As Heavens Divide

Chapter 111: Chapter 111 - Under the gaze of the tiger. (Mini)

Xin spent four hours walking until he finally reached the spot. 

The map was correct, this is the watering hole that wild animals use. The water inside looks crystal clear. He took a sip. 

Tastes great, too. Water's sorted. I need a lair now. 

For his starting cultivation spot, Xin chose a huge remote grove north-east of the fort. It was the biggest out of the groves in this area, and was a part of the forest system that joined into the Yellow Pine forest. The Tanqi mountain wasn't visible from here, but this area was fertile and connected to the steppe, which was situated just twenty minutes of travel away from this water spot, making this area a perfect hub.

Xin spent an hour exploring the surroundings, and the results left him delighted — there were signs of boars, plenty of rare flowers and bushes with wild berries. Despite being near the steppe, the area was also relatively wet, its soil fertile, giving birth to many mushrooms and small puddles. The biggest problem were the insects, who thrived in such a climate. Ticks, mosquitos, centipedes, botflies, ants — all could start harassing him at any given moment, especially once he got naked. Will need to take some counter-measures.

Eventually, Xin found a little clearing up the hill, with a collapsed tree near a rock half his height. Looks interesting, could be a decent lair location. What do you think, totem?

Not giving you advice, scram. Show me that you're worthy, I've endured your soft ways long enough!

Fine, let's agree to the rules, then. Time to take the vows. Xin exhaled, he meticulously planned this stage for weeks.

Rule number one — I travel naked. Completely. I can only cover myself in furs, leather or plant-based materials I gathered myself, but only as support — no weaving clothing. I am allowed to cover myself with anything when I sleep, as long as I procured it myself and didn't bring it with me.

Purr. The totem liked this idea.

Rule number two — vow of silence. I won't speak like a human, no matter the circumstances. Other communication methods are allowed.

The totem purred again, delighted. That's a powerful vow. Still, it wasn't fully animalistic and left some loopholes, so the tiger quickly recomposed, upset.

As long as each vow is upheld, the tiger would slowly submit to Xin, but every time he broke it, he'd receive severe backlash, damaging his soul and setting his progress back. 

Rule number three — I claim this land as mine and rule it like a king. If I retreat, it's only to ambush my opponent again. 

The totem was satisfied, but not as much. It didn't like the second clause, and wanted Xin to fight bravely until his end.

Xin reminded the totem about how even real tigers have to hide from the hunters all the time, and called it a hypocrite. The totem hissed at him, but submitted.

Rule number four — I won't use any of the items I brought with me, unless I am outnumbered by cultivators of my rank or higher. I am allowed to use the jade ambush ring, since it fits the tiger's lifestyle. I'm also allowed to use dao shards, since qi active animals can also use them.

No! The totem protested. It's unfair! No ring! 

Fuck off! Xin willed the totem into submission. With the new vows, he instantly had more control over it. Humans aren't born with ambushing instruments, we are born with tools! I'm using a tool to embody a tiger, it's only fair!

The tiger didn't like Xin's argument, but submitted again. It knew that Xin wouldn't agree to the no instrument rule otherwise, and each ascetic vow meant it would grow stronger and have more presence in Xin's soul, so it didn't want to self-sabotage, either.

"Is that it?" The totem asked, this time in a growling version of Xin's voice. Its messages were much more clear now, Xin was amazed. Seems our attunement improved momentarily!

Spreading your offspring! It's the rule of every living creature! You need to make babies! The steppe will be littered with our offspring!

You retarded piece of wood, how do you imagine this? I'm not taking this stupid vow, there aren't any attractive women here, I promise.

The totem growled in disappointment. 

Undress, child! We had a vow!

Fine, fine. Xin almost said it out loud, but remembered his vow and shut up, then started taking his armor off. Then he took off his endurance bracer, mercury greaves and armour padding, gathered all of his belongings, including his backpack into a pile, and stored them between the fallen tree and the tall rock. The only thing he was wearing now was a jade ambush ring on his left index finger. 

Xin felt his heart start beating faster. He understood how much danger he was now in. 

There is no turning back, if I desert, the tiger will break my soul and usurp my body. There is only one way — forward. 

In this forest, there is no social status. 

No double-speak and fancy political games.

No money, no sects. No friendship. 

Just a man under the gaze of a tiger, and his will to survive. 

But that's not enough, I also need a plan.

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