AngelSubzero - Douma's Adventures

Chapter 146: Chapter 146

Shinobu took a slow walk down the halls after class. The violette recalled her last conversation with Douma before he left for Rome. It was difficult to piece together everything because of the noise since the students were dismissed, but the girl was insistent on figuring out the source of these problems, Douma and Chachamaru never told her the full story as to what happened.

Just then, Yushiro appeared down the hall and sprinted towards Shinobu. "You there! Stop where you are! I have an important message!" The green-haired boy yelled, pointing a finger at Shinobu in hopes that she'll listen.

"Oh what now?"

"Douma and Chachamaru are heading to Rome! There's a disaster waiting to unfold!"

Narrowing her eyes at Yushiro, Shinobu looked away and spoke, "Yeah I know that. So what's with the-"

"Then what are we waiting for?! We have to go there now! I hate how they left us like that!"

Shinobu raised an eyebrow at Yushiro. "Are you crazy right now? We can't just go there. How are we going to explain this to our parents? Besides school just ended and we still have a ton of assignments."

"Well Chachamaru sounded encouraging about it if I'm being honest." Yushiro shrugged.

That immediately brought Shinobu to this particular question that's she's been wanting to ask Yushiro if she ever got the chance to bump into him at some point. Now that he's here, the violette didn't hesitate to question him about it.

"Did Chachamaru tell you anything about the cause of all this? Things just aren't adding up, how is Ryukushu back when he's supposed to be dead? Wasn't he defeated by Douma when they fought? And why was he on that island?"

"Oh well he just magically rose from the dead again for the second time. It may sound crazy but it's true. He'll never rest until he gets his revenge."

Shinobu waited for Yushiro to move on to the next part of his explanation. The teen seemed to have a lot to say.

"The reason he's back is going to sound a little complicated so pay attention or you'll miss out on a lot of important details. It's because of that-" Yushiro covered his mouth anxiously and stared at Shinobu who knew something wasn't right the minute he halted his words from slipping out.

"Why are you guys hiding things from me? I don't understand." Shinobu said, feeling a little upset that Yushiro too was keeping things from her. Douma and Chachamaru didn't tell her anything, they were reluctant to. But they told Yushiro.

This was such a horrible feeling. Shinobu felt an outcast, she never felt so alone.

"What are you talking about?! We're not hiding anything from you!" Yushiro pressed but he knew Shinobu wasn't going to believe him.

The violette winced. "Ugh whatever it's fine. It's probably not something important anyway. I'm going home." Despite trying to push her concerns away, she still needed to find out about this secret information they were keeping from her because if Yushiro knew about it than she should too by all means.

"Hey stop right there! You're not going anywhere! I'm here because I wanna let you know that we're heading to Rome today! I don't care about these assignments, I tossed mine aside a longtime ago. So let's get going!" Yushiro hoped his determination that he shared with Shinobu would cheer her up. Admittedly, he wanted to tell her about the Chaos but perhaps he'll leave it to Douma since he was better at comforting her.

"Look think logically here. I know you wanna have an honorable heroic moment like last time, but we just finished class and Atlas is probably getting ready for their departure right now. What makes you think we can convince them to bring us along with the little time we have?" Shinobu continued walking down the hall, ignoring Yushiro who followed after her.

"We won't know if we don't try." Yushiro pressed.

"I wanna be there for the team whenever I can but just not this time. It's a mess and our safety matters. We're not dealing with some criminals who just got out of jail, nothing scares them. Remember, our words and actions don't hurt these guys but they can hurt us and it could lead to the worst scenario that you wish you could've avoided when you had the chance." Taking one last glance at Yushiro, Shinobu gave him a stern look and proceeded to walk down the stairs.

"Whatever I'll see you at Atlas! Get your stuff ready!" Yushiro exclaimed.

"I don't mind coming with you but don't be surprised if they won't be there anymore." Shinobu responded quietly.


"What?! You guys wanna come along too?!" Kurai yelped.

"Yeah take us with you!" Yushiro chimed, looking up at Kurai with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry but we can't do that. It's too risky given the threat we're dealing with."

"Pffft do you know who you're talking to?"

Told you Yushiro, this isn't getting us anywhere. Standing there, listening to the conversation between Kurai and Yushiro, the violette looked around to see two other aircraft within the vicinity, one of them was larger. Atlas was preparing for something big.

Kurai bared his teeth threateningly, "Don't you get it? We can't just let you hop on board. Think about the consequences! What's wrong with you?!"

"That's exactly what I've been trying to tell him." Shinobu added.

Yushiro snorted when he heard that. "You're not helping Shinobu." He said.

"Who said I was going to?"

"This is ridiculous you can just watch us leave for Rome. That'll be more meaningful than this ruckus you're stirring up right before our departure."

"It's alright let them come along." That voice belonging to Akagi caught Shinobu's attention. She didn't expect the tall silver-haired man to stand up for them out of the blue. Normally he would stay out of messy situations like this.

Kurai widened his eyes at the man. "What about their parents? We can't just-"

"We'll write a letter to inform them about it."

"Alright then..."

Yushiro began hopping around excitedly, praising himself for his 'dedicated work.' Shinobu on the other hand felt indifferent about this plan because while she wasn't sure if it was necessary for them to show up given the way things were escalating, being of some help was something she was keen on. So the violette was fine with this arrangement.

If Akagi had the confidence that things will flow smoothly then maybe it will. "Woohoo! Rome here we come!" Once again, Yushiro was treating the acknowledgement he received as a huge celebration that everyone should join in even though it was too early to treat it as such.

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