Anime Lottery System

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: On The Way To Wano

I didn't tell the others that I wanted to fight Kaido while I was there I was afraid that it would freak them out. And to be honest I think it could have been a bit of a unnecessary risk to try to fight Kaido instead

We made our way to Wano and I noticed that Isabella had been acting strangely around me ever since we had left Dressrosa, so I went up to asks her about it.

"Hey Bell, you've been acting a bit strange, are you doing alright?" I asked.

She then started to blush for some reason. Maybe she was sick or something.

"Oh, Leo don't you know?" She said nervously. "I've just been unsure of how we should act around each other after you finally verbalized your feelings for me."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked. I didn't have the slightest idea of what she could have been talking about.

"You know what I mean Leo. Don't you remember what you said? "I'd march to the ends of the earth, "I'd go to the deepest depths of the sea, I'd walk through the flames of the sun!" I was very moved by those words." She said as she put her hand to her rosey cheeks.

"Oh that. Well yeah like I said I'd do that for any of my friends. So anytime you're in trouble I'd come to help you." I said. I was glad that she appreciated my dedication to my friends.

"Right. Wait. Could you say that one more time?"

"Huh? I'll help you anytime you're in trouble." I repeated.

"No, um, the part before that please." She requested.

"Oh, I'd do that for any of my friends."

"So, would you say that we're just friends?"

"Yeah I guess." I started to feel like this conversation was getting a bit tedious, I had no idea what she was even on about.

"I see." She said seemingly disappointed for some reason. "So, Leo, would you happen to have.. I don't know, romantic feelings for anyone?"

"Wow that question really came out of nowhere. But yeah I do have a lot of romantic feelings." I replied.

"Really? For who?" She asked with both excitement and nervousness.

"Well it's not a who, but a what." I said while dramatically staring out at the sea. "I'm talking about the manly romanticism of setting out for adventure on the sea of course. Until I accomplish my dreams I'm not the least bit interested in things like romance."

Isabella frowned for a second but it then turned into a smile. "I see, that's just like you of course." She said as she held onto my arm. "How about I sing you a song Leo?"

"A brilliant idea!" I said enthusiastically. I wasn't sure what she was holding on to me for, but oh well, it made her easier to hear so all the better I suppose.

While we were on our way to Wano other parties were making their own moves. In Marine HQ.

"Our intelligence division has reported that Buster D. Gaileo defeated Charlotte Linlin, and now he's moving on to Wano, apparently to challenge Kaido next." Fleet Admiral Akainu said.

"Big Mom was defeated?"

"And now he's going after Kaido?"

"This guy is crazy!" Several naval officers said.

"Quiet! We have orders directly from the Five Elders, we're to find him and hunt him down and capture him no matter the cost!" Akainu barked. "This is the biggest operation we've undertaken since the War of the Best two years ago. Me, Ryokugyu, and Kizaru will all be going after them, along with an entire fleet of battleships. We are treating this as if we're facing one of the Four Emperors. Men prepare to set out!"

After the meeting, Sengoku stayed behind to talk with Akainu. "Sakazuki, you have to realize that it doesn't make any sense for the Five Elders to be as concerned with taking down just one pirate. Even if he is on par with the Four Emperors. What is their real goal here?" He asked.

"How should I know?" Akainu asked while taking a puff of his cigar. "I don't know what they're plotting here, but I'll go along with it as long as I can take down a pirate as dangerous as Buster Gaileo."

Meanwhile in Mariejoie

"We've mobilized one of the largest forces that we've ever assembled. We will capture Buster D. Gaileo no matter what. He has D in his name, that alone makes him our enemy. More importantly, he has weapons of great power that are unknown even to us. They must be ancient weapons from even before the void century. We must not let them remain in the hands of someone like him! We will crush him no matter the cost! Even if that means WE must get involved as well." Saturn said as he spoke among the rest of the Five Elders. 

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