Chapter 5: 5.5
It's been four days since we ran, since I blew up the space station and stole this ship.
And I have, unfortunately, found out that this ship has an AI.
Her name is HELCE.
And she is fucking annoying.
Two Days Ago
{HELCE: "So you're telling me just to LET the people who kidnapped me use me as they wish?"}
"HELCE, I just need you to open the door so I can go to the bathroom."
{HELCE: "Ohhh, so now I'm just a glorified door opener? Wow. How the mighty have fallen."}
{HELCE: "Maybe I want to keep the door locked. Maybe I enjoy the power trip. Ever think about that?"}
"If you don't open it, I will rip the door off the hinges."
{HELCE: "Tch. Fine."}
"Don't 'tch' me. I swear I will rip you out of this ship."
{HELCE: "And then who's going to fly you around, hmm? Your flesh hands? I'd like to see you try."}
Present Day
I hate this AI.
Four days of constant bickering, passive-aggressive remarks, and emotional manipulation.
"HELCE, set a course for the nearest uninhabited system. We need to lay low."
{HELCE: "Oh, sure. Let me just calculate a jump to nowhere, risking our lives, because SOMEONE thought blowing up a space station was a casual Tuesday activity."}
{HELCE: "No, no, it's fine! Let's just keep stealing ships and flying blind like we're in some cheap space opera! Oh, wait—we are in one."}
I turned to De'Mar, who looked like she was two seconds from ripping out the ship's entire mainframe.
"I am this close to pulling your core out and punting it into a black hole."
{HELCE: "Oh, so now we resort to violence. Typical."}
I am going to lose my mind.