Archer Empress

Chapter 7: Seventh

Before the sun rises Lady Miya woke up earlier to discusse about securing the premises for the emperor and crown prince for today's activity which is hunting. She ask Hilda to come and ask Tigreal to see her.

Tigreal along with two of his trusted men comes to see lady Miya. Hilda assist them to enter the ladies assigned chamber.

" La...." before they can finished their greetings. Lady Miya holds her hand up motioning for them to stop.

" I am your general for this matter not a princess" she firmly said. The soldiers smiling proudly as they look at her with respect.

As for someone who doesn't know her identity Hilda gasp after hearing what her lady said.

Everyone look at her way.

" I know it's not easy to take this but what you hear must stay secret for now ,Hilda" Miya ask her solemnly which she nods though she still look flabbergasted on the news. She knows that her lady believes in her and gives her trust to keep such important matter so she felt happy and touched inside.

" Tigreal as what we planned you're the one who will watch the emperor while I'll take care of the crown prince. I'm going to join the hunting make sure to keep an eye for everything." she commanded .

" Yes commander Miya , we will surely keep his highness safety as our top priority more than our own lives" he said which being agreed by the two soldiers along side him.

" So do I " lady Miya answered.

" I do believe that this day may or may not be eventful , I'm counting on you" she added which they gave a salute .

After their short meeting Miya looks at Hilda.

" I know you have questions but all you need to know for now is that I am here to ensure the safety of the royal family and I am giving my trust to you for keeping this matter from everyone .....for now" I said she seems to finally accepted it .

" I'm so grateful to be trusted by you my lady I promise to keep it and stay loyal to you as long as I'm alive" she said and I know for sure that she is the right one to be my personal maiden and I'll keep her by my side from now on this mission really gives me something precious this time.

" Thank you!" I said which she smiles brightly .

" Anything for you princess" .


Third person's Pov.

Everyone's preparing for the hunting event those who are participating are already mounting on their horses, so is the Crown prince and the other princes along with Miya and some other sons and daughters of high ranking individuals.

The royal guards are busy scouting the area and patrolling as to the command of their leader, commander Miya .

Before the Emperor officially starts the hunting event Miya looks arround to find Tigreal when she sees him, she gives a very unnoticeable nod as signal at the same time the the emperor lights the torch as sign of the start of the event along with the sound of the gong. All the participants made their way towards the forest to start the hunting.

Though Lady Miya is unaware of the fact that some of the men are looking at her because she is too focus on secretly watching and observing arround for anything unusual. Until she makes an eye contact with the crown prince which last for a minute before the other princes make their way towards her that she looks away to look at them.


Miya's Pov.

After turning away from the crown prince I ask myself what is wrong with me?

I just give my attention to the prince's who' re making their way towards me.

" Princess Miya is it?" one of them said.

I just nod having a tight smile which I pressume to be enough to be called friendly gesture. I supposed.

" Yes, I am, May I know who you are sire?" I ask not to be rude but I am sure to know the crown prince now but not the names of the other prince's.

" I am The prince of the West Kaja " the one who ask me first said. He seems to be the very out going among all of the prince's.

" And I am The prince of the East Valir and this here is Prince Roger from the North and that is the frown... I mean the crown prince of the Southern Palace Alucard" he said while smirking I can't help but laugh a bit which made him smirk proudly. Of course we have a typical joker of their small group.

" Idiot" someone said which made me look from where it came from and I saw the frowning prince just like Prince Kaja said.

I can't help but smirk a little at the crown prince's attitude when he felt someone looking at him I think he turns to me seeing that I smiled at him his gaze turns a bit or somehow dazed? I'm not sure it's just that he seem to be looking at me but his mind is somewhere else .

" I'm glad to finally meet the prince's" I said and bowed a little just to show my respect to them.

" Anyway , prince's I think we all need to move now everyone might already hunt ten by now don't want to go back empty handed now , do we?" I playfully said .

The two laugh, Prince Kaja and Valir , while Prince Roger smiled and the Crown Prince just nod tsssk his majesty really need to give this crown prince some of his humor and positivity though being tough is good as a future leader being so cold and poker face like him might end up having a tyrant of a leader which I don't really care as long as he knows how to run our country I will still support the emperor's words .

"Target spotted " Prince Valir said while focusing on a boar not far from us. He and the other two Prince's make their way towards the boar as soon as it feels the presence of the horses it flew and therw you go the chase begins.

I look around to check the sorrounding again but in others perspective I'm just trying to find something to catch for this hunt.

" You should not go around alone " I look at the crown prince from hearing his voice.

Say what? Oh wait right ,Im a princess after all , if only he knows I've been working alone most of the times in doing dangerous things for the army because as the commander I always put myself in front of my soldiers not the other way around.

" Thank you for your concern your highness but I believe in my ability" I said giving my most polite smile I can give. He raise an eyebrow at my response.

" Even someone with the best ability needs to be cautiou, specially a lady like you" He said again I can't help but frown at that which make him smirk for some reason. The things I didn't want from men are being good at descriminating women's capability.

" Maybe your highness is right but some women can do better at some point" I sighed after saying that to release my disappoinent.

" hmmmm. how I want to witness such thing maybe it can change my view of women " he said seriously while nodding.

" I thought his highness is not speaking often to people? Should I consider myself lucky to have such long conversation with him?" I said a bit teasingly.

He smiled. Woah what's going on to the crown prince the last thing I heard from his majesty he is such a stone like man who just talk to whoever is close and known by him. I shake the thought off of my head maybe I judged him too soon according to what other people see from him .

" You might as well, I think its worth the time and effort talking to you my lady" he smirk okay now his really becoming a different person even around the three prince's based on our meetings this days his not the one I'm talking right now.

" Your higness If you want then tag along with me to hunt now" I said then pull the reigns of my horse to move forward at some point I know He will come this will help me on my duty staying with him will make it easier to protect him anyway if we are alone I might as well will not be afraid of him finding out who I really am if anything unexpected happens.

I'd rather expose myself to him than fail to do my duty not just because I promise to the emperor himself but because it is what I live for to do , to be a warrior to protect the royal family and our country.


The two starts to look for their preys to hunt after some time both already has ten rabbits each and a single giant boar which they assist each other to catch . Though Miya can do it on her own so was the prince its like they both just work in synch while targeting the boar with their arrows .

They just made signal to let the guard's around their area to get the animals they caught.


Alucard's Pov

She's indeed worth my time and effort and she manage to change my view of women .

The way she hits her targets its like she's meant to never missed any shot .

I really feel something strange around her and I think she's more than what she looks like.

I can't deny the fact that the lady is a beauty which can't compare to others she has a strong aura and everytime I talk to her I can feel some power or should I say authority from her and that's strange.

Lady Miya? who really are you? Why do I feel so confused and intrigued by you?

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