched a barrage of lightning bolts at Cinder and Emerald. But the bolts go right through them. He had no idea what was going on. He then saw both figures disappear. He then heard someone shout Weiss's name. 

"Weiss!!" Jaune cried out. 

Ryder looked over and his eyes widen in horror. Weiss was on her knees with a spear through her abdomen. He watches as the spear disappears and Weiss fully falls to the floor almost lifelessly. Jaune rushed over to her, but all Ryder does is stand there with wide eyes. The world around him seemed to slow down as his hands twitched. Tears build up in his eyes before they slowly fall down his cheeks. Memories of him and Weiss flash through his mind as his breathing grows rapid before it grows into anger. His horrified eyes slowly turn to rage as his blood began to boil. He saw how Cinder turned to him with a smile on her face. She looked proud of her work. Little did she know, that was all Ryder needed to go over the edge. 

As if a chain snapped in his mind, Ryder's eyes changed color from green to yellow before a primal war cry erupted from his mouth. His green aura intensified as gusts of wind shot in all directions. The entire building began to shake and even the area around the building shook. Everyone shielded their eyes from the gusts of wind as they all looked at Ryder's explosion of emotions. Everyone was shocked, even Cinder. Ryder's green aura then turned yellow as his hair turned spikey but retained its normal color. His primal war cry eventually faded away before Ryder glared at Cinder with pure rage and hatred with tears going down his cheeks. 

Ryder's semblance had evolved, true to its nature as an Evolutionary Semblance. Now, he finally broke past 10X, he was now at 13X. This was Amplify: Stage 2! But could his Aura handle this much power without preparation?


NEXT CHAPTER: End the Maiden

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