Chapter 9: New Path
Ash stood in the quiet aftermath of their battle with the amphibian creature, still grinning. Kael, now perched on his shoulder, let out a low, pleased rumble. The fight had been almost too easy, and Ash couldn't help but joke about it as they stood there, watching the creature retreat back into the darkness.
"Man, if that thing had any sense, it would've stayed in whatever portal it came from," Ash said, brushing some dirt from his pants. "I think we might've traumatized it. Maybe it'll tell all its other portal buddies to stay away from us."
Kael barked in agreement, her tail swishing playfully as she glanced in the direction the creature had fled. Ash chuckled, still feeling the rush of adrenaline, but as his amusement began to fade, a more serious thought entered his mind.
He placed a hand on Kael's head, his expression turning contemplative. "But... if this had happened before we leveled up, we'd be in a world of hurt right now."
Kael's ears twitched, her eyes narrowing slightly. Ash's tone had shifted, and the weight of his words hung in the air.
"That thing was no slouch," Ash continued, his gaze focused on the distant treeline. "Before our breakthrough, we might've had a rough time just staying alive. It's humbling, in a way."
Kael gave a soft growl in acknowledgment, her golden eyes locked onto his face as she nudged his cheek. Ash smiled and scratched behind her ears, feeling her warmth and loyalty grounding him.
"But," he added with a grin, trying to lift the mood, "we've come a long way. And I have a feeling we're just getting started, girl."
Kael barked softly and nudged his cheek again. Ash smiled, his hand resting on her head as they turned back toward the open field. The stars still twinkled above, casting a soft glow over the landscape. It was a peaceful night, a sharp contrast to the intense fight that had just taken place.
They made their way back to the field where they had been before the interruption, and Ash lay down in the grass, gazing up at the stars. He didn't need sleep, but the peaceful atmosphere made it easy to relax. Kael curled up beside him, her head resting on his chest, her body warm against the cool night air.
"Not a bad way to end the day," Ash murmured, his eyes half-closed as he stroked Kael's fur. The rhythmic rise and fall of her breathing was soothing, and together they drifted into a comfortable, quiet rest.
The morning sun rose, casting golden light over the forest as Ash and Kael resumed their journey. This time, they decided to stay on foot, walking through the thick trees and taking in the peacefulness of the wilderness. Though they could easily fly, there was something grounding about walking, feeling the earth beneath their feet and hearing the crunch of leaves and twigs.
Ash strolled at an easy pace, his hands in his pockets as Kael trotted beside him, her ears perked up as she sniffed the air. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves, and the two of them moved through it with quiet confidence.
A few hours passed as they walked, and eventually, the trees began to thin out, revealing a small village in the distance. The village wasn't large, just a cluster of wooden houses with thatched roofs, but it stood out against the backdrop of the forest.
Ash stopped at the edge of the trees, his eyes scanning the village. Smoke rose from chimneys, and people could be seen moving about, going about their daily routines.
"Well, Kael," Ash said, resting a hand on her head, "looks like we found civilization."
Kael barked softly, her tail wagging. Ash glanced down at her and chuckled, crouching down to be at eye level with her.
"Alright, girl. We should probably keep a low profile," he said, rubbing her ears. "Don't want to scare the locals, so you know the drill."
Kael nodded, and with a soft growl, her body shimmered slightly before shrinking down to her smaller form. Now no larger than a small fox, she hopped up onto Ash's shoulder, perching comfortably as he stood up.
"Perfect," Ash said with a grin. "Now you just look like a cute little pet."
Kael snorted, clearly not thrilled with the description, but she settled into her spot on his shoulder.
Together, they made their way toward the village. As they approached, they were stopped by a guard standing at the entrance. The guard, a man in his mid-thirties with a spear in hand, eyed them suspiciously, his gaze lingering on Kael for a moment before focusing on Ash.
"Who are you?" the guard asked, his voice gruff but not overly hostile.
Ash gave him a friendly wave. "I'm Ash, and this here is Kael," he said, gesturing to the small creature on his shoulder. "We're just travelers. Lived out in the wilds for a while, but decided to check out civilization. Came across this place, figured we'd stop by."
The guard gave them both a once-over, his eyes narrowing slightly before he nodded. "Alright, travelers," he said. "Just so you know, this village is a bit of a mercenary hub. We get people coming through here looking for work, though it's not exactly a famous spot."
Ash raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Mercenaries, huh?"
The guard nodded. "If you're looking for work, you might find something here. Just keep your nose clean and don't cause any trouble."
Ash grinned. "Trouble? Me? Never."
The guard gave him a skeptical look but stepped aside, allowing them to enter the village. Ash walked through the gates, his mind buzzing with the possibilities. Becoming a mercenary could be a good way to test his strength, to see how far he had come. But it also meant dealing with other people's problems—something he wasn't always keen on.
"What do you think, Kael?" he asked, scratching her chin as they walked through the village streets. "Mercenary life could be interesting, right?"
Kael barked in agreement, her small form shifting slightly on his shoulder as they moved through the bustling village.
Suddenly, Ash's attention was drawn to a commotion in the center of the village. Two men were standing in the middle of the street, their voices raised in anger as a small crowd gathered around them.
Ash stopped, watching with interest as one of the men raised his hand, and a large boulder floated into the air beside him. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the boulder hurtling toward the other man.
The second man, quick on his feet, raised his hands, and a burst of fire shot from his palms, shattering the boulder into pieces before it could hit him.
Ash whistled softly, impressed. "Well, that's something you don't see every day."
Kael perked up, watching the fight with keen interest as the two men continued to trade blows, one manipulating the earth while the other sent streams of fire toward him.
"I gotta say," Ash muttered, "Boulder guy's got some serious strength, but fire guy's definitely faster. I'd put my money on him."
Kael barked in agreement as the fight reached its climax. The fire bender, moving with speed and precision, unleashed a final blast of flames that engulfed the earth bender, forcing him to yield. The crowd murmured in approval as the fire bender stood victorious.
Ash grinned, holding Kael in his arms as the crowd began to disperse. "So those are the benders, huh? People who can control elements. That's pretty interesting, don't you think, girl?"
Kael barked again, her eyes still focused on the two men as they walked away from the fight. Ash chuckled and gave her a scratch behind the ears.
"Yeah, I think we're gonna have some fun around here."
With that, he turned his attention to a nearby villager, walking over with an easy smile.
"Excuse me," Ash said, tapping the man on the shoulder. "I'm new around here. Where would someone go if they wanted to sign up as a mercenary?"
The villager blinked in surprise, then pointed toward a building on the edge of the square. "That'd be the mercenary guild. You'll find most of the work coming from there."
Ash nodded his thanks, his grin widening as he made his way toward the guild. The prospect of mercenary work intrigued him. It was a chance to test his strength, to see just how far he and Kael could go.
"Alright, Kael," he said as they approached the guild, "let's see what this mercenary life is all about."