Angel of Death Named Moriarty

Chapter 19: "You Win Detective.."

Raven spoke bluntly, not beating around the bush as she initiated the game with an emotional jab. "I can tell you're in pain," she said straightforwardly. Lucifer smiled with an amused expression. "What evidence do you have to prove that?" he asked, curious about how Raven had reached that conclusion.

Raven responded with a light nod, "In my experience, and from observing others for so long, I've noticed that people often find distractions as an easier way to deal with pain. They may turn to alcohol, drugs, or even sex, not caring who they hurt because, in their minds, the world has already hurt them. It's only fair if they try to damage the world back.

Lucifer tilted his head slightly, resting his cheek against his fist as he crossed his legs. With an amused smile, he listened to Raven's words. "Those who make deductions like yours don't always draw from academic knowledge but personal experience. Would you consider your deduction about my isolation to be a projection of your own experiences?" Lucifer posed his question thoughtfully.

"Deflection is another form of isolation," Raven stated. "While isolation may provide a sense of peace to help you understand yourself and your thoughts, I acknowledge that some of my deductions stem from personal experience. However, I assure you I hold no bias or judgment. My conclusions are based solely on evidence and observation."

Raven continued, "It's like a dealer in a gambling scenario. When a lethal poison threatens one's life, it's only natural for the dealer to create a game that even the dead could win."

Raven spoke with a straightforward tone, expressing another deduction with prowess: "Your deflection only confirmed the accuracy of my conclusion. Your body language is too well-practiced, and I've observed you closely these past few days. Since Delilah's death, you've failed to genuinely mourn her - the only reaction I've seen is brutally beating Jimmy Barnes after he shot me. You appeared quite close with Delilah, yet your sole focus was punishing Jimmy, not grieving her loss."

Lucifer asked curiously, "What does my desire to punish a murderer reveal about the emotions I'm deflecting?" This was no longer a game of deduction, but a test of how well Raven could navigate the intricate castle walls Lucifer had so meticulously constructed.

"Because, how you felt wasn't self-centered," Raven said with gentle confidence. "Humans, as you'd say, are complex and interesting. However, most of them thrive on their self-centered perspective of the world. No one takes the time to understand the human mind. We are built through a DNA blueprint and born into a world of scenarios and circumstances no human can control. Not even you."

Lucifer said, amused and confident in his tone, "My, you are well educated. That's for sure. Maybe I should make you my therapist." He paused, then added, "Though, I'm assuming that you don't mix the roles of a detective and a therapist."

Raven responded with a light nod, "Your deduction is correct. Mixing both emotion and rationality may be of use; however, emotions can be too delusional."

Lucifer's interest peaked with curiosity at Raven's statement. "What makes you say that?" he asked. Raven lifted the pilsner to her lips, tilting her head back to let the cold, bitter taste of Irish whiskey fill her senses. After swallowing the drink, she set the glass down on the table in front of her.

"Let me use you as example," Raven said.

"Isolation without self-confidence can create a skewed perspective, where one feels constantly misunderstood. This may lead to a desire to make those who have wronged you feel the same pain you experienced in the past. However, this projection and emotional delusion may stem from the isolation itself, acting as a defense mechanism against a lifetime of loneliness. While I cannot fully empathize with your pain from personal experience, I can see that your heart is burning, and you feel like you're drowning, watching others around you breathe easily and converse happily, unaware of your inner turmoil."

Lucifer's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of revelation crossing his features. For the first time, he felt seen, understood. Yet, he detected a hint of deception in Raven's body language. When Raven declared, "I cannot empathize with your pain," the words rang false. Raven's deduction, based on evidence of Lucifer's past actions, was accurate. However, her use of the metaphor of drowning betrayed that she was projecting her own personal experiences.

"Do you understand the experience of someone feeling overwhelmed, as if sinking into deep waters? You claim not to empathize with that feeling, yet you are adept at crafting metaphors that capture that perspective. According to you, humans struggle to maintain an open-minded outlook due to their own personal biases and worldviews. If I'm correct, you employ metaphors, poems, and riddles not merely as projections, but as means to express and explore your own perceptions of the world."

Lucifer spoke with a tone of understanding. As Raven delved deeper into her insights about Lucifer, he gradually recognized that she, too, had isolated herself from the world in a similar manner. However, Raven channeled her knowledge productively, using it to help others rather than indulging in emotional complexities or distractions. Unlike Lucifer, Raven confronted her problems head-on with unwavering determination, which accounted for her remarkable patience. Though polar opposites, Lucifer and Raven were two sides of the same coin, unaware of the twists and turns life had in store for them. 

"Being open-minded means I'm receptive to diverse perspectives, not that I'm oblivious to them. I can empathize with others' viewpoints and draw insightful comparisons, rather than assuming I understand based solely on my own experiences." 

Raven sat patiently, awaiting Lucifer's response. When it became clear he would not reply, she took the initiative to ask him a thought-provoking question - one she knew would linger in his mind for quite some time. "Lucifer, can you fathom the sensation of drowning? It's a tale of stark contrasts - the water offers a serene embrace, whispering gentle promises to surrender while the world's burdens drift away. But then, a raging, maddening impulse ignites every nerve, compelling you to fight, to survive. Throughout this ordeal, a single question lingers: "Have you... had enough?" It's a choice most will never face in a lifetime, one that irrevocably transforms a person."

Lucifer pondered the cryptic water metaphor Raven had used, sensing it alluded to deeper themes of life, death, and struggle. Perhaps it posed a riddle to uncover something more profound. Leaning forward, Lucifer rested his chin on his palm and gazed out the window. "So much for your open-minded excuse, Detective, though you get full marks in poetry.." Lucifer said lightly with a light sigh. His ocean-blue eyes scanned the moonlit sky. "Tell me, Detective," he asked with a soft, contemplative smile, "have you ever seen a supernova?"

Raven tilted her head and said, "Not in person, if that's what you mean," as she leaned against the armrest and watched Lucifer closely.

Lucifer said, relaxing his shoulders, "It's my fervent wish to see a nuclear fusion reaction for myself. The culmination of such a reaction would be an explosion of galactic proportions - a sight of unimaginable beauty, I'm sure." Raven tilted her head, her gaze studying Lucifer's body language. He seemed to long for something just out of reach. The question of witnessing a supernova, Raven realized, was not about the celestial event itself, but rather the desire burning within him. "Isn't that because your true desires remain unfulfilled?" she asked. "A life consumed by flames may be beautiful to behold, but what you truly crave is to witness yourself ablaze, consumed until nothing remains."

Lucifer's gaze slowly shifted, casting a sidelong glance at Raven. As Raven spoke, her eyes drifted downward, but a flicker of familiarity passed between them when Lucifer's eyes returned to her. "In the end, I think we both share similar traits. We're both seeking a challenge, but I'm unsure if we're both ready for what lies across the threshold." Raven's voice grew weary. She lay down on the sofa, the alcohol not enough to intoxicate her, but enough to make her feel drowsy

Lucifer watched Raven in silence, allowing her to sleep peacefully. He noticed how she had been falling asleep more as they spoke, likely exhausted from the cases they had been working nonstop. Ever since the day Raven had put herself in harm's way to protect Lucifer, she had remained awake and vigilant, pushing through case after case until today. For once, Lucifer simply stayed quiet, still feeling the need to protect her in his own way.

Lucifer pondered, "Have my desires been fulfilled?" He repeated the question, trying to determine if his needs had yet to be met. Lucifer stood up, grabbed a small blanket from his bedroom, and laid the soft fabric over Raven. He then turned off the electric lights and lit a few candles, filling the room with the earthy aroma of a forest.

"You win this time, Detective," Lucifer whispered.

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