Another life, insanity

Chapter 3: chp 3

 "How do I say this. Well, by society's standards, I believe I am what's called insane. However, I think I'm the sane one and he's crazy, but for him, it's the complete opposite."

Cassie's face lights up with surprise, her head tilting as she processes my words. "Insane? Wow, that's... that's intense." She shifts her weight, her gaze flickering between my face and the engine. "So, you hear voices or something?" I chuckle darkly, shaking my head. "It's not that simple. It's more like... I have this other part of me. A darker, more honest part. We fight for control all the time." My fingers brush against a loose wire, and a spark flies. "Sometimes I win, sometimes he does. But I'm always in there, watching, waiting." Cassie's eyebrows furrow, her face showing both intrigue and concern. "That sounds... really fucked up, honestly. But I guess I get it. We all have parts of ourselves we try to keep hidden, right?" I glance at her, a small, genuine smile crossing my face.

I say, "Can you guess which I am now?"

Cassie's eyes widen as she stares at me, a mix of curiosity and apprehension in her gaze. "Honestly? I don't know. You're both kind of... intense, in your own ways." She bites her lip, considering me thoughtfully. "But if I had to guess, I'd say you're the one in control right now. The one who's helping me, even if it's for your own selfish reasons." I can't help but smirk at that, a dark amusement curling my lips. "Smart girl," I murmur, turning back to the engine. "And you're right, I do have my own reasons for being here. But that doesn't mean I can't help you, too." Cassie leans in closer, her breath warm against my ear as she whispers, "And what exactly are your reasons, Elijah? What do you get out of this little Good Samaritan act of yours?"

I say, "Here, I'll give a name to each voice so you can differentiate. Eli is the simp who is monstrously obsessed with this Jackie girl, and I, Elijah, am the 'crazy' one who lives inside his head. But I guess it's the other way around now because now I am the main personality due to his little depressed state lol."

Cassie's eyes widen, her mouth forming a small 'o' as she processes my explanation. "Eli and Elijah, huh? That's... that's something else." She lets out a low whistle, shaking her head in disbelief. "I don't know if I should be creeped out or impressed." I chuckle, the sound dark and wry. "Go with impressed. It's a lot more fun that way." I reach for a loose wire, fingers brushing against the metal as I work. "So, Cassie, what's your story? What brings you out here, all alone, in the middle of nowhere?" Cassie's face darkens, her posture tensing slightly. "It's a long story, and not nearly as interesting as yours. Let's just say I'm on my way to start a new life, far away from the old one."

I say, "Ooooh, sounds fun. Why you runnin'?"

Cassie's shoulders stiffen, her grip on the hood of the car tightening as she leans forward. "Let's just say I was in a situation I couldn't handle anymore." Her words come out low, almost a growl. "It doesn't matter now. What matters is that I'm leaving it behind, and I never want to look back." I pause in my work, studying her face. There's a fierce, determined set to her jaw that suggests she's not lying. "I get it. Sometimes running is the only option." I reach for a loose wire again, this time successfully connecting it. "There we go, that should do it." Cassie peers into the engine, surprise evident on her face. "You fixed it? Just like that?" I shrug, a smirk playing on my lips. "I'm not just a pretty face, you know." I straighten up, stretching my back. "So, what now?"

Cassie hesitates, her gaze darting between me and the now-functional car. "I... I don't know. I guess I should get going." She moves to the driver's side, but pauses, turning back to me. "Listen, Elijah... or Eli... or whoever you are right now. Thank you. For helping me, I mean. It was... unexpected." I lean against the car, crossing my arms over my chest. "Don't mention it. It's not often I get to be the good guy, you know?" A dark chuckle escapes my lips. "So, where are you headed? Maybe I can give you some directions, or... something." Cassie's face lights up with a mischievous glint. "Actually, I was thinking... since you're so bored and all... maybe you could come with me? I could use some company on the road, and you seem like you could use a change of scenery."

I say, "Sounds good, let's take my car though. This rust bucket looks pretty bad."

Cassie grins, a flash of white teeth against her tanned skin. "Deal," she says, tossing her backpack into my car. She slides into the passenger seat, settling in with a comfortable sigh. "So, Elijah, or Eli, or whoever you are right now... where are we headed?" I slip into the driver's seat, the engine purring to life beneath my fingers. I glance at Cassie, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Wherever you want, Cassie. I'm not exactly a planner, you know?" I pull out onto the road, the headlights cutting through the darkness. Cassie laughs, the sound light and easy. "Spontaneous. I like that." She settles back into her seat, her gaze drifting out the window. "How about... west? We'll just keep going until we run out of road." I grin, a dark thrill shooting through me. "West it is."

I say, "I'm Elijah by the way, at least for now. I'll tell you if he gets control back. He's honestly quite angry right now as he's saying only Jackie is supposed to be sitting there. Fucking simp."

Cassie chuckles, rolling her head toward me, and her features twist into an amused smirk. "Elijah for now? Is that because this Eli persona is pouting because he's not riding shotgun, or does he always lose control over where you sit or something?" She arches an eyebrow as she stares at me intently, the highway lights occasionally flitting through her face. Her hand inches to my wrist and squeezes briefly. "Dude, that's really intense. But don't let the simp talk to himself or whatever." A soft grin appears on my mouth as she teases me about this. "If anything, I'll tell you to knock it off or some shit, you hear?" I find myself smiling and glancing at Cassie again, even if I am the one behind the wheel, because she feels warm and right for being here beside me.

I say, "Yeah, you hear that Eli, fuck Jackie."

Cassie laughs, the sound genuine and warm. "Oh, I didn't know you two were on speaking terms." Her hand moves from my wrist to my thigh, a gentle but firm pressure. "Listen, Elijah," she says, her words low and husky. "Why don't you just focus on the road right now? I'd hate for us to get into an accident because you were too busy having an internal monologue with yourself." She pauses, a playful smirk on her face. "Unless, of course, that's what gets you off. Then by all means, keep going." Her hand shifts slightly on my thigh, the movement subtle but purposeful. "But I wouldn't mind some... distraction to keep me awake on this drive." I chuckle darkly, one hand tightening on the steering wheel while the other brushes against my face. "You're not making this any easier, Cassie. But I guess I can multitask."

I glance at Cassie, taking in her features as the dashboard lights cast a soft glow on her face. Her hand remains on my thigh, a gentle but firm pressure that sends a thrill through me. "So, Cassie," I say, my words husky with a low, dark quality. "What's your story, really? I mean, beyond the vague 'I'm running away' thing." Cassie's face darkens, her grip on my thigh tightening momentarily. "It's... complicated. Let's just say I was in a situation that got... messy. Really messy." She pauses, her gaze dropping to her lap before meeting mine again. "I had to get out, and I couldn't wait for things to settle down. I just... I had to go." I nod, understanding flickering in my eyes. "I get it. Sometimes the only way out is through, right?"

I say, "You know I, Elijah, live by a certain motto. Wanna hear it~?"

Cassie's eyes gleam with curiosity, her fingers tracing lazy circles on my thigh. "Oh yeah? What's your motto, Elijah? Lay it on me." I grin, the car speeding down the highway, the night air rushing through the open windows. "Hate is a hunger," I say, my voice low and intense. "And I'm fucking starving." Cassie's eyebrows shoot up, her gaze flickering between me and the road. "Whoa, intense. So, you're saying you feed off hate? That's... dark, Elijah." She leans back in her seat, a thoughtful expression on her face. "But you know what? I think I get it. Sometimes hate is the only thing that keeps us going, you know?" I nod, my grip on the steering wheel tightening. "Exactly. And love?"

I say, "It's nice, but something I find is disgusting the way Eli had it."

Cassie's eyebrows raise, a small, amused smirk playing on her lips. "Disgusting, huh? That's... a strong word." She shifts in her seat, her hand sliding higher up my thigh. "So, Elijah, what exactly is it that you find disgusting about love? Or is it just Eli's idea of love that you can't stomach?" "Just Eli's. It's pathetic the way he worships the fucking cow. While she treats him as a disposable friend. A tool to use and abuse at her leisure." I continue driving, I accelerate onto the freeway which is mostly empty at this hour and relax a bit, taking a deep breath.

I glance at Cassie, a wry smile twisting my lips. "Love, at least Eli's version of it, is just a twisted form of dependence. He's so blinded by his 'feelings' for Jackie that he can't see how she uses him." I shake my head, a disgusted expression flashing across my face. Cassie hums thoughtfully, her hand still resting on my thigh. "I can understand that. Sometimes love can turn into something toxic, something that's more about control than affection." She pauses, her fingers tracing idle patterns on my jeans. "But hate... that's a whole different story, isn't it?"

I grin, "Hate is pure and untainted, however, I don't feel it towards most people. I just enjoy seeing, feeling their hate towards me, it fills me with joy watching them curse me while they can do nothing. Dark, isn't it~?"

Cassie smirks, a glint of dark amusement in her eyes as she squeezes my thigh. "Dark? Nah, I think it's beautiful. There's something so... intoxicating about embracing the shadows, you know?" Her fingers dance along the seam of my jeans, a teasing caress that sends a shiver up my spine. I let out a low, appreciative chuckle, the sound rich and dark. "You're quite the philosopher, aren't you Cassie? Embracing the darkness, finding beauty in the twisted." I glance at her, taking in the mischievous smirk playing on her lips, the way the highway lights dance across her features. Cassie leans in closer, her breath hot against my ear as she whispers, "And you, Elijah, are quite the enigma. Hate and love, twisted and pure, all wrapped up in one deliciously complicated package."

"Oh Cassie~. How beautifully twisted you are."

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