As an Ordinary person (Why do I keep attracting Psychopaths?)

Chapter 67: Chapter 64 The Illustrious (and Completely Unintentional) Leadership of Yuna

Seated atop the wooden podium like an indifferent monarch presiding over her tiny kingdom, Yuna lazily glanced at the stack of documents before her. Her classmates, the students of Heart Class, gathered below, staring up with a mix of admiration and anticipation. The students of other classes may see the Heart Class as revolutionaries shaking up the academy, but internally? It was just another meeting.

What revolutionary? they were just gullible children following the lead of an 'elder' and started living a somewhat decent life with proper meal and somehow functioning system.

Yuna sighed. It had only been a week or so since she implemented the point monetary system and hunting rotation, but the amount of administration involved was already annoying. The 'business' she started to employ need careful checking and the points earned need careful calculation and differentiation, they have submitted the points and wrote down how much the business 'earned' in a paper, Yuna has to carefully make account of it and then carefully think of a plan on how to distribute among each other.

Truly… one thing after another.

It is this type of miscellaneous work that is time-consuming and annoying. She has to properly think on how to delegate this kind of work to her classmates.

She shuffled the papers and continued speaking.

"—From now on, a maximum of three people from non-combat teams will accompany the hunting group on each trip," She announced, tapping a pen against the podium. "This isn't just for resource collection; it's for survival training. Too many of you are weak little chickens who rely on the combat group to do everything. And each time one person from each group will rotates to other group and learned from them, even if it's a little bit"

A visible flinch ran through the crowd.

Yuna didn't care.

"You all say you want to get stronger, right?" She continued, lazily waving a hand. "I read the profiles you submitted—almost every single one of you wrote 'to become stronger' under the 'Aim/Goal' section."

The Heart Class students looked away, suddenly feeling exposed.

"Well, here's your chance," Yuna said. "Going into the forest will help you develop survival awareness and combat instincts. And since most of you can use mana or some other awakened ability, it's about time you actually trained in real situations. We're not just going to let the combat team do all the work while the rest of you sit around doing… whatever it is you do."

A silence stretched over the room. The Heart Class had long since stopped protesting against Yuna's plans; by now, they knew better. Instead, the students began nodding, absorbing the logic behind her words.

Of course, since this was the Heart Class, that serious atmosphere didn't last long.

"Does this mean we finally get to fight the beasts?" one student—an overly enthusiastic mage—grinned excitedly. "I've been wanting to test out my spell on something living!"

Yuna gave him a flat look. "Try not to test it on your teammates first."

"…No promises."

A healer student raised a hesitant hand. "What about support roles like us? Do we have to fight too?"

Yuna exhaled, feeling the onset of a headache. "No, but you do need to practice healing under pressure. What's the point of a healer if you panic at the sight of blood?"

The healer paled.

Another student smirked. "Hah, imagine a healer fainting before they can even cast a spell!"

The healer turned on him. "Shut up! At least I don't scream like a dying chicken every time I see a monster!"

Laughter erupted from the group. The so-called 'dying chicken screamer' pointed a dramatic finger at his accuser. "That was ONE TIME!"

Yuna ignored them.

Instead, she flipped through her notes and moved on to the next topic.

"As for improving combat skills, I've decided to set up a duel system," Yuna announced.

That immediately caught their attention.

"Dueling? Like, actual fights between students?" Someone asked.

"Obviously," Yuna deadpanned. "How else are you going to measure your combat ability?"

Excitement rippled through the crowd. Some of them were already shooting challenging glances at each other, itching for an excuse to brawl.

Yuna continued, "It'll be voluntary, but I recommend everyone participate at least once. It'll help you understand your own weaknesses and improve cooperation. The combat hall exists for a reason, and eventually, some teacher is going to force us to train anyway."

With such a massive combat hall in place, Yuna highly doubted it would remain unused forever. There was no way they'd spend the entire four or five years just sitting in classrooms, buried in books. Sooner or later, they were bound to be trained and tested inside that hall.

And just in case—really, just in case—the responsibility of monitoring student progress ended up falling on the class representative, Yuna wanted to be prepared in advance. She would rather set things up now than be troubled by it later. Better safe than sorry.

A student with glasses raised a hand. "Are there any rules?"

Yuna gave it a moment of thought. "No killing. No permanent injuries. Otherwise, go wild."

"…That's it?"

Yuna shrugged. "If you get too injured, we have healers. If you die, that's your fault."

A stunned silence.


"This class is terrifying."

"Why am I actually excited for this?"

"I knew Yuna was hardcore, but this is next level."

The students were murmuring among themselves, but the overall atmosphere was one of approval.

One particularly competitive student grinned. "Oi, let's settle something right now—who's the strongest in Heart Class?!"

Immediately, the crowd buzzed with anticipation. Some students were already stepping forward, eager to stake their claim.

But before things could escalate—


Yuna, still seated on the podium, let out a slow, tired sigh. "Fine. If you really want to fight it out, we'll have an official ranking system later. For now, just focus on training without breaking your bones."

Some students looked disappointed, but others nodded, satisfied.

Despite Yuna's overall couldn't-care-less attitude, the Heart Class had developed a peculiar dynamic—whether they realized it or not, every single one of them was subconsciously seeking her approval.

"Hey, Yuna, what do you think of this plan? We could have a sparring schedule to keep track of progress!"

"Mmm. Good idea," Yuna replied without much thought.

The student visibly brightened, practically glowing.

Another student leaned in, eager. "What about a bet system for duels? Just for fun!"

Yuna hummed. "…Might encourage participation. Not bad."

That student also looked like they had just been blessed by the heavens.

Even disagreements carried this underlying desire for validation.

"I think we should assign mandatory sparring partners!"

"No way! What if I get paired with someone I hate?"

"That's the point!"

"No, it's a terrible idea."

The two bickering students suddenly turned to Yuna, both eyes full of expectation.

Yuna blinked at them. "Uh. Just rotate partners so you fight different people."

They both immediately nodded, as if Yuna had delivered some divine wisdom. It was, quite frankly, ridiculous. Even when they disagreed, they still wanted her to acknowledge their suggestions.

If Yuna had been paying more attention, she might have realized that her classmates were treating her less like a peer and more like some wise elder or… worse, a parental figure. But she was too focused on her own goal—making sure she didn't have to deal with problems later.

And so, completely oblivious to the growing sense of loyalty and admiration forming around her, Yuna continued to guide the Heart Class with the singular goal of securing herself a trouble-free future.

Little did she know, she was only solidifying her position as their unshakable leader.

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