Chapter 101: Chapter 101
Anyway, while there was silence, I calmed down a bit and stopped resembling a psycho. Still, I went a little overboard when I started slashing people who wanted to know the situation. But I was a little inappropriate then, and now I'm fine. Except Azula was fine with it.
It's like she gets a kick out of the way I react. The interesting thing is that she's totally supportive. I mean, she's really scared for the baby and for us, so she's kind of freaked out, too. What can I say when she's asked me to dig a bunker so she can hide in case of danger?
Well, I don't have to tell me twice. A few days of work, guided by Azula's wishes, and we now have a bunker, at a depth of one kilometer. Comfortable, spacious and maximally fortified.
Azula was pleased, and a little calmer, too. And life got better. I was happy and calm, as was my beloved. Until there was a knock at the door. A very rare event, for we were brought food strictly on schedule. But no one ever tried to knock.
Getting up, I went to the door and checked who was there. It was the captain of the Kyoshi warriors. Scratching the back of his head, I opened the door anyway.
«What's going on?» I asked reluctantly. My temper was really flying around lately.
«There's a Republic ship on the horizon», I narrowed my eyes, «Not moving toward us, just standing there.»
«Have you contacted it?» they still haven't tried to approach us so we could talk.
«He's not making contact», she shook her head.
«I see», I nodded, «I'll be right there.»
And turned back to Azula.
«What is it, honey?» Azula asked calmly, flipping through a magazine.
«Republic ship», I grimaced, «We need to see what's going on. Will you come down to the bunker?»
«Sure», she nodded, putting down a small stack of magazines.
I scooped Azula into my arms and picked up the magazines. A few minutes and we were in the bunker.
«I'll be there soon», I kissed her, «Don't miss me.»
«Okay», she smiled sweetly, hiding her emotions.
I went upstairs to my office. From now on, it was a matter of technique. I changed into my old Kyoshi warrior costume and applied my battle makeup. Maybe my actions are a bit hasty, but I don't mess around. A few minutes later, I went outside, where they were already waiting for me.
«Leave half the guards here, the other half follow me», I muttered as soon as I stepped outside, «Where's the ship?»
«Harbor side», she said as she gave orders.
I didn't hesitate, I went that way. And there was indeed a Republic ship, and not a small one at that. I didn't know what to do with it. Going to it would mean leaving Azula alone, not going to it would mean getting in the way and getting on my nerves.
«Give me the binoculars», I said, and they gave them to me immediately. I peered through them, looking for details, and soon noticed one. On the highest point of the ship hung a white flag, «So they don't want a war, huh? Good», I nodded, «Bring a large white cloth.»
A few minutes and I had it. One impulse and up went two small columns, high enough. Attaching the cloth to them was no problem. And the result was not long in coming. The ship lowered the boat and sailed to island way.
«Take up the defenses and wait for my orders», I said sternly, «Whatever happens, do not attack without orders, understood?»
«That's right», the captain nodded.
«So what are you up to?» I muttered mentally, considering the options. At best there would be nothing, at worst there would be war.
Ten minutes later the boat came close enough for me to see the passengers. Interesting.
One step and I flew down. Even though the wall was high, I wasn't hurt because I picked myself up with the water and began to freeze the walkway. It was pretty solid and wide. When I was about a hundred meters away, I stopped and froze a fairly large area.
I even made a little jetty. And the boat docked right there, and Korra, Tenzin, Unalak and an unknown man stepped out. In the uniform of the Earth Empire. Uh, there was also a woman who looked like Lin. A sister? That's strange.
«Yoko», Korra said calmly.
«Korra, Tenzin, Unalak», I supported her.
«This is Kai, advisor to the Empress of the land, and this is Suin, head of the Metal Clan.»
«Why have you come?» I asked seriously.
«For answers», Swinh said.
«Then ask», I shrugged.
«What is going on? Why have you isolated the island?» asked Tenzin.
«What happens on MY island is none of your business», I cut him off at once, «I cut it off for safety. You don't need to know the rest.»
«Why was it necessary to kill so many people?» Korra took me at my word.
«If you don't understand nicely, I'll do it the hard way», I interrupted again with a wave of my hand.
«What's the reason for these murders?» this Kai asked.
«None of your business», I said calmly.
«You personally killed the people of the Earth Empire! That's my business», he snapped, «And if you don't answer me, I'll consider it a declaration of war!»
«Are you free to say such things?» I asked seriously.
«Yes!» he blurted out before Korra could shut him up.
«Then you can declare war», I said, glaring at him with anger. I wasn't angry at him, not at all. I was angry that I had to compromise my principles to win, and that didn't make me feel any better, «Because my answer is still the same. But be warned, if a single ship shows up here, you'll be begging the worst spirits to stop me from coming to you», I looked at Suinya, «Do you support him? I pointed at Kai.»
«No», she shook her head, «The Metal Clan is in the territory of the Earth Empire, we are not under the Empress.»
«The Republic?» I asked Korra.
«Can you let him go for now?» she muttered when she noticed that this advisor didn't move because I was holding his blood.
«He's noisy. Let him stay like that for now. So what?»
«I'm only here to learn the situation», she shook her head, «Not to declare war.»
«I see», I shifted my gaze to Tenzin.
«I have the same mission as the Avatar», he realized the joke was over.
«Unalak?» I looked at my teacher.
«We're not interfering with anything», he raised his hands. But fooling a bloodmage? That's an joke. But not about that right now.
«Bottom line, we're at war with the Earth Kingdom», I concluded, «Fire and South didn't get in, did they?» I could see in his eyes that they hadn't, «I see.»
«Can you still lower the blockade and open the gates?» Korra asked, not expecting a positive answer.
«In a year», I murmured seriously, «Not a day sooner. It's been a little over a month, so in ten months and two weeks I'll lift the blockade.»
«But why?» still Tenzin could not bear it.
«I can't say. I warned you. If I see an Earth warship, I will destroy the Empire. I don't think you want to know the horrors of war.»
I turned and walked back to the island, unfreezing the path behind me. Only an idiot would not understand such a message. Unfortunately, there was one among them.
POV Korra
«What did he mean when he said you could understand him?» asked Korra the Tenzin.
«I don't know», he shook his head, thinking about Yoko's words.
«The Empress won't let it go that easily», Kai muttered angrily. Quietly, so he wouldn't be heard, «I'll take care of it.»
«How did it go?» the Captain asked me.
«Eh...» I sighed, turning to look at the boat leaving, «It doesn't matter how advanced people are. It doesn't matter what their social order is. Humans are stupid creatures who easily put their own desires above common sense.»
«Yoko-sama?» the captain asked, confused. «I didn't quite understand you.»
«Prepare for war.»