Another world Game Developers in Japan`s 1991

Chapter 69: Chapter 66: Next Promotion Campaign

After the first successful promotion, the ZAGE team rode in Shinsuke's truck, feeling elated. Zaboru leaned back and said, "It's really something, watching kids have fun with our console, isn't it?"

Shinsuke grinned. "Yeah, that's right. But for now, we should rest because tomorrow, we have our next campaign."

Yugo suddenly pounded his chest. "Ugh ugh!" He was still pretending to be Donkey Kong.

Yuna, visibly annoyed, smacked him on the head. "Stop it, you dumbskull!"

The entire team burst into laughter. As the mood settled, Zaboru turned to Sayuri. "Sayuri-san, how was the parents' reaction?"

Sayuri nodded, summarizing her report. "Overall, many parents were curious about what ZEPS is, and plenty of them showed interest in buying one. However, when I mentioned that it's a video game device, some became skeptical."

Shinsuke crossed his arms. "That makes sense, considering the reputation video games have right now. That's why our next campaign is crucial. We'll be putting up promotional posters that I designed. Anyway, let's head back to the office first and discuss the details."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and they returned to ZAGE headquarters.

Once they arrived at the office, the team quickly changed out of their costumes and into their casual attire. Since it wasn't a workday, they were technically working overtime, but no one seemed to mind. They were getting paid—and more importantly, they were part of something bigger.

Inside the meeting room, Shinsuke took the lead. "We're planning to release ZEPS on Friday, September 19, 1991. The next step is to spread these flyers all over town. Remember, we only have 300 ZEPS units and 800 cartridges for now, so we should focus on nearby locations."

The team nodded in understanding. Zaboru then asked, "What about the posters? Have you already made them?"

Shinsuke smirked and pulled out a stack of posters. "Of course I have! Here they are!"

He unveiled the poster, which featured an image of the ZEPS console surrounded by several recognizable game characters. Bold letters at the top read: "Buy Your Family Computer—ZEPS—For Your Home!"

"This is my idea," Shinsuke explained. "I want people to think they're buying some kind of computer instead of just a gaming console. That's why I included the word 'computer' in the slogan. And as per the boss's suggestion, we'll be referring to it as a 'Family Computer.'"

Zaboru smiled and nodded. "That's a really smart approach."

Shinsuke grinned. "Alright, that's everything for today. Let's wrap this up. Tomorrow, we'll start spreading these posters throughout the nearby city."

With that, the team concluded their meeting and prepared for the next phase of their promotion.

Monday, September 15, 1991 - Morning

The next day, the ZAGE team got to work, plastering posters all over town, hoping to catch the eyes of potential customers. Zaboru was busy putting up a poster near the shopping district when he suddenly heard someone call out his name.


Turning around, he saw two familiar faces—it was Ryo and Satoshi, his old high school friends.

"Hey man! Where the hell have you been? You just up and disappeared after your early gaduation!" Ryo said, crossing his arms.

Satoshi smirked. "Did you run off and marry that yakuza princess ???"

Zaboru sighed. "Shut up. I've just been working."

The two looked at him, confused. "Working? Like a part-time job? Are you struggling financially or something?" Ryo asked.

Zaboru shook his head. "No, I started my own company."

Both of them froze, eyes widening in shock. "NANI!? You're joking, right?!" Ryo exclaimed.

Their eyes then landed on the poster Zaboru had just put up. Satoshi read aloud, "ZEPS... Family Computer..."

Ryo suddenly yelled, "Wait a minute! ZAGE!? Isn't that the name from ZAS?! Your company is ZAGE?!"

Zaboru sighed. There was no hiding it now. "Yeah, ZAGE is my company."

Both of his friends were left stunned. "What the hell, man?! You deceived us! I never knew you were the creator of ZAS! And is this your new console?!" Ryo asked in disbelief.

Zaboru nodded. "Yeah, this is my new console. It's launching on September 19, so look forward to it. Anyway, I've got to go. I still need to put up a lot more posters."

Ryo and Satoshi gave him an encouraging pat on the back. "Alright then, take care, bro! We hope everything goes well!"

Zaboru waved as he continued spreading posters throughout the city, one step closer to making ZEPS a household name.

To be continued...

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