Chapter 115: Chapter 115 - The crouching tiger.
"Bro, come back 're! It's been ten minutes!" A tired hunter was trying to light a campfire, but most of his firewood was soaked through. For the past few days, he was trying to lead a group of three towards Zadana, but they were a tough bunch to manage.
"Telling you, that guy's liquor was spoiled! I think my arse cracked, mate!" A man with a buzz cut was sitting in the bushes nearby, disappointed with his metabolism. He was a former Fist sect member, attracted by his new employer's lucrative offer.
"Master, I understand the need to stay away from the forts, but could we do with a roadside inn, mayhaps?" The hunter was outspoken in his advice, but tried to stay polite. "The steppe is dangerous, there are better routes to Zadana."
"Silence, mortal." A middle aged man in a grey robe cut his complaining off. "The disciple right here is a man on the run, and I have my methods to deal with the Skyfolk. You are paid to guide us and do what I say, not argue. Understood?"
The disciple he spoke about was also wearing a grey robe, but was taller and physically imposing. He was slowly sipping on water from his flask, not saying a word.
"Understood." The hunter nodded, defeated. "That peasant said the forest is off limits, why do you think it is?"
The buzz cut man returned, looking invigorated.
"Master, if I may." He addressed the middle aged man.
"Of course, son." The man nodded. "Speak."
"When I was still with the Fist sect, the word was that the Border Guard are just a paper tiger. As in, most cultivators were recalled back to the capital, and the only serious force they have is the one in Bai Du fort. The worst we'll meet is several patrolling cavalrymen, and with your qi powers, we can just tell them all to fu... To scram."
"I see. Sounds reasonable, but let's not tempt fate. We'll stay for tonight, then move through the steppe. Nomads won't be an issue, don't worry about that." The master assured them.
"But... Will the band actually help us break through? Just like that?"
"Of course. The materials will be priced reasonably, half of their cost paid by the employer, another half — from your own salary. You'll join a boot camp and take as many attempts as you need, within reason, of course. We don't nurse useless trash."
"I see, master. But, 'Gray Hoods', what's the real organisation name? What are you gentlemen planning?" The buzzcut man wasn't shy, and asked directly.
"Everything will be revealed in time. For now, just relax and read the manuals I handed out. They're quite useful, even if you already have a breakthrough method in mind."
"Master, the fire's ready. Please leave Tonghuo to watch over it, I want to go and look for that boar again." The hunter approached and bowed.
"Is this truly necessary? What if something happens to you? I saw the giant insect packs roaming around this area a few months ago, a terrible sight." The former Fist sect member spoke up again.
"Silence, kid." The master raised his hand. "I see that he's trying to impress us with his hunting prowess. If you think this forest safe, then I'll let you showcase your tracking skills. You can go."
"Thank you, master! I'll also forage something fresh for dinner, if I can. I'll be back in two hours or so." He left towards the area they came from.
Xin hid in the bushes, using his jade ambush ring, listening in on their conversation with his qi infused senses. The hunter walked by dangerously close to him, but didn't notice anything suspicious and left.
Let's think.
This master is rank one, and is recruiting people into "Gray Hoods", whoever these are. The buzzcut Fist sect trainee and a quiet disciple are both mortals, but qi active, since he "wants to help them break through". Interesting. Xin felt the totem demand he kills each of the four men, but he told it to be patient.
Should I go and kill the hunter? No, he might scream and alert the others. With my totemic smell, he isn't going anywhere.
"What's with him and that boar, eh?" The talkative buzz cut man sat down near the grey hooded disciple.
"You don't get it?" He had a pleasant, calm voice when he responded, contrasting his brutish looks. "He is a hunter, that's his whole thing. His arrow missed, and he's trying to redeem himself now, he knows his life will change drastically if he joins us. Master, what do you think about him? Does he have what it takes to become our brother?"
"Eager, that he is. Competent? Too early to tell." He gave a laconic answer.
Xin was confused. Who are these people? A mercenary gang? A secret sect?
Doesn't matter! Kill them.
I will, shut up. We need to wait for the hunter to leave, and ideally, I need to ambush the master first, I wouldn't want to fight while naked and outnumbered.
Xin dispelled the ring to preserve some charge, then calmly moved back, his feet infused with wood qi, to make his step quieter.
The bushes where the Fist sect guy relieved himself looked like a great ambush location. If any of the trio goes there, Xin could take them by surprise and easily eliminate them.
An hour later.
"Be right back." The grey hooded master stood up and went up to a nearby tree to take a leak. It was drizzling lightly, and his disciples were busy keeping the fire lit.
"The shrooms are almost ready, master." The buzz cut man licked his lips in anticipation, he was quite hungry, and the pleasant aroma spread around their improvised camp.
"Hope so." The master approached a tree, five steps away from the bushes, and loosened his belt to get his spear out.
"Don't bother master when he's peeing. That's rude." The grey cloaked disciple whispered to the former Fist sect member. Xin heard it clearly as he sneaked.
I probably look like a monster they scare kids with, hehe. For a brief moment, Xin found the situation very amusing.
Focus, now's not the time to daydream!
Shut up, that's how I calm myself, I am focused.
Xin sneaked gently, trying not to step into small puddles of mud and not make any sounds. If I can backstab him with a Steel Sting, it's over. With a normal human, once I am ten steps away from him, I should just rush and stab them, and they won't be able to react on time. He's a cultivator, need to go for an overkill.
Fifteen steps.
"Drop. Drop. Raindrop." The water path master was humming a childish tune, trying to relax his tense mind. He focused on the rain around him, becoming one with it. Wait, what? He felt the disturbance behind his back, and turned to check. Is this one of the disciples?
As soon as the master's neck moved backwards, Xin shot a snakevine at him and sprinted up.
By the time the enemy master turned back, he was already wrapped from shoulder to shoulder, his prick watering the glade in a twisting golden stream.
"What?" He exclaimed nervously, but regained his composure and prepared to move.
"Master!" The grey hooded disciple noticed Xin first, but was caught off-guard and stunned for a moment.
Wood qi infusion! Spring jump! Xin used a vine style technique, but only channelled a small amount of qi, as it was easy to lose balance without mastering it properly. Still, he delivered an impressive long jump, reaching the master from seven steps away, and activated a dao shard mid-air.
Steel Sting dao shard!
The enemy master was stabbed in the chest, slightly away from the heart, the sting piercing him through and emerging from his shoulder blade.
"No!" The robed disciple pulled out a sword from the bag of holding and rushed Xin, as the buzz cut disciple still stood astonished.
Finish him! Xin's and tigers inner voices cried out in unison. Xin stabbed at the master's neck artery with his Resonance Palm.
Water form dao shard! The grey robed master recomposed somehow, despite the pain stunning him, and activated his signature move. He then easily escaped the grasp of the snakevine, and even Xin's sting-hand slipped out, as the master's whole body took a liquid shape, despite barely changing how it looked.
Water jet dao shard! A stream of water as thick as two legs was launched at Xin. He tried to take it head on, blocking with his arms and reinforcing his legs with wooden qi, hoping that he'd just push through it, but was stopped in his tracks.
Sword arrow dao shard! The grey robed disciple sent his sword flying at Xin's back, but Xin heart the whistling and reacted on time, taking the blow head on, as he had no means to dodge.
Iron Lung dao shard! Xin exhaled and the enemy's sword was deflected away, only giving him a minor wound.
Dam Closure Healing River Acupuncture! The water path master pinched both openings of his wound with his pointing finger and his thumb, then slapped them with a water qi infusion. His bleeding stopped!
Momentum! Use the momentum! Your time is running out! Kill them!
Woodcutter's Downswing! Xin approached the enemy master again, aware that he was being charged from the back. This attack was meant to force the enemy into side-stepping, so that he wasn't pincered from two sides.
Slap! The water path master redirected Xin's blow with the outside of his palm, infused with qi. It looked like it hurt, despite the master's water form, but it wasn't enough to deal significant damage.
Drowner's demise! The master delivered a frontal punch into Xin's lungs, boosted by the water element qi his jetstream dao shard just covered him with. Xin felt a spasm in his chest, unable to breathe!
Probably cracked a rib… I don't need to breathe, though, as I just used the Iron Lung! Fatal mistake, old man.
"Aaargh!" Xin roared furiously, ignoring the pain, sprang forward with a wood qi infusion, entering the clench range, and performed an unorthodox attack.
Gardener's Scissorslash! Xin's arms crossed, then slashed with the edges of his palms. The enemy master deflected one hand, but the other one sliced a massive, gooey chunk of flesh off his shoulder. It didn't look like a practical martial arts move, but the sudden delivery of two qi infused sideways attacks, similar to a Woodcutter's Downswing, albeit with reduced efficiency, was nothing to scoff at.
"Help us!" The disciple, frustrated with his partner, who was still standing in confusion near the campfire, pulled another sword out of his bag of holding as he ran. He had to rely on his mortal-level qi reserves, and couldn't afford another dao shard cast.
The Fist sect disciple was still hesitant. Being caught off-guard was just a part of it, his memory and intuition were screaming at him. He saw this man before!
It can't be... Is this... Impaler Xin? He seems rank one now!
"Run!" He sprinted into another direction.
Xin remembered killing Lang Tie back at Liao's homestead. He had used bait to draw her out, then killed her. He decided to employ the same trick here.
Wood qi infusion! Xin turned his body and leaped away to disengage, then used wood qi again to propel himself forward, gaining a head start as he charged at the grey-hooded disciple.
Shit, he's Foundation stage, how do I block his Resonance Palms? The disciple anxiously pointed his sword at Xin.
Seven Nails Stance! He entered a counter-attacking stance, constantly switching the position of his sword for one of the explosive counter-attacking positions, all while standing his ground and preparing to stab at Xin. This master uses the Iron Lung, means he'll die if I catch him off-guard, despite the rank difference!
The opponent's moves betrayed his plans, and Xin realised that his opponent's combat intelligence was nothing to scoff at! As their gazes met, he saw a martial spirit equalling his!
He wasn't an underdog now, but a favourite! An unfamiliar position, which required concentration and flawlessly executing the basics. Let's do this.
Resonance Palms are bad here, he'll deflect and counter-attack, and his sword can change its direction to avoid my Iron Lung's reinforcement, stabbing into my naked flesh with a qi infused strike, and killing me in one blow! Even if I win, killing him will take some time, allowing the water path master to recompose…
Xin, accept my power!
Xin dispelled the Resonance Palms, and a huge burst of Yang energy spread through his palms and wrists, reaching his elbows. His fingers were now spread in a shape resembling a tiger's paw, and his arms emanated a visible orange glow.
Tiger Claws!
Xin jumped at the enemy master, willing to trade one blow against his.
I have no choice, the disciple thought. Heartseeker Stab! The tall and brutish master aimed a hit at Xin's neck, which was quickly redirected to his heart, emanating a platinum glow.
Iron Lung dao shard! Xin reacted and blocked the blow. It wasn't the first sword path master he fought, and he knew this technique quite well. Since it wasn't even a dao shard, but just a qi infused mortal-level technique, it was completely nullified, the opponent's blade deflected away.
Block this!
Slash! Slash! Slash! Xin put the weight of his body forward and rushed his opponent, who only managed to block one blow and dodge another, with the third hit leaving a deep wound on his shoulder.
That's my chance! I am still stronger than him! The sword path disciple leaned forward and prepared to try and grapple him, winning just enough time for his master to backstab.
Suddenly, Xin sidestepped! A mass of water, aimed at Xin's back, caught the disciple off-guard and made him stumble. With his heightened senses, Xin heard the jetstream dao shard being unleashed behind his back, predicted its trajectory and evaded it, turning an attack on him into friendly fire! Xin seized the opportunity and leaped at the enemy disciple in animalistic rage, tripping him over with a vine style qi infused throw. The man hurt his head badly as he landed.
"No!" The water path master, after injecting a spirit stone and a few healing pills, was rushing towards Xin, but it was too late.
Resonance... Teeth! Mid-air, Xin ground his teeth at each other and infused them just like he infused his palms, then clenched them at the sword path disciple's neck.
Tear! He bit a huge chunk of his throat off, then turned towards the water path master, grinning psychotically as the sword path disciple was drowning in his own blood behind his back.
"What do you want? Speak! We can talk this through!" The water path master was confused and terrified, but still kept his battle stance. His gaping wound was closed, and he could fight now, but he was cynical enough to try other methods, even as his disciple lay dying.
No talking! They were warned, and still came! Disrespect! Stupid! Eat them!
"Roar!" Xin rushed him again. The water path master tried to block and deflect, but the tiger style slashes came too swiftly and chaotically, nullifying his defensive style's advantage completely, as he had no time to counterattack!
A few exchanges later, he used water form dao shard again, and it gave him some protection against the tiger totem's infusion, which technically belonged to the fire element (but not as much as against actual fire path techniques), but he still had chunks torn off him again and again. He knew that he was on borrowed time, as once the shard exhausts itself, any area that it fails to reform will be injured severely!
Yes, almost done… Xin prepared to impale the enemy master with anoster Steel Sting dao shard attack as soon as he reforms.
Sword arrow dao shard! The loyal disciple knew that he would die, as he was suffocating on his own blood and no method in their possession would be able to heal him. Still, he channelled the dao shard instead of activating it momentarily, just to make his chances higher, and with his dying breath, launched his sword at Xin again.
Dodge! Xin's thigh was bruised badly, he heard the sword's whistling and side-stepped, but didn't manage to fully avoid the blow.
Waterfall swing! The enemy master raised both of his arms, and descended a crushing blow on Xin.
Iron Lung! Xin blocked it with one arm, still dislocating his shoulder. What's with that qi intensity on this guy?!
Whatever, that's his limit. Woodcutter's Downswing! The enemy master's image twisted as the water form dao shard attempted to reform his skull, which had a huge crack in the middle. It did so successfully, but the shard finally exhausted itself. So did his own qi reserves.
"Yield!" He cried out, bleeding, but Xin was relentless.
Steel sting dao shard.
"Guys! Master!" The hunter jogged towards the group, constantly looking back. "Think there is some monster in the area, and I found a puddle of blood, leading towards some sort of lair! We should leave!"
The figures of his comrades were sitting around the campfire, their heads lowered lightly, wearing their coats. Wait, why aren't they moving?
ROAR! Tiger Claws!
Xin buried his teeth and nails into the hunter's throat.