Chapter 14: Dhruv and Belle
In the forest, A boy of 17 or 18 was meditating under a waterfall. There was calmness, tranquility and a fragrance of nature around but suddenly a hammer fell on the boy. Before the hammer could hit the boy twitched and jumped away barely dodging the hammer. The boy looked at the hammer which had destroyed the rock he was meditating in as the hammer got pulled back by the chain in its hilt.
The boy followed the direction of the hammer as he saw a big bulky demon and got on his guard to fight. "Tch, Damn you human! how can you also dodge my attack?" The demon said as he disappeared from his place and appeared infront of the boy swinging his hammer at the temple of the boy's head but the boy in moments duct down successfully dodging the attack.
The boy jumped up and punched the chin of the demon but the demon just felt a sting in his chin. The demon started to laugh as the boy jumped back several meters creating a distance between them. The demon looked at him as he asked "What's your name puny human of early 6th ranker? Tell me and I will let you die a warriors death in honor". The boy looked at the demon for a second as he turned around and started to run away from the demon. "Damn it, it wasn't supposed to happened. How come this demon is here? Why did the past change? That's right, this was one of the demon who attacked the city in my previous life. How come he is here? He should be with his people far away plotting against the city of Demin just like in my previous life." Dhruv thought to himself in his mind as he was running away.
The demon looked at the retreating back of Dhruv as he grit his teeth, his eyes turned redder, his veins started to bulge as he shouted "Damn you coward human you shall die a coward's death". The demon started to chase Dhruv as he started slam his hammer whenever he got the chance but Dhruv was successful in dodging everytime. This got the demon even more angry as his power surge and this time the hammer hit Dhruv's back sending him flying several meters as he slammed in the trunk of the tree.
The demon grinned evilly and started to walk towards Dhruv who was trying to get up. "Did you really think you can run away from me you cowardly human?" The demon asked as he raised his hammer above his head and was about to slam it in Dhruv's head. Dhruv looked at the falling hammer in horror as he thought "no! No! No! I can't die ! I can't die! I don't want to die" and closed his eyes. The demon stopped midway as he looked at his locket and sensed it "Belle, Drop everything you are doing and come back fast".
The demon looked at Dhruv as he said to him in disdain "you are lucky, cowardly human. But next time, I will surely kill you if I see you" and started to walk away in a very fast speed. Dhruv opened his eyes as he heard the demon word's and looked at the back of the demon which was moving farther and farther away from him. Dhruv sighed as he got up and looked at the sky as he shouted "I am truly the main character."
[A/N: Hey guys if you still didn't understand Dhruv is a regressor from the future and you know what it means right. He is the main character of this world but not my story.
Belle the demon is the same demon who was defeated by Lin the earlier chapters.]