Amplify (A RWBY Story)

Chapter 68: Confession

It's been 3 Days since the Battle at Haven. The group is taking 2 weeks to unwind from the chaos that unfolded at Haven before moving on for Atlas. They attained the Relic of Knowledge with Raven's help but after they got the relic, Raven left. During the time that has passed, Ryder has been trying to get a hold on Amplify: Stage 2. while he can now tap into it, it puts immense stress on his Aura so more training is required before he can fully use Stage 2's true power. With Cinder Fall dead and gone, Ryder has been more at ease knowing that one of Salem's agents has been killed. Though, he couldn't believe that he was the one who did it. He was just so consumed by his emotions that he couldn't control himself. But he noticed that this Kill didn't weigh on him as heavily as his first kill did. Maybe it's because Cinder deserved it. 

Blake was informed on everything Salem, Magic and Maidens. Even the Dragon Balls. Let's just say Blake was stunned to hear all of this. While he trained, he thought about how close Weiss came to dying. They almost lost her. He almost lost someone he cherished, someone he... loves. By now Ryder is struggling with the idea of confessing his feelings to Weiss. He wants to do it, but his nervousness is stopping him. He was currently on the patio meditating but he couldn't clear his mind because he keeps thinking about Weiss. He just can't shake it out of his mind. It's almost like the universe is telling him to man up and confess to Weiss. He just sighs and pushes himself off the ground as he decides to just stop meditating and go do something else productive. But when he turned around to head back inside, he saw Ruby and Yang approaching him. 

"Hey guys. What's up?" Ryder asked. 

Ruby and Yang look at each other before looking at Ryder. 

"We just wanted to talk to you." Ruby said. 

"About what?" Ryder asked. 

"Ryder. It's obvious you like Weiss." Yang said, getting straight to the point. 

Ryder sighed. 

"Alright yes. I'll admit. I like Weiss more than a friend." Ryder admits. "I just don't know how to tell her." 

"Why not just ask her." Ruby suggested. "There's no real need to do anything fancy." 

"Just be yourself and don't worry about if she doesn't feel the same way." Yang said. 

"Why shouldn't I worry? I have every right to be nervous." Ryder argues calmly. 

"Trust us." Yang said with a smile. 

"Alright. Say I take your word for it. How am I supposed to muster up the courage to even ask her?" Ryder said. 

"Well, what do you like most about her?" Yang asked while crossing her arms. 

Ryder just chuckled a little as he turned to the horizon behind him. 

"How can I decide." Ryder said. "Maybe it's her eyes, her voice, her personality, her sense of independence." 

Yang and Ruby just smile hearing these things. It told them that Ryder did truly love Weiss. 

"Look, all I need to know is that I love her. Okay?" Ryder said, still looking at the horizon. "That's all that's important right?" 

Yang and Ruby look at each other with a knowing smile before looking back at Ryder. As Yang went to speak a new voice spoke instead. 

"I believe it is." Weiss said. 

Ryder's eyes widened as he quickly turned around, same with Ruby and Yang and they saw Weiss standing there. 

"H-How much of that did you hear?" Ryder asked nervously. 

Weiss just smiles before looking at the ground with a blush as she shifted nervously. 

"All I needed to hear." Weiss said. 

Ruby and Yang's smiles return as they look at each other. Ryder on the other hand was a nervous wreck. 

"W-Weiss, I-I.... uh..." Ryder said, stumbling on his words. 

Weiss begins to approach Ryder, passing Ruby and Yang who step aside. These two were eager to see what happened next. Ryder continued to be wordless as he couldn't speak properly. His nervousness taking hold of him. In his nervous fit, he didn't notice how close Weiss got. He then felt Weiss plant a kiss on his cheek which stunned him, and he froze in place. Ryder then looked at Weiss with wide eyes. 

"W-What was that for?" Ryder asked. 

"You said you loved me... right?" Weiss asked. 

"Y-Yeah." Ryder answered. 

"Well..." Weiss said, she too was nervous. "I love you too." 

Ryder's eyes widen once more. Yang and Ruby on the other hand looked happy. Ryder couldn't find the right words to say in response to what Weiss said. His mind just shut down as a blush appeared on his face. Weiss just chuckles seeing this reaction from him. She had to admit though, it was adorable seeing this reaction. 

"What happens now?" Ryder asked, nervously, finally finding words to speak. 

"Enjoy time together!" Yang said, her joy evident. "After all, from here on you, you two are officially a thing." 

"Well, it'll certainly take some getting used to." Ryder admits. 

He then smiles and looked at Weiss. 

"But I'm sure we'll manage." Ryder said. 

Weiss smiled back at him. 


Author's Note: Sorry if this felt cringe to read. first time writing a chapter like this one.

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