Chapter 6: battle to win, Teleportation jutsu revealed
It was now morning and Ashura was sitting on a tree on training ground twenty and he was having an angry face.
"arrr, what's taking them so long, I have been here for hours and they haven't showed up ", Ashura growl angrily, a bandage was tied around his right thigh and a kunai porch that contains a few shuriken was tied around it, the little bag behind his waist was holding all his kunai.
"( so they finally decide to show up )", Ashura scoffed when he sense Indra and Izumi's chakra, few seconds later the two other genins got to the training ground, "what took you guys so long...", Ashura yelled at them.
"keep your voice down tomato haired ", Izumi insulted, she was wearing a black hoodie on her black dress, her kunai porch was on the bandage around her right thigh and her shuriken host's bag was being her waist.
Indra was wearing a black pant and shirt, he was carrying something that was wrapped and it was long.
"I should keep my voice down? ", Ashura ask in annoyance, "I've been here since five-thirty and now it's eight-fourty six and you guys decide it was OK to show up and not expect me to yell?, of course I will ", Ashura was angry.
"we didn't ask you to show up early Ashura, besides Shisui sensei didn't give us a particular time to get here ", Indra said quietly.
"oh yeah?, we're all ninjas now and ninjas should be in a place earlier understand that white face ", Ashura angrily point at Indra.
"if a ninja should arrive in a place early why isn't Shisui sensei here? ", Izumi ask.
"ugh, I guess he's around somewhere ", Ashura grin a little.
The sun was now in the middle of the sky and Shisui wasn't there, "do you still think he's around here somewhere? ", Izumi ask with a frown .
"( it's already noon and he still hasn't shown up )", Ashura growl a little, "I guess he was born this way ", Ashura huffs, "when he gets here I swear I will teach him not to keep Ashura Uzumaki waiting, I'm going to crush his stupid face, just wait ", Ashura angrily smash his fist into his palm.
Indra and Izumi look behind Ashura in a way that the red haired could not understand, "Ashura ", Izumi called quietly and force herself to laugh, she was trying to tell Ashura something but he was so clueless he didn't understand.
"don't worry guys, he just keeps acting tough and strong, in a battle against me he won't even last a second ", Ashura scoffed.
"oh ", a voice said from behind Ashura and he stiffened.
"( t-that voice, that c-chakra )", Ashura slowly turn to face Shisui, "( I... I didn't sense him coming, how did he...) ".
"you were saying? ", Shisui bent closer to Ashura
"hi sensei ", Ashura grin, "we were only talking about how great of a sensei you are, right guys ", Ashura ask Izumi and Indra with a fake smile.
Shisui look over to them and they both stiffen before nodding their head rapidly, Shisui look at Ashura then back to Izumi and Indra then back to Ashura again, he straightened himself up and give them a little space to breathe.
"did you guys bring your ninja gears? ", Shisui ask.
"yes sensei ", Izumi was the one to answer.
"good, now we will start the exercise ", Shisui said.
"you ask us to bring our ninja gears, what kind of exercise requires such dangerous equipments? ", Izumi ask, Ashura and Indra nod their heads agreeing to her question.
"it's the kind of exercise that makes you a ninja ", Shisui said and Ashura smiled, Shisui throw a kunai in front of them and they gasp in shock.
"what is the kunai for? ", Indra ask suspiciously.
"that kunai will be earned by one of you and that person is the only person I'm going to have as a student, I really don't need lots of you ", Shisui informed.
"what ?", both Ashura and Izumi gasp at their sensei's word.
"( what the hell is this guy talking about )", Indra was glaring at Shisui.
"you three have to talk among yourselves and decided who will be my student, what would you say? ", Shisui ask.
"but why one of us, we were put together as a team ", Ashura point.
"yes Ashura is right ", Izumi agreed.
"my way of doing things is different, I make the rules and you follow, so who's going to be my student? ", Shisui ask.
"( damn, I have a dream, I have to be a ninja no matter what it takes )", Ashura growl.
"( I can't let them become a ninja and sit behind, no way, what will everyone think if I didn't become Shisui sensei's student )", Izumi ball her fist.
"( if I seat back now, I won't be able to find her, I won't be able to save her, I won't be able to destroy him )", Indra clenched his jaw, "I am the one ", Indra said and the other two gasp.
"don't even think about that, I'm the one that's going to become his student ", Izumi stood up for herself.
"sorry guys, it's going to be me ", Ashura said.
"( hm )", Shisui was staring at them as they continued to argue among themselves, "I have another way to pick a student among you that's if you agree to it ", Shisui said stopping their arguments.
"how sensei? ", Ashura ask.
Shisui walk over to the kunai and picked it up, he threw it at a tree and look back at them , "who ever get the kunai becomes my student, I don't care if you have to kill the others to get the kunai, so your weapons are allowed ", Shisui said.
"what... ", Izumi yelled in disbelief.
"that's insane ", Ashura growl.
"it's stupid ", Indra clenched his teeth angrily.
"really?, we will find out when I get back ", Shisui said looking through his shoulder, "kill yourself to get the kunai, or I will kill all three of you, by myself ", Shisui said and disappear into thin air, unknown to them that he was watching them from a blind spot.
The three genins were now standing there staring at the kunai, "( hm, he wants us to fight ourselves and even kill each other, I have to do it, I have to do it if I wants to see her again )", Indra gaze at Ashura and Izumi through the side of her eyes.
"( Indra is up to something I can feel it )", Ashura was glaring at Indra, Indra unwrapped the wrapper he was carrying and hang it over his shoulder, "( is that a... sword? )", Ashura was surprised.
"( things are going to turn out pretty bad )", Izumi frown.
They leap away from each other and was prepared for anything.
"you know you stand no chance against me, so stay out of my way, the kunai is mine ", Indra snarled.
"no way, I won't let you get your hands on that kunai, it's mine ", Ashura said to Indra.
"non of you are going to have it cuz I was made to have it ", Izumi said and Indra scoffed.
"( hmm, morons... at least I will go back to being an anbu again )", Shisui pulled out a book and started reading.
"I will take Ashura down in no time and I will come for you ", Indra said.
"don't take me lightly white face, you don't know what I'm capable of doing, do you? ", Ashura ask.
"of course I do, you can make a lifeless clone, can't you? ", Indra mock.
"arrr, you... ", Ashura growl.
"( they are distracted, I have to go for the kunai )", Izumi took off after the kunai.
"don't even think about it ", Indra throw a bunch of shuriken at the blue haired girl.
"what.. ", Izumi jump to the side avoiding the shurikens, Ashura launched an attack but Indra dodged it and leap away from him.
"you can't hit me with such slippy move ", Indra said and slowly pulled out his black katana from it shelter.
"( hmm a black sword, I was going to save this for later, but I don't think I have any choice )", Ashura pulled out his Teleportation kunai from his hoodie pocket.
"your kunai... it looks really different, this is the very first time I have seen a kunai with that shape ", Indra said.
"your sword too ", Ashura said.
"don't forget that I'm here ", Izumi said and the boys turned to look at her.
"you are a joke ", Indra scoffed and Izumi growled angrily.
"we will see who's the joke among us ", Izumi yelled and ran after him.
"huh? ", Ashura didn't know she would attack someone holding a long and dangerous weapon, Indra dodge few of her attack and kick her away.
"using tai-jutsu against me?, so lame ", Indra scoffed, "ugh ", Indra dodged to the side and Ashura punched thin air, Ashura throw a kick at Indra and the pale boy made a back flip avoiding the kick.
"( damn, it won't be easy to fight against him )", Izumi pushed herself up.
"( this is it )", Ashura reach into his kunai host bag and throw a bunch of kunai around the area.
"( what is he planning? )", Indra held onto his katana firmly, "what ever trick you are trying to use, it won't work ", Indra said boldly.
"let check it out, white face ", Ashura said and Indra smirked.
"if you say so ", Indra stretch his katana to the side and ran after the red haired boy.
"( he's going to kill Ashura if Ashura don't run )", Izumi was watching with goggle eyes.
"( I have been training really hard, I hope this technique works )", Ashura was waiting for Indra patiently, Indra slash his katana at Ashura but it went through the air.
"what... ", Indra gasp when Ashura disappeared out of sight.
"over here ", Ashura said and Indra turn to him, Ashura smash his fist into Indra's jaw and Indra sailed through the air before landing on the ground.
"( no way... how did he?.. )", Izumi was staring with wide open mouth.
"how... ", Indra pushed himself off the ground, "how did you do that? ", Indra ask angrily.
"training... and hard work ", Ashura said from behind Indra and Indra gasp in shock, Ashura kick him and he roll a couple times on the ground, "this is my Teleportation jutsu ", Ashura grin widely.
"( Teleportation jutsu?, what's that? )", Izumi was confused.
"you... you... you could not even perform the clone jutsu, so how is it that you are able to use this kind of technique? ", Indra ask annoyed.
To be continued.