Chapter 5: Meeting the protagonist of this world

(a long ass chapter)

A few moments earlier, before Henry are transformed into a Warhammer Titan.

With Nicholas, the captain of this secret operation. Outside of Henry's family house.

[Pict here]

"Fire!!". Nicholas command his mens behind the stone wall to shoot their musket at will.


The thick smoke is obscuring their target as the result of their combined musket fire.

"Is he dead?...". Nicholas said unsured. And it's not just him that is feeling so. He could feel his men shaking and gulping around him. Waiting for the smoke to dissapear.

"Hiiieee!!!... Mon- he's a Monster!!". All of His men panicking beside him, while uncon-ciously taking a step back. "Tch!". Nicholas can't blame them at all. Because their target are not only Alive, the child is also ruthlessly taking his still alived underling as his cover, the one with a twisted knee, from the flying bullets.

"Reload your fucking musket damn you!". He shout an order when his mens were backing off and almost fleeing, from their intense fear. "Ye- yes captain!". They obeyed their captain to reload their musket, but fumbling hard because their fear overwhelm their mind, making their hands shaking.

'Tch, useless bastards'. Nicholas cursing in his mind, while reloading his musket. But his gaze is still locked at the Monster in front of him. 'What the fuck are you shitty kid?!'. But Nicholas suddenly freezed, when his eyes meet the kid's narrowed stare that is solely directed at him. But what make him actually scared, was the amount of hatred from his shining and weird golden eyes.

"What th-". He couldn't finised his cursing, and ducking immediately, when the kid is suddenly throwing the hole ridden corpse in his hand, like it was nothing, and flying at his general direction.


Though he evade it in time, his underling behind him are not so lucky. The unfortunate bastard were knocked back hard like he was hit by a Cannon ball.

Nameless Goon1: shitt!!!!

Cooked trash..2 : Eddie!!

Mentally break crook.3 : we are gonna die...

Background extra4: captain!, we should retreat!!!

Chaos was ensued around the captain, after witnessing an insane demonstration of strenght and ruthlessnes by the little Monster. But the captain ignored them and immeditely stand from his prone position, to anticipate the next attack from the little Monster.

But what the kid are doing next baffled him. Instead of slaughtering them when they are still stuned and routed, he only stared at them and fisting his palms for about two seconds, then run straight inside the cabin with full speed. Leaving them speechless.

"Captain!, now is the chance to run!".

"Yeah!, fuck this operation!, i don't wanna die". Hearing them complained,Nicholas gritted his teeth in frustation.

"Are you forgot that the higher up will absolutely hang us if we abandon this mission?!". Nicholas trying to convince them. "Tsk, we can just hide in some district and what can they do about it?!". One of them said in a determined look.

"He's right captain!, the other five that were hiding in the backyard, they are most likely being slaughtered as we speak!". "Captain!, what should we do?!". He is bombarded by questions and complains from his underling.

Nicholas knew that this secret operation was already doomed the moment they are faltering and wasting time bickering like this.

He gritted his teeth in frustation, because he has to choose that either continuing the mission and facing annihilation, or deserting with them and being hunted by their higher up for the rest of their life.

"Fucking fine, let's go grab the horse and get the fuck out!". When they hear the captain agreeing with them, they absolutely reliefed and starts running with him.

But before they could run far away,

A massive yellow lightning strucked down from the dark sky above, and directly hit the cabin then exploded, making them thrown away by the force of the shockwave because of their relatively close distance. They got ragdolled a few times, and then stoped a few meters away with some variety of injuries.

The five of them groaning in pain on the ground, including the captain. All of them apparently survived the blast, but some of them was injured severely by a flying rubles and couldn't standing back up.

"Ahhh!! My leg!!". A random poor bastard yelled while holding his bloodied leg.

"What the fuck happened!"..the captain tried standing on his feet, while hissing and holding his bleeding left shoulder.


He noticed a fibration accompanied by a loud sound coming from the destroyed cabin behind him, and when he turn his head to look at it, his eyes suddenly goes wide with his mouth agape. "Dear God...". Even though the sky has already dark, he can clearly see a white and tall figure of seventeen meters wrapped by a hardened skin.

He looked at something that are dreaded by many, at something that he only heard and discribed about, but never actually seeing them personally. But he knew what it was,

It was.... A Titan!!.


"Hiiieeeck!!!, run!!!!". Nicholas panicked.

He and a one comrade beside him run as fast as possible to escape the Titan,

Leaving the too injured mens to their fate.

"Someone!!,Help meee!!!!"

"Don't leave us here!!!"

"Captain!...hick... Sob... Uaggghh".

Back at Henry inside the crystal, located on the chest of the Warhammer.

Henry and two of his two family were inside the hardened crystal on the Titan's chest.

The Cristal is wide enough to contain the three of them inside, and still has a few space to move around. He deliberately make the Cristal hollowed inside, so they could move around with no problem. And he also make a few tiny holes for letting in oxygen for them to breath.

Right now, Henry were only looking at the despaired group of men with his golden eyes,looking at them with an emotionless look. Not caring at their look of desperation at all.

Behind him, his precious mom were kneeling while crying, looking at his back. Not knowing about what is going on and what to do with it, Mikasa on the other hand, hugging her Mama while looking at Henry with concerned look.

Henry controlled his Titan with no problem. Even though this is the first time he actually transformed into a Titan. Into One of the most powerfull Titan no less.

"You mongrels shall die". The Warhammer Titan said with a cold and a deep voice.

Making his mom and Mikasa gasped at his cold tone. Because the Warhammer were merely repeating what he actually said inside the crystal. Making them flinched and surprised by his remark about killing them in cold blood!.

"Ery...". Mikasa tried to reach his shoulder.

"Not now Mikasa, i will tell both of you later"

He looked back at his concerned family.

"Can you two trust me?..". He said with a bitter smile. His mother only nod while sobbing. But Mikasa on the other hand, making a determined look on her face.

"I will stand on your side no matter what!"

Hearing that, his bitter smile dissapeared, and replaced by an understanding look.

"Thanks both of you!".

After that he focused back on his unfinished business. That is, to kill some bugs.

The ground are trembled every time the Warhammer Titan were taking a step, and it's feet making the surface of the ground cracking under his immense weight.

The three heavily injured men on the ground

Were desperately crawling away while crying, trying to get away from the towering devil. One of them stop crawling and turning his body behind to plead at the Titan.

"Please spare me!, i don't wanna di-".

Step!!! Splatt!!

The Warhammer Titan mercilessly stepping on him, turning it into a bloody puddle under it's feet. The Titan also releating it two more times to the other poor bastards.

After stepping them like a squashed bed bugs, the Warhammer rubbing his right feet into the ground while it still walking, to wipe the blood on his feet. Leaving a bloody trail behind the Titan.

The Warhammer then rised it's head into the distance in front of him, at the running figure of the captain and his surviving underling by his side. The Warhammer then rised his left hand and use it's hardening ability to make a long Warhammer. Like it's Titan namesake.


A striking blue light are coming from the Warhammer titan's palm, at first it was just a mere pole, then it went on and on until it became a long War hammer with spikes covering on both sides. And Without hesitation, the Titan grabbed the weapon with it's two hand, then slammed it to the ground and aimed it to the mob first.


The war hammer accurately pummeled the mob into the ground, and turned him into a bloody mist. The captain is Not so lucky either, he were thrown away by the force of the impact and his body rolling a few times, before stopping a few meters away under a big tree.

Seeing that his calculated attack were succesfull, the Warhammer then discard it's weapon. And willed it to dissapear, making it steaming and rapidly dissapeared under it's Titan's feet.

The Warhammer Titan then aproach the only remaining bastard with a slow step. After coming closer, Henry controlled the Titan into a kneeling position, and then grab the Cristal on it's chest and pulled it slowly.

After that, the Warhammer then gently placed the Cristal with it's long pipe that is still connected to the Titan, into the ground.

Henry then melt the Cristal, so that he and his two family can go out of the Cristal.

But the moment he do that, the Warhammer suddenly stilled and steaming after lost it's connection to it's shifter, and it's body is being rapidly decomposed with a large amount of steam covering it's kneeling figure.


"Ery are you alright?!". Mikasa ask him, worried when he suddenly drop on his knee. She then tried to grab his hand to assist him. But he refused her help and immediately rise on his own feet. "I'm fine... Don't worry about it, it's just that my mind is too exhausted after today's cluster fucks. Other than that, i'm alright". He answered with a bitter laugh. Sad that he lost his good father.

"Are you sure?". His twin keep on insisting, while holding his hand. He only nodding his head as a confirmation. "Sigh... Just, wait here with mom okay?, you two wont like what i'm about to do with this bastard over here...". He said while signaling with his head at the perpetrator for their family's demise.

After saying those, he walked up to the unconsious captain of this secret mission under a big tree. After walking close enough, he noticed that the bastard's body shape is very messed up. A broken leg, fractured ribs, bloody head, twisted arm, just to name of a few. "Tsk... This won't do, it seems like there is no choise but to heal this bastard.... So that i can kill you myself....".

Henry then touch his forehead while in a kneeling position, then he look at his bloody face with his shining eyes for a while, shighing for what he is about to do. After that, he then activate his founding power to forcefully heal him. Even though he is not his subject, he can healed him and even manipulate or wiping his mind just fine, just like a founding Titan's shifter could. But there is a troublesome catch, that he has to touch and manually tracked that particular subject precense's among other thousands, even Millions of eldian inside the PATH that is belonged to the first founder Ymir. And Not to mention, the original PATH is already has so many branches like a tree. And he would rather not to used any of his power on Ymir's subject unless it was absolutely a necessary .

But if he has a subject of his own one day, then he could do any of these with just a mere though, even do more with it. Like granting them a power of the Titan, or communicate with them via telephaty regardless of distances and so, so much more.


Back to our boy Henry ;)

It has been one minute with Henry still focusing his mind to locating this bastard location inside the PATH. Suddenly his fingers emitting a bright golden light. And all the wounds that has been suffered by the captain, Suddenly being closed rapidly while emitting thick steams, even his bones is being fixed, almost like a pure Titan.

Seeing that his tiring endevour has been succesfull, he then sighed And wiping his sweat from his forehead.

"Huff.... Finally that was done... Tch, i don't wanna to doing this again if i don't have to!".

While waiting for this bastard to healed, He then glanced behind him to see his mother And Mikasa are doing. "Mom are you alright?, you are silent for a while now...".

His mother was sitting on a flat rock with a sad look, while Mikasa hugging her momma, sleeping peacefully. "I'm okay dear, it's just that... I don't know how to feels between sad after losing your father, or you suddenly turning into a monstrous Titan...". She Said solemnly. Making Henry avoid his glance into the ground.'Yeah, i can't blame you for that. I mean who could have, when knowing that your life wouldn't be the same after this. To known that your husband has been murdered ,And your family is being targetted for seemingly no reason. Especially when your son suddenly turned himself into a man eating Titan...'. He though understandingly.

But he couldn't drown in his mind for long, when he heard the bastard groaning on the ground beside him, And about to woke up.

"Tch... Finally, about time you woke up...".

"Ugh... What happene-". He couldn't finished his sentences, when he suddenly is being grabbed on his shirt by Henry, And slammed it into a big tree behind him.

"Ugh!!!... What?!, where am i-, *gasp* you!!". Nicholas suddenly scared after looking at the face in front of him. he is absolutely terrified when knowing that the little Monster was the one who grabbed him. And not to mention that his eyes is staring at him so closely, that he could see his intricate patterns in his blazing eyes.

Henry is not cared at all about his terrified look on his face, he even moved his face closer so that he get his point across the bastard's mind. "So... Will you tell me who sent you?...". Henry said manacingly And slowly, while he staring at his face closely with an emotionless eyes. "I-i don't kno-". Henry is not interested to fully hear his lies. He then realeased the bastard's shirt that he hold. For a moment,Nicholas were confused of why the heck the monster is releasing his hold. But then, he has to lean to the side when the monster suddenly straight kick that is aimed at his head. making the tree's trunk shattered beside his head by his tiny leg. "So... Still not going to talk?, or should i not miss it this time?". He ask nonchalantly, while looking at the leaning bastard beside his leg. "Alright!, i'l talk damn it!". Nicholas yelled, because the monster is not messing around. "Hmm... Aight". Henry then pulled his leg back, now standing normally on his two feet.

"So?...". Henry ask impatiantly. "Yes, someone is sending us to kill this 'threat to our king', or so they said!". "And?...". Henry ask, rising his eyebrow. "And what?". Nicholas asked back confused by his question. "Sigh... And Why the fuck me or my family for that matter, to be a threat for the king's of the wall. When we barely even leaving this wood if there's no reason to do so?". Henry said, while his hands folded on his chest. "I-i don't know okay, i swear!".

Now Henry is genuinely annoyed by this pointless game, so henry ask him directly about what he actually wanted to confirm.

"Tch, then answer me with a simple nod or shake. Remember, if i sensed a lie no matter how small it is... Your life finished. You dig?". He nod his head seriously. "Good... Answer this then, are you from the millitary police?". He nod. "Was it the Reiss family the one who send all of you?". Nicholas are shocked to the core, after hearing the real royal family's name from this monster!. Because that name is not known to public. Only he And a few higher ups from the millitary aware of that family. "Ho-how did you!".

Nicholas ask loudly, confused And teriffied by the mysterious knowlege this Monster of a kid had inside his mind.

While Henry on the other hand, he only silently stared at him uninterestedly. After all, everything's seems according to all of his prediction. "Nod or shake...".

Henry reminded him. Nicholas nod weakly.

Then he ask him a few more question, And each of every questions is making Nicholas more And more nervous as it went on. Because he could only nod helplessly. Confirming every predictions Henry has in his mind.

"One last question, were my dad ambushed and killed by fiveteen of you when he was in the river?". Nicholas shake his head surprisingly. "Hmm?... Explain yourself!". Henry ordered him seriously, unfolding his arms from his chest. Making Nicholas feels uncomfortable. His eyes were glancing left and right, feeling scared for what he is about to reveal. "Now!". Henry gritted his teeth, while looking down at the bastard who were sitting on the ground. "Hiieck!!... O-okay alright i'll tell you!... Huff-huff". He squeeled like a bitch with tears in his eyes, while his hands waving around to signal Henry to stop whatever he is about to do.

Then Nicholas told him about what hapened to his father a few hours ago in details. It was more or less like this... Their squad was actually has nineteen people at the beginning. And they has been sent here by the royal family from the capital, Wall shina. And instructed them to eliminate this so called 'threat for the king' silently. At first, they though that it was his father the one who should they killed about. And so, they ambushed him in the river when he was butchering his catch. By sending four unarmed people to distracted him by acting like a lost treveler, asking for direction. While the others readying their musket to surround him from the high ground. Almost like Henry earlier.

But back then their plan were ruined, when his father quickly dodging a bullet that is aimed at his head. And directly killed two people in front of him by a hunting knife in his hand. And one person with a flintlock on the river bank with his own short musket used for hunting, exploding his head. But he immediately tackled into the ground by two people and wrestled there for a while. Eventually though, he gained the upper hand because of his Ackerman bloodline. He kicked one bastard off him, and slitted the others throat with his knife.

But unfortunately, that was the only luck he will only get, because he is now clear from any of their teammate. The only thing why they hesitated to shoot in the first place. So, he died then and there, shotted by a voley of musket fires, ending his father's life. And completed their misson.

But sadly, it didn't end there. Enraged that they lost their four comrade, they hacked his dead father's body into pieces, then thrown it into the flowing river one by one. So that at least they could sated their anger.

But sadly, that wasn't the end of it either. On their way to return, one of them proposed Nicholas to kidnap his father's family, after having their way with them, they would sold them to some sick bastard in the Capital or in the underground district. At least that was their plan is, if not for Henry to annihilate them mercilessly. Making them too late to realized that it is actually him the threat they should take care about.

And so we go back to Henry introgatting the squad leader...

"I'm sorry!, i shouldn't have listened to them and being here in the first place!... It is my fault, for-forgive me!!"Nicholas asking for his forgiveness while begging in a prostrating position in front of his feet, Crying hard.

But Henry didn't respond to him And keep staring at him without any of emosions. Though inside him, he feel wrecked knowing that he lost a loving father forever, And he couldn't even have a luxury to burried his father's corpse. He feels sad inside that he even shed a tear unconsiously.

Not getting any response, Nicholas then rise into a kneeling position to look at Henry's eyes to beg harder. "Please... I-i have a family back at home waiting for me!. I should have never *sob* i should never take this mission back then!".

"Hehehe *laugh bitterly*... You should have though of that earlier...". Henry wishpered looking down at him with a gentle smile, while laughing bitterly. Making Nicholas taken aback by his answer.

"Eh?...". Nicholas confused by his weird response. But Henry decide to end this pitifull existence. So he rised his hand and hardened his palm with a Cristal. Then swiftly behead his head by striking his neck.


His strike cut his neck like a hot iron into a butter. Making his head rolled into the ground showing a confused expression. While his neck on the other hand, splurting thick blood like a fountain. His body wobbled in a kneeling position for a while, before eventually dropped to the side after losing its head. He look at his steaming right hand, to see the Cristal reverting back into his normal skin. And fisted it to feel its lost sensation coming back once again.

He then walk back to aproach his mother And his twin sleeping on her lap, too exhausted from feeling hunger. His mother were silent And no longer crying. Already used from this bloody scene."mom..". He hesitated.

"I-i am sorry for not telling you earlier... If i had told you back then and that i could Transformers into a Titan, then maybe you wouldn't adamantly refused for me to go after dad when he was missing...

And maybe, just maybe, he could still be saved by me. And he would still here with us...". He told her with a guilty expression, And avoiding her gaze. Too scared to receive her dissapointing look.

But unexpectedly, she pulled him to her warm Embrace while she's still sitting. Making him feel relieved. "No it's not your fault, And it never was. In my mind You are just my sweet boy, and nothing can change that no matter what. Not even when you killed all of them, because i know you are trying to protected us from them.... And, even if you told me your ability back then, i wouldn't believe it anyway!. So... Don't blame yourself okay?. If your father were here, he probably don't want to see you sad either..". She wishpered gently, while rubbing his head."Okay mom,thanks". He hugged her back, happy that his mother understand him perfectly.

After a few moment of hugging each other, he retreat from her Embrace. Suddenly realized that they don't have a home anymore!. "Uh...What now?,we don't exactly have a roof above our head anymore".

He scratch his head, feeling guilty for blowing his house. "Umm, i think we should go to mom's friend for the night, at least until we can find and loan for a new house". She said unsure, that if she should bother them at this hour. "Your friend?, who is she".

"You know doctor grisha right?". He nod, of course he would. Not only he come and checked him regularly when he was still being a living corpse few years ago. He also knows his plot in the anime. So yeah, no one probably knew grisha more than henry. Even more so than grisha himself lol.

"Yeah... What about him?". Henry is already know where this is going. "Well, he had a wife name Carla, she and i is a long time friend. And We already known each other when she was still a waitress in some bar!, further more, she has a son about your age name Eren".

'Heeeh.... So basically the world is telling me to be more active, after experiencing this trainwreck. If i have to meet Eren this soon. That, or maybe i'm just being paranoid..'. He's not sure. But he is already too tired to think about it, And just want to crash on a soft matress.

"Okay, let's go then. I'm more worried about Mikasa, she didn't eat for awhile now".

He then told his mother to wait while he's looking for some horse. The one all of this bastards ride when coming here. After searching for awhile by sniffing their smell using his sensitive nose, he finally found a lot of horses tied into the trees. But when coming closer, he found a heavy bag filled with money on some of the horses.

"*wistle* damn... It seems like we don't have to worry about money, at least for a while..."

He even found some millitary ration inside the saddle pocket. Happy with his finding, he then go back to where his mother's were a few minutes ago. "Mom let's go, i find some horses over there!". He pointed the location with his thumb behind him. "Oh, thanks goodnes... Did you find anything else?".

"Yeah... A few bags of coins and a millitary ration". After hearing Henry confirming her, his mother then shake Mikasa gently to woken he up. "Mikasa honey, let's go... We are leaving..". "Yawn... Where?". "Into shiganshina district". His mother said, while rubbing the sleepyhead.

They then walk into where the horses were tied. While Henry immediately grab all the deubloons he could find, And combine them into one heavy bag. Making it absolutely filled with coins. 'Yeah... Even though it's fucked up, i think i understand now why so many bastards volunteering themself to join this mission. This amount of money is no joke... And most of them are silver coins with some golds here and there'. After taking the money, he then take all the food he could carry into the saddle pocket.

After everything's done, he told his mother to ride a horse on her own. While he And Mikasa will ride the other, so that the horse wouldn't carry too much weight with all of them combined. "Ready Mika?..". He ask his twin behind him, munching on her food like a cheepmunks."Hn!". She answered with a mouth full of bread. "Hang on then!". After saying those, he whipped his horse rein to make the horse move. While his mother following not too far behind.

After following the dirt road for a while, they finally leave the forest area, into a huge clearing full of grass. Even though it's already dark, he can see the road just fine. Especially when the sky are full with tiny stars numbered in thousands, while the moon were shining brightly with a briliant blue light. Making the night sky looked breath taking!.

'Ahh...Now i Remember why i want to be reincarnated here so badly in the first place'

He though, while looking into the sky.

Even though he knew this world is a cruel place. But he can't denied that this world is just so beautiful. His though was interupted when his sis Mikasa, hugging his waist tightly with her two hands, while her nose sniffing on his nape.

Noticing that, he glance at Mikasa behind him, with a smug smirk on his lips.

'well... I'ts true that this world is charming, but what i trully want is to shag every pretty characters i like. And breed with them... Hehehe!.... That goes for you too mika💕' . He placed his left hand into where Mikasa hold him with her hands, and rub it softly. Making Mikasa furred. He then focus his head back into the road to avoid any accident.

Still on their way to shiganshina district, his light mood dissapeared, thinking for what should he do from now on. 'Reiss huh.... What should i do with all of you?... I don't even know how y'all deemed me a threat, when i've never think about you bastards even once. At least, until you dare to pulled this shit up to my family!". Henry grip his reins tightly with a gritted teeth.

He then relaxed again after awhile, shighing.

'haaa... Was it urii reiss?... Nah, i think he's already dead. Besides, he is too much of a pacivist. So its frieda then?... If so, then rod reiss would be there to manipulate her like a puppet. As for how they would know exactly where i am, its not that hard really... When someone as powerfull as the first founder Ymir, to suddenly roamed the land out of no where. So of course they would noticed me immediately. Especially by the holder of the founding Titan. The same is also goes for them, because i could pin point their location if i wanted to. And as for why they only make a move now and not back then, i bet urii reiss couldn't be swayed by rodd as easily as frieda. But the moment frieda became the next inheritor of founding Titan, rodd took advantage of her power and eliminate me ASAP. To secure his control inside this wall".

"Bastad!...". "Is something's wrong Ery?". His mother ask beside him. "Oh... I said we should go faster, because im afraid it would be inappropriate to bother your friend if we are too late". "Ah... Okay". They then go faster so then can arive at shiganshina much earlier.

Two hours later, they finally arrived at the gate that goes into shiganshina district. But they has to stop their ride, when a garrison soldier halted them at the gate."Halt!". We stop the horse at the entrance of the gate that is being lit with torch lights. While some soldiers could be seen sitting at the crates, drinking alcohol and acting like a drunkard.

"Miss, why were you traveling at this hour?, with your kids no less?. Don't you know how dangerous it is to go around at night?!". The Garrison soldier berate his mother with a stern look. But Henry immediately knew

"Oh, i'm sorry sir, it's just that our horse were too exhausted, and has to stop for awhile..". His mother tried to explain her made up reason to the soldier. Henry only silently watch their interaction on top of his horse with Mikasa. But then the soldier noticed Henry and aproach Him. "Woah... Boy, you had some serious skill for you to able riding a horse at your age..". He said impressed. Henry smiled innocently at him, because he knew the person's identity in front of him. It's Hannes!.

"Its amazing right!?". He act like an innocent child, starved for attantion.

"You bet hahaha!... Say boy, do you want to became a Garrison soldier when you grew up?". "Hmph!, don't wanna!". Hannes is surprised by his refusal and scratch his head "Eh... Why not?".

"The Garrison soldier would probably just lazing around doing nothing and drink alcohol all day, like you...". He said the fact brutally, with an innocent smile. Making Hannes taken aback by his brutal comment, while laughing nervously.

"Hehehe... How did you know?...". But before Henry could answer, his mother interupted their conversation."Sir could you let us through?we need to go to our relatives ,before they conserned about our safety..". "Ahh... Right away!". Hannes step to the side to let them pass.

After they passed the gate, they immediately go to Carla's home in the middle of the district. But halfway there, they had to leave the horse at the public stable below, and take all the money with them. Because the way to grisha's house is kinda challenging apparently.

A few minutes of ascending the stone stairs later, they finally arrived at the humble residence where the protagonist of this world lived.

[Pict here]

Outside the door, Henry's sensitive ear could hear Eren's family preparing for dinner in the dining room."I think they were already asleep... Maybe we should back here in the morning". His mother hesitated to knock the door."Sigh... Just knock the door already, i'm pretty sure they were still awake. Even rating right now". Henry said annoyed on her side.

"Erm... How can you be di sure?". He only pointing his finger to his ear. "Ah... Okay then". She realized her son have a pretty sensitive nose and ears.


His mother knocked on the door a few times, patiently waiting for Carla to open it. After a moment, the door finally creaked open... But instead of the Milf Henry expected, a boy around Henry's age stood in the doorway.

He had a short, dark brown hair that parted in the middle and a striking green eyes that narrowed in suspicion as he looked at Henry's mother.

"Who might you b-"

Before he could finish, his gaze met Henry's, and his expression shifted instantly. Eren's eyes widened in shock, and he gasped audibly.

"How... How are you still Alive..." Eren whispered, his face pale in disbelief as he stared at Henry.

Though his mother and Mikasa didn't catch his words, Henry heard them loud and clear..

'Okay.... What the fuck Eren?'

(To be continued)

Note: how was it, losing some braincell yet?


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