Ang Mutya Ng Section E (Book - 2) English

Chapter 111: Chapter 235 ~ Forgiveness

Jay-Jay's POV

"What did you two talk about?" I asked Aries while we were having breakfast.

"None of your business," he replied, sounding bored.

I glared at him. "Just tell me!"

"Tsk! Make me!"

"What is all this racket?!" Mama asked irritably as she walked toward us.

Aries took a sip of his coffee before setting the cup down on the table. He looked at both of us intently, as if silently declaring that we were the most troublesome brother and sister on the face of the earth.

But Aries is the real troublemaker here.

"What a way to start the morning! Can't you two shut up?" she grumbled while grabbing a piece of bread.

I lowered my head and focused on eating my rice, while Aries acted as if he hadn't heard anything—completely indifferent as he continued his meal.

I looked up when Kuya Angelo entered the room, still tying his necktie. He walked toward us and picked up the untouched cup of coffee.

I'm pretty sure that coffee is cold.

"Did any of you go into my room?" he asked without looking at us.

Aries and I exchanged glances. He didn't even need to say, 'I'll report you.' The message was clear. We locked eyes in silent communication.

Come on! I'll report him first!

"It was Aries! Aries went into your room!" I quickly pointed at him.

Aries' eyebrows furrowed, and he shot me a sharp glare. I bit my lip and slowly retracted my finger.

Kuya looked at him. "Did you enter my room?"

Aries kept his gaze on me. "Yes, I did."

Whew! That was close!

"...I saw what was inside the brown envelope on your table," he added.

Kuya immediately stiffened.

Both of them turned to look at me. I quickly avoided their gazes and stuffed more food into my mouth. Mama, on the other hand, looked completely confused.

"What are you guys talking about?" she asked.

Secret! No clues!

Nobody answered. Kuya and Aries continued staring at me. Feeling the tension, I shoved more food into my mouth as fast as possible.

Finally, Kuya Angelo broke the silence. "It's nothing, Tita. I'm heading out. Please let Mama know."

"A-alright," Mama replied.

Kuya quickly grabbed his things and left. Aries stood up soon after, still silent. I knew Mama would start questioning me next, so I hurried to finish my food.

Eat fast, Jay!

Just as she was about to ask, I suddenly stood up and swallowed everything in my mouth. I gulped down some water to make it go down faster.

"I'm going to take a shower!" I announced before she could say a word.

I took long strides—not toward my room, but straight to Aries' room. I didn't bother knocking and walked right in, which I instantly regretted.

Instead of stopping near the door, I went straight toward his bed. Unfortunately, my dear brother was standing there, topless, wearing only his boxers.

Shit! My eyes! Oh no, my eyes!

"What the fuck!!" he screamed when he saw me.

Honestly, this wasn't even new to me. I had gotten used to seeing the Ulupongs like this. I'd seen them in boxers countless times, changing right in front of me during P.E. class.

But what caught my attention was the left side of his chest. Right below his ribs, there were two scars—each about half a span long.

How did that happen?!

He must have noticed me staring because he casually draped a towel over his left shoulder to cover the scars.

"What do you want?! Don't you know how to knock?!" he snapped in annoyance.

For a moment, I had completely forgotten why I had even come here. Damn those scars! They were too distracting. It was the first time I had seen him topless.

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did earlier,"

I raised an eyebrow. "Because I don't have a choice. Teach me. But since you're grateful, I want to know something, so I've accepted it!"

"What do you want to know?"

He rejoiced. "Am I required to tell you that?"

I looked away and left. "Yes, I hope so."

He let out a deep breath. "I want to know why Kuya has those pictures and if he has taken any action. Is that okay? Satisfied?"

I nodded slowly. "I have one more question."

"What?! Spill the beans."

I felt really embarrassed to ask him this, but I asked "Are we okay?"

He was obviously stunned by my words. At first, he was confused, but then he clearly gave it some thought.

"Get out." That was his only response.

His eyes turned serious. I looked at him, but he quickly avoided my gaze. I was about to protest when he spoke again.

"Please leave my room," he commanded authoritatively.

I had no choice but to follow his orders. I left his room and closed the door behind me. Every step I took back to my room felt heavy. I don't understand what he wants, and I don't understand myself either. I'm angry at him. I feel hurt because of what he's doing.

But I won't deny it—there's a part of me that wants to make peace with him. I also miss the time we spent together.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. I was brushing my teeth when I suddenly remembered Aries' scar below his chest. Where did he get that? Why does he have it?

Something about that scar feels strange. I touched the area below my own chest. If I'm not mistaken, his scar is on the opposite side of his ribs.

Wait... Is that right? Opposite the ribs... opposite the lungs? Is that—

Jay-jay! It's me! WOW!

"Argh! The pain!" I screamed as I clutched my head.

I dropped my toothbrush and grabbed the sink with one hand. A sudden, sharp headache hit me as that memory flashed through my mind.

It was Aries' voice. I can't be wrong. But it was vague—I couldn't understand it. It felt like a part of the past suddenly came rushing back.

When did that happen? I don't remember anything like that. I tried to gather my thoughts. After a few minutes, my headache faded. Maybe I just needed a bath.

I continued getting ready, trying to push the strange memory out of my mind. After dressing up, I combed my hair when my phone suddenly rang, signaling a text message. Thinking it was from Yuri, I immediately picked up my phone to check, but an unknown number appeared on the screen.


From: +639*********

Message: You're dead.

A strange feeling of anxiety washed over me as I read the message. My hands trembled, and I almost dropped my phone. I hope it's just a prank. I hope I'm wrong about this.

Please, let this be a joke...

What if someone is waiting for me when I leave the house? What if I get attacked at school? I still want to look good if I die. How am I supposed to go out now? I know Aries won't come with me.

Right! I'll ask Yuri to go with me. I'll also ask him about what he and Aries talked about. And I'll tell him about the message I received.

My hand was still shaking as I searched for his number, but before I could call him, a message suddenly appeared. Without thinking, I pressed his name and accidentally called him.

Damn it!

The call connected immediately, and I panicked. I couldn't hang up now. I had no choice but to talk to him and explain my clumsiness.

"Hello? Sorry... I just pressed the call. I'm going to end the call" I said and waited a moment for his answer but as usual he didn't speak again so I ended the call.

Not even a second later, a message popped up.


From: Gagong Baliw

Message: Why aren't you replying to my messages?

I watched his message. It seems like he's not jejemon anymore. I didn't pay much attention and just replied to him.

To: Gagong Baliw

Message: I was busy. A lot happened yesterday.


From: Gagong Baliw

Message: Still! You should have at least texted me!

To: Gagong Crazy

Message: So demanding! Do you love me?


From: GagongBaliw

Message: No! But I'm your future.

I winced at his reply. This guy... He can be annoying, but somehow, his words had a good effect. My worries faded, even just for a while.

I didn't bother replying anymore. Instead, I focused on what I had planned—I called Yuri to get a deal.

["Hello? Jay?"] He answered the call.

"Hey, can I ask for a favor? You're not at school yet, right?"

["Not yet. I'm on my way. What favor?"]

"Can I pick you up?" I asked without hesitation.

I heard him chuckle softly. ["Actually, I've been waiting for you outside your house."]

His words shocked me. Confused, I didn't know whether to respond or hang up. Instead, I hurriedly grabbed my things and ran out of my room.

"Jay! You might trip!" Tita shouted when I passed her.

"I'm going to school!" I replied quickly.

As soon as I stepped outside, I saw Yuri leaning against his car. He smiled and waved at me. Without wasting time, I walked toward him.

"Get in! We might be late," he said with a grin.

"Yes, sir. Here I come," I replied playfully.

I opened the car door, and as always, he fastened my seatbelt for me. I felt spoiled. He always did that. I was starting to depend on him, and I knew that wasn't a good thing. He quickly moved to the driver's seat and started the car. As he drove, I found myself staring at him.

He was attentive—nothing had changed in the way he took care of me. If anything, he seemed even more thoughtful now. Even when he wasn't physically taking care of me, his presence alone was enough.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he suddenly asked, snapping me back to reality. "You're already in love with me, aren't you?"

I flinched. "Huh?"

He gave me a sweet smile. "Tell me when you fall in love."

"Why would I do that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"So I can make you suffer. I was the only one who suffered in our love—it's only fair that you do too."

I punched him hard on the arm, making him yelp loudly. He immediately rubbed the spot where I hit him.

"Itai! Itai! Itai!" ("Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!") he cried out dramatically.

Why is he calling his father?

"Sore wa totemo warui ga itai!" ("It hurts so bad!") he whined.

I furrowed my brows and glared at him. I pointed at his face.

"Tangina ka!" ("Damn you!") I yelled.

He gasped and turned to me. "I wasn't cursing you!"

"I know!" I shot back.

Annoyed, he gripped the steering wheel tightly and restarted the car. I leaned back in my seat, arms crossed, and stared outside. For the rest of the ride, he remained quiet. He looked like he was still recovering from my punch. Every now and then, I glanced at him and saw him rubbing his arm, holding back the pain.

Maybe I hit him too hard.

Eventually, we arrived at school without any issues. As soon as the car stopped, I hurriedly opened the door myself and got out. I quickly walked toward our classroom.

When I entered, I expected to see food on my desk—but there was nothing. Only Felix was there, sitting down, but he hadn't brought anything.

Annoyed, I approached him, but he was too busy chatting with his friends. I sighed and was about to sit down when David handed me a sticky note. Curious, I looked at it before finally taking it to read.


I enjoyed our date. I hope you liked the French toast and coffee.


Toast and coffee? I didn't immediately look at Ci-N. I didn't greet him like I usually do because he was eating something. He slowly turned to me when he felt my gaze. He forced a smile, his mouth still full of food.

It looks like he got the toast, but who took the coffee? Ci-N doesn't drink coffee, so it couldn't be his. I didn't have to search for long—heavy sipping noises from David gave me the answer.

Nice! It looks like it's been a while.

He even let out a satisfied "ahhh" after drinking the coffee that was supposed to be mine. I shot him an annoyed glare, hoping he'd feel my irritation, but he was too busy drinking and reading on his phone.

"It's a shame to take food meant for someone else," I muttered before sitting down.

Neither of them reacted. They were still engrossed in whatever they were doing. I sighed, watching them bicker like they actually enjoyed it. I glanced at the door just in time to see Yuri walk in. He entered without even glancing at me.

How rude! No attention at all.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I know it's my fault, but is it right for him to ignore me completely? It feels like I committed some huge crime. Back when I hurt him, he wasn't like this. Now, just because of something small, he's acting like this. What's his deal?

I stole another glance at him. He was talking to Rory, his expression serious. He looked exactly like he did the first time I saw him.

The time when I had a crush on him.

I shook my head and looked away. Just then, Sir Alvin entered the room, signaling the start of class.

"Your exam schedule has changed. It was originally set for the end of March, but it has been pushed back to the first week of April," he announced.

"Why was it postponed, Sir?" Eren asked.

"Because it didn't move forward," Ci-N answered abruptly, making the whole class burst into laughter.

"Why, did the shorty just squeak?" Josh teased.

The group of troublemakers laughed even harder. I glanced at Ci-N, who was now glaring, his eyebrows furrowed.

He stood up and pointed at Josh. "I will kill your pussy!" he shouted angrily.

A brief silence filled the room, followed by an explosion of laughter. Some students even rolled on the floor, tears streaming from laughing too hard. I couldn't help but laugh too. Even Sir, who had been observing, chuckled. Ci-N's face turned even redder with embarrassment.

"Don't laugh at me!" he yelled, stomping his foot.

"Think about what you just said," Edrix said while wiping his eyes.

"Exactly! I was talking about Josh's cat! Why are you all laughing?!" Ci-N protested.

"Alright, enough! Sit down, Mr. Peralta," Sir ordered.

Ci-N huffed but obeyed, plopping back into his seat. I turned my attention back to Sir.

"...Your exam will be in the first week of April. If I'm not mistaken, you'll have a two-week break before the Post-Final Exam. Lastly, your graduation will be in June," he continued.

Why is the schedule such a mess?

Since the academic year now starts in August, I haven't learned much from the previous lessons. Honestly, I feel like I've learned nothing at all.

After finishing his explanation, Sir went back to teaching, focusing on the lesson since he said he had to cover an important topic. The teachers who followed were just as focused, making sure we understood everything. Our last teacher left early in the morning, so Eman got the chance to cook early.

But I still won't eat here.

I left the classroom and headed straight to the second floor, where I usually waited for my crazy stepbrother.

I was almost at the stairs when Calix appeared in front of me. One of his hands was clenched while the other scratched his cheek. He looked down, seemingly too shy to face me.

"Do you need something?" I asked, bored.

He hesitated for a moment before finally looking up. "Did you read… the letter?" he asked shyly.

I crossed my arms and stared at him. "Oh."

His face instantly lit up. He smiled, as if he suddenly had hope.

"What is your decision?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Nothing. You didn't write."

"Hey, I wrote 'non'!" he censored it.

He wrote? But the letter is feminine. All you need is to add a heart, a flower, and a unicorn to say that a rainbow heart wrote it.


"Is your real trip different?" None of my own questions made sense.

His eyebrows knitted together. "What?!"

"You're a letter girl! You even outshine my writing. My penmanship is put to shame."

It was as if a storm had passed through my letter.

"Mica said my handwriting is beautiful. She says that's one of the secrets of a love letter—which is true because beautiful handwriting makes a difference."

"It was too beautiful—it made me question if you really wrote it," I whispered, but he seemed to hear it too.

"I hope I didn't embellish it too much," he said, scratching his head.

Just make it up, ganern!

I actually laughed at him. I had a strong hunch that he even asked Mica for help just to make his friendship letter for me.

A moment of silence enveloped us. I looked past him and saw Percy approaching with food. Then, I turned to face Calix again.

"Thank you for your effort," I said, meeting his gaze. "...I'm proud, but I don't have a bad attitude—unlike you." He snorted. "...I won't begrudge the opportunity you're asking for."

His smile was sweet. I was about to hug him, but I quickly pointed at his face instead.

"S-Sorry. I was just happy."

"Thank you. I feel sorry for Mica," I said.

"It's okay, even if it was my mom who helped me," he said with a smile.

I winced. "How old!"

"As long as you give me a chance. That's how important you are to me—as a friend, of course."

I shivered at his words, feeling the weight of his expectations. He walked back to the room, leaving me staring after him.

I don't know why, but... something felt strange.

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