An Unexpected Proposal

chapter 11 - I Want to Live

April 9, 2020.
"If you don’t want to be torn apart and die right here, get out now."

If she had known things would turn out this way, she should have killed them all when she still had her strength. But ever since that day, her power had disappeared, leaving Alicia nothing more than a fragile, powerless woman. She no longer had the strength to kill anyone.
For now, the only way to protect herself was to act—like a cat puffing up its fur to appear bigger than it really was.
"I just don’t understand. Why were you, of all people, given such power? Power should belong to those who can use it properly…"

"And yet, you stand here, running your mouth instead of running away. You must not value your life very much."
Alicia picked up the fallen dagger and held it up for Velita to see. Her tightly clenched fist pressed against the wound, causing blood to drip onto the floor, but she endured the pain. She had deliberately made a commotion, yet no one entered the room. It seemed Velita had more control over the palace than she had initially thought.
Could I escape?

Even if Velita had retired, she had once been a knight. And there were still two others in the room besides her. With them blocking the exit, her chances of escaping were slim.
All she could do was stall for time and hope that the maid would return soon. If Velita realized she had no power left, everything would be over.
"Think carefully, Princess. You are the only remaining bloodline of Neuschwein, and—"

"Enough with the blatant lies. I’m not the only one alive."
"What are you talking about?"
"As much as I hate to admit it, my mother wasn’t my only blood relative."

But were they really all dead?
"I also carry the filthy blood of the Neuschwein royal family. In other words, if even one of them survived, making a necklace like that wouldn’t be difficult."
It was far more likely that one of the royal family members had survived than that her mother was still alive. After all, Cabelenus and the imperial forces had no way of recognizing every royal by face.

"Don’t be ridiculous. If others had survived, why would I come looking for you?"
"Whether it’s ridiculous or not, we’ll see. So who survived? Fertho? Krista? Or… Elena?"
The moment she said the last name, a flicker of hesitation flashed in Velita’s eyes.

Alicia didn’t miss it.
"So, Elena is alive after all."
"What nonsense are you talking about? Princess Elena—"
"Elena’s lady-in-waiting was her cousin. And the two of them looked strikingly similar. Similar enough to be mistaken for one another."

Elena had been the most beautiful and the quickest-witted among her siblings. If anyone could have found a way to escape in such a short time, it was her.
"Enough of your delusions. Princess Elena is dead."
"If she’s dead, then why push me to carry out an assassination?"

"It was simply a matter of fulfilling your duty as a member of the Neuschwein royal family."
"No, that excuse doesn’t work. You couldn’t rally people on your own."
Even if Velita had once been the queen’s closest confidante, she alone lacked the legitimacy to lead a rebellion against Cabelenus. To unite a resistance, a clear symbol was needed—someone to serve as a rallying figure.

Alicia was the only known surviving royal of Neuschwein, making her the perfect figurehead. Yet, despite that, Velita had chosen to throw her into a dangerous assassination plot.
The answer was obvious.
There was already another figure serving as the rebellion’s spiritual leader.

"It doesn’t matter whether you admit it or not. I don’t care if Elena is alive or not."
Alicia still remembered the way her half-sister had looked at her—as if she were beneath even a beast. But she had no intention of dragging Elena out just to have her killed.
Right now, things were finally beginning to settle. If a rebellion arose now, it would only lead to another bloodbath.

Neuschwein had already spilled enough blood. There was no need for more.
"Just deliver one message to her: The days when everything went her way are over. She should stop entertaining foolish thoughts and be grateful she even has a life to live."
"Grateful? You really are shameless. Why do you think Princess Elena ended up in this situation? It’s all because of you."

"And how is that my fault?"
"Because you didn’t protect her."
Alicia let out a deep sigh at Velita’s parroted words.

"I had no obligation to protect her."
"Of course you did. After everything you’ve been given, that’s the least you owed her."
"You’re the one living in delusion. Clinging to a past that never existed, flailing around like a headless colt chasing a false dream—it’s pathetic."

"Watch your tongue. If you keep saying such vile things, you might end up just like her."
Velita stepped closer, her face stretching into a wide, twisted smile.
Alicia’s eyes twitched slightly.

"…What did you just say?"
"I still remember her vividly. How she grovelled like a dog, begging for mercy. Just thinking about it makes me laugh—it puts me in such a good mood."

"Oh? Does this kind of joke not suit your tastes? Or perhaps… you’re just embarrassed because it reminds you of the past. After all, it wasn’t just her, was it? You, too, were on your knees, weren’t you? Just like mother and daughter—"
Velita smirked, her lips curling as if savoring the moment. But then, she suddenly let out a long sigh.
As she ran a hand through her hair, her face turned cold and emotionless.

"So, Princess, you haven’t regained your strength yet."
"What are you talking about?"
Alicia tensed, her eyes sharpening.

This was bad.
She had expected she wouldn’t be able to keep up the act forever, but she hadn’t thought she’d be found out this quickly.
"I’ve been deliberately provoking you this whole time, yet you haven’t even tried to attack me."

Velita sneered, her voice laced with certainty.
"If you had truly regained your power, there’s no way you’d be letting me live right now."
Her lips curled upward in a victorious smirk.

Alicia clenched the dagger in her hand.
"Cunning as ever. You really fooled me, didn’t you, half-blood princess?"
"If you want to die, I’ll kill you right now."

"Don’t put on an act. You look like a helpless prey animal, raising your voice as if that’ll make you any less pathetic. It’s not frightening in the least."
Velita smirked, stepping closer and closer. Alicia bit her lip anxiously. She wanted to appear calm, but the cold sweat trickling down her back sent a shiver through her.
"It would have been much more convenient if you had regained your strength, but unfortunately, that’s not the case."

"I don’t want to make a scene if I don’t have to. But, unfortunately, you know too much. If you so much as let slip a word about royal blood to that monster, things will get complicated."
"Are you planning to kill me?"

"It’s a shame to be the one to personally dispose of Neuschwein’s royal blood, but what choice do I have? It’s your own fault for being so useless. To avoid staining the noble lineage, I’ll have to take care of you myself."
"And are you prepared to handle the consequences of my death?"
As a slave, Alicia was Cabelenus’s possession. Laying a hand on her would be seen as a challenge against him.

"Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your body is properly taken care of. You won’t be alone—I'll bury that maid alongside you."
Of course, that demon won’t even realize you’re dead. He’ll just assume you ran away.
Without a hint of hesitation, Velita drew a spare dagger from her garments. Alicia clenched her teeth and turned on her heel, bolting toward the door. But she didn’t get far.

Before she could escape, something struck her, and her body lurched forward. Pain flared through her as she hit the floor, but there was no time to focus on it.
A rough hand pressed against the back of her neck, squeezing tightly, cutting off her breath.

"Even now, you don’t make a sound. I’ve always thought you were heartless, Princess. I suppose that’s why you were able to betray His Majesty and beg that monster for your life."
A twisted light glowed in Velita’s eyes.

She couldn’t contain her joy.
When she first heard that Alicia had betrayed the king and taken a place as the Grand Duke of Schwarhan’s woman, she had been filled with rage.
When she heard how this traitor was enjoying a privileged life despite failing to protect Neuschwein, she had nearly gone mad.

But she didn’t kill her—not immediately.
There was always the possibility that Alicia’s power would return. And more importantly, she was the closest person to Cabelenus, which meant she could still be useful.
Velita had endured, held back, waited.

But that had been a miscalculation.
Not only had Alicia failed to regain her strength, but she now held Elena’s fate in her hands—without an ounce of gratitude.
She was not the noble blood of Neuschwein. She was the filthy spawn of a barbarian.

There was no longer any reason to keep her alive.
"They say that monster is infatuated with you. I wonder how he’ll react when you disappear. Will he be angry? Or will he not care at all?"

"Personally, I hope he suffers. But that’s probably just wishful thinking. No matter how finely you dress, how much effort is put into making you presentable, you’re still nothing but a filthy half-blood. Why would he ever waste real emotions on someone like you?"
"It’s just amusement. Something different is always more eye-catching. Just as His Majesty once found you intriguing."

Velita’s fingers tangled in Alicia’s hair, roughly pulling at it.
If only her hair had been golden, at least then she wouldn’t have been such an eyesore.
Where had the noble blood of Neuschwein gone?

The red hair, the ashen gray eyes—everything about her was a reflection of that wretched woman.
The woman who had ruined the queen.
Velita still couldn’t forget the sight of the queen weeping over the man who had chosen that woman instead.

"You should consider yourself lucky, Princess. At least you get to die by my hands instead of some filthy imperial scum."
Her voice was soft, almost affectionate, as her grip around Alicia’s throat tightened.
Velita thought of the queen.

If she had the time, she would have made Alicia suffer far worse than death.
But there was no time left to waste.
It was time to end this wretched cycle.

"Goodbye, half-blood princess."
Velita raised her sword without hesitation.
She had failed to kill that woman with her own hands.

But her daughter—this mongrel— she could at least finish with her own blade.
And then—

The tightly shut door burst open.
A chilling wind swept through the room.
The air reeked of blood.

"How troublesome," a low voice rumbled.
Even with her vision blurring from lack of air, Alicia turned her head.
She couldn’t see clearly, but she recognized him instantly.

There weren’t many men in this world with eyes like that.
"Why… are you here…?"
Velita’s voice wavered as she murmured.

She had checked Cabelenus’s schedule before infiltrating the palace.
He wasn’t supposed to be here.
No. What was wrong?

A smile crept across her lips.
The demon she had so desperately wanted to kill had appeared right in front of her.
The situation wasn’t exactly as planned, but it wasn’t bad.

Velita threw Alicia aside and rose to her feet.
Or rather—
She tried to.

She hadn’t even fully stood before her body was slammed to the ground.
A blade was already in Cabelenus’s hand.

For a man like him, a sword was the easiest solution to any problem.
"You wasted your chance to die honorably."
His cold, unwavering gaze shifted toward Alicia.

Outwardly, he looked calm.
But beneath the sharp angles of his piercing eyes, his expression was anything but.
He was furious.

Alicia stared at him, dazed.
It was strange.
Just moments ago, she had felt nothing.

But the moment she saw his face—her entire body throbbed in pain.
The forgotten agony came rushing back.
It hurt so much she couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

"Crying won’t do you any good. No matter what happens, I won’t let you die."
Cabelenus stepped forward, lifting Alicia into his arms as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Blood smeared onto his clothes, ruining them.

But he didn’t seem to care.
That fact alone made Alicia uneasy.
She had promised herself not to be greedy.

But she couldn’t help it.
"…It’s not a waste."
Her body, weak from exhaustion, refused to obey her.

Still, her trembling hands reached up.
She clung to him.
Wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Don’t move. If you do, your wounds will reopen."
"…I don’t want to die."

"I want to live. I really, really want to live."
Cabelenus’s arms tightened around her.
Alicia knew he felt it.

The tension in his body.
But she pretended not to notice.
Instead, she buried her face against his neck and whispered the words again.

And again.

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